The charge of the eighteen Knights was nothing compared with the whole insect tide, but it played a role in disrupting the insect tide.

In the area attacked by 18 knights, in addition to the Zerg who were hit and killed, the nearby Zerg took the cavalry battle as their target.

Originally, the insect tide is in one direction, because of this reason, some Zerg changed direction.

How can the insect tide turn so easily? This part of the Zerg changes direction and wants to pursue the eighteen knights. Instead, they collide with the Zerg in other directions.

Originally, this collision is not serious, the direction of the insect tide will not change, but the 18 knights are constantly charging, and more and more Zerg change direction to pursue them.

Of course, there are still a lot of Zerg flocking to the Jiashi battle, but because of the chaos in the insect tide, the impact of the rush of the insect tide is much weakened.

"Prepare for the collision!" Exclaimed Augustine.

Augustine and the extraordinary row, are all big shield armour, they are ready to meet the collision, the bottom of the shield is dead on the ground, with the shoulder against the shield.

The exoskeleton armor, the ground and the shield form a triangle. This stable structure maximizes defense.

The exoskeleton armor of the great shield beetle is special. In this defense state, the exoskeleton armor directly acts on the ground, and the whole exoskeleton armor is equivalent to an iron pillar.

Only in this way can the great shield beetle withstand the impact of the insect tide. Originally, according to Augustine's extraordinary estimation, during the first impact of the insect tide, many great shield beetles would be seriously injured or even killed. However, the charge of 18 Knights reduced the occurrence of this situation.

"Spears in the front row!" Benton extraordinary also issued the order.

With Benton's extraordinary command, the spear beetles in the front row fixed their spears between their shields, and the tail of the spear was fixed on the ground. They only needed to control the direction, so that the swarms of insects could collide on the spear.

These spearheads are made of grade 3 materials, which have a terrifying penetrating effect on the first and second class Zerg.

Finally, the swarm of insects came into contact with the battle of the beetles. Most of the Zerg hit the shield, and some of the unfortunate Zerg directly hit the spear and were directly put on the spear.

These hapless Zerg also saw the spear standing forward, but it was almost impossible to change direction in the insect tide. Even if they didn't want to, they could only be carried up by the tide.

"Thorn!" Benton had a great drink, and his third class spear had been stabbed out.

Although the training time is relatively short, some spear beetles' movements are not neat, but under the leadership of veteran soldiers, the first round of stabbing is completed in one second.

Just after the first round of spear stab, the second round of spear stab in the rear has been picked up.

The previous round of spear warriors were basically spear warriors who had experienced at least several wars, and there were a lot of new recruits in the following spear warriors, which was also a helpless move.

This kind of war will last for a long time. No matter how strong the warriors are, they will not be able to fight for a long time.

Later recruits need to coordinate with those who have combat experience before. Fortunately, the warstar military has been very experienced in this kind of platoon, and knows how to give full play to the maximum combat power of these warriors.

Great shield beetles, spear beetles and the rest of the beetles all have extraordinary leaders, who can suppress some possible problems to the greatest extent.

With the cooperation of battle battle battle, the hammer beetle, the heavy axe beetle and a small number of sword beetles led by Garth constantly kill the wounded Zerg on the ground, and at the same time, they are constantly cleaning up the insect corpses on the ground, so as not to affect the operation of the beetle battle array.

Medical beetles are also busy, as long as there is a wounded beetle, they will immediately enter the battle and bring the wounded beetle out.

In the defensive wall behind us, hundreds of gene repair modules are arranged. As long as the injuries are not broken hands and feet, they can be put into the battlefield again after a short time of treatment.

David can see more clearly through the shadow in the air. In a short time of contact with the insect tide, dozens of beetles were injured and fell to the ground.

This is the result of the charge of the 18 knights, and he has kept all the third level Zerg out of 4000 meters.

David can't imagine how much damage will be done to the rest of the defense lines, knowing that every full-scale war with Zerg will result in a large number of martyrs.

He can't control other places, he can only do his best to take care of the battlefield in front of him.

It may be due to David's continuous killing of the third level Zerg. The Zerg who is in charge of the insect tide here is not a fool. There has been no third level Zerg for ten seconds.

David didn't wait. He didn't care what the Zerg had in mind. All he did was snipe.

He put the grower sniper gun aside and replaced it with the roarer sniper gun, shifting the target to the nearby second level Zerg.

The sniping starts every 0.1 seconds. Using this ordinary sniper beetle's sniper gun, David's sniping speed has reached the limit of this sniper gun.First, the nearby sniper beetles found something unusual. Even on the chaotic battlefield, David's sniping method also attracted the attention of the rest of the sniper beetles.

There are 200 sniper beetles on the battlefield, of which 100 are newly transferred.

"Is this the master sniper?" A new sniper beetle asked softly.

They can't imagine that there would be such a big gap between sniper beetles and "sniper masters.".

It is said that the "master sniper" does not have the ability to snipe. Even if some propaganda has been exaggerated, it has never been able to shoot at this speed.

If they didn't see the results of David's sniping, they would have thought that David had a serial assault gun in his hand.

Of course, sniper beetles also know that this is impossible. In addition to the sniper guns used by the beetles, only sniper guns can kill Zerg with individual hot weapons.

"Don't be distracted, snipe with all your strength!" Said the captain of the sniper group through the channel.

The captain's voice awakened some of the distracted snipers, and they started sniping the Zerg again.

"Scanning found a large number of flying Zerg!" Babington's extraordinary voice appeared on the channel.

Without barbington's extraordinary reminder, David also saw the distant scene through the shadow attendant. This time, the flying Zerg could be described as blocking the sky and coming towards this place like a dark cloud.

When David saw this, he felt powerless.

No matter how fast his sniping speed is, he can't kill so many flying Zerg.

The flying Zerg are very fast, and soon they are in the distance of 3000 meters.

David is preparing to switch the sniper's muzzle, even if it's a little less effective, but it can also share some of the air pressure on the defense lines.

"David, you focus on the Zerg on the ground, these flying Zerg don't care!" Barbington has been paying close attention to David's situation. It is because David is there that makes the defense of the fourth front base so easy. When he sees David's movement, he immediately stops the way.

David didn't ask why, knowing that babenton was not a liar, he started cleaning up the ground again for the second Zerg.

The top of the defense wall opened and hundreds of anti-aircraft rapid fire guns appeared.

The shadow attendant immediately observed the appearance of these air defense rapid fire guns. David could not help but wonder that although the air defense rapid fire guns have the function of air defense, even if the second class ammunition is used to defend the attack power of the anti-aircraft rapid fire guns, it is difficult to cause too much damage to the flying Zerg.

The antiaircraft rapid fire gun itself is a kind of defense weapon designed for the purpose of rapid firing. Its penetration is insufficient, that is, it can fire secondary grade ammunition, which only makes flying Zerg suffer some minor injuries at most.

This kind of injury does not pose much threat to Zerg. The most important thing is that the firing speed of antiaircraft rapid fire gun is too fast, which requires too much secondary grade ammunition. Even if the military wants to use this weapon, it is difficult to bear the consumption for a long time.

However, to David's surprise, what the antiaircraft rapid fire gun fired was not second grade ammunition, or even grade ammunition, but warheads made of ordinary materials.

In a short period of time, hundreds of antiaircraft rapid fire guns fired hundreds of thousands of warheads, which flew to the flying Zerg in the sky.

When the warhead hits the flying Zerg, the material of the warhead itself is too common, which results in the warhead exploding directly.

The warhead does not cause any damage to the flying Zerg, but after the warhead explodes, the strange solution in the warhead sticks to the flying Zerg with the explosion.

A "iron winged bat insect" is hit by several warheads. This dense barrage of bullets can't dodge in the air at all. All the flying insects are flying up and down the "iron winged bat insect", and it can only take the attack from the warhead.

When the warhead hit the "iron winged bat insect", the "iron winged bat insect" did not feel pain, and the bullet could not even break through its tough skin, let alone hurt it.

When the "iron winged bat insect" wanted to continue flying, it suddenly found that there was something wrong with its wings. The sticky solution made it very difficult to flap its wings.

This is very troublesome for the flying "iron winged bat insect". Once its wings cannot be flapped, it will lose its ability to fly.

The "iron winged bat bug" wants to shake its wings, but this action makes its wings more sticky. It falls like a stone.

When it falls, it sees a large number of its companions falling like it.

This is the special ammunition that the Federation uses to deal with flying Zerg. In this non lethal warhead, there is a very viscous solution, which is developed based on the research of spider Zerg.

Although the solution produced in large quantities can only affect the flying Zerg in a short time.

After flying Zerg fall from the air, they can fly again as long as they are cleaned up for a period of time. However, the effect of this special ammunition applied in this kind of war is huge.

This kind of Special Ammunition does not need to be stingy at all. Compared with the first grade ammunition, this kind of special ammunition is very cheap, so it will use air defense rapid fire gun to launch.The "iron winged bat insect" that fell from the air was impacted by the insect tide before it fell to the ground. After landing, it was trampled by the insect tide, and was trampled to death before it could be cleaned up.

This is the fate of the vast majority of flying Zerg that fall from the air. The effect of this special ammunition of the Federation is so good that a large number of flying Zerg in the sky fall to the ground.

There was a sharp cry from the distance. The flying Zerg in the sky seemed to get some command and turned around and flew back.

However, during this time, the number of flying Zerg that fell to the ground and was trampled to death was more than the number of Zerg killed by the beetles on the ground.

The eighteen knights were still charging in the insect tide. Instead of attacking the other side, they changed direction in the insect tide and charged again in the direction of coming.

They are very clear that in the insect tide, only within 5000 meters of the defense line is safe. Without the third level Zerg's blocking, they can charge freely. But beyond this distance, once they are blocked by the third level Zerg and lose the advantage of charging, they may be directly consumed by the insect tide.

Although the eighteen knights are powerful, they also need to maintain their charge in the face of the insect tide in order to keep them from being trapped by the insect tide.

David has always been in a dual-purpose state. By cooperating with shadow guards, he kills the second level Zerg every 0.1 second. In addition, he also needs to observe the situation at a distance of 5000 meters through the shadow attendant to find the third level Zerg.

Eighteen Knights charged back and forth along the line of defense at a distance of 500 meters, and then returned to the battle of the first.

Although the charge time of the 18 knights is not long, they consume a lot. In order to keep the fast sprint speed, the knight needs to transfer the energy in his body to the horse for consumption.

In the charge just now, the Knights need to maintain the supply of energy to the horses, on the other hand, they need to attack the Zerg in front of them. They also need to rest.

The Jiashi battle array was born out of the knight's battle array in God's big world, and the two worlds were allied. Therefore, when the Knights retreated into the Jiashi battle array, the operation of the armour battle array was not affected.

The eighteen Knights easily retreated from the battle of the warriors to the area of preparing the warriors. They took potions for themselves and their horses in order to recover their energy quickly.

"Blocked!" Augustine uses the third level shield to smash a second level Zerg. Seeing the current situation, he feels relieved and says to himself.

The fourth front base line of defense is only the first line of defense, behind them there are other lines of defense, but Augustine extraordinary will not choose to retreat to the rest of the defense line.

This line of defense is the fourth front base defense for decades has not lost, Augustine extraordinary do not want to lose it in his own hands.

Augustine's extraordinary heart was extremely proud that they resisted the tide of insects with the battle of the beetles, which was the most ideal situation in the pre war analysis. , the fastest update of the webnovel!