"Well, Hans, David's life is wanted there. Can David not fight back? It's all done Galen extraordinary in the side advised.

"David, you grow up and have your own opinions, but you must pay attention to your own safety!" Hans was not really angry. He heard Galen's extraordinary words and said instead.

"I'll pay attention!" David said with a smile.

"If you have won the medal of" national scholar ", please withdraw from the army Said Hans suddenly.

Hans heard from general Adams that this lieutenant general Beaumont's backstage. Once David is noticed there, David will be in great trouble in the army.

That's why Hans had the idea of letting David withdraw from the army. With the medal of "statesman", it was easy to pass the proposal.

"Hans, David has the rank of colonel in the army. He will be a general after graduation from the military academy. How do you want David to be discharged from the army?" Galen asked in a strange way.

"David's character is not suitable for the army. According to his temperament, there will be big trouble in the future." Hans said helplessly.

"Father, I'll be out of the army when I become a general!" David didn't refuse, just put the time back a little.

David knew that Hans had always wanted to be a general. When Hans retired from the army because of his injury and returned to the rock star with the medal of "national scholar", he was decadent.

David just wants to achieve Hans's wish. He doesn't care about power. What he wants to do is to improve his own strength.

"You Hans couldn't say anything more. He could feel David's mind.

After that, David showed his hand in front of the two relatives, and took out the ability of the "master cook" to make meals for the two relatives.

In the atmosphere of joy, several people forgot the unpleasant things.

In the evening, Hans and David both lived in Galen's extraordinary villa, because David could only stay for one day, and he didn't go home. Anyway, Hans he cared most about was here, and this was his home.

At 12 o'clock, David finished the practice of "crystal mind" in the evening. He was preparing to go to bed under mental exhaustion, but he felt a trace of abnormality.

His tired eyes immediately alerted him, and he came back from the battlefield. Even though he knew it was very safe here, he was extremely vigilant when there was any disturbance.

When the shadow servant came to him, a bottle of "immortal holy water" appeared in his hand. He poured it into his mouth, and his spirit recovered immediately.

It is estimated that only David can recover his spirit with the elixir of "immortal water".

David's body didn't move, but the shadow attendant flew out after he sent the "holy water of immortality".

Nowadays, the range of shadow service is up to 100 meters, which is enough in the city.

The shadow servant flew around. The villa was very large, and the area within 100 meters was almost the villa area. David didn't see anything suspicious.

But David didn't give up. He believed in his own perception. That abnormal perception would never be an illusion.

David began to draw back his breath. "Camouflage" was also draped on his body, which made all his breath and body heat disappear.

He then quietly opened the door a gap and went out.

After leaving the room, the abnormal feeling disappeared.

David is more sure that there is a problem, he speeds up, because he has the authority of the security system here, so he quietly out of the villa.

To be honest, he preferred the feeling of being in the wild, in which many of his abilities could not be used.

All the steel under the ground made his "underground prowl" unusable, and some special abilities could not be used, because there were surveillance everywhere.

Even so, he was still the best scout on the battlefield, even the scouts invited by the names of gods in the great world.

David's figure in the "camouflage cloth" hidden, with the villa as the center of the investigation.

Finally, in another villa two thousand meters away from the villa, he found the problem.

There was no light in the villa, as if no one lived in it, but the shadow agent saw the equipment in the villa behind a window that should not have appeared inside.

It's a special military scanning equipment. Even David has never seen this type of scanning equipment, but he still recognizes the military number on the equipment.

Unfortunately, this villa is similar to Galen's villa, and the area is very large, which makes the shadow service unable to fully investigate.

David came into the shadow of the corner, and his spirit drew a pattern of "shadow sneaking", and then he turned into a black fog in the shadow.

If the lights in the villa are not turned off, he still needs to use the "master of electronic warfare" ability to crack the security system of the villa, but because there is no light, it is more convenient for him.

David turned into a black fog into the villa, did not trigger any security alarm.

Neither the scanning nor the triggered security system felt David's entry.David came to the wall beside the villa. He didn't need to enter. As long as the shadow waiter had enough distance, he explored around the villa. There was no one in the villa.

Just when he felt strange, he suddenly thought of the underground.

Then the shadow attendant entered the basement. Sure enough, in a small room in the basement, they were sitting in front of the light curtain.

The light screen displays a variety of information, including biological scanning, thermal imaging, acoustic wave collection and so on.

When David saw the information collected by the sound wave through the shadow server's eyes, he was worried. If his extraordinary conversations with Hans and Galen were collected by this device, he would be in trouble.

Although the name of lieutenant general Beaumont was not mentioned in the extraordinary conversations with Hans and Galen, a lot can be found by combining the conversation with those who know it.

David bit his teeth, and he was ready to do it.

"Brother, investigate this villa. If we are found dead, we don't know how to die!" One man said with a slight complaint.

"As long as that one leaves, we can hand over the task!" Said another.

"It's easy for the captain to hand over such a task, but he himself is far away from it!"

"Who calls us low position? What's the significance of such a task? Just watch them eat and go to bed after eating, even without entertainment!"

"Is this thermal imaging broken? I haven't scanned the thermal energy in that bedroom all the time!"

"I heard that he was a" sniper master ". Maybe he was practicing some special hiding ability

David, who was about to start his work, stopped. He recalled that he had only just said something about Lieutenant General Beaumont today, and did not mention it again. It seems that the surveillance work of the two men started from the meal. Otherwise, they would not have said so.

David, of course, didn't just listen to their conversation. The shadow attendant flew into the room. As they looked at the light curtain, a string of code was printed on a device behind them.

When David saw the start-up time of the instrument, he was relieved.

He didn't make a fuss. He only looked at the advanced scanning equipment and the military number of the scanning equipment to know that the people here belonged to the military.

Black fog flies out of the villa. David appears in the corner. He returns to his bedroom.

The next morning, when David finished his practice and came to the living room, he saw Hans and Galen extraordinary.

"Good morning David said hello to them, but his hand was in sign language.

This is a military sign language. Hans and Galen are extraordinary people who come out of the army and recognize this sign language.

"There's surveillance!" This is the meaning of sign language.

Galen's eyes were sharp, and he made a gesture of inquiry to David.

David pointed to the direction of the monitoring and then signaled the situation.

"Let's have breakfast first!" Galen said in a supernormal tone, but his hand was typing commands on the identity bracelet.

David didn't take charge of Galen's extraordinary operation. This is Galen's extraordinary territory. Galen knows how to do better than he does.

When the three were having breakfast together, four armored floating vehicles flew into the sky and surrounded the villa. Then Galen's extraordinary direct subordinate beetle jumped out of the suspension car, completely ignoring the crazy alarm of the security system, and rushed in directly.

With the precise positioning provided by David, two intelligence agents were quickly arrested. The warriors took the two agents away. The whole operation lasted only two minutes. There was no other movement except for the alarm.

"You leave early today. I'll let the Black Ghost see you off!" Galen said, with a look on his face.

Galen's status in the rock star is very high. He belongs to the government. He guards the rock star with the other five supernatural beings, but he is monitored in his own home.

No matter what the reason is, this kind of behavior is absolutely a provocation to him, but also a provocation to the government.

Just as Galen spoke, a message came.

"David, those two men are military intelligence agents. It seems that you have been targeted by some people in the military!" Galen said in a deep voice.

"Teacher, you are in trouble!" David said sorry.

"What's the name of it? If you're not my disciple, it's my relationship with Hans. Is there anything I can do to get rid of you?" Galen's extraordinary eyes glared.

"David, we're OK. Galen belongs to the government. I'm a" statesman. "Those guys in the military don't have any evidence. Don't try to move us!" Hans also comforted.

In fact, Hans was still worried about David. The two of them were safe on rock star, but David was in the army, which was more dangerous.

"Wait, I'll contact Alvin!" Galen said with an extraordinary wave.

Alvin is the military's Transcendence on the rock star, and has a close relationship with Galen's transcendence.

"Galen, do you want to invite me to breakfast so early?" Just a Unicom heard the opposite with a smile."Alvin, in the villa next door to me, there were two military personnel facing my villa with scanning equipment. Your military must give me an account of this matter!" Galen was extraordinary, but there was nothing polite about it.

"If there's such a thing, you wait a moment, I'll be right there!" Alvin was surprised too, and then said.

"I'll wait for you at the villa!" Galen said in a deep voice.

After breaking contact with Alvin, Galen reported the incident to the government, and then informed Daryl and Mervyn of the Oracle Association, and Hadley of the Naan chamber of Commerce.

The reason why rock star has been stable for so many years is because of the close cooperation of six extraordinary people who want to do business on rock star.

When something happens, the six extraordinary can unite. In such a case, Galen is willing to inform all the extraordinary.

Ten minutes later, Alvin was not just a man, but also another extraordinary Barker from the military.

Two of them have just come in, and the other three have.

"Master David is here, too." Several extraordinary people were extremely polite when they saw David, not because they were Garen's extraordinary disciples. This identity was a little light hearted.

David also said hello to some extraordinary people.

"Galen, I've already asked. It's definitely not from the rock star army. I can guarantee that." Alvin said in front of all the extraordinary.

This matter can be large or small. Monitoring one transcendence is tantamount to provoking all the transcendence of the whole rock star. Everyone knows that the six transcendence of the rock star are one.

"Alvin, I don't care who sent it, I just hope it doesn't happen again!" Galen said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about that. Find out the contact person of the two people in the rock star. All the people involved in this matter, no matter who they are, will make him pay the price as long as they are in the rock star!" Said Alvin, nodding his head.

"Galen, our Naan chamber of Commerce will stop all foreign spaceships and cooperate with this investigation!" Hadley is extraordinary.

"We will also send people to participate in the investigation. Whoever dares to reach the rock star will be cut off!" Mervyn is extraordinary also continued.

Just after the meeting less than 10 minutes this morning, the rock star was blocked and all forces began to move.

All the interpersonal relationships between the two intelligence agents are listed. Even if the two intelligence agents have been trained in torture, all the people involved in the matter, including the captain of the two intelligence officers, have been found out before they can give evidence.

Knowing that these people were military intelligence agents, all the 28 people involved in the operation were taken away from rock star. The result is unknown.

Rock star is protected by law. It is illegal to kill people on the surface of rock star, but in space, the law can not take into account.

By midday, David was about to board the black ghost to rendezvous with Hess at the spaceport. The operation was over. From here, we can see how terrible the six extraordinary powers on rock star are.

Even the Intelligence Department of the military has been cleaned up by them.

"David, you should be extraordinary as soon as possible. When you become extraordinary, your enemies will have some scruples, and your actions will be less restricted. As long as you are reasonable, then you can fight back, because all the supernatural are consistent in front of this interest!" Galen said to David when he finally saw him off.

The reason why the response of the six extraordinary people is so fierce is that the military intelligence department has violated the extraordinary interests. This is the reason. All the extraordinary people will stand on the side of the six extraordinary people because of this. Even the military intelligence department dare not touch the interests of the extraordinary people.

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