David's mind entered the shadow servant's body and was preparing to observe the harvest of the light sphere of knowledge, but unexpectedly he saw a golden spot.

He is very familiar with this golden spot, because there are 95 golden spots in his soul space, and the rest are used by him to revive five level five Templars.

This golden spot is the source of the fifth level soul. With the source of the fifth level soul, there is the foundation of the fifth level soul. In David's soul space, the fifth level soul source can use the soul energy in his soul space to think and analyze like a real soul.

David had not absorbed the spirit of level 5 Templars before, but the two level-5 Templars of Caxton and level 5 of bloom were used by Gladstone, the God of pestilence, with their special "hypnotic" ability, and became puppets of Gladstone, the God of plague.

The shadow servant absorbed the souls of two fifth level Templars, but did not get the source of the fifth level souls. Either they were taken away by Gladstone, the God of plague, or were consumed when making puppets remotely.

David thought that every time he resurrected the level 5 Templars, he would consume his own soul body. However, he did not expect that this was not the case. If he absorbed the spirit energy of level 5 Templars, the level 5 spirit source provided by level 5 Templars could make up for the consumption of David's soul body.

Of course, these five levels of soul source has not yet become David's soul, he ordered the shadow attendant to move the golden light point into his body and into the soul space.

Next, without him to operate, the combat Angel Crystal and the bald man Spirit Crystal automatically took over the work, drawing the golden light spot to the 95 soul sub bodies. Then the 95 soul sub bodies sent out a golden light to connect the golden light spots, and then the light was connected to the battle Angel Crystal.

The process lasted a few minutes, and David felt that he had one more of his ninety-five soul parts, and that the spirit of resurrecting the fifth level Templars of Chloe had returned.

David was very satisfied with this. Although every time he lost his soul, he had a powerful fifth level Templar. However, his ability to think and judge increased a lot because of his soul separation. He didn't want to lose it.

In fact, the fifth level of the paladin of pestilence was controlled by the fifth level of the paladin of pestilence, because the fifth level of the paladin of pestilence was controlled by the fifth level of the paladin of pestilence Ability is not a natural ability of level 5 Templars.

So this time David is very curious about what kind of knowledge photosphere can be obtained. It is very difficult for him to obtain useful knowledge photosphere even if he kills level 4 sky knight.

After experiencing the event of Gladstone, the God of plague, he got the master level Knight ability of level 4 sky Knight trained by five top nobles. It can be said that in terms of Knight skills, he absolutely reached the peak in the secular world.

"Shadow servant, list the light sphere of knowledge gained this time separately!" David said to the shadow attendant.

But he immediately knew that his order was wrong, because he saw a big ball of knowledge moving out of the ocean of knowledge light spheres.

None of the Denise family members who can live in the Denis mainland are weak. At least they all have certain potential and talent, so they can be brought to Denis for cultivation.

Although the Denise family is very powerful, the Knights resources that the Duke can get from official channels are still limited. If you want more Knight resources, you need to obtain them from other places, which is very difficult. As a result, there are not many Knight resources, especially high-level Knight resources.

After innumerable years of reproduction, the Denise family has a large number of clansmen. It is impossible to train all the members of the Denis family. The people who enter the Denis mainland are considered as geniuses in ordinary aristocratic families.

This is related to the blood of the Denis family, which is very important in the god world.

The more powerful the nobles are, the stronger their blood is. Under the influence of their blood, the chances of the emergence of top talents are also very high.

This is why the top nobles of God belong to the big world, as long as they do not fall in the middle of the way, each generation will more or less appear five level Templars.

Almost all the Denise people living near Dennis castle are gifted and have some of the most talented abilities that can be selected from the souls of shadow attendants.

This also made David see tens of thousands of knowledge balls appear in front of him at the same time.

"Shadow servant, take back all life skills and non master combat skills!" David said helplessly.

As a result, there are a lot less knowledge spheres in front of us, but there are more than 50 knowledge spheres left.

Most of them are master level knowledge light balls. Knights have all combat skills. There are also several talent light balls of body strengthening.

Of course, the light bulb of the body strengthening talent has long lost its effect on David at this time. His physical strength is not something that can be further enhanced by this basic reinforcement talent.However, only from the light sphere of knowledge, we can see the details of the real aristocratic family. Among the clansmen, there are more than 40 knights who have mastered the master level fighting skills.

With the talent of body strengthening, this kind of knight is the so-called gifted knight. He is born with a higher starting point and stronger combat power than ordinary knights. David seldom saw this kind of Knight before, and the Dennis family also has several.

Among these knights, there is a certain chance that level 5 Templars will appear among them.

David thought of his own Luce family. If it was not for his shadow service and many special talents and abilities, there was no comparison between the Luce family and the Dennis family. Let alone fighting, the comparison of strength would make him unable to rise.

David didn't want to waste all the knowledge of the fighting class. He gradually integrated into himself in the future. Although he had little improvement on his own strength, he could only do so if he wanted to improve his fighting ability.

David finally turned his eyes to a special light ball of knowledge, which was obtained from the spirit of Augustan fifth level Templars.

"The power of blood purification (talent)" is a special talent knowledge light sphere.

God belongs to the great world legend, each level 5 Templar has its own special talent, but this is rarely recognized by level 5 Templars.

But think about the vast God belongs to the big world, among countless life planets, how many Knights really become level 5 Templars? This view is recognized by many knights.

After seeing the aura of "blood power purification" (talent) provided by Augustus level 5 Templars, David at least confirmed that the Augustan level 5 Templars really had a special talent.

He focused his consciousness on the purification of the power of blood, and soon some information about this talent came to him.

"Blood power purification (talent)" is, to some extent, a cheating device for cultivation. This talent can purify the power of other people's blood, and then import it into one's own blood force.

Auguste's fifth level Templars became level five Templars by virtue of this talent. After understanding his ability, the Denis family used the same level Knight of his family to provide him with blood power during each level of his realm.

It was not until Auguste's fifth level Templar became a fifth level Templars that this "blood power purification (talent)" ability lost its effect.

This is not to say that "blood power purification (talent)" will disappear after reaching level 5 Templars, but the Dennis family is not strong enough to allow the remaining level 5 Templars to provide blood power to Augustus level 5 Templars at the cost of their own blood power.

This "blood power purification (talent)" can only be applied to Knights of the same level. The blood power of high-level or low-level Knights cannot be purified.

David himself was astonished by this talent. From the beginning of practice, his training speed was really very fast. But we should know that he had combat power before he came to the great world of God. Although the direction of cultivation is different, this is the foundation.

He really accelerated his training because he got the energy feather wings of the fighting angel, which greatly increased his energy absorption speed, which was ten times faster than that of the knight of the same level.

David always thought that he was an open-air cultivation, but when he saw the natural ability of Augustus level five Templars, he realized that he underestimated God's natural ability in the big world.

He is now in contact with the top power of God's big world and understands the situation of level 5 Templars.

"It seems that we should pay attention to the cultivation of level 4 sky Knight!" David said to himself.

Previously, David thought that the level 4 sky knight had no effect, so even the level 4 sky Knight's training stopped.

Now he must let the level Four sky Knight continue to practice, and the blood force he needs is what he needs.

In fact, Auguste's "blood power purification (talent)" is powerful, but it has great limitations in actual use.

Auguste level five Templars were found to have the ability of "blood power purification (talent)" when they were practicing as knights. After that, the Denis family attached great importance to it and prepared nearly 100 trainee knights to help him practice.

In just a few days, Augustus fifth level Templars became official knights.

After that, the official Knights arrived at the peak of the official knights in the early stage. With the help of dozens of official knights, they arrived in less than a month.

If it was not for the bottleneck, Augustus level 5 Templars would have created a miracle of cultivation. After a month of bottleneck, he would have been promoted to the knight of the earth.

Even after the bottleneck period, the speed of cultivation of Augustus level five templars is extremely amazing.

During the period of land knights, the Dennis family started the whole clan's power and prepared 20 earth knights for him. This is also the greatest help that the Denise family can provide. At that time, the Denise family was not as strong as it is now.Half a year later, Auguste's fifth level Templar reached the peak of the land knight, and after more than a year's bottleneck, he became a fourth level sky knight.

Before the fourth level sky knight, the cultivation of Augustus level five Templars was a miracle among the top talents.

However, after reaching the level 4 sky knight, the problem arises. It is very difficult for a level 4 sky knight to accelerate the cultivation of augustian level 5 Templar Knight at the cost of influencing his own cultivation.

In the end, only three level Four sky Knights provided blood for Auguste's fifth level Templars. Among the three level Four sky knights, there were his father, and the other two were his father's close friends.

"The power of blood purification (talent)" made Auguste's five level Temple Knight's early training speed extremely fast, but when he reached the fourth level sky knight, it only increased his training speed by about three times.

We should know that level 4 sky knight is the blood power to Augustus level 5 Temple knight, and it is impossible to damage his own foundation. At most, he can only provide the blood power generated by daily training for Auguste level 5 Temple knight to absorb.

Otherwise, the fourth level sky knight can't afford to consume his own blood.

However, the power of blood purification (talent) is a magic skill for David. He now has 15 level 4 sky knights. If you give him some time to collect soul energy, he can increase this number by more than 30.

Although he lost his flying mount, he had no influence on his cultivation. He could be the supplier of his blood power.

"Shadow servant, introduce" the power of blood purification (talent) "into my body David took a long breath and emptied his mind.

"The power of blood purification (talent)" the light sphere of knowledge entered his body, and in his soul space, "the power of blood purification (talent)" was transformed into a complex pattern.

This talent did not make David appear illusory, but the "power of blood purification pattern" in soul space enabled him to master the use of "blood force purification".

David's mind moved, and the shadow servant called out all the fifteen level Four sky knights.

He called in Knight mark, the fourth level sky knight who had followed him for the longest time.

For the first time, David did not intend to purify a lot of blood power at one time. He manipulated Knight mark himself and carefully controlled a stream of blood force to his body.

David's spirit lightly touches the "blood power purification pattern" in the soul space, and a pattern appears in front of him, and the blood force enters this pattern first.

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