With the consent of Captain Norbert, 100 warships protected the starboat.

At this time, it is safe to be near warstar, but there is no security in other parts of the war zone. Air thieves, mercenaries, Zerg, etc. may attack this diplomatic "starboat.".

The interstellar Federation does not want Duke Arthur, the terrifying existence, to use force in the interstellar Federation world. According to the alliance agreement, as long as they are not attacked actively, knights in the great world of God are not allowed to take the initiative to attack any federal citizen in the interstellar Federation.

The flagship of the fleet is a battleship. The huge ship body is close to the starboat. Then a scanning energy sweeps through the hull of the starboat. The process is very slow.

The shield of the starboat has been closed and is completely unguarded, leaving it to be operated by the battleship's flagship.

At the end of the scan, a small landing ship flew out of the flagship of the battle line and came to the side of the "star flying boat".

"My Lord, major general Julian of the Starfleet would like to see you!" Captain Norbert received the message from the small landing ship and bowed for instructions.

"Invite him in!" David nodded in agreement.

Captain Norbert went to meet major general Julian, and soon brought major general Julian in the uniform of a federal major general.

"Thank you for the escort of major general Julian. I need to trouble you for the next journey." David said with a smile and a bow.

He looked at the uniform of major general Julian, and his heart was full of kindness. There was the same uniform in the shadow attendant's space ring, but it was the object of his other identity.

"It's my duty to meet Duke Arthur!" Major general Julian returned a military salute to David. He then continued, "I have brought a message from general Adams. The federal government has reopened your identity bracelet. You can use the identity Bracelet when you are in the union."

David was slightly stunned. When he left the interstellar Federation, his identity bracelet was blocked and all functions were blocked. He kept the identity bracelet, which was just a memorial.

He took out Arthur's identity bracelet from the space pendant. As soon as the identity bracelet was taken out, the information was refreshed on it, and the reminders were opened one by one.

"Thank you to general Adams for me. It means a lot to me." David stopped to look at the identity bracelet and said to major general Julian.

The interstellar Federation has guessed that David has entered the interstellar Federation World this time. Such a powerful level 4 sky Knight came to the interstellar Federation. Before that, two level 4 sky knights and 6 level 3 earth Knights disappeared from the star of war with the help of a certain force.

Naturally, we can understand David's purpose this time. Although understanding is understanding, the interstellar federation can't stop it. We can only make things controllable as far as possible.

Duke Arthur's identity is relatively special. He lived in the Federation since he was a child. Opening his identity bracelet is a kind of show off.

The Intelligence Department of the interstellar Federation analyzed Duke Arthur's intelligence. Although there is not much information from the god world, his growth experience is probably clear.

Duke Arthur is a strong man who likes to use killing to solve problems. In terms of individual combat power, the whole interstellar Federation has no opponent.

Such a strong man must be taken special care of to open his identity bracelet so that major general Julian can contact Duke Arthur.

"Duke Arthur, in order to facilitate communication and avoid trouble, I hope to stay on your starboat for the convenience of the fleet!" Major general Julian asked with a smile.

"Captain Norbert, prepare a guest room for major general Julian!" David didn't refuse. He had just received the benefit. Major general Julian just wanted to stay on the "star boat". It was not a big deal.

"Captain Norbert, please!" Major general Julian said with a smile to captain Norbert that he had not left himself and remained in the main cabin.

His task is to stay with David, obviously is to monitor David, and solve some possible problems for David, so as to reduce the occurrence of trouble.

Both David and Ambassador Kamin understood this. They looked at each other and knew that it was the aftermath of yesterday's battle with the fifth tier Zerg.

Maybe David didn't have the people from the interstellar Federation to follow him, so the federation leaders were not very relieved.

David did not stay in the main cabin. He returned to his room. Major general Julian could not follow him. He had to sit for a while and then go back to his room.

David's room is the most luxurious and largest in the whole starboat, including a separate living room, dining room, bedroom, study and a training room.

Habitually, he came to the training room, where there was a pattern of isolation, making it impossible for the outside to explore here.

David first operated on Arthur's identity bracelet. Previously, Arthur's identity had been cancelled in the interstellar Federation. Now, the identity Bracelet regained shows only temporary identity, with the authority similar to that of the lowest citizen.

It's not surprising that Duke Arthur is not a citizen of the interstellar Federation. He can be granted a temporary identity as a special agent.

With a wave of David's hand, the identity bracelet is put into the space pendant. He recalls the shadow attendant and takes out an identity bracelet from the space ring on the shadow attendant's hand.He put the identity bracelet on his wrist, and after a few seconds of familiar authentication, the identity bracelet was opened.

Just as soon as the identity bracelet was opened, a series of messages came, all of which were overstocked in this year.

David looked at the identity bracelet on his wrist, and suddenly he felt some emotion. This year, he almost forgot his original identity.

The "union God of war", who is famous in the interstellar Federation, has a trillion wealth.

He calmed down and checked his identity bracelet as David.

There are many people who leave messages to David, such as the report of erto fund sent by master Alva every month, the work report of Kerr intelligence organization sent by master Healy every month, and the messages from classmates and friends, which are mostly greetings during festivals.

Emma's last message was ten months ago, which was a continuous concern, and with the time of the message, concern became more urgent.

David shook his head. He knew that Emma probably thought something was wrong with him.

But he couldn't explain anything. He had too many enemies in the interstellar Federation. Especially after he poisoned president Louis, his name was definitely on the blacklist of the federal government.

No matter what President Louis did, the assassination of the president was absolutely forbidden by the interstellar Federation.

David's behavior is not likely to be accepted by the interstellar Federation, which is part of the reason why he incarnates as Arthur, far away from the world.

Even Marshal Andre, who was good to him, could not protect him. Even Marshal Andre wanted to arrest him.

As a general of the military, David assassinated President Louis and left behind a mess for Marshal Andre. It was strange that marshal Andre could be happy.

Although David did this to marshal Andre to solve the enemy, but in fact, with Marshal Andre's prestige in the army, President Louis can only solve it through political means.

However, Grand Marshal Andre chose to let president Louis finish his term smoothly for the sake of the stability of the interstellar Federation.

David sighed and put Emma aside. It was impossible for him to contact Emma for at least a few years. It depends on whether their relationship can withstand the test of time.

It's hard for him to accept a relationship, so whether in the interstellar federation or in God's world, he has never accepted any other woman except Emma's girlfriend.

Shaking his head, David flipped the message on his identity bracelet. He saw Marshal Andre's message.

"David, no matter where you are, don't show up again. I will use my influence to protect your industry. I can't accept what you've done. The day you come back is when I catch you! "

David looked at the message and couldn't help but feel a bit dazed. This is the biggest concession that Grand Marshal Andre could make.

No wonder he left the interstellar Federation for a year, and his industry was not affected at all.

"Thank you. I have a clear conscience for what I have done." David sent a message to marshal Andre.

Later, he sent a message to master Alva and master Healy, confirming their achievements.

Grand Marshal Andre, sitting in his office and looking at the information, felt the slight tremor of his identity bracelet. He could not help but stop what he was doing.

Messages that can be sent directly to his identity bracelet and set as real-time reminders will not be ordinary messages.

Marshal Andre opened the message on his identity bracelet and saw a familiar name. He could not help smiling, but was soon replaced by anger.

"The boy knows the news!" Grand Marshal Andre said in a strange way.

It's no wonder Marshal Andre is angry. He has been sending messages for nearly a year, and then there is a reply. If he didn't know how strong David is, he would have thought David had been killed.

However, Grand Marshal Andre has always been concerned about David's safety and has become more and more worried with the passage of time.

"It's still so hard of words. Do you want to persuade him to come back?" He murmured to himself as he saw David's reply.

After learning that President Louis was poisoned, marshal Andre was really very angry. David's behavior of ignoring the law, especially the act of assassinating the federal president, exceeded his maximum tolerance.

A year has passed, and this kind of anger has almost dissipated. He is more likely to recall the achievements made by David when he was there. David is his most valued younger generation and the military talent he wants to cultivate.

With David's merit and age, in a few decades, David can be promoted to general, preparing for the first military man to take over Grand Marshal Andre.

Of course, these are the ideas of Grand Marshal Andre. Now David still needs to be trained. This young impulse needs to be corrected.

"David, you're still under my direct control. The secret mission has been completed. Come back when you have time. The influence of that matter has passed." Marshal Andre sends a message to David.As marshal Andre, it is almost unimaginable to overturn the previous message.

David on the other side of the news, can not help but fall into memories.

Marshal Andre has done a lot for him, which he knows, and now he has forgiven his wayward behavior.

"I have found a way to become stronger. I will become the real" God of war ", and I will come back invincible David thought about it and replied.

Marshal Andre looked at the news, and his face was puzzled. He knew how strong David was.

The whole union can be more extraordinary than David, perhaps, but not much better.

Transcendence is already the most powerful group of people in the Federation. What is David's so-called way to become stronger?

"Lieutenant Jekyll, check David's identity right now. Where is the bracelet?" Marshal Andre ordered to adjutant kiquill.

Deputy kiquil immediately passed the order to the intelligence unit, and a few minutes later he received a response from the intelligence unit.

"Marshal, David's identity bracelet has a layer of interference. His positioning is constantly jumping between the various planets of the Federation, so he can't be accurately located!" Deputy kiquil reported.

"The boy is still so cautious!" Said Grand Marshal Andrey, shaking his head.

But Grand Marshal Andre was also relieved that David was so cautious that nothing would happen.

"Marshal, is David coming back?" Adjutant Jekyll knew Marshal Andre best, he asked softly.

He knew that marshal Andre often talked about David, and he always looked nostalgic when he said it. Although he was scolding, marshal Andre, as marshal Andre, did not care about David, how could Marshal Andre scold David as marshal Andre.

"He said he was not strong enough. Did he want to fight one army alone?" Marshal Andre said helplessly.

On this day, the soldiers of the command found a rare smile on Marshal Andre's face.

The other two people who received David's message did not reply. Both master Alva and master Healy had a vow contact with David. They knew that David had never been in trouble.

However, when the two masters received the news from David, they were still extremely excited. For a long time, there was no news, which made them more or less worried.

After receiving David's reply, they immediately found support.

In particular, master Alva, who represents David at the erto foundation, oversees a huge industry for David.

Without David's deterrence, he could not have a foothold in the erto fund.

With the intelligence support of master Healy, master Alva is in charge of the trade fairs between warstar and the divine world, as well as the resources obtained from warstar. This is the material basis for worshipping the extraordinary.

Now the erto foundation can have four extraordinary offerings, which is derived from the resources controlled by master alvar, which also makes the four extraordinary offerings indirectly controlled by him.

President Craig of erto foundation dare not fight for this part of the power. At least as long as David is alive, he will not have the courage to do this. This is the deterrent force that David has built up through the lives of countless strong men.

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