David was in trouble when he was close to the villa. The underground pipelines were dense, and the villa was built with a large number of artificial objects as the foundation, which made him unable to enter the villa 50 meters away.

However, this distance is also enough for the shadow waiter to enter the villa for inspection. A trace of his mind enters the shadow servant's body, and the shadow servant enters the nearest villa.

There was no sound outside the villa. When the shadow waiter entered the hall of the villa, he saw dozens of young people gathering.

The layout of the hall is extremely luxurious. The picture of the forest is dynamically displayed on the four walls. The lights are dim and flashing alternately. From the top of the hall, there is water mist spraying down. The young people are laughing and shouting wildly.

There was a theme party going on in the villa. David had heard of it before, but he never had time to attend it.

Instead of taking care of the young people, he controlled the shadow agent through the wall, searching for the target.

Finally, the shadow service came to a study, the light brain of the study was not turned off, and the light curtain was in standby state.

Shadow attendants come to the light curtain, light screen, light immediately restore bright, fortunately there is no other people here, but do not worry about being found wrong.

Because the brain was not shut down, the shadow attendant landed in and found that he was a person with high authority named Berkeley.

Although he didn't know what his identity was, David got the map of the "federal command" through this identity, and he did not have the ability to use the "master of electronic warfare".

The map inside the "federal command" may be highly confidential to outsiders, but it is naturally a very common information for the people living in it.

David saw that the real "federal command" marked on the map was in the core of the whole area, and it was 20 kilometers away from here.

And here, where he is, is a seaside leisure area where the families of senior military officials live.

David wondered if admiral Longfellow's villa was here, but soon he knew that he was thinking too much. The top officials here did not include the top ten.

The dozen senior officials all lived in the core position of the "federal command" and would not live with ordinary senior officials.

David used Berkeley's authority to log in to the villa's security system, and set his forged identity bracelet as an identity with permission.

After that, the shadow attendant took out the identity bracelet from the space ring, put it beside the optical brain, connected it, and downloaded the map of the federal command.

The shadow attendant put away his identity bracelet and withdrew from the original road. When he came to the hall again, he saw a beam of light hitting a young man.

David can tell what he's talking about by the young man's mouth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's party is to welcome Luke. Luke, can you tell me about the success of Emma's pursuit?" The young man asked, looking at a somewhat gloomy young man beside him.

When David saw the young man say Emma's name through the shadow agent, he suddenly stopped the shadow waiter leaving.

He didn't know if the young man was talking about Emma, but he wanted to know the result since he mentioned it.

"Luke, tell me, have you been after Emma?" When the young man finished, someone echoed.

These young people are most interested in this kind of thing when they are together.

They all know that Luke left the star of origin for a few months in order to follow Emma and launch a strong pursuit.

"Beckley, don't talk about Emma!" Luke's face was a little bad, he said in a deep voice.

"Luke, are you a failure?" There's someone on the side of the road.

"All right, since Luke doesn't want to say more, let's just keep happy!" Beckley didn't want to upset Luke. He waved and patted Luke on the arm again and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that!"

In fact, Berkeley is also kind-hearted. Luke's father has just died, but Luke has not returned. After returning this time, he held this party to let Luke relax.

Although Luke's father was dead, his grandfather was more powerful recently, so Berkeley wanted to make friends with him.

Neither Berkeley nor Luke knew that the shadow boy had come to them.

After confirming that Emma is Emma he knows, David wants to know about this Luke. He has a feeling that Luke seems to be connected with him. This is a kind of spiritual induction, although there is no definite evidence.

Beckley and Luke came to one side and sat down, waving for two bottles of red wine.

"Luke, don't you come back for a short time this time?" Beckley asked with a smile.

"It should be that I was called back by my mother and said that someone might attack me. I can't leave before I dispose of that person. It's not only me, but Angus is back!" Luke drained the glass of red wine, he also wanted to find someone to talk to, Berkeley is his good friend, naturally there is no scruple said."My God, although your father has an accident, general Longfellow's position is here. Who dares to move you?" Beckley was obviously surprised, he said in a startled voice.

When David heard the name of general Longfellow outside the villa, he immediately understood the identity of Luke, but he didn't know who Angus was, but he decided to lock in Luke anyway.

"It's a madman!" Luke didn't want to name David. On the one hand, David is now known as the "God of war." on the other hand, he didn't want to mention his family's feud with David.

After that, there was nothing David cared about, but he didn't leave, so he stayed underground outside the villa.

Until it was completely dark, the party in the villa was finally over.

Dozens of top brand suspension cars come from all over the country, all of which come to pick up their owners.

The shadow attendant followed Luke. David would not miss such a good opportunity to find general Longfellow's family. Naturally, he wanted to keep up.

Luke drank a lot and walked a little shaky, and Beckley himself sent him out.

A floating car stopped next to Luke. Berkeley helped Luke to the suspended car, which was about 50 cm above the ground and was about to leave.

At this time, the shadow attendant entered the suspension car and quickly operated on it.

The levitation vehicle was originally opened in fully automatic mode. David's "master of electronic countermeasures" ability, under the premise of direct operation through the shadow agent, can complete the authority of the suspended vehicle in two seconds.

Before leaving, the car made a detour over David. After passing by, David was already under it.

When David was picked up, the vehicle ran in full automatic mode and returned to Luke's home automatically.

With the shelter of the floating car, it is not scanned in the living area. Maybe living in this area, being watched by the monitoring equipment overhead is the biggest endurance limit of people in the living area. No one wants to be scanned all the time in their daily life.

After a ten minute flight to the ground, the suspension car came to a very large villa.

Luke wobbles off the suspension car, which automatically heads to the side garage.

David left the suspension car when he was outside the villa. He didn't dare to enter the villa like this. If he didn't deal with the safety system of the villa, he would definitely be found when he entered the villa.

Now, even killing Luke is just to make general Longfellow feel sad, and the next step may be to let general Longfellow take more crazy revenge on him.

On this point, David and general Longfellow thought the same, and Mrs. Meredith's psychology was completely different.

To tell you the truth, even in the living area, the security here is very strict, that is, David can move freely here. If anyone else has no identity here, he will be found out as soon as he appears.

Except for the interior of the building, everything else is monitored in the sky, and anyone who appears will be verified.

David has the ability to "sneak underground" and walk through the underground soil, which is not found.

Now David is in trouble again. How does he get into the villa in front of him.

The villa is a little big. David uses "underground sneak" to circle around the villa, and finally finds a brain that can be contacted within the scope of shadow service activities.

This time, I didn't have the good luck before. There was no login identity on the brain. After five hours of operation, the shadow attendant got the authority.

The high-level security system here is the military's high-level security system, even linked with the security system of the "federal command".

David has been in contact with many military security systems in the army, which has something to do with his being the "master of electronic countermeasures". As the defense chief of the defense forces on the planet of beidalia, David has mastered the security systems of the defense forces and has the possibility of further research.

The most important thing for the "master of electronic countermeasures" is their vision. When the technology reaches this level, there is no big difference. The main difference lies in the number of programs they have been exposed to.

Villa, the military's high-level security system, is the same as the security system of the defense forces. The reason why David spent five hours was that he secretly obtained the authority of the villa through his brain, under the surveillance of the security system of the federal command, without being discovered.

The biggest difference between David and other "EW masters" is that the other "EW masters" need to attack the defense of the security system remotely, while David uses the optical brain inside the security system to operate from the inside.

This is much less difficult to find.

The garage door opened again, and the floating car came out of the garage and made a turn outside, and David got on again.

But this time he was sitting directly inside the suspension car, not hanging under the suspension car.

David is suspended in the car and enters the garage, so he doesn't have to worry about the monitoring equipment overhead.

Like his own home, he walked out of the garage and down the corridor to the hall.Long before he entered the hall, the shadow attendant went into the hall and observed it.

It was late at night, and everyone in the villa had a rest. David would be so relaxed.

Entering the hall, he was immediately attracted by several moving pictures on the wall.

On it was general Ross, who had been poisoned by him. Beside him stood a beautiful young woman, with a line of small letters below to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his marriage. Needless to say, this woman is the wife of general Ross.

In another photo, the young woman is with general Longfellow, and below it is a father and daughter meeting.

With the rest of the photos, David finally learned about general Longfellow's family relationship.

Admiral Longfellow's family relationship should not be a secret at the top of the union, but for David, it was a secret he could not know.

Even if he had Kerr intelligence, it was too low to know the news from the top of the Federation.

General Longfellow has a son and a daughter. His son is major general Angus. David overheard at a party at Berkeley's house that major general Angus has returned home. The security system at home shows that major general Angus is in the villa.

One was Madame Meredith, the wife of admiral Ross.

That Luke is the son of Lady Meredith, and general Ross is his father, which means David has a feud against him.

There was a smile on David's lips. He had entered general Longfellow's house, but this was not the place where general Longfellow lived, but where his children lived.

As the Deputy commander-in-chief of the union, the inspection of the place where general Longfellow lived was extremely strict and inconvenient in all aspects, so his family lived here.

Although David was wearing gold exoskeleton armor, he turned on the "environment integration system" and used the silent stealth technique, so that he did not make a sound or show his birth shadow when walking.

Like a ghost, he walked around the villa, observing the environment.

David found Luke's room, who had already passed out drunk.

The shadow attendant enters Luke's room and finds that this is a man's bedroom. According to the major general's uniform hanging in the room, we can know that this is the room of major general Angus.

In the room, David also saw through the Shadowman's eyes an armored container of exoskeletons, major general Angus, who was also a beetle.

Without disturbing major general Angus, he saw Mrs. Meredith in the master bedroom, who was not asleep and was talking to people via video.

After listening to the content of the conversation, David did not pay attention to it any more. This lady Meredith had a lover and was saying something that made David sick.

David finally came to the guest room on the next floor. He removed the gold exoskeleton armor and rested in the guest room. The shadow attendant stood at the door of the guest room to guard him.

David didn't have a good rest for several days in a row. Under his body was a big soft bed, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

Mrs. Meredith in the villa probably never dreamed that her enemy was sleeping in her guest room.

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