David was pushed out by an unstoppable force, and he was still in the air in the position of a third class shield.

Master shield's ability enabled David to react faster than the eight extraordinary after the krypton bomb exploded.

He injected himself with a third level healing potion through the injection function inside the golden exoskeleton armor, which made his body recover quickly from the shock caused by the explosion.

David saw that the one nearest to him was 20 meters away. At this time, the extraordinary was still in a short period of confusion because of the impact of the explosion.

When David moves his hand, the big shield of level 3 is taken back into the space bag, and his hand is replaced by a level 4 "decelerating Epee". He speeds up and flies towards the extraordinary. At the same time, he activates the "deceleration" effect of "decelerating Epee", and a white light flies to the extraordinary.

He doesn't have any reservation now. He can use all his abilities.

At a distance of 20 meters, when David flies to Superman, he wakes up. Because of the "deceleration" effect of "decelerating Epee", extraordinary's movement becomes slower.

David's eyes flashed cold light, he stabbed a sword into the extraordinary heart, this extraordinary instant death, and then the extraordinary body was caught by David in his hand.

David dipped his hand into the extraordinary's own blood and drew a strange pattern on his brow. He drew the "corpse control pattern" with his spirit. This time, he let the "corpse control pattern" appear in the extraordinary brain, without making the light show.

Because of the urgency of time, David's movements were surprisingly fast. He finished the process of "autopsy" in almost a second.

David didn't have time to see if he could make an extraordinary puppet so quickly.

He had no time, and the remaining seven extraordinary people were all in a mess. They soon woke up and surrounded David again. They were very angry at the death of the three companions.

But in their ears came the order of Metcalf's staff not to hurt David's life, which made them very frustrated.

From the beginning of the battle to now, David has nothing to do, but they have lost three extraordinary, and they need to keep their hands.

"Let's move together, pay attention to strength, and hit him to serious injury!" One of the extraordinary said in a deep voice.

The seven extraordinary Qi Qi Qi waved the weapons in their hands and forced them towards David. They had the advantage of speed. David could not get rid of them.

This time they were more careful and took care of each other, not daring to give David a chance.

David also looked at the seven extraordinary people around him, and his face was full of helplessness.

Now he can use the ability of 7788. At this time, even if he takes out the level 5 axe blade, it will not increase his chances of winning too much.

David also found that the enemy seemed to want to capture him alive. At this time, they did not give him all their strength. Instead, they used a kind of forcing method to squeeze his living space.

So he would rather die than give the class five axe blade to these people.

David is very clear, although he killed three extraordinary people, but as long as the remaining supernatural attack him at the same time, he can not stop their attack.

David's advantage is not to fight in space. His advantage is to snipe and assassinate. Sniping takes a long distance to complete, while assassination requires surprise.

Looking at the seven extraordinary people getting closer and closer, David didn't move again this time, and he also knew that moving didn't have much effect.

He activated the ability of "poison" talent, and drew "poison pattern" in his mind. He added level 4 poison to level 4 "decelerating Epee" in his hand.

The seven extraordinary people kept a tacit understanding of each other. None of them advanced or lagged behind. They didn't want David to get another chance.

Twenty meters, ten meters, when they reached five meters away from David, David still did not move. Seven extraordinary men attacked David at the same time.

David's face appears a strange red tide under his armor. He inspires the ability of "saving power and striking" and "Epee space cutting" is also activated.

He has no defensive action, he is gambling, gambling his feeling is right, although these extraordinary want to kill him, they have been suppressing the killing intention in the heart.

This feeling is clearly perceived by David through his strong spirit, so he gave up his defense. As long as the seven extraordinary do not kill him, he will give them the same counterattack.

The gold exoskeleton armor did not block the attack of seven third class weapons. The moment these extraordinary attacks landed on the gold exoskeleton armor, David moved.

"Save the strength to hit" let him all the strength of the whole body in this blow, the speed of this blow is also unparalleled fast.

David counterattacked when the seven supernatural hit him. The reason is that he needs this moment to be sure that he can attack all the supernatural at the same time.

David doesn't pursue lethality. He just wants his level 4 "deceleration sword" to sweep every one of his extraordinary bodies, even if it's just a scratch.

When the seven extraordinary hit the golden exoskeleton armor, it was the time when the seven extraordinary approached him, and it was also the time when the seven extraordinary defense was the weakest.The outbreak of the "power saving strike" did not affect David's serious injuries. He gave the strongest blow. The fourth level "deceleration Epee" flew up and down in the air, making a 360 degree circle.

Some of them want to block, some want to retreat, and some want to increase their strength to force David to give up his attack.

This is related to the character of the extraordinary. Among them, only two of them who retreated quickly passed David's level 4 deceleration epee. The rest five were swept over by the level 4 deceleration epee.

The five extraordinary "extraordinary armor" failed to block the power of level 4 "decelerating Epee" plus "power saving strike" and "Epee space cutting". Although their injuries were extremely small, they were indeed injured.

"No, it's poisonous!" An extraordinary exclaimed, and he immediately activated the antidote in "extraordinary armor" for injection.

The other four extraordinary also found that it was wrong, almost at the same time made the same action as this extraordinary.

None of the five extraordinary men had the determination to follow general Longfellow before. After discovering that general Longfellow was poisoned, he cut off general Longfellow's poisoned arm with one sword.

Of course, this is also related to the environment at this time. In the space environment, it is very difficult for ordinary people to find out this poison in time, which is grade IV virulent.

When the five extraordinary found that the antidote had no effect, the fourth grade poison had already spread to the whole body.

The five extraordinary movements of a lag, they all show a look of regret, if they kill David with all their strength, they will not catch up with themselves.

But now it's too late. The whole body of the five extraordinary people has been eroded by level 4 poison.

David is very miserable now. One third of his bones are broken, which is the result of his "power saving blow" just now.

The injured body was forced to use the "reserve power strike" to make a blow beyond the limit of his body, which made his injury more serious.

But he did smile, even if he had no strength in his body and his gold exoskeleton armor was almost broken.

The ten extraordinary people besieged him, and there were two remaining. He could feel that the shadow servant flew over and absorbed the five extraordinary souls.

The remaining two extraordinary people looked at David hanging in space. Although they knew that his injury was very serious at this time, they still did not dare to act rashly because David had left them too deep fear.

Eight extraordinary people died under David's hand. If David was extraordinary, two extraordinary people could still accept it. But David was only a oracle. In the case of great disadvantage, David still killed eight extraordinary people.

Not only two extraordinary people were shocked, but also three people watching the video in the presidential palace.

"David is so strong. It's him. It has to be him!" Dean Constable froze for a moment, then laughed wildly, pointing to David in the screen of light.

President Louis and Metcalfe's aides, on the other hand, were ugly. For one David, they lost eight powerful and extraordinary men.

President Louis wanted to order David's death, but reason stopped him.

He has lost eight extraordinary people and killed David at this time. Then the death of eight extraordinary people is meaningless. He just wants to kill David.

According to President constable, David is concerned with the sustainability of the project.

President Louis didn't understand president constable's criteria for selecting experimental materials, but he knew the quality of the materials that were sent to President Constable successively. Each material was the most brilliant genius of the Federation.

Among them, there are extraordinary, Oracle, and master level figures in various industries. The disappearance of each material triggered a huge reaction from the federal government. Fortunately, President Louis stepped down.

"Order two extraordinary to seize David and leave there quickly. The army will find out if the delay is too long!" President Louis ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes Said Metcalf's staff.

The two men, who were still hesitating, heard the orders of Metcalf's staff, and they slowly approached David.

At this time, an extraordinary corpse seemed to drift to the two supernatural beings intentionally and unintentionally. The two extraordinary people did not push away the extraordinary corpses. However, they were the bodies of their companions.

The two extraordinary accepted the order. In fact, they also had the idea of delaying David a little longer to catch David after his injury aggravated.

Therefore, when the corpse floated over, the two extraordinary people looked at each other and reached out their hands to catch the body. They could not let the body float. Once it was too far away, they might be caught by the gravity of the origin star.

But when they grasp the supernatural corpse, the extraordinary eyes suddenly open, and the third level Epee in their hands sweeps the two supernatural hands in an impossible posture for human beings.

One side is unintentional, the other is intentional. Even if this extraordinary corpse has just become a supernatural puppet, it can still explode enough to kill two extraordinary people of the same level at such a close distance.When the third level Epee of the supernatural puppet is wielded, the two supernatural also react. However, because they are too close to the supernatural puppet, they can only attack the supernatural puppet with the third level Epee in their hands to force the supernatural puppet to block.

However, the two extraordinary puppets were wrong. The supernatural puppets were not blocked. They let two third level Epee sweep their bodies, and the third level Epee of the supernatural puppets also swept the two extraordinary bodies.

One extraordinary chest was cut open to reveal the broken heart, the other extraordinary neck was cut, only the other half was connected to keep the head from leaving the body.

And the supernatural puppet paid a price. His body was cut and his head was cut in half.

David, who was seriously injured, couldn't help laughing. The movements of this extraordinary puppet were completely controlled by him. At such a close distance, he put his spirit into the "corpse control pattern" of the extraordinary puppet and manipulated it.

This led to such a successful assassination, which was David's best attack method.

If a different environment, these ten extraordinary can not make David so embarrassed, David has a hundred ways to kill extraordinary one by one.

David knew that he couldn't escape. Although all these extraordinary people were dead, there were still 20 warships over there. It was impossible for him to compare his speed with the warships at this time.

Even if the "Assassin Mantis puppet" is taken out, he is very clear that as long as the other side wants to capture him alive, he will have the opportunity to use this last resort.

In the course of fighting against ten extraordinary men, David has put forward too many means, which are enough to make anyone think that this is his full strength, because he has exposed his ability to be shocking.

Of course, the most important thing is that the "Assassin Mantis puppet" and "sonic boom iron beetle" cannot be called here. This is the space near the origin star. If he calls out here, even if he successfully escapes, he will become the target of the federal pursuit.

David felt the injury in his body, which could not be recovered in a few days with grade three healing potions.

In particular, he broke out a "power saving strike", which made his muscles lose their vitality. It can be said that he had no combat power in a few hours.

"Damned David, I'm going to kill him!" President Louis, who was watching the war, lost his composure at last, he roared.

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the president's office is very good, and the staff outside did not hear the roar in the office.

Otherwise, the image of President Louis, who had always been gentle, would have been ruined.

"President Louis, calm down!" 'murmured Metcalf's staff.

"Calm down? That's ten extraordinary people. How much did we pay for them to accept and serve us, but now all of them have been destroyed by David! " Roared president Louis.

"It's the only way to do it now. If general black is allowed to capture David and keep him under strict custody, President Constable will not let David survive!" Counsellor Metcalf.

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