David didn't travel in plain clothes when he went to dunl. Although his status as a top aristocrat was still being handled, he still wanted to go to dunr as a new ruler.

This is not to show off, but to stabilize dunl.

It can be imagined that dun'er star has been under the management of the Litton family. Suddenly, it has changed its master and has been managing the management for many years. Although it lacks the lineage of the lyton family, it will also be greatly influenced by the lyton family.

David doesn't want to mess up dunl. It's going to be a lot of trouble.

Butler Dickens offered him the most ceremonious way to go to dunl, and David accepted the offer.

The Lord level StarCraft enters through the huge star level portal in the main city of dunl. When entering, because the Lord level StarCraft is too large, the star level portal stimulates special functions, which is also the ability only those with the highest authority of the star level portal can possess.

The portal of the star level portal is expanded outward to facilitate the access of the Lord level StarCraft.

The nobles and important people of dunl all came to the portal of the main city of dunl, waiting for their new master to arrive.

Their hearts are uneasy, the strong Lipton family suddenly fell out of the ranks of the top aristocrats, dun'er star also changed its master, this accident made them lose their direction.

What's more, from the relevant information, we can know that their new master is an extremely terrible Duke. It is said that thousands of knights died in the hands of the new master. Even many fifth level Templars died at the hands of the new owners.

Tyranny, madness, and bloodsucking are all the characters of the new master, and all the important personnel of dunl are uneasy.

Just as they waited, the star level portal expanded, and the huge Lord class "starboat" flew out and slowly lowered.

The nobility and important personnel here naturally recognized the Lord level "star boat". This level of "star boat" can only be used when the Lord himself travels. Even when duner star originally belongs to the Riton family, the number of times the Lord level "star boat" appears in dunl star is very small.

When the cabin door of the Lord starboat opened, twenty level Four sky Knights stepped out of the cabin door, all wrapped in Lavender class IV knight armor.

On the fourth level Knight's armor, the shadow leopard's insignia is particularly conspicuous, which represents the Luce family which is going to be brilliant.

The top 20 four level sky Knights of the Lord level "star boat" were separated from each other, and they all performed the knight ceremony together.

The clatter of Knights' armor made the whole planet portal quiet, and the people who welcomed David couldn't help but salute.

David was dressed in a black noble robe, and there was not much decoration on his body, but the awe inspiring momentum made some people who wanted to look up could not help but bow their heads.

"No gifts, please." David, at the same time, said a little subdued.

Among the people who welcomed him were two hundred nobles, as well as the governors of the cities of dunl, who were more relaxed, straightened up and looked at their new owners.

David stepped down from the Lord's starboat, followed by Butler Dickens.

After that, another 20 level 4 sky knights in class 4 armor appeared from the cabin door, but their appearance was different from that of level 4 sky Knights before. After they flew out of the cabin door, they summoned flying mounts.

In the twinkling of an eye, there were twenty level Four sky Knights above the main city of dunl.

"I, the owner of the Luce family, the member of the Supreme Council, the owner of gamy and dunl, the Duke and Templar Arthur Luce, have officially accepted dunl. From today on, my words are the laws of dunl, my sword is the enemy of dunl, and my will is the order of dunl!" David said in a deep voice.

All the high places on dunl were stunned, and they made one thing clear from the words of Duke Arthur, who was already a Templar.

Later, some high-level people were surprised. Dunl's fate was doomed when it became the Duchy of Arthur.

The fate of dunl will be firmly bound with Duke Arthur, and the power of Duke Arthur will also drive the prosperity of dunl.

A small number of people who still have the lytons in their hearts have lost hope.

As many as 40 sky knights in the fourth class Knights' armor feel the strength of the Luce family, but this is far less shocking than the impact of Duke Arthur's declaration that he is a Templar.

Duke Arthur, the fourth level sky knight, forced the Leighton family to unite with twenty-two top nobles to fight against it. In the end, he failed and lost his title and territory.

Now, Duke Arthur of the fifth level Templars, is the weakened lyton family still an opponent?

David's spirit covered the area of 1000 meters, where all the mood changes were taken in his heart and recorded one by one.

Through the "star boat" of the Lord level, 40 sky knights in the armour of level 4 knights, and declaring himself to be Knights of the temple, he put pressure on these people on dunl again and again, and disintegrated the invincible impression of the Litton family for a long time.Of course, David also understood that the longtime rule of the Litton family had brought an indelible mark on dunl, and his arrival alone was not enough to completely eliminate the mark.

"See the distinguished Duke of Arthur The wise man has bowed down again.

Then more and more people bowed down, and the name of Duke Arthur resounded over the city.

David bowed slightly, then waved to everyone.

"Dun'er star has perfect agricultural, industrial and commercial operation modes, and has trade relations with dozens of top nobles. This will not change. Dun'er will welcome anyone to come, and I will maintain the commercial atmosphere of dun'er.

At the same time, each year from 200 noble young knights, choose the best number of names, they will be eligible to go to war star, and get the corresponding resource supply, the Luce family will also accept the knight with the strength to become the family knight, enjoy the same treatment as the top noble family Knight! " David went on.

The operation mode of dun'er star has been fixed for a long time, and David has no intention to change anything at all. In order to give full play to dun'er star's best efficiency, the Riton family has designed a set of perfect operation mode for dun'er star.

This mode of operation has been improved for many years, and it has long integrated the upper and lower parts of dunl.

As long as there is no active damage from foreign enemies, dun'er, with this set of operation mode, will continue to operate stably, bringing huge wealth and resources to David.

David kept the original operation mode of dunl, which made the managers of all cities on the scene breathe a sigh of relief. They had worried that the new host would block dunl and become a private planet without communication with the outside world.

The aristocrats of dunl were originally affiliated families of the Litton family. After dunl was transferred to David, these nobles also became the subordinate families of David.

The aristocrats of dunl are very special. Their existence is the intention of the Litton family. When they first got dunl, they expelled all the lower nobles on dunl, and then filled them with the nobles who accepted the subordinate conditions.

At the same time, the Litton family constantly gathered the fallen nobles to dunl star, and became the low-level aristocrats of dun'er and the subordinate families of the Litton family.

The 200 lower aristocrats of dunl became the base of the Layton family's knights of other surnames. This kind of knights cultivated by themselves are more reliable than those who don't know their roots.

Naturally, David would not let go of the 200 low-level nobles. He was the only aristocrat in the Luce family, and he was the only real knight left.

The rest of the Knights are unknown to outsiders. He knows that they are all knights who have been resurrected. There is no problem in terms of fighting, but in terms of other aspects, it is far from being compared with real knights.

As long as David wants to stay in the God's world, he needs a large number of knights to join the Luce family to protect his growing property.

In the past, his plan was to return to the interstellar Federation after becoming a level 5 Templar, but he found that once he left God's world, his growth might stay on the level 5 Templar forever.

Maybe it's hard to break through level 5 Templars and reach a new level in the divine world.

Can leave God belongs to the big world, return to the interstellar Federation, even a glimmer of hope.

In the interstellar Federation, he must be absolutely invincible, but that kind of Invincible is the strength of forever no inch advance.

If David was about 100 years old, he might consider returning to the interstellar Federation, but he was still young and had been practicing rapidly. He didn't want to stop.

Because of this, he needs to build a stable family in the God's big world, which will take a long time before, but with dunl, it will not take him too long.

The greatest advantage of dunl knight is that its root is in dunl. The knight's parents and relatives are the fetters of the knight, which makes it difficult for the knight to betray David.

This is what the Litton family did before, in order to obtain a large number of loyal knights.

David's announcement of the decision on Knights also settled the hearts of 200 representatives of low-grade aristocrats. Maybe they will get more opportunities with David.

The atmosphere at the scene eased a lot, and David's decision gave most people new hope.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Butler Dickens, my plenipotentiary. Please cooperate with him!" David introduced the Deakins Butler to the public.

Although Dickens is only a housekeeper, but as the housekeeper of Duke Arthur, no one dares to look down on him.

In the aristocratic circle, the identity of housekeeper is closely related to that of aristocracy, especially the housekeeper of the family, who can almost represent the aristocracy to a certain extent.

"Your castle is ready for you, my Lord Arthur." A Laozi Jue stepped forward and said.

"It's Viscount Antonio. Can you please take me there?" David glanced at the corner of Laozi's coat and recognized him immediately.

Viscount Antonio is one of the nobles in dun'er. His blood comes from the declining top nobles. Although he is only a Viscount now, he has a high reputation in dun'er.Before David came, he knew about dunl and tried to win over Viscount Antonio.

"It's my pleasure!" Viscount Antonio was very pleased in his heart and said with a bow.

"Steward Dickens, you stay first. Here are twenty sky Knights under your command." David turned and said to Butler Dickens.

"Yes, master!" Housekeeper Dickens knew that David wanted him to stay to communicate with these people, and the 20 sky Knights gave him command, which was very grateful for his safety.

A fourth level sky Knight descends from the sky, takes out an alchemy carriage from the space ring and opens the door for David.

"Viscount Antonio, come up!" David was not polite. He got on the alchemy carriage and said to Viscount Antonio.

Viscount Antonio, or all the 200 nobles here, is not equal to David, but subordinate.

So David needs to show the right level of superiority and inferiority, which is also part of aristocratic etiquette.

Viscount Antonio bowed to thank him. He boarded the alchemy carriage and sat opposite David. He made a little way to the side to show his respect.

"Viscount Antonio, I know that some people in dunl are not satisfied with my control. You have a good reputation in dunl, so I will give you certain power to deal with these people. You can handle these people by means of coordination or coercion. I just need to see the results!" David said faintly.

"Don't worry, my Lord. I will do my best." Said Viscount Antonio, bowing.

Viscount Antonio is very clear that this is the test of Duke Arthur. Whether he can make his family go further and let him gain higher power in dunl depends on his later ability to act.

From the moment Viscount Antonio took the initiative to stand up, he expressed his loyal attitude.

It was for this reason that David put Viscount Antonio in important position. In the end, he was the first nobleman to express his loyalty to him.

"In a month, I need to see the results. If you can't achieve it, then I will clean up these people directly. It seems that some people forget that dunl is my territory!" David went on.

"Yes, my Lord!" Viscount Antonio hesitated slightly. He felt that the time was a little tight, but he still responded quickly.

"In a month's time, I will hold a grand reception here, not only for the Templars' reception, but also for my becoming a top aristocrat!" Seeing Viscount Antonio's attitude, David said the reason with a smile.

Viscount Antonio's eyes brightened, the Luce family will become the top aristocrat, then the Luce family will have the resource share of the top aristocrats.

Everyone knows that the Luce family has few knights. Although there are 40 sky Knights today, the resources consumed by those knights are not the same as those of the nobles on dunl.

They need more resources from official knights and land knights, as well as places to go to warstar, and various Knight inheritance.

Viscount Antonio thought about how much good the news would bring to his family, and his motivation also increased a lot.

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