The supreme meeting of the "federal command" continued, but instead of a resolution to investigate David, it turned into two investigations.

One was the murder of general Longfellow's family, and the other was the massacre of David's base on the planet of bedaliya.

The nature of these two cases is extremely bad. The massacre of the SDF base has not occurred for many years. This is a provocation to the military, especially David recently awarded the title of "federal God of war.".

Once David's death is confirmed, it means that Grand Marshal Andre's "federal God of war" will be a failure of Grand Marshal Andre, and the influence of the latter will be very great.

All of the military's investigative agencies were ordered to activate the entire military investigation system.

Marshal Andre finished the meeting and went back to his office. He opened the light curtain, entered a string of passwords, and after waiting for ten minutes, a group of messages came back.

He looked at the content of the message, and his face couldn't help but smile.

Grand Marshal Andre just entered the password of remote connection of high-level combat intelligence of Kitts. No one knows that this kind of high-level combat intelligence, such as Kitts high-level combat intelligence, is not fully used by federal technology.

In the core part of Kitts combat intelligence, a kind of intelligence core purchased from God's big world is adopted, and combined with the federal technology, the intelligence of the two worlds is integrated, and a lot of secret abilities appear.

Grand Marshal Andre did not tell David that the first activation of KITZ's combat intelligence was actually a process of recognizing the Lord.

This is God's technology in the big world, so that as long as David doesn't die, KITZ's fighting intelligence will only serve David alone.

We should know that the destroyer was originally prepared for Marshal Andre himself, and the destroyer that only needs one person to drive is of the highest standard of safety.

The safety standard of a destroyer is that no one else can command a destroyer as long as its master is alive.

Grand Marshal Andre's connection just now is through the military interstellar communication with Kitts high-level combat intelligence in the destroyer. If David dies, he can regain the authority of KITZ's combat intelligence.

But he just entered the password and contacted Kitts combat intelligence, and the reply was a prompt that his authority could not be covered.

That is to say, David is not dead. David may have escaped from the attack on the base of the defense forces on the planet of beidalia. Of course, the worst result is that David is captured.

"Adjutant Jekyll, give orders to find out what's wrong with the man in the president's office recently!" Marshal Andre orders his adjutant through the identity bracelet.

Now general Longfellow is dead. If the attack on David was done by general Longfellow, a report would have been sent. Since it was not made by the people on the military side, it would have been president Louis.

David was sent to the Institute of space research. Before he entered the Institute, he still had a lot of ideas, but when he was sent into the Institute by the tow beam, he found that his previous ideas were all wrong.

After being sent into a door opened by the space research institute by a tractor beam, he felt a strange energy enveloping the whole institute.

Never before, he was preparing to control the shadow attendant to observe around, but before leaving his body, the shadow attendant automatically returned to his back and tightly stuck to his back.

David tried to make the shadow boy move, but he couldn't do it at all.

It seems that after entering the Space Research Institute, the shadow attendants lost their ability to move.

The only thing David can do is to put his consciousness into the shadow waiter's body. After entering, he feels that the shadow maid's body is fixed, and the fixed position is his back.

As his body was drawn deeper, the shadow attendant followed.

David's face changed. He wanted to open the space ring on the shadow servant's finger and summon the "Assassin Mantis puppet", but the shadow servant didn't respond at all.

If the shadow attendants had not been in the invisible state all the time, and were in a special space layer, it would have been obvious by now.

David's heart can't help but panic. His biggest dependence is two level Four Zerg puppets, which makes him have the ability to take the initiative without the threat of warships even though he is seriously injured.

But now he had to face a dangerous situation, he lost the final means of counterattack, he was completely reduced to prisoners.

Two researchers in isolation suits came over, pushing a suspension stand under David's body, and then the tow disappeared.

David's body fell on the suspension frame, and the steel cables stretched out from both sides of the suspension frame to bind David's body.

Two researchers in isolation suits pushed David into a room with white luminescent material all around the walls, ceiling and floor. The two researchers took out the instruments and began to scan David's body.

With the scan, David's broken gold exoskeleton armor was automatically stripped off of him for the loading box, and then two researchers removed up to four space wristbands from him.A space bag was found in his waist, and "extraordinary army stab" was found on his lower leg, which were all removed and put aside.

The two researchers are very professional, and with the help of scanning equipment, all of David's belongings have been removed, even his clothes have been removed and replaced with a large surgical patient's clothing.

David's consciousness was still there. When he found out that he had been changed into a surgical uniform, he was shocked.

The so-called surgical patient's clothing, generally will only need to change when the hospital will have a large operation.

Due to the highly developed federal medicine, there are few opportunities for the use of surgical uniforms.

David doesn't think that this is where people are going to see a doctor for him. He thinks of another possibility. He is caught alive in this strange place. Is it necessary to slice and study?

The reason why he thinks so is that his growth speed is too fast to be called genius. Especially in the final battle, he used a variety of special abilities, which are enough to become the reason for being studied.

David was pushed out of the room, which was full of white light, through a hallway, then down an elevator, and finally he was taken to a huge room.

In the middle of the room were two operating tables, surrounded by many instruments that David did not know how to use.

"David, the federal God of war, welcome to the federal Academy of Sciences 101!" Dean Constable came to David in a research suit and looked down at him.

David didn't like the way Dean Constable looked at him. It was the way that diners looked at food and hunters looked at their prey. In his eyes, David felt that he was not a person, but an experimental object.

David of the Federal Research Institute has heard of it, but District 101 has never heard of it.

"Who are you?" David asked, trying to stay calm.

"My name is constable, President of the federal Academy of research!" Dean Constable patiently explained to David.

President Constable learned about David a long time ago. He knew a lot about David. Through this understanding, he confirmed one thing clearly, that is, David's spirit is very strong.

Even in the whole interstellar Federation, there is hardly anything stronger than the spirit of David.

Without a strong spirit, David can't achieve amazing results in many fields at the same time, and he can't have a lifetime of hard work.

"Assistant Nigel, arrange a deep physical analysis!" Said Dean constable, turning his head to the man next to him.

If the person next to him takes off his mask, it can be found that this is the assistant researcher Nigel. It is he who sent people to capture David and make him become research material, but failed.

But it was through the information brought back by assistant researcher Nigel that Dean Constable paid attention to David.

It was not until David soared into the sky and became the "federal God of war" that the federal government paid close attention to.

President constable's experiment began a long time ago. He successively found ordinary people and Oracle, but these people could not bear the side effects of the experiment.

Even if some extraordinary people were used as experimental materials by President Louis, they did not achieve much effect.

But President Constable knew that his research direction was no problem. The calculus in the super brain was correct, but the spirit of requiring experimental materials was too high.

Perhaps there may be qualified experimental materials needed by President constable on the side of God's big world, but the strong man with such spirit on the side of God belongs to the big world, let alone grasp it, but you can't see it.

Although God belongs to the great world and the interstellar Federation alliance, the communication between them is only in the warstar area. The God belongs to the big world people who can enter the peaceful area. All of them have political reasons. Such people can't move at all, because once something happens, they are bound to get crazy revenge from God's big world.

It is precisely for this reason that the military and the government will send special personnel to protect every messenger sent by God from the great world into the peace zone.

After the appearance of David, President Constable found the target. The only reason why he pushed president Louis to arrest David was this.

David was placed on the operating table by Nigel's assistant researcher, and a hood hung from above. He put the hood over David's body.

The hood is a sophisticated body analysis instrument, which is absolutely the most advanced in the whole Federation. Many of the designs were designed by President Constable himself.

The scanning energy of various attributes is excited in the hood, and David's body becomes free from any secret.

Dean Constable looked at the light screen showing the results, and his eyes were shining.

The results were so surprising to him that David's body was the strongest among all the Oracle scholars he had studied, and even many of them did not exert their extraordinary power. In terms of physique alone, they were not much better than David.

You know, David is just a beetle. He's still a long way from being extraordinary."Fortunately, our action is timely. If we give David a period of time, he will become extraordinary. Then we don't know how much it will cost to catch him!" Exclaimed Dean constable.

This time, in order to capture David, under the absolute advantage, still paid the price of ten extraordinary.

That is not ten ordinary extraordinary, those extraordinary each one is extraordinary in the strong, although not as good as those old brand strong, but in terms of strength in all extraordinary also can rank in the front position.

The ordinary forces lost ten extraordinary people, and it is estimated that they have already collapsed. Even President Louis was hurt in order to capture David.

This kind of obedient transcendence, want to retrain, without decades of time, no precise plan and considerable luck is impossible to get.

It's no wonder that Louis was in such a state of disrespect at that time.

"Yes, his physique, strength and flexibility have reached the limit of human beings. As long as he becomes extraordinary, he can take a big step and increase his strength several times." Assistant researcher Nigel nodded.

"Use the psychometer!" 'said Dean constable, with a twinkle in his eyes.

Assistant researcher Nigel raised the analytical cover and lowered another instrument from the top.

This instrument is very strange. The surface is just a transparent gem with pictures on it. This transparent gem has a clear God belongs to the big world style, but it is embedded in a metal sensor full of federal technology.

Assistant researcher Nigel carefully placed the transparent gem on David's brow, and the pattern on the transparent gem flashed.

David felt that his soul was shaken by the flash of the light on the top of the transparent gem. However, his soul had already formed a soul fortress, which had been upgraded many times. In addition, there was a crystal barrier to protect it. No accident happened.

In the process of the flash of the patterned light, the energy in the metal sensor is also surging, reading the data obtained by the transparent gem and transmitting it to the light screen.

"God, eight times, David's spirit is eight times that of ordinary people!" Assistant researcher Nigel could not help but cry out when he saw the results on the light screen.

President constable's eyes at David became very appreciative, which made him think he was dean constable's child.

Because this kind of look is the kind of look at his most precious things, which David believes he can't mistake.

But he didn't understand why Dean Constable looked at him like this, which made him feel more uncomfortable than before.

"Assistant Nigel, you go out first, order the 101 area of the research institute to be completely closed and start the automatic attack mode. Once any spaceship gets close, all personnel will enter the post and are not allowed to leave their posts without permission!" Dean Constable said to assistant researcher Nigel.

Although the assistant researcher Nigel wanted to participate in the experiment, he could not disobey the order of President constable, and left the room with regret in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!