David calls in the shadow agent and activates the attribute panel. The current attribute appears in front of him.

Name: David Kerr

strength: 10.0 (1)

Agility: 7.0 (1)

physique: 10.0 (1)

spirit: 8.81 (1)

Literature (91% completeness)

Mathematics (86% completeness)

synthesis (84% completeness)

military command (67% perfect)

Space War Research (1% perfect)

carving (85% perfection)

spirit Golden body skill (26% complete)

electronic countermeasure (50% complete)

hammer control (97% success)

snipe (10% complete)

shield control (49% perfect)

heavy axe (1% perfect)

sword (99% perfect)

spear (98% perfect)

Epee (99% perfect)

spirit puncture (1% mastery)

spirit Sleep (99% mastery)

soft body skill (65% mastery)

spaceship driving (77% success)

mechanical maintenance (87% success)

spaceship maintenance (65% success)

unarmed combat (66% success)

theft (80% success)

divine language (99% mastery)

Negotiator (12% satisfactory)

singing (88% satisfactory)

Piano (99% perfect)

Piano (99% perfect) )

Finance (96% perfection)

Law (5% satisfaction)

make up (70% proficient)

strength shock (talent)

strength increase (talent)

strength overlap (talent)

physical enhancement (talent)

extreme speed (talent)

high frequency sound wave (talent)

cooking (1% perfect)

underground stealth (talent)

< br Knights' Cross (99% complete combat skill)

Epee space cut (1% perfect)

save energy (10% perfect)

Fire (talent)

poison (talent)

spirit Storm (talent)

space advance (talent needs space energy to activate)

corpse control (talent)

shadow stealth (talent)

Research (1% perfect)

David's strength and physique have increased to 10 points in data. He has a feeling that if his body does not have a big improvement, his strength and physique can not be further estimated.

That is to say, in a short period of five days, he promoted his extraordinary first stage to the extreme.

In the future, if David wants to improve, he can only gradually run in with extraordinary force through accumulation of time, so that his body can be integrated with more extraordinary forces.

This process depends on the potential of the body, some extraordinary to the extreme of the first stage, there is no room for progress.

And the extraordinary talent is able to continue to improve two stages, to enhance their own strength and physique to a higher level.

His agility has also been improved to 7 points. Although the improvement of agility is not comparable to the improvement of strength and physique, it is also of great magnitude.

His spirit has risen from 8.51 to 8.81. Although he has improved less, he knows how difficult it is to improve his spirit. Before the spirit of the bald strong man disappears, the 0.3 upgrade needs hundreds of third level Zerg souls to fill it.

Even today's shadow attendants need to absorb at least ten extraordinary souls to enhance this 0.3.

David also really understood how great it is to be extraordinary to enhance the strength. This is a comprehensive promotion, which improves the overall attribute of transcendence. It is this kind of promotion that makes the extraordinary strength far superior to the first class.

David's becoming extraordinary is actually a dream of himself and himself. In the process of David's growth, being extraordinary is almost an unattainable existence, and becoming extraordinary has become the expectation in his heart.

Even if he had a better choice now, he didn't want to give up the road of transcendence.

David breathed a long sigh of relief. He finally became extraordinary and fulfilled his dream.

In the future, he will strive for another dream, that is to become a strong man like Baron Dubois, or even stronger.

David's spirit goes into the space ring on his finger. His spirit is connected to the collection of "extraordinary armor" made of grade 4 materials.

When his spirit came into contact with "extraordinary armor", he felt the response of "extraordinary armor".

David has tried it before, but he can't inherit it at this stage, because once the response of "extraordinary armor" is confirmed, the "extraordinary armor" will automatically hit the armor.At that time, he was still a beetle. There was no extraordinary power in his body. The "extraordinary armor" did not help the beetle, but would damage his body.

David, who has become an extraordinary man, has no such worries. On the contrary, he has an urgent idea to try.

David's spirit confirmed the response of "extraordinary armor". With his spiritual confirmation, the "extraordinary armor" in the space ring instantly appeared on his body, covering his body completely.

He had been curious about how the thin "extraordinary armor" worked and how it could provide powerful energy.

We should know that the energy supply of "exoskeleton armor" is provided by krypton crystal engine, and the volume of "extraordinary armor" will be smaller than that of krypton crystal engine used on "exoskeleton armor" if you want to install krypton crystal engine.

However, the "extraordinary armor" provides more power and defense than the "exoskeleton armor", and it also has additional flight capability, which shows that the "extraordinary armor" has sufficient energy supply.

At the moment of "extraordinary armor" landing, David felt that the "extraordinary armor" was integrated with his body, and the extraordinary force in his body was flowing into the "extraordinary armor", just like other cell tissues in the body that fused with the extraordinary force.

"Extraordinary power" after flowing into the "extraordinary armor", he felt that his whole body was light, and he felt that he could fly off the ground at any time.

David thought to himself that his body had already left the ground under his feet, but since he had experienced countless flights, he was very easy to control his body.

He doesn't know how to make "extraordinary armor", but he knows how "extraordinary armor" works. This is armor driven by extraordinary force.

The energy level of the extraordinary force is higher than that of ordinary kryptonite. In addition, the interstellar Federation has studied the extraordinary force for many years, and has obtained the method of applying the extraordinary force.

The extraordinary force in the supernatural body is used as the energy source through the "extraordinary armor". In addition, there is a spare micro krypton crystal engine on the "extraordinary armor", which makes the "extraordinary armor" have extraordinary performance.

David felt the inside of the "extraordinary armor" a little bit. After the "extraordinary armor" combined with the extraordinary force, the "extraordinary armor" was almost a part of his body. He could feel the "extraordinary armor" just as he felt the body.

"Extraordinary armor" is the highest technology of the interstellar Federation, which contains the painstaking efforts of the Federalists for countless years.

The extremely complex energy transmission in the "extraordinary armor" and the micro to micro level wiring layout all reflect the crystallization of federal technology.

Unfortunately, the space here is too small for David to use his full strength. He can't know the limit value of the speed and strength that "extraordinary armor" brings to him.

His idea was that "extraordinary armor" would take back the space ring. Now he can use the space wrist guard. He no longer needs a shadow attendant to open it for him. However, the place he will go is the God's world, and the space wrist guard will not be needed.

David walked out of the room and saw the Gershwin Minister of noble affairs and the Lord Forbes were still drinking and talking, while Ambassador Kamin was not in at the moment, so he was supposed to go to have a rest.

"Arthur, you don't need to pay too much attention to the extraordinary strength. After you go home, with your talent and blood power, your future achievements will be much better than that of the Federation. Maybe you will be able to surpass the extraordinary in a short time." Forbes said to David with a smile.

"God belongs to the cultivation system of the big world. I just heard about it. I don't know much about it. Can you tell me about it?" David asked in response to his request for advice.

"It's not a secret anyway. I'll tell you if you want to know!" Forbes said with a smile. He took a sip of water and then said: "the cultivation system of God belongs to the big world. At present, there is only one kind of cultivation system officially recognized, that is, the way of Knight cultivation. This is not to say that there is no other way of cultivation, but the way of Knight cultivation can go further and have stronger combat power, which is the choice of the vast majority of practitioners.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, the power of blood. Without the power of blood, no matter what path of cultivation can be carried out.

Therefore, the number of knights is scarce, which can not be compared with the cultivation of the whole nation in the interstellar Federation. "

David also knows this. The children of the interstellar Federation have been educating and practicing physique since childhood. Once they show their talent, they will become first-class warriors.

The God belongs to the big world, but it needs the power of blood to practice, which is countless times different from the cultivation population base.

If it was not for the cultivation system of God's big world that the knight's combat power was stronger, the interstellar Federation could crush the God's big world by the number of practitioners.

"How many ranks does the knight have?" David asked.

"I heard that the interstellar Federation is divided into two levels: Oracle and transcendence?" Instead of answering immediately, the Lord Forbes asked.

"Yes David didn't know what he was asking, but he went back.

"In fact, this method of power division is not appropriate. The reason is that the cultivation system of the interstellar Federation has only these two levels. The division of the strength of the knight of God is consistent with that of the Zerg.

The trainee Knight corresponds to the first level Zerg, the knight to the second level Zerg, the earth knight to the third level Zerg, the sky knight to the fourth level Zerg, and the temple knight to the fifth level Zerg! " Forbes continued to explain.David's eyes jumped. After hearing the explanation of Knight grading by Lord Forbes, he really understood the difference between the cultivation system of God's big world and that of the interstellar Federation.

The difference was so great that he could not help but smack his tongue.

The trainee Knight corresponds to the first level Zerg, which is only a trainee knight. In the interstellar Federation, to deal with the first level Zerg, you must be a middle-level or above.

In the interstellar Federation, only a few top beetles can deal with the second level Zerg alone with powerful weapons. The real one to deal with the second level Zerg is the superior one.

It's needless to say that level 3 Zerg can fight alone with level 3 Zerg in the whole interstellar Federation, except for a number of extraordinary people working together, each of them is a top class.

As for level 4 Zerg, that is not what the interstellar Federation cultivation system can deal with. If the interstellar Federation wants to deal with level 4 Zerg, space weapons are the only way.

"So weak is the interstellar Federation?" David whispered to himself.

"No, Arthur, you are wrong!" This time, without waiting for the Lord Forbes to speak, the Gershman Minister of noble affairs interposed.

"If we can sign an alliance agreement with God's great world, the interstellar Federation has its own strength. In the direction of civilization development, the interstellar Federation chooses science and technology. They have stronger space weapons and can threaten the strong at any level. What we have is a strong personal combat power. It is this different development direction that makes the interstellar Federation and God belong to the big world Together, you can fight the Zerg! " The Gershwin Minister of noble affairs continued.

David nodded. He had seen the "defense line of doomsday" composed of ten man-made planets. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the power of such a huge ten seat super weapon once it is attacked by fire.

Just now he was just shocked by the knight classification mentioned by the Lord Forbes. In fact, he also knew the truth of the Gershman noble affairs minister.

"Is there anything stronger than the Templars?" David went on.

"You'd better not ask this question. You should know it when you know it!" This time Forbes did not answer directly.

David saw a trace of scruples in the face of the Lord Forbes, as if it were a taboo.

David turned his head and looked out through the transparent window of the starboat. He found that the scenery outside the starboat was very familiar. The red covered star was not the star of war!

"We're at warstar?" He said curiously.

"Yes, we need to transit through warstar to go to the god world, but we don't need to enter warstar!" The Gershman noble affairs minister explained with a smile.

He understood David's curiosity, just as he was when he first came to the interstellar Federation.

It's an indescribable experience to travel through two different worlds.

David can see the "doomsday line" formed by the looming ten man-made planets. The "starboat" is on the other side of warstar.

When the starboat turned to the other side of the star, he saw black and white. Everything in front of him was divided into two worlds by an invisible side. His world was colored, and the other side was black and white.

"Star boat" continued to move towards the black and white world. Just as he passed through the black and white world, David felt that the sky and the earth were spinning.

When his eyes stabilized, he found that it was not black and white, but normal color. Behind them, the world became black and white.

David had a feeling that the extraordinary force in his body had a slight influence after crossing the world, and seemed to be suppressed.

Of course, this kind of suppression has little impact on his strength, almost no impact on his combat effectiveness.

"Arthur, your perception seems to be very sensitive, and you find that strength is suppressed?" Seeing David's expression, Forbes divinity immediately guessed David's thoughts and asked with a smile.

"Yes, but it's not obvious. The impact on strength is very weak." David said to the truth.

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