"I'll tell him what you said!" David said with a smile.

David found out that the Baroness Alma had no other interest in him, just curious, so he began to talk with her while dancing.

"Why Just as he was dancing with the Baroness Alma, he felt two bad looks. His steps were wrong and he turned around with the Baroness Alma. He just saw the master of the two looks.

David doesn't understand where the other party's malice comes from. In this kind of social dance, the dancing of strangers is a very common social behavior.

This is also a way for nobles to get to know each other. I don't know how these two people are hostile to him because of this.

"Baroness Alma, it seems that your admirers do not like me, and that is the end of our dance." David was not in the mood to play games with these boring nobles, he said, directly relaxing the Baroness Alma.

At the end of the song, the Baroness Alma, hearing David's words, glanced at the Knights Gaines and the Knights of likoc, who met their eyes and immediately understood what had happened.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Said the Baroness Alma, bowing down.

She stepped back gracefully, but turned to the two knights with frost on her face.

For the Baroness Alma, the actions of the two knights made her lose face.

"Baron Arthur, this is Baroness Denise!" Then Charlie came up to introduce him, then turned to Baroness Denise and said, "this is Baron Arthur, my friend!"

"How do you do, Baroness Denise?" David made a standard aristocratic meeting with Baroness Denise.

"Baron Arthur, how do you do?" Baroness Denise returned a lady's gift.

"I left a bottle of good wine over there, and I'll go and have a taste of it!" Charlie asked with a smile.

"Will not delay your business?" David hesitated and asked.

He didn't understand the process of the engagement ceremony, and Charlie himself was not a reliable person, so he had to ask more clearly.

"Baron Arthur, Charlie, it's an excuse to leave, but there's nothing wrong with us in the back!" Before Charlie could speak, Baroness Denise said with a smile.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, David walked aside with Charlie and Baroness Denise. Charlie made a gesture to the maid in front of a wine table. The maid took a bottle of wine from the bottom of the wine table and poured three glasses of wine for the three people.

When he picked up the glass, David could smell that the wine was very light, but also had a sense of fullness. It was a very special taste.

"Baron Arthur, I may trouble you often in the future. I feel very impolite to ask a baron to cook food." Charlie took a sip of red wine and said in an apologetic tone.

In fact, David had already guessed that Lord Gould attached great importance to warm heart lotus seed soup, and he would have to provide some later.

"It goes without saying that we are friends. Even qinya manor is your gift. Cooking some warm lotus seed soup is just a matter of raising your hand." David replied with a smile.

"I'm relieved to say so!" A smile returned to Charlie's face.

He was really worried that getting David to cook warm lotus seed soup would disgust David, which made him hesitant before.

"Well, Baron Arthur, do you have any flying exoskeleton armor?" Asked the Baroness Denise.

Baroness Denise's words made Charlie's smile on his face become embarrassed again. He gave her a gentle push, but she ignored him and looked at David with expectant eyes.

Charlie had some regrets about showing off his flying exoskeleton armor to Baroness Denise. This kind of equipment that can fly alone makes her like it very much. If he didn't insist on it, he would have been taken away.

When David heard the words of Baroness Denise, he noticed that Baroness Denise was not weak. She was close to the strength of the knight of the earth.

He couldn't help but look at Charlie with sympathy. The Baroness was afraid that Charlie couldn't help it!

Charlie also saw the meaning of David's eyes, and wanted to make a tough gesture. However, seeing the expression of Baroness Denise, what he wanted to say was not able to export.

"Baroness Denise, I'm not prepared for your request. I'll go back and check it out!" This is the first time David met with Baroness Denise, but he didn't want to give a gift, so he decided to hold on.

He has some exoskeleton armor, but not many can fly. Only the last one can send people.

"I'll find you!" Baroness Denise did not seem to know what was perfunctory, and immediately responded to David's words.

David speechless looked at Charlie, Charlie shrugged to David, the same expression of helplessness.

On the other side, Ian finds Knights Gaines and Knights likoc, and they leave the reception and go to the side lounge.

David, who is chatting, didn't notice that because he didn't dare to use shadow servers and there were too many people, his sense of danger was reduced to the extreme.

Of course, there are also some arrangements made by the five Lords. There are patterns of disturbing exploration all over the hall. This was originally to reduce the chance of being found by the gods, but David was also weakened by the sense of danger.Charlie and Baroness Denise couldn't accompany David all the time. They were the main characters of today's reception. After chatting with him for a while, they were called away by Baron Blackmore, Charlie's uncle.

David drinks red wine and gets bored again.

"Baron Arthur, why don't you go dancing?" Gilbert sky Knight came to David and asked with a smile.

David took a look at Gilbert sky knight. At this time, the Gilbert sky Knight did not know whether he had drunk red wine or was in a good mood. His face was slightly red and his mood was very excited.

"Gilbert sky knight, you seem to have got what you want?" Instead of answering his question, David asked.

"Yes, I will not go back with you!" The Gilbert sky Knight said this with a greater look on his face, and forced to suppress his excitement.

David knows the meaning of Gilbert sky knight. This is Mayne. To use the portal here, you need a certificate to enter or leave.

In this way, Gilbert sky knight has reached some kind of agreement with the top family. He will leave with a top family and will not return to Bama again.

"Congratulations David said with a smile.

He didn't ask which top family Gilbert sky Knight joined. In fact, he had seen Gilbert sky Knight chatting with the Viscount of Berger's family before, and he could not imagine that it was the Berger family.

Gilbert sky Knights adore Lord Ferdinand so much that joining Lord Ferdinand's family is a blessing.

"Thank Baron Arthur for his help, and I will repay you in the future." Gilbert sky Knight said sincerely.

David smiles and touches the glass with Gilbert sky knight.

Gilbert sky Knight also didn't stay with David much. After he told David about him, he went to meet new friends.

After that, no one came to talk to David again. Baroness Alma, who had come to dance with David, seemed to nod to him from a distance for the sake of his friends.

As time went by, the party came to an end. When the band played a farewell song, all the guests were leaving each other in an orderly manner.

David walked out of the hall. At the door, Charlie and Baroness Denise were seeing off the guests.

"Baron Arthur, I'll see you in a few days!" When Baroness Denise saw David, her eyes lit up. She remembered what she had said before, and said with a slight smile.

"Welcome to visit!" David reluctantly responded.

"Baron Arthur, don't be soft hearted. Ask for a higher price David took a few steps, Charlie came after him, whispered, and ran back to Baroness Denise.

David laughs and shakes his head. The couple must be wonderful in the future.

"Baron Arthur, I have been ordered to guide you!" A steward in the mein family uniform saw David and quickly came over and said.

David didn't think much about it. When he came to the mein family this time, his treatment was really different. No matter whether he came or went, he would be guided by other guests.

The steward led David and knight mark to a small portal, and passed through the small portal to the great portal.

There are several people standing in line at the gate here. The steward trotted past, whispered a few words with the portal staff, and then walked back.

"Baron Arthur, please use the portal first!" The steward said with a respectful gesture.

David was a bit surprised. You know, there are several knights in front who are even higher than him. Isn't this operation offensive to him?

But the steward had already arranged, and he was not easy to refuse. He could only show his apology to those waiting for him, and then he went to the portal.

In fact, the waiting nobles have no opinions about queue jumping. This is the Mayne star, and those who can be arranged to use the portal preferentially here are all closely related to the Mayne family.

David found that the portal staff did not ask him to show the invitation, but made a direct sign to him to pass.

As he stepped into the portal, he felt a palpitation.

"Good bye, Baron Arthur!" Said Ian coldly, standing in the Castle Square watching the guests leave.

Ian, who hasn't been reprimanded for a long time, naturally has no resentment against Lord Gould since he was called "go away" by his Father Lord Gould, but he hates David even more.

What a good chance before, almost let Charlie die outside, so that he became the heir of the mein family.

After all, Ian was not a man who could endure hatred, so he immediately took revenge.

His revenge is also very simple. After seeing that Knights Gaines, knights likoc and David have a grudge, he directly finds out the two knights and makes a request.

The Bari family to which the knight Gaines belongs is a subordinate family of the main family.Some people in the mein family may know Lord Gould's idea, but no one outside the mein family knows. The main thing is that family ugliness should not be publicized. No one in the mein family dares to spread such a thing out.

Therefore, the families outside know only Lord Gould's doting on Ian, even more than the real successor Charlie, which makes some families have a wrong judgment.

Just like the Barry family, the Bari family is a family that manages weapons and equipment. The family has the ability to produce weapons from level 1 to level 4.

You should know that the forging of level 4 weapons and equipment requires master level forgers. No one will let ordinary forge hands on such materials.

The Bari family has no source of raw materials, and the main source is the material supplied to them by the Moin family from warstar, which makes the Bari family rely entirely on the mein family.

Ian's request is also very simple. He has a way to transfer David to Huck, where Barry's family is located. He hopes that the families of the Knights Gaines and the Knights of likoc will keep David in Huck forever.

For Ian's request, the Knights Gaines and the Knights of likoc could not decide. They found their elders again.

I don't know what kind of conditions Ian promised, and the two families agreed to take the move. Of course, the Barry family is the biggest contributor. When they go out of the place, the two sky Knights of the family all go out.

As for the Karni family of likoc knights, a sky knight was sent out to assist.

It can be said that it is absolutely easy for three sky knights to deal with David with only one sky knight.

Among them, Ian's status as the son of Lord played a decisive role, and Baron Arthur, a weak aristocrat, was the reason why the two families did not refuse.

Some sources say that Ian is likely to become the successor of the main family, and even if there is a glimmer of possibility, the two families will not miss this opportunity to please Ian.

As for the story that Baron Arthur saved Charlie, they didn't believe that Charlie cared about an ordinary low-class aristocrat. In addition, if they didn't say it, Ian would not say that he had made friends with Ian and would not let Charlie know.

Ian is more aware of the knight's perception of danger, so he also thought of a solution.

At the same time, David needs to be informed of the purpose of receiving David from Bama.

But the steward himself did not know that the destination was fake. He only thought that the address David needed to return to was Huck star.

This kind of performance can make the steward's mind without any other consciousness, so that David can't find the error of the transmission target.

It can only be said that Ian is very lucky. If he does this, Lord Gould will definitely find out and stop him. Even if Lord Gould doesn't find out, Charlie or others will find out.

However, today's situation is somewhat special. Lord Gould and the four lords talk about important things together, and they are too late to hide. How can they feel outside.

Charlie and the rest of the family had been busy all day, and the end of the party was still going on. Ian was the only one who didn't have time to pay attention to him.

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