David is not polite. His body is exoskeleton armor. Although it has been treated with some anti electricity treatment, it is difficult to avoid any problems under the action of powerful lightning.

It has a "magic amulet" against lightning attack, which can better protect the exoskeleton armor from being damaged.

A warrior like David, without his exoskeleton armor, would be at an appalling level.

As long as you think that the strength is reduced by 10 times, the defense will be slightly stronger than ordinary people, and the Oracle will become extremely vulnerable.

Even without being attacked, the extreme cold of Thunder Valley was beyond David's endurance without the protection of exoskeleton armor.

David pasted the "magic talisman" on the exoskeleton armor, then opened the internal circulation system of the exoskeleton armor, and increased the energy input for the constant temperature system.

The three extraordinary are also preparing for entering Thunder Valley. The "extraordinary armor" is superior to exoskeleton armor in defense and other aspects. In addition, supernormal itself is far better than the armour, which greatly improves their safety.

Baron Dubois has no preparation. His strong strength is the best preparation. So is the Cavalier Cade. Besides Baron Dubois, he is the safest, because he has a horse sharing life.

As for Knight Miller, he took out several "magic amulets" and held them in his hand. His armor was even shining white, which made his body appear multiple defense shields.

"Into Thunder Valley!" Baron Dubois was indifferent to the waste of knights Miller. Perhaps the "magic talisman" that was extremely precious to the Federalists was a common consumable for them.

With an order from Baron Dubois, the team marched toward Thunder Valley.

This time, David was not in the front, but in the middle of the line with Knight Miller, Baron Dubois and knight Cade in front, and three extraordinary escorts behind.

When David rode into Thunder Valley on his horse, a red alarm appeared on the temperature display on his armor. This is the alarm when the temperature outside the exoskeleton armor reaches extremely dangerous.

David could feel that the engine of the exoskeleton armor increased the extraction of kryptonite to provide more energy for the thermostatic system.

The chariot on David's back was not affected by the cold at all. It still carried him with him.

As soon as the team entered the Thunder Valley 10 meters, several flashes of lightning shot at several people. Everyone here, except Baron Dubois, suffered a lightning attack.

A wooden shield appeared in the hand of the knight Cade, and it was easy to scatter the lightning.

It can be seen that the knight Cade had been prepared for this operation. Otherwise, there would have been a wooden shield. You should know that wooden shield has no effect on warstar.

Although the three extraordinary figures kept flashing, they were still swept away by the aftershocks of lightning.

Knight Miller was struck by lightning, and his energy shield swung twice with no other damage.

David perceived the danger one step ahead of time, which is probably related to his spirit exceeding 8 points. However, even if he sensed the danger one step in advance, the lightning speed was still too fast for him to avoid the danger in time.

So a flash of lightning fell directly on him. A white light flashed through his "magic amulet", and then the lightning that hit his body was instantly cancelled out.

"I forgot that our gear is metal!" Said Knight Miller with a pat on the head.

Knight Miller knew that metals attract lightning easily, but he only thought about defense outside the valley, not these.

Of course, only he and David need to consider these. As the strong ones, the rest of them will not think about whether their equipment is attracted by lightning.

Three extraordinary and David heard Miller Knight's words, can not help but look at their own equipment, David did not say, it is impossible for him to take off the equipment.

The three extraordinary people can't help laughing. They also need "extraordinary armor" to increase their own strength. Otherwise, with their real combat power, they can't even protect themselves in case of danger without "extraordinary armor".

"David, I'll give you a talisman of isolation!" Knight Miller took out two "magic amulets" from the space ring. One enchanted himself, the other activated and threw it at David.

The "magic talisman" was transformed into a white light pattern in the air, and then became an energy shield that wrapped David's body, along with his horse.

David feels that this energy shield completely separates him from the outside world, but the amazing thing is that his sense of the outside world has not declined in any way. The isolation is one-way.

Buckley saw David's energy shield and wanted to ask Knight Miller for such a shield, but he couldn't open his mouth.

There was no friendship between him and the knight Miller, and the knight did not take the initiative to give it to him.

When Knight Cade saw the move of Knight Miller, his face turned red, and he took out a "magic amulet" and blessed himself with an isolation shield.The knight of Cade also forgot the attraction of his metal armor to lightning. It is estimated that only Baron Dubois is powerful here. I don't know what means he used to hide his metal breath.

The shadow server is also not affected by any influence. The space where the shadow server is located is very special. As long as the shadow server does not take the initiative to show himself, he will not be affected by lightning.

At the moment, Yingshi is flying a hundred meters above the valley, where the red fog and the cold air of the valley rub against each other. Electricity and light continue to appear here. When the electric light accumulates to a certain extent, it will converge into a lightning.

David saw the formation of several flashes of lightning through the shadow's eyes, and the lightning seemed to fly downward as if attracted by something.

Several flashes of lightning were all attracted by the three extraordinary figures, who were in a state of confusion.

"Miller, how do you do logistics?" Baron Dubois said to Knight Miller in a deep voice.

"Uncle, I thought they didn't need it, and they didn't say it." Knight Miller murmured softly, then took out three "magic amulets" and threw them at the three supernatural beings after activation.

Baron Dubois was also lazy enough to talk to Knight Miller. For this action, he asked the alchemist to make many kinds of "magic amulets".

It was not used before, but also to let everyone feel the power of Thunder Valley.

Thank you very much Buckley nodded to Knight Miller and said thanks to Baron Dubois.

With just a magic amulet, the feeling of being struck by lightning disappears. David sees the lightning reappear through shadow attendants. Instead of choosing members of the attack team, he chooses positions at random.

In this case, if you are attacked by lightning again, you can't blame others.

After a long journey, there was no more lightning attack. The three extraordinary people were relieved and began to observe the surrounding scenery.

"Thunder Valley" is supposed to be attacked by lightning all year round. The ground is covered with scorched black. Many places on the ground are vitrified with sand caused by instantaneous high temperature.

In the low temperature environment, people mistakenly think it is ice.

David's perspective is different from all of them. He looks down through the shadow attendant's perspective.

All of a sudden, he saw a strange electric light, which was not falling from the sky, but a lightning in the distance. After the disappearance of the lightning, the electric light did not completely disappear, and there was a fast moving electric light.

"Be careful!" David saw the lightning coming towards Knight Miller, and immediately made a warning.

This electric light did not pass through the direction of Baron Dubois, but from the rear three extraordinary directions to the knight Miller. Although the three extraordinary reacted, they were a step slower, and the electric light came through the three extraordinary towards the knight Miller.

Knight Miller reacted almost instantaneously. He had a third class shield in his hand, which he held in front of him.

Because of the "magic talisman" against lightning, Knight Miller did not worry about the attack of lightning. Seeing that the light was not strong, he did not see it in his eyes.

When the lightning collided with the third class shield, Knight Miller's body shook and almost fell off his horse.

As a matter of fact, Knight Miller is not so weak. This is mainly because the horses under him are not his trained horses, which does not help him in any way. This makes him face the electric light on his own. In addition, he underestimates the electric light.

Baron Dubois looked coldly. In fact, he had already seen something, but he just didn't care.

The moment that the electric light collided with the third class shield, the electric light stopped for a moment. After the pause, the electric light showed a scorpion with white body and flashing electric light all over the body.

David is not far away from the Miller knight. With his legs exerting, his horse approaches the knight Miller. David takes down the "sharp axe" from his back.

In the distance of five meters with the Miller knight, the spirit line has been locked in the white scorpion body, David did not hesitate to swing the heavy axe.

At the same time that David wielded his heavy axe, a lightning in the sky struck Knight Miller. The speed of the lightning was faster than that of David.

David thought that the "sharp and heavy axe" which he thought could be cut by one hundred percent was lost.

You should know that in his perception, this white scorpion is a third level Zerg. In this distance, he will not hit the air with the blessing of his attack speed.

David saw very clearly that the lightning hit Knight Miller, but the lightning did not work because of the "magic talisman" on knight Miller's body.

But the white scorpion disappeared after the lightning hit Knight Miller. David saw that the white scorpion seemed to turn into electric light, but he was not sure which way the white Scorpion was.

This is the first time that David, after becoming the "master of heavy axe", used the "soul chopping and heavy axe technique" to generate spiritual line under the premise that he was sure to use it."It's the electric scorpion!" Baron dupois said in a deep voice at this time.

David, who has achieved excellent results, has heard the name of "electric scorpion" for the first time. The name of this insect species must not appear in the textbook, otherwise he will not know it.

This is a pride of a school bully. Although David's knowledge is not really learned, but through the light of knowledge, he is also a 100% academic bully.

Not only David, but also three extraordinary people were very confused.

"The electric Scorpio is very rare. They are a special insect family living in lightning environment. They coexist with lightning, can be transformed into part of lightning and guide the direction of lightning attack by themselves!" Baron dupois continued to explain.

"David, your axe is very powerful. If it wasn't for this" electric scorpion "to be electro-optical, you would have killed the Scorpio!" Baron dupois turned his head and praised David with a smile.

Although David had just lost his axe, Baron dupois saw a lot of things. The ability to control the axe and the special acceleration in the attack all showed David's "heavy axe Mastery" strength.

"Master of axe! You are already a "heavy axe master!" Buckley is more direct, as a federal, and the top-level extraordinary, he has seen what David's axe represents.

Although the eeriety of the electric Scorpio surprised several people, David's "heavy axe Mastery" made them even more surprised.

"I accepted the inheritance of" cutting spirit and axe "from the first Academy of alidia Since he revealed the power of "heavy axe master", David did not hide it any more, he said with a smile.

"No wonder you can easily kill the third class Zerg," sniper master "and" heavy axe master ", which is not even seen in the Federation for thousands of years Barkley said with a sigh and a head.

"Should you think of a way to deal with the electric scorpion!" Knight Miller was struck by lightning, and said with great dissatisfaction.

Miller knight is a man of God who belongs to the world, and has no feeling about "heavy axe master". In fact, God belongs to the cultivation of the Union in the world, and never sees it in the eyes.

"The attack of" electric Scorpio "mainly depends on attracting lightning, and the" electric Scorpio "cannot leave the Thunder Valley. Instead, it is not necessary to worry that the" electric Scorpio "will reveal our whereabouts!" Baron dupois, not worried about the safety of the Miller knight, continued to talk about the "electric scorpion.".

In fact, there are many lightning resistant 'magic talisman' on Miller knight, and lightning attack alone can not threaten him.

As for the "electric Scorpio", it just makes Knight Miller feel a bit dangerous. So good opportunity Baron dupois will not waste, nor will he personally solve the problem.

Knight Miller saw three extraordinary people carefully observe the four weeks, and then he was comfortable. He provided the three super men with the shield of isolation. After he was attacked, the three super men did not think of protecting him first, which made him very dissatisfied.

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