There is a life sharing contract between the knight and the mount. This contract is one-way. When a knight is injured, he can absorb the life of the mount to treat his injury.

In the battle, once the knight is injured and absorbs the vitality of the flying mount, the flying mount may not be able to fly again, and the knight needs to land on his own.

Although the speed and flexibility of flying mount is better than that of war horse because it can fly, the vitality of flying mount cannot be compared with that of war horse.

After countless years of improvement, after being transformed by the force of blood, the horse has strong vitality, and is almost the best among the extraordinary creatures of the same level.

Although the flying mount has been transformed into an extraordinary creature by the force of blood, its vitality has become the weakness of the flying mount due to its inherent defects.

This is the reason why flying mount can only become the mount of sky knight. The safety and rarity of flying mount determine this rule.

David thought of flying mounts and sky knights in his mind, but his eyes were full of envy. Although he could use exoskeleton armor to fly, how could he compare with his own spiritual flying mount.

The speed that flying mount brings to sky knight is a typical example of advance, attack and retreat.

The huge "star boat" did not land completely, but stopped over the city Lord's house.

Of course, with the size of the "star flying boat", there is no place for the city master's house to dock.

David's curiosity aroused, and the shadow servant flew out. At a distance of 100 meters in the sky, a part of the situation could be seen in the city Lord's house in the distance.

The rear door of the "star boat" was opened, and a carriage flew out of it. Six winged horses pulled the carriage.

The carriage was also an alchemist's carriage. So far away, David couldn't tell which one was better or worse than the other, but the horses that pulled the two carriages were quite different.

Pegasus is one of the extraordinary creatures, and its speed is extremely slow in the flying class of extraordinary creatures.

This is the reason why few sky Knights choose Pegasus as flying mounts. What sky Knights need is those flying at extremely fast speeds. They can't find a flying mount that is similar to the flying speed of sky riders.

However, Pegasus is not useless, instead, it has become the luxury of the top aristocrats. Pulling the alchemy carriage by flying Pegasus is almost the top travel enjoyment of ordinary people.

The sky Knight came down to the Lord's house with the alchemist's carriage, and David seemed to see the city Lord and Charlie through the shadow servant's eyes.

David guessed that this kind of ostentation should have something to do with Charlie. Just think about the attitude of the Lord of Cagle towards Charlie, you can know that Charlie's identity is extraordinary.

He did not continue to observe, etiquette class will begin soon.

In the middle of the etiquette class, David had to interrupt the class because captain Marquez of the city Lord's house arrived.

"Yes, Baron Arthur!" Captain Marquez saluted David respectfully.

Originally, as captain Marquez's Knight of the earth, even if there is a gap in the title, there is no need to show such respect.

However, Captain Marquez did not dare to make a little publicity in front of David, because he saw the bodies of three cult believers. Any one of the three followers of the third level evil god had the same strength as him.

In the face of the strong, the strong man is higher than his title, which makes him show enough respect, which is the respect for the strong.

"Captain Marquez, what can I do for you?" David also asked with a noble salute.

"On behalf of the Lord Kager, I invite you to have lunch at the Lord's house. Someone wants to see you!" Captain Marquez replied with an envious look on his face.

David immediately thought of the Golden Eagle. He didn't have any waves in his heart when he was going to meet a sky knight. He had seen a lot of level four strong men. He had not felt much about level Four for a long time.

However, since the Lord of Kagle invited him, it was not easy for him to refuse. Besides, he did not want to offend a sky knight.

This time, David did not pay attention to the appearance. He called out the substitute horse and rode the horse to the city Lord's house with Captain marquis.

Captain Marquez looked at David's horse. As a knight of the earth, he could feel the particularity of the horse.

For David to have such a horse, he is still very curious, to know that this kind of horse is rare, usually only in the powerful aristocratic family.

Captain Marquez had doubts in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"Baron Arthur!" As soon as he entered the city Lord's house, Charlie was waiting for David in the door. Seeing David, he immediately called.

"See you again, Knight Charlie!" David put up his horse and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry to have caused you trouble this time. I told my uncle about your saving me. My uncle didn't believe it. He might have offended you when he saw you. Please forgive me!" Charlie bowed."Your uncle, is that from above?" David pointed to the huge starboat in the sky.

"Yes, the sky Knight riding the Golden Eagle. He is Baron Blackmore. He came to take me back when he heard that I was in danger!" Charlie said with a wry smile.

"Does Baron Blackmore have any opinion of me?" David still asked.

You know that he saved Charlie, anyway, it was Charlie's savior. Baron Blackmore didn't thank him and shouldn't embarrass him.

"It's mainly because I heard that you are only a formal knight, and you can kill three followers of the third level evil gods. So my uncle thinks that you want to approach me on purpose and have ulterior motives for me!" Charlie shook his head and explained.

In fact, Baron Blackmore's first thought after listening to Charlie and the Lord of Cagle was that Baron Arthur had a problem.

This is a good judgment, because Baron Arthur was only a formal knight, but he easily killed three followers of the third level evil gods.

Charlie's identity is special, so there are often some things against Charlie. Many people want to be close to Charlie in various ways to seek their own interests.

Baron Blackmore thinks that Baron Arthur may be one of them, and that he is the most malicious approach.

Think about it. In order to get close to Charlie, he killed three followers of the third level evil god. He put in such a big cost and asked for a lot.

"But don't worry, uncle will not hurt you, and I will always be by your side!" Seeing that David didn't speak, Charlie thought he was worried, and quickly comforted.

Charlie took David to a drawing room where a young blonde seemed to be only a few years older than Charlie.

However, through the vicissitudes in the eyes of the blonde, David knew that the real age of the blonde was definitely not so young as it seemed.

"Uncle, this is Baron Arthur!" Charlie introduced to Baron Blackmore.

"Baron Arthur, come and sit here!" Baron Blackmore took a step forward and said to David with one hand.

Almost instinctively, David mobilized his whole body, and a hundred thousand kilos of force burst out and stood in front of him.

"The strength is good!" Baron Blackmore felt the obstruction in his hand and said lightly.

His hand then increased strength, and soon suppressed David's strength, and his hand was about to catch David's shoulder.

As soon as David bit his teeth, the power of Titan broke out, and the "Titan pattern" in the soul fortress flashed with light. His strength doubled to 200000 kg.

"Why Baron Blackmore felt that the power in his hand had doubled sharply, and he almost made a fool of him. Fortunately, he controlled the power very skillfully. After feeling the change of David's power, he immediately adjusted his power.

It is impossible for David to let Baron Blackmore hold on to his shoulder, that is, to put his life in the other's hands.

So when he felt that Baron Blackmore's power had increased to 200000 kg, he was shocked and the special power lifting device was turned on. His strength immediately increased by more than ten times to more than two million kilograms.

The sudden increase in strength made Baron Blackmore shake his body.

If it's power, Baron Blackmore has lost.

Baron Blackmore is also quick to react, feeling that if there is no action, this power is enough to make him lose his temper.

You should know that there is a chair behind him. Once you step back, it will probably smash the chair, which is really a disgrace.

Baron Blackmore's spirit swept the ring of space, and then he added a set of Knight's armor. With the addition of Knight's armor, he stabilized his body again.

But Baron Blackmore's eyes were full of surprise, and soon he found out something was wrong with David.

David broke out his strength with all his strength. As a result, many muscles of his body were broken due to severe strain. Although there is treatment for the bone of battle angel, it will take nearly ten seconds to recover.

This time, David broke out two million kilograms of power, and Baron Blackmore used his knight's armor to block the huge force, which also made David bear more strength.

Baron Blackmore also found that David was injured. He stopped his strength and stepped back to open the distance between them.

He just wanted to test David's strength to see if it was a fake by a cult believer in order to get close to Charlie.

Although this possibility is very small, cult believers will not take the lives of three third level evil god believers to approach Charlie, but as long as there is a glimmer of possibility, Baron Blackmore wants to find out.

Just as the strength of the collision, Baron Blackmore understood the strength of David.

We also know why David can kill three followers of the third level evil god alone. It is because of David's own strength and David seems to have an equipment to enhance his power.

Baron Blackmore didn't want to find out what equipment David had. He just needed to know that David was indeed a knight and that David saved Charlie.With David's great power, it is not a problem to kill three followers of the third level evil gods at a certain price.

"I'm sorry, Baron Arthur. Thank you for saving Charlie!" Baron Blackmore bowed to David.

By saying this, Baron Blackmore recognized David and admitted that David had saved Charlie.

"Nothing. I just did something within my ability." David recovered from the pain and waved.

"Baron Arthur, are you all right?" Charlie, seeing David's situation, quickly stepped forward to help him and asked. Charlie turned his head and gave Baron Blackmore a resentful look.

"Baron Arthur didn't get hurt too much. I don't know what kind of equipment he used to enhance his strength. His strength was far beyond his body's ability to bear, which resulted in the injury of strength reversion." Baron Blackmore explained to Charlie.

"I'm fine!" David said with a smile to Charlie.

"Baron Arthur, you'd better use less equipment to enhance your strength, or it will cause permanent damage to your body, which will affect your promotion in the future." Said Baron Blackmore to David.

"I'll pay attention!" David nodded and said.

"I heard that you were promoted to official Knights after more than ten days of enlightenment. It's a waste of such qualifications to stay in Dasheng. I invite you to be guest Secretary of the main family. You can become a knight of the earth in less than three years. As for sky knight, it depends on your efforts. As long as you become the guest Secretary of the family, you don't have to worry about resources. After becoming a sky knight, you don't have to worry And a flying mount will be prepared for you Baron Blackmore, after testing David's strength, said he.

Dasheng star is too remote. The environment for cultivation is not good, not to mention resources.

When Baron Blackmore wanted to come, he said that it was very difficult for David to refuse the proposal. Who didn't want to have a better training environment.

"Baron Blackmore, my family is the Luce family!" David didn't say much, just the name of his family.

Baron Blackmore shook his head helplessly. After hearing the name of the Luce family, he knew that the idea of soliciting was wrong.

The Luce family is an ancient family. No matter how weak the old family is, it will not join another family, even if this family is the top one.

David was also greatly surprised to hear Baron Blackmore's account of the mein family.

Recently, I learned a lot of aristocratic knowledge with ufemia, and heard about the situation of the mein family.

The mein family is one of the Lords of God's big world. It has three administrative stars. Lord Gould, the master of the mein family, is also one of the top powers in the big world.

Families like the Maynes, which have at least one administrative star territory, are, to a certain extent, a small state.

However, no lord dares to establish a country, but in fact, the power is equal to the state. Every territory of the top nobles is equivalent to a principality, and the head of the family is the king.

The owner has the right to decide all matters in the territory, and even the laws in the territory are made by the Maine family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!