"Welcome the host!" Butler Dickens and housekeeper Geoffrey waited at the Lord's castle gate and bowed to David who had fallen from the air.

"How are you getting ready?" David waved the two housekeepers up and asked as he walked into the castle.

Deakins housekeeper and Jeffrey housekeeper are more powerful than before.

David didn't care about their changes. The two housekeepers were attached to him, and their momentum was just borrowed from his.

"Master, everything is ready, only the red wine is waiting for you to prepare yourself!" Answered the Butler, as he walked.

"The red wine is here, and the" warm heart lotus seed soup "and some prepared dishes are here, enough for the party!" David took out a space ring and handed it over.

David has been able to allocate a lot more time since he had the energy split.

The grapes planted by gamisin have been mature for a long time, and they have been collected. In the past 20 days, the company has started large-scale brewing work, and a large number of red wine has been brewed.

Energy body has the ability of "cooking master" of noumenon. It is also a master level wine maker. In addition, it has a small amount of vitality. The red wine brewed by energy body is no different from that made by noumenon.

In addition to the "warm heart lotus seed soup" provided to Lord Gould, there was still a surplus for him to use in the reception.

Even because he had enough time, David used his energy to "cook" enough food by choosing the ingredients of gamisin.

Butler Dickens carefully took over the space ring. He understood the value of the space ring in his hand. It was all made by Lord Arthur himself.

Walking into the castle, David saw that there were a lot of decorations in the castle, especially the decoration of a large number of Heraldry and flags, which made the Lord's Castle completely irrelevant to the previous lyton family.

From every small detail, it shows the carefulness of Deakins and Geoffrey.

David didn't spend much energy on the layout of the castle, but he also knew that among the items compensated by more than 20 top nobles, there were a large number of Castle decorations and works of art.

In addition to the original decorations in the Lord's castle, the rest are compensation.

In order to calm David's anger, the top nobles not only returned the stolen artworks, but also compensated more works of art.

Therefore, the decoration of the Lord's castle in the main city of dunr is comparable to that of any top nobleman's castle. At least, it is not disrespectful to hold a Knights Templar reception.

David looked with satisfaction as he walked.

Seeing the satisfied look on the master's face, the two housekeepers also gave a long sigh of relief. They paid much attention to the layout of the castle.

Of course, among them, Jeffrey housekeeper contributed the most. Although the Butler Dickens was a grand Butler, he did not have the experience of managing the top aristocratic castles, which was just compensated by Jeffrey housekeeper.

"Master, up to now, 43 followers of evil gods have been found out in dun'er, and some businesses related to them have been handed over to the earth temple and the justice temple. There are also some deities in the earth temple and the justice Temple who have been involved in cleaning up the cult believers." Deakins housekeeper bows to report.

In addition to the main city of dun'er star, the investigation of other cities has begun, and a large amount of information needs to be investigated. It is also true that the 200 aristocrats of duner star had their own intelligence personnel.

In the event of such a great event concerning dunr, these nobles took the initiative to find out the followers of evil gods.

With the participation of these local snakes, there will be no small achievements in a short period of time.

David killed the fifth Archbishop of Cameron, and his influence was very great. Originally, there were some people on dunl who had illusions about the lyton family, and imagined that one day the lytons would return to dunl.

All this was shaken by the killing of the fifth Archbishop of Cameron. Some people who did not know who the fifth bishop of Cameron was, under the propaganda of the temple, understood the power of Lord Arthur.

"In the future, I will give you a batch of red wine and" warm heart lotus seed soup ". In the future, if you have similar things, you will directly send a thank you gift!" David nodded and said.

"Yes, master!" Butler Dickens responded with some excitement.

With the red wine produced by gamisin and the "warm heart lotus seed soup" of level 5 Templars, his influence as a housekeeper will increase a lot.

Some time ago, Duke Bertram, who was formerly the steward of Dickens, came to visit him in person. The proud and irascible Duke expressed his apology to the Butler in a low attitude and sent him a generous gift.

However, today's butler Dickens didn't care about Duke Bertram's banishment. Without the Duke of Bertram driving him out of the family, how could he have the chance to become Lord Arthur's housekeeper and hold amazing power.

After accepting the Duke of Bertram's apology, Deakins housekeeper is more loyal to Lord Arthur, which is all given by Lord Arthur."In the future, I will leave the energy body in this castle. The energy body will not participate in the family affairs. Only when we encounter a strong enemy, the energy body will take action!" David thought about it and said in a deep voice.

"Master, that's wonderful!" Butler Dickens and housekeeper Geoffrey looked at each other in surprise, they said in unison.

If you want to say what's wrong with today's dun'er star, it's natural that it needs a level five strong person who can sit in the town.

Dunl's current combat power is very strong. In addition to the 40 level-4 sky Knights owned by Lord Arthur, there are more than a dozen level-4 sky knights that can be used. In addition, there are a large number of level-3 earth knights. In terms of combat power, dunl is already very strong compared with ordinary planets.

The weak people did not dare to fight against dunl, and no nobleman dared to do things in dunl on the premise of offending Lord Arthur.

Those who dare to fight against Lord Arthur are at least level five strong. Dunl can't deal with this kind of strong man.

Just like the last time the fifth level bishop of Cameron, one person stirred up the main city of dunl. If the fourth level sky Knights did not react in time and formed a cavalry battle to protect themselves, there might not be many level Four sky knights who could survive at this time.

The lack of level five strongmen in dunl makes the level five strong people who want to do business in dunl have scruples.

David laughs. He wanted to leave his energy body behind, but after discovering that the energy body can change his appearance at will, he has a new idea.

Before he had no energy separation, even if he left the same energy body as his appearance, people would find the problem of energy separation.

But now David has his own energy sub body. Who will find out whether the energy sub body left is really his own.

The reason why he doesn't leave his own energy is because his power is too strong, and it can play a more important role in his side.

David stayed in the Lord's castle, and with his arrival, the main city of dunl began to be lively.

The custom-made heraldry flag has been hanging in every important position of the main city.

Every street in the main city, the first building is carefully cleaned and decorated with decorations only for major festivals.

The residents and tourists in this environment feel the celebration of the city. Although the formal reception of Knights Templar has not started yet, the atmosphere of joy has opened in the city.

It was still the main hall with twelve statues, but the number of bishops of the fifth order increased to eight.

"Kingsley, Bunian, and you Jeffers, did you encourage Cameron to assassinate Lord Arthur alone?" Asked the fifth bishop of Buford, with a chill in his eyes.

The fifth bishop of Buford is also a believer in the God of shadow. He is one of the three fifth level bishops who believe in the God of shadow. Now after the fall of the fifth level bishop of Cameron, there are only two fifth level bishops left.

The fury of the fifth bishop of Buford was not only due to the reduced influence of the God of shadow in the twilight of the gods, but also the loss of the artifact, the shadow of darkness.

It's a artifact made by the God of shadow and has a terrifying effect.

The effect of using the artifact "dark shadow" to activate the "shadow of Yin" divinity is not only without consumption, but also quite different from that of the fifth level bishop himself.

There is a limit to the time for the fifth level bishop to use the "shadow of Yin" divinity to enter the shadow space. However, the "shadow of Yin" divinity solidified in the artifact "dark shadow" was painted by the God of shadow himself. After using it, as long as he does not take the initiative to withdraw, he can stay in the shadow space.

Nowadays, the loss of the artifact "dark shadow" has caused great losses to the shadow God faction. In any case, we must retrieve the artifact "dark shadow".

"Buford, Cameron is not a child, we have given enough benefits, he thinks he can complete the assassination will go, what does this have to do with us!" The male and female voices of the fifth bishop of Kingsley rang out, full of sarcasm.

The fall of Carmelo V, the most powerful bishop of the shadow God faction, made Kingsley's fifth level bishop less worried about the shadow God faction, especially the loss of the artifact "dark shadow", which made the biggest threat of the shadow God faction lost.

You should know that in the "twilight of the gods", the artifact of "dark shadow" is also a terrifying artifact.

"Kingsley, let's see if you are better at evil spirit or my shadow magic!" The fifth bishop of Buford flashed a fierce look in his eyes, and the magic light in his hand flashed. His figure began to fade slowly, ready to enter the shadow space.

"All right, this is the" twilight of the gods "hall An explosive voice sounded in the hall, speaking of the fifth Archbishop of einside.

The fifth level bishop of einside believes in the God of fire and is one of the top five level bishops of the "twilight of the gods". His fighting power is extremely strong.

The most important thing is that the divinity of the God of fire belongs to the basic rule divinity, which is one of the most powerful divinities. Even in the ancient times of gods, the God of fire was also a powerful existence among gods.When the voice of the fifth Archbishop of einside sounded, a fire red sound wave spread outward, interrupting the "shadow of the shadow" divinity that the fifth level bishop of Buford was performing to enter the shadow space.

"Cameron didn't die in vain. He personally proved the power of Lord Arthur. If you want to kill Lord Arthur, you must set a trap and not act alone!" The fifth Archbishop of einside said in a deep voice as he looked at the Cardinals.

"I demand that all resources be mobilized to deal with Lord Arthur The fifth bishop of Buford applied.

There are many channels hidden in the "twilight of gods". Evil organizations, which have experienced thousands of years, have infiltrated all over the great world of gods.

These partners formed by coercion and inducement are either in the hands of the gods at dusk, or in the hands of a fifth order bishop.

On weekdays, most of these resources will not be used, they are hidden and will only be activated when necessary.

What the fifth bishop of Buford proposed was to mobilize all available resources and use more effective ways to deal with Lord Arthur.

"Lord Arthur's presence threatens the" twilight of the gods. "I agree to mobilize all available resources The fifth Archbishop of einside first agreed.

A fifth level Lord agreed one after another, and they also realized that Lord Arthur was terrible.

Lord Arthur's most terrifying thing is the possibility of future growth. Today's Lord Arthur can kill the fifth level bishop of Cameron. Then, with the life span of God as the fifth level Templar in the great world, Lord Arthur still has hundreds of years to grow slowly.

At present, two fifth level bishops have already died at their hands in "twilight of the gods". If "twilight of the gods" does not respond and gives Lord Arthur some time to grow up, he will not be able to threaten Lord Arthur.

The original plan was to use the information of the Litton family to lay a trap. In the fear of the fifth level bishops, they changed to mobilize all resources at all costs.

At the end of the discussion in the main hall, the fifth bishop of Buford severely swept the fifth bishop of Kingsley, the fifth bishop of Bunian and the fifth bishop of Jeffers, thinking of revenge.

The three fifth level bishops also understood what the fifth order bishop of Buford thought. They exchanged eyes, and in a short time they exchanged breath with each other and formed an alliance.

The fifth Archbishop of einside and the other five bishops saw the confrontation between the two sides. Among them, some gloated, some ignored, some were interested, and even more wanted to take advantage of the situation, but they did not mediate for both sides.

There is no real unity within the "twilight of the gods". They just get together to report and warm up. When there is a common enemy, they can unite with each other, but they are on guard against each other.

Every bishop of the fifth level here is a cruel man with black hands. In the process of growing up, he has gone through innumerable intrigues and designed many opponents before he can get to this stage.

Of course, the most important thing is that the behavior of these fifth level bishops was influenced by the gods they believed in to a certain extent, which also made their character extremely confused.

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