When he returned to his room at night, David summed up what had happened during the day. It was a temporary move and a last resort for vice president Dryden.

In this peaceful world, power has more influence than force.

As long as David wants to stay in the interstellar federal academy, he must be under the management of the military academy. Vice president Dryden is still in charge of David's fate in the Academy. Such enemies will cause him great trouble.

It may be troublesome to kill Deputy headmaster Dryden, but vice president Dryden is in more trouble. David chooses a less troublesome way to deal with it.

To tell you the truth, David, who has a variety of talents and abilities, is just like a dragon facing a mole ant in the face of many ordinary people without vigilance in this peaceful environment.

It was in this mentality that he killed the vice president of Dryden.

What's more, these ordinary people don't know that David has such ability, so they will take actions against David.

When David thought of the vice president of Dryden, he could not help thinking of the soul of vice president Dryden absorbed by the shadow agent during the day.

"Shadow waiter, list the knowledge of vice president Dryden!" David put a hand on the shadow server's shoulder, and ordered in his heart.

In David's mind, this vice president of Trenton can become a general and vice president of the Federal Military Academy. He must have the ability of master level or above.

But when he saw the light ball of knowledge, he was still shocked.

"Space War Research (1% perfect)" and "space war research" at the master level show that vice president TRAYTON is the authority of the whole interstellar Federation in the field of "space war research", even if it is not the first, it is at least one of the strongest.

However, David did not regret killing the vice president of Trenton. For him, the enemy must die, and the dead enemy is the good enemy.

David moved the light sphere of "Space War Research (1% perfect)" into his body. In the illusion, he experienced the growth of vice president Dryden in "space war research" after 60 years of academic research.

Even if he left the illusion, he still had the content of "space war research" in his mind.

David knows that this is because the grandmaster's "space war research" knowledge is so large that his brain receives too much knowledge in a short time.

After studying space war research, David knew for the first time that the interstellar Federation could work with God's great world equality alliance to deal with the Zerg world.

In warstar, David always had a lot of questions in his mind. For example, the individual combat power of the interstellar Federation was very weak compared with the god world and the Zerg world.

The interstellar federation can only be maintained by the number of beetles. When facing the fourth level Zerg, it has no ability to counterattack. It needs the strong men in the big world to resist.

The strength shown by the interstellar Federation is not qualified to be compared with that of the god world alliance, let alone resist the Zerg.

In his knowledge of space war research, David learned how terrifying the Federal Space power was.

Zerg's level 5 Zerg and the most powerful in God's big world are likely to cause chaos in space energy of warstar.

The Federation also has the ability to completely destroy Battlestar in a moment, that is, the "doomsday line" of ten man-made planets, which can destroy Battlestar when an attack of concentrated energy breaks out.

Warstar is located at the intersection of the divine world, the interstellar Federation World and the Zerg world, and no one can know the consequences of destroying this coincidence point.

Once the coincidence point is destroyed, it is very likely to lead to the destruction of the three worlds. This theory is unanimously recognized by the highest levels of the three worlds.

Of course, this recognition must be supported by the research results, which is not what David knew.

It is precisely because of the space war capability of the interstellar Federation that the current situation of Warcraft has been maintained, and the Zerg's desire to enter the interstellar Federation from space is resisted.

The knowledge system of "space war research" is very large. It contains almost all the contents of space war, including combat, deterrence, investigation, logistics and so on.

Leaving behind his knowledge of "space war research," David took a kryptonite and a special feed for war horses from space objects, and gave them to the shadow attendant and sent them into the call ring.

Although the "sonic blaster" consumes very little energy in the summon ring, and the fourth level Zerg can live a long time without consuming energy, it is necessary to replenish energy regularly in order to maintain the fighting power of the "sonic blasted iron beetle".

Not to mention the war horse, if not for the limited conditions, he would like to release the war horse.

After doing this, David began to practice "crystal mind" every night, transforming his spirit into a strong crystal shield to protect his soul.

After the "crystal mind", his spirit is extremely tired and needs some time to sleep to recover.

He took out the "Juyuan plate" and stayed in the Military Academy for a long time. He didn't want to waste the opportunity to enhance the shadow service.Although David can't see the improvement of the "Juyuan plate" to the shadow service, every time the shadow server shows the need for the "Juyuan disk" to gather energy. As long as the environment allows, David will provide it for the shadow service.

After all this, David is ready to take a rest. However, after thinking about it, he asked the shadow servant to summon the "Assassin Mantis puppet" from the space ring. He needs to check the achievements of the previous transformation.

When David saw the terrible fourth level Zerg "Assassin Mantis puppet" turned into a human boy, a little fat man, he could not help but smile with malice.

I don't know what the first enemy will think when facing the assassin Mantis puppet.

The "Assassin Mantis puppet" seems to have an instinctive idea about the energy gathering of juyuanpan. Although it can't speak, this instinct is fed back to David.

David hesitated for a moment. The release of the "Assassin Mantis puppet" is not a big problem, because the "Assassin Mantis puppet" is completely different from the "sonic boom iron beetle". At least, there is no scanning equipment to find the "Assassin Mantis puppet".

Finally, the assassin Mantis puppet was also placed in the Juyuan plate. However, the kryptonite in the Juyuan plate doubled. David had no pressure to consume this point.

David found that when the "Assassin Mantis puppet" was standing in the "Juyuan plate", he could actually feed the energy back to the "corpse control pattern", and through the "corpse control pattern" to supplement energy to the "perfect kryptonite".

During his research on the assassin Mantis puppet, the energy in the perfect kryptonite has been consumed all the time. Although the speed of consumption is nothing to the perfect kryptonite, this continuous consumption will one day make the energy in the perfect kryptonite clean.

This is also the non combat state of the "Assassin Mantis puppet". Once in the combat state, the energy consumption will increase, which will further increase the energy consumption rate in the perfect kryptonite.

David had an idea to make more perfect kryptonite. Now he found it by accident, but it solved the problem.

David told the shadow servant that if there was any life approaching at night, he immediately took back the space ring of the "Assassin Mantis puppet", and then he had a rest.

Since the incident of vice president Dryden, the study of the short training class has become calm. There has been no violation of the rules, let alone David.

David is also slowly used to this kind of peaceful life, this is far away from life and death, away from war life and death.

However, his daily training time did not decrease. On the contrary, with more time, he increased the cultivation time of various weapons.

David's connection with Emma became normal because he came to the world of peace, and he also knew Emma's journey.

If David had come a little earlier, he might have met Emma on the star of origin, who is now on an interstellar tour.

This tour will establish Emma's status in the federal music world and make her a stable new queen.

With a month of peace and happiness gone, David also integrated into the short training course.

His achievements were outstanding, especially in "military command" and other disciplines related to space war, which surprised the professors.

Sitting in the classroom, the first two rows of the classroom are the positions of 20 school level officers. Although we are all cadets in the military academy, the military rank is still very important among the students.

Next to David sat Lieutenant Colonel Beckett. Since the first day they met and were trained together, the two have made friends.

"David, do you know what the parade will be like soon?" As there was still a moment to go before class, Lieutenant Colonel Beckett asked David.

After getting along with David for a month, Lieutenant Colonel Beckett spoke casually. Of course, this is also due to the fact that they are all cadets. There is no need to use military rank in military academies.

"Is the military academy ready for a military parade?" Recently, David has been devoting himself to study. He has not contacted the outside world much, so he doesn't know.

"It's not a military academy parade. God, don't you know the federal parade every ten years?" Said Lieutenant Colonel Beckett, a little louder.

"How old is David? Maybe he didn't pay attention to the parade before, so he didn't know." Colonel Beckett's voice startled Colonel bloom, sitting on the other side of David, he said with a smile.

Colonel bloom and David were the only two colonels in the short course, both of whom came to study to prepare for the promotion of general.

Naturally, the relationship between Colonel bloom and David was closer than that of the other cadets.

"Federal parade? I don't really know that! " David recalled, then shook his head and said.

Then he did not need two people to explain, directly in the identity of the bracelet up.

The federal parade is a grand military parade held by the interstellar Federation once every ten years. The propaganda of this kind of military parade is very wide in the peaceful area. During the grand parade, almost all the media will broadcast it.

However, the Federal Military parade is not very attractive to the planets in the war zone, because on those planets, the army is the main body, all kinds of military equipment can be seen everywhere, and all kinds of warships are also frequent, and wars will happen at any time.However, David was born in the rock star, which did not pay attention to the Federal Military parade. Later, he came to the star of renka in the Iridia region, but he did not catch up with the last Federal Military parade. Moreover, his time in renka was not long, so he naturally did not hear of it.

The federal parade is a review of the elite troops by the interstellar Federation. There will be a large number of elite soldiers and various equipment on the parade.

"Beckett, even if there is a military academy quota, I'm afraid we won't consider our short training class!" Colonel bloom expressed a different view.

Although the short training class belongs to the interstellar Federal Military Academy, we can see the attitude of the Federal Military Academy just by looking at the lack of opportunities to communicate with other classes on weekdays.

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that the short training classes are all officers with military ranks. We should know that those cadets who are still in school do not have military ranks, and many of them are about 20 years old.

Besides David, most of the cadets in the short training class can be uncles of those cadets.

"I don't know. I just heard about it. It depends on the arrangement of the military academy." Lieutenant Colonel Beckett doesn't know the details.

"Where is the site of this federal parade?" David got interested and asked in a voice.

"I know that. It's on planet one!" Lieutenant Colonel Beckett replied with a smile.

Planet 1 is the first man-made planet of the origin star. Due to the technical problems at that time, the area of the man-made planet was not large, and its shape was also problematic. It was only a plane of 10 square kilometers.

Since then, planet one has always been the host of important events. After many transformations, a large number of special equipment has been installed for important events.

In history, many military parades have been arranged on planet 1, but only when the parade is relatively large.

"Is the parade of a large scale?" David inquired.

"Of course, this federal parade is just in time for warstar's big victory, so the scale will exceed the scale of the previous ten. It is said that many warships have been transferred recently, and almost all types of warships can be seen by then." Lieutenant Colonel Beckett's eyes lit up when he said this.

For the soldiers in the peace zone, it is difficult to see all the warships after serving in the army for many years.

Only soldiers in the war zone will have access to all kinds of warships, but not all soldiers can see all warships.

"I wonder if the Grand Marshal will be there Colonel bloom said with great longing.

"There is a great possibility that the Grand Marshal will attend. Even if the Grand Marshal does not attend, the rest of the Deputy commanders will certainly attend." Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said with a smile.

For them, if they can see these big men in the military, it is a matter of great satisfaction.

To know that these military bigwigs can only be seen in the video, for the soldiers, the military bigwigs are just like the stars in the eyes of ordinary people.

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