In the cone-shaped cavalry battle array composed of 18 knights, after the knight captain first collided with an armour piercing longhorn beetle, the knight captain released the three-level lance left on the back of the beetle.

After that, the cavalry captain and eighteen Knights used the concentrated momentum of the cone-shaped battle array to collide with the "armor breaking longicorn" who had lost the ability to move.

This extremely powerful "piercing beetle" was forced to open, and the charge formation of six "piercing beetles" was suddenly broken a gap.

The cone shaped battle array is like an iron cone that penetrates into the charge formation of "armour piercing longicorn".

With the cavalry leader ahead of the "broken armor longicorn" in front of him, the rest of the knights rushed to the gap.

Two knights on the left and right sides of the second row, with their third class lance in their hands, cut a wound on the two beetles close to them.

Then the knights on the left and right sides of the third row continued to expand the battle results. This time, they not only added two wounds to the two beetles, but also smashed them open.

At the same time, David, who had been waiting for the opportunity, fired the growler sniper gun.

When the "armour piercing longicorn" was attracted by eighteen knights, the super large caliber three-level sniper bullet hit the injured position of the left-hand beetle. After penetrating the wound, it went straight into the spine of the beetle and broke the spine of the beetle.

The beetle howled, and then was run away by the knight. After hitting, it fell to the ground and could not get up again.

The cavalry battle broke through six "armour piercing longicorn", resulting in two "armor piercing longicorn" falling to the ground and one wounded.

Of course, one of the beetles was sniped by David, and the eighteen Knights knew that.

The battle array of 18 knights is much more powerful than the battle array of six knights. It is against the most powerful charging Zerg of the third level Zerg, the "piercing beetle", and can still gain an advantage.

Although the number of knights in the Knights' battle array is three times as many as the number of "armour piercing longicorn", the defense of a single "armour piercing longicorn" is stronger than that of knights, and it also wins in terms of strength.

To be able to achieve such results is the effect of Knight battle array.

The speed of the cone-shaped battle array composed of 18 Knights has dropped a lot after it has passed through the "armour piercing Longhorn". They need some time to speed up again. Otherwise, without speed, they will not be able to play the offensive power of the battle array.

"We have David's help. We will try our best to leave a wound in the key parts of the beetle." Said the knight captain as he sped up.

Of course, the Knights have no objection. It's good to have someone help at such a time.

Despite the relaxed appearance just now, in fact, the danger is also very great. If the beetle is stronger and the Cavalier leader does not kill him, the result is that the charge of the eighteen Knights will be blocked.

The 18 knights who have lost their charge will face Zerg attacks from all directions. With six third level Zerg "beetles" in front, the situation will be very dangerous.

However, the most dangerous time has passed, and the remaining four beetles can no longer pose a great threat to them.

The four beetles hesitated. They didn't know whether they should return to pursue the 18 knights or continue to attack in the direction of defense.

After thinking about the orders of the Zerg, the four beetles did not pursue the 18 knights, but continued to rush towards the defense line, and was accelerating to get rid of the 18 knights.

David then locked in the injured beetle. He couldn't break through the defense of the beetle, but the injured part lost the defense of its shell and exposed the relatively fragile parts inside.

David's sniper shot again. The wounded beetle was on the right side of the center of his back. There was no vital point under the long wound.

However, he didn't want to waste this opportunity. With the recovery speed of "breaking armour longicorn", he was afraid that after a while, he would be able to recover more than half of the surface injury. At that time, he would not be able to break the defense even if he wanted to snipe.

This time, David chose to stagger the bones of the beetle, so that the super large caliber three-level sniper bullets could avoid those hard bones, directly penetrate the muscles of the back and enter the viscera of the beetle.

The powerful back muscles of the beetle have reduced the penetration of the super caliber class III sniper bullets by at least half, but there are only fragile viscera before the sniper bullets.

The rolling sniper bullet tore a huge wound in the internal organs of the beetle, and then the running beetle suddenly fell.

This kind of injury is very serious for the third level Zerg, but it can't reach the fatal level. However, the serious injury also makes the beetle fall behind.

Under the leadership of the knight captain, the 18 Knights activated the "acceleration" effect on their equipment, which enabled them to better charge in the insect tide.

After drawing a curve, the cone Knight battle array continued to pursue the "armor piercing longhorn beetle".When the cavalry leader rushed by the side of the beetle, who was stabbed by his third grade lance, he picked up the third class lance with a light body.

The first thing they met was the beetle who was seriously injured by David's sniping. The beetle was seriously injured and was swept by the cavalry captain's third class Lance.

Of course, the knight captain's blow could not cut off the neck of the beetle, but cut a deep wound on its neck, which was still far from being completely cut off.

When the knights in the back also rushed by the side of the beetle, they swept in the same position. Only four knights passed by, and the head of the beetle flew out.

The speed of the 18 knights is faster than that of the three beetles.

War horses are also extraordinary creatures. Although they are extraordinary creatures created by knights, they also have the extraordinary ability that extraordinary creatures should have, that is, speed.

The most important role of horses for knights is to increase the speed of knights. This allows knights to concentrate on increasing defense and attack power without being distracted by speed.

The three beetles also felt that the eighteen knights were getting closer and closer behind them. They could no longer rush so recklessly. In that case, they would expose themselves to the eighteen knights.

Instinctively, the three beetles turn around, and the rest of the Zerg, who have no time to stop, bump into them, but are shot one by one.

"Change the spear!" The knight's captain called out.

The third class lance of the right hand of the eighteen Knights was collected and replaced with the third class spear.

"Three rounds of throwing!" The knight captain then ordered.

The cavalry battle array changes. In the charge, five Knights come forward to form a row with the knight captain, and the rest of the Knights become two rows to follow.

When they were about 30 meters away from the beetle, the six knights in the first row yelled. Six third grade spears shot at the three beetles with white light.

The three beetles bow their heads together and pick up the corpses in front of them to meet the six third class short spears.

Six third grade short spears passed through the insect corpse. Although it consumed some kinetic energy, it still hit the beetle. The six third grade spears pierced the body of the beetle and got stuck in its muscles.

The six knights in the first row were separated from each other, and the six knights in the second row continued to throw their third class spears.

David's "growler sniper gun" shot one step before this, and a super large caliber three grade sniper bullet was shot through the back door of a "armour piercing Longhorn" exposed in front of his eyes.

This beetle is supposed to use all its strength for defense, which can make its shell harder, and its muscles can also achieve stronger resistance.

But after the sniper bullet shot into the back door, the whole strength of the beetle dissipated under the sharp pain of the back door.

When being attacked by two third class short spears, the beetle, which has no concentrated defensive power, fails to come and avoid the crucial point. A third class short spear penetrates the neck of the beetle and penetrates into its neck.

The other third class spear pierced through the eyes of the beetle. With the power of charge, the third level spear launched by the knight was extremely powerful. At the same time, the energy attached to the spear increased the destructive power.

Even the knight was surprised at the results of the second round. He threw a three-level spear directly into the brain of the beetle, which instantly killed the beetle.

The third round of the toss started again with the six knights in the second row separated, leaving only two targets.

A beetle is afraid of his back door. Just like his companions, he wants to turn his head to protect the back door, and he is afraid of the third grade short spear in front of him, which makes his defense lose the other.

The third grade spear shoots into the brain from the ear of the beetle.

After three rounds of firing, the enemy of the eighteen knights had only one "armour piercing longhorn beetle". By this time, they had already rushed to the front of the last one.

There was no need for the knight's captain's command. Each knight had a third class lance in his hand. After 18 third level lance swept the "armor breaking longhorn beetle", no matter how strong the defense could be.

"Return!" The knight captain is not fond of fighting, after solving their target, immediately cried out.

After coming to the safe area again after the battle of the Oracle, the eighteen Knights paid a knight salute in the direction of David.

Although David didn't show up, he played a very important role. Without David's help, they could not have solved the battle so quickly.

David saw the action of the knights, but he was in the sniper position of the defense wall. He could not return the salute, so he could only smile.

"Our reinforcements are coming!" Augustine extraordinary received the message from babenton and reported it out loud.

The beetles screamed with excitement. The battle went smoothly unexpectedly, which made their morale high. At this time, hearing reinforcement strengthened their confidence in resisting the insect tide.Ten thousand heavy self-propelled Gauss guns were close to the line of defense. The unit did not need to enter the line. They began to prepare behind the line.

The heavy-duty self-propelled Gauss gun is surrounded by eight fixed devices, which extend to the ground, and then pop-up to lock the heavy-duty self-propelled Gaussian gun in place.

The recoil force of Gauss gun is very great. If the heavy self-propelled Gaussian gun is not locked on the ground, as long as one round of firing will make these heavy-duty self-propelled Gaussian gun deviate from the direction.

Some of the defense walls that affect the firing of heavy self-propelled Gauss guns turn and give up the attack area.

Ten thousand heavy-duty self-propelled Gauss guns form a huge rectangular artillery area. The barrel of each heavy-duty self-propelled Gaussian gun is lifted, and huge energy fluctuations reverberate in this area.

People who have not seen this kind of scene can never imagine the centralized firing of 10000 heavy-duty self-propelled Gaussian guns. With the 10000 loud noises almost at the same time, all the people in the battlefield and the Zerg were shocked.

In the area of 3000 meters to 4000 meters, the insect tide is like being hit by a giant stick, and almost no Zerg can survive in this distance.

David was stunned to see the results of the 10000 heavy self-propelled Gauss cannons. The attack like this should have been taken out earlier. If so, it would have been more difficult.

But where did he know that the heavy self-propelled Gauss gun was very strong, but it had inherent weaknesses.

First of all, the heavy self-propelled Gaussian gun has a very low attack frequency, and it takes 30 seconds for each shot to make a second attack.

Secondly, the attack range of heavy-duty self-propelled Gaussian gun is fixed. After the area of 3000-4000 meters is fixed, it will be very difficult to adjust temporarily. At the same time, the nearest attack distance of heavy-duty self-propelled Gaussian gun is 2000 meters.

In other words, the Zerg will no longer be threatened by heavy self-propelled Gauss guns when they enter a distance of 2000 meters.

Finally, the most important point is that the heavy self-propelled Gauss cannons have no defense. If there is only one Zerg in it, it will be a nightmare.

The reason why babenton sent out the heavy self-propelled Gauss Artillery Force was that they successfully resisted the tide of insects, making the class III Zerg unable to get close to the defense line.

The heavy-duty self-propelled Gauss gun has little threat to the third level Zerg, and the third and fourth level Zerg are the most dangerous among the insect tide.

David didn't stop sniping. The beetles below were more excited. Their pressure dropped, making them more relaxed.

Thirty seconds later, the second volley began, and the tide was cut off by another kilometer.

The battlefield has turned into a meat grinder for the tide of insects. Countless Zerg are killed every second. The barrel of David's roarer sniper gun has been replaced by three.

However, the three extraordinary knights and the eighteen knights were not as excited as the beetles. They knew that there would definitely be a fourth level Zerg in the insect tide of this war.

It's a real victory to be able to successfully resist the level 4 Zerg. As long as you defeat the level 4 Zerg, you can end the war on this battlefield. , the fastest update of the webnovel!