It can be seen from the four levels of the knight's death that the Warlock of level 4 is more powerful.

Not to mention the five sky knights, even if there are only two sky knights, it can put great pressure on the two level 4 warlocks. When the five sky Knights form a knight battle array, they can not be resisted by two level 4 warlocks.

The fourth level black robed God yelled, but he retreated with another fourth level black robed God.

They want to use the lives of the rest of the cult believers to slow down the five sky knights, so that they can have time to escape.

"Kill!" The rest of the cult believers did not know what the two four level black robed deities thought. They drank in unison.

Immediately fireballs and ice arrows flew together, mixed with some poisonous needles and so on. The scene of more than 20 cult followers attacking at the same time was very spectacular.

Unfortunately, their opponents were five sky knights who were higher than them. Before fireballs and ice arrows approached, they were blocked by a blood force shield, and the poison needles were blown away by the wind pressure brought by the five sky knights.

The five sky knights rushed into more than 20 evil god believers. At this time, the evil god believers also found that the two four level black robed deities did not attack, and were retreating back to the thorns.

The loss of being abandoned makes them extremely angry, but this anger is useless.

Five level Four Epee swords were transformed into countless Lavender sword lights. The more than 20 followers of evil gods failed to block the charging speed of the five sky knights. Their target was not the cult followers at all, but the two four level black robed deities who wanted to escape.

The five sky knights are not smart enough, but David is in command.

The two four level black robed deities waved their scepters, and the thorns in the corridor withered instantly. The specially cultivated thorns did not block the targeted ability of the fourth level black robed deity.

Just as knights are studying the followers of evil gods, they are also studying everything related to Knights. "Bramble secret arts" is also a kind of commonly used secret arts, which has its own targeted ability.

Only this kind of pertinence ability, also needs the considerable strength to be able to display.

David did not expect that his "secret art of thorns" could not be stopped for a moment. Judging from the speed of the retreat of the two four level black robed deities, we can see that they are good at speed warlocks.

It is no wonder that the followers of the "God of Shadows" naturally have high attainments in the ability to get rid of the enemy in terms of speed.

Although it is impossible for the two level four black robed magistrates to escape under the five sky knights, it is only a matter of time before they can catch up with them, but David does not want the battle to drag on too long.

Now the frequency of attacks on the temple outside is becoming more and more intensive, and the temple is constantly sending out a dull sound, which is the sound that the security pattern is about to be broken. Once the security pattern is broken, David's five sky Knights will meet the three sky knights.

Unless David wants to kill with the three sky knights, it's hard for David to hide the fact that he has five sky Knights under him, which is not an opportunity to be exposed.

Besides, it's not easy to kill three sky knights on flying mounts. They just want to get out of the fight. It's just a matter of an instant.

So David didn't intend to let the two four level black robed deities have a chance to enter the corridor. His mind moved, and the shadow servant appeared in the corridor, and then released the "sonic boom iron beetle" from the call ring.

The five meter long "sonic boom iron beetle" completely sealed the corridor with its bulky body, making two four level black robed deities almost bump into the body of the "sonic boom iron beetle".

"Sonic boomers!" The voices of the first and fourth level black robed deities changed their tune.

Anyone who suddenly sees the legendary Zerg invasion of the main transport insects, up to level 4 of the "sonic boom iron beetle", will be incomparably shocked.

If the level 4 Black robed deity did not know that the "sonic bomb iron beetle" was better, it was because he knew the "sonic explosive iron beetle" that he was even more shocked.

The reason is very simple. The "sonic boomer" has always been an important part of the warfighting forces of the Zerg.

As long as there is a sonic boom beetle, it represents the arrival of hundreds or even thousands of Zerg. In the inner space of the sonic boom beetle, thousands of Zerg can be carried and released at the same time when necessary.

The two four level black robed deities were scared out of their wits, and their hearts were cold.

Even they don't want to fight anymore, waiting to be engulfed by the raging Zerg.

David didn't know what the two four level black robed deities wanted to play on their own. He sent shadow attendants to send out "sonic boom iron beetles" to block the corridor. On the other hand, he was also asking the five sky knights to speed up the speed to solve the two four level black robed deities.

Although the sonic Boomer iron beetle is good at defense, it has no big problem to resist the short-term attack of two fourth level black robed deities. However, the level IV warlock has too many weird abilities, and David doesn't want the sonic blasted iron beetle to suffer too much damage.

What worried David didn't happen. The two four level black robed gods lost their consciousness in the battle, which determined their fate.Of course, when David summoned the five sky knights, the fate of the two four level black robed deities was long overdue.

The five sky Knights passed through more than 20 cult followers. None of them was physically intact. The rapid appearance of shadow guards in that area showed the fate of more than 20 cult followers.

There is no fierce battle, after all-out acceleration of Knight battle, the front mark Knight quickly waved two light purple sword light, two heads flying.

David had some accidents. How could it be so easy to fight? He didn't think how terrible the "sonic boom iron beetle" is in the records of God's great world. The appearance of "sonic boom iron beetle" represents the arrival of hell like nightmare.

The shadow servant flew over and absorbed the souls of the two four level black robed deities.

"Shadow waiter, put away all the things, including the corpses, and recall the five sky knights and the sonic boom beetle!" David ordered in his heart.

The speed of the shadow waiter was very fast. David felt that it flickered several times in several places. The space objects and bodies on the corpse on the ground were collected separately. Then, the five sky knights and the sonic boom iron beetle were also taken back the calling rings.

Just then there was a loud noise from the top of the temple, and David felt that the energy to protect the temple was gone.

He tried to activate "underground prowl." this time, he didn't feel ostracism. His body didn't go underground.

"Ran away!" Lidgate sky Knight first rushed into the hall, he looked at the empty hall and said angrily.

When he wants to come here, it is a temple. Cult believers should stick to the temple and coexist with the temple.

How could he escape before the temple was broken? This is different from the cult believers he met before.

"Search and see if there is any harvest!" Dick sky knight is also a look of disappointment said.

This time, they offended the three nobles and chose to do it by themselves and robbed the task of three young knights.

Although there are reasons why the enemy's strength is too strong, no one is stupid. There are two sky Knights of Baron Arthur. Even if the three sky Knights don't fight, the task will not be completed.

If they can't find the "ancient gods and gods", their attack on the temple is tantamount to making a wedding dress for others.

You know, they made a deal with Baron Arthur. They gave him the credit for breaking the temple so that he could choose not to interfere.

Now the temple is broken, but they get nothing.

"There are traces of fighting here!" Cried Bernard the sky knight in the corridor.

Lidgate sky knight and Dick sky Knight rushed over and saw the thorny fragments in the corridor. They went forward and saw the blood on the ground.

This makes the three sky knights can't help but look at each other. Is it the internal strife among the cult followers?

Because there were no corpses on the ground, they could not see too many fighting traces. The most important thing was that the fighting of the five sky Knights was too simple. They did not use too much strength, so they would not leave any traces.

From the beginning of more than 20 cult followers to the two four level black robed deities, except for 20 cult followers who launched an attack, it became a unilateral massacre of five sky knights.

As for the "bramble secret technique", although it was developed by aristocrats, it is not surprising that this kind of esoteric skill, which does not require the power of blood, has spread to the followers of evil gods.

Most of all, the riders of the sky don't believe that it was the outsiders who did it or they rushed into the temple the first time after the security pattern of the temple was broken, leaving no chance for others.

They also don't believe that anyone can enter the temple when the safety pattern is not broken, unless it is not a human being.

The riders of the sky, lidgate, were right. When David entered the temple, it was not a human state, but an electric light, which made the security pattern not stop him.

"There's a sign of demolition. There should be a portal removed!" Bernal the sky Knight found something new on the other side, he cried.

Disappointment rose in the hearts of the three sky knights. Needless to say, some evil god believers left through the portal. The remaining evil god followers should have demolished the portal. At last, the evil god believers who remained somehow clashed.

"Look again, the evil god believers who took away the portal must not have gone far away!" Said the knight of the sky, in a deep voice.

When the three sky Knights searched, David used the fastest speed to make a rapid progress in the underground. He only got out of the ground thousands of meters away from the temple. He also used "thunder body" to fuse electric light and continue to move forward in the red dust.

It was not until a distance of dozens of kilometers that the "body of thunder light" was released. He asked the shadow attendant to call out the knight mark and the knight garland.

Two sky Knights stood behind David, protecting him as bodyguards.

David made a patrol gesture, he did not want to harvest the public, it is not necessary.As long as he handed over the corpses of the cult followers and the "ancient gods" to the noble Affairs Office, he would be rewarded with corresponding meritorious deeds. Now he said it would probably make the three sky Knights have other thoughts.

David will not use interests to test people's hearts. This kind of great merit can make the family at least three generations not worry about the noble status, which is enough to make the sky Knight do irrational things.

But before that, he still needs to check the harvest.

David calls in the shadow attendant, who holds all the space objects in his arms. This needs to be collected by himself, otherwise his actions will be affected.

There are many space objects. Almost every cult believer has space objects.

Most of the space items are extremely simple space bags. This kind of space bag opened with spirit has always been extremely expensive. It does not mean that this kind of space bag is more popular. On the contrary, this kind of space bag is rarely used by people, and those who can use it are especially rich alchemists.

It is precisely because this kind of space bag is rare, and the consumption object is rich alchemist, so the space bag opened with spirit is extremely expensive.

David's spirit sweeps through these space bags. The spiritual lock on these space bags has long disappeared due to the death of the original owner, so that his spirit can easily enter.

After seeing nearly 20 space bags in a row, he was extremely disappointed by the contents in them.

Some books, some materials, the most important thing is food. But when you think about the environment of Muba, it's easy to understand the food stored in the space bag.

Although there is a living environment within the temple, the temple is so large that it can not produce too much food. At most, it can only help the believers not starve to death, and it is impossible to want delicious food.

When they go out, they buy a lot of food and put them in space bags.

David also saw five spiritual opening space rings, which are believed to be owned by those three-level and above evil god believers.

Inside, he saw some Knights' equipment, presumably their booty, some god gold coins, and some resources for spiritual cultivation, but they still had no effect on David. The spirit of reaching 9 points had no effect on him.

David looks at the last space pendant, which is his last hope. If the "ancient gods" exist, they should be in it.

As his spirit entered the space pendant, he was stunned by the space inside.

To be honest, David has seen a lot of space objects with huge space. The space ring on his hand is huge, but he never thought that the space of a space object would be so large.

Some of the space in this space pendant is like a small world, with tens of kilometers in length and width and 10000 meters in height.

Of course, this space pendant also has conditions for use. It can only be used when the spirit reaches a certain level. In David's perception after use, even the spirit of level 4 sky knight is not enough to open this space pendant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!