This unknown planet, the surface of the planet constantly collapses inward. The space vortex on the divine pattern array seems to be able to swallow everything. No matter what material is close to it, it will be stirred into dust.

The guardian star Dexter level 5 Templar is practicing. Suddenly, he feels the energy becomes violent. With his level 5 Templar's strength, he can't control the energy and smoothly lead it into the body.

Fortunately, Dexter has rich experience in level 5 Templars. He forcibly interrupts his practice. Although there will be some repercussions in this way, he will not be able to practice for at least 10 days. However, if the fury energy enters the body, the harm will be even greater.

Dexter level 5 Templar opens his eyes, and the first thing he does is activate the energy probe array.

On the energy exploration array, the dazzling red is flashing.

"Dexter, we're in trouble!" The voice of Nelson's fifth level Templars penetrated through the training room and came in through the power of blood.

Nelson's fifth level Templar is another guard star guard Templar, who was on patrol just now.

"Nelson, I almost got hurt in the energy riot. What's the matter?" Dexter level five Templars opened the door of the training room and saw Nelson's level 5 Templar's energy split. He asked.

"There is a strong space energy response in the middle of the chaotic star field, either a space explosion or someone is deliberately destroying the space!" Nelson's fifth level Templar's energy split replies.

Dexter level five Templars were also anxious.

However, when he did not know anything about it, he could not report it. Leaving their two fifth level Templars here was to let them solve their problems.

The two level five Templars can't solve the problems. After reporting to the Supreme Council, it also needs time to gather people and organize stronger combat forces. These are not things that can be done in a short time.

Such a large-scale operation requires accurate intelligence support, which cannot be decided by the perception and speculation of the two level 5 Templars.

Dexter level five Templars soared into the sky at the fastest speed, and came to the sky. He saw Nelson's fifth level Templar who was observing the distance.

Coming into space, without the influence of the atmosphere, Dexter level 5 Templars have a clearer sense of the fury of space energy.

The Knights of Dexter V and Nelson V looked at each other, and both saw fear in each other's eyes.

Although they didn't perceive such a scale of space energy fury before, they could imagine the consequences of such a space energy fury.

Every independent world has the protection of space. If the life outside the world wants to enter, it needs to break the barrier of space.

However, how can space barriers be broken so easily? The latest one was broken, or was it caused by the intersection of the three worlds: the god world, the interstellar Federation World and the Zerg world.

At that time, the three worlds intersected, and although the space barrier was broken, it also formed a common warstar.

However, after suffering the crazy attack of Zerg, the great sacrifice of God belongs to the big world and adds a space barrier between warstar and God world by using the power of gods.

This space barrier protects the god world to a certain extent, so a large area of the interstellar Federation has been eroded by the Zerg, but the god world has little influence, because of this space barrier.

Only small-scale Zerg can pass through this space barrier. Once the scale of Zerg is large, it will be blocked by that space barrier.

This space barrier allows the Zerg to focus on the interstellar Federation world. Gods with little defensive power belong to the big world, but they don't have much combat power to defend.

The unknown planet, or this is not a planet any more. The divine pattern array created by the God absorbed a lot of space energy and became a space energy group.

This space energy cluster is extremely unstable. Every time the space energy cluster flashes, it will cause chaos in the God's big world, and the space barrier in the star region will be affected.

The space energy cluster is still swallowing the space energy, and the planet has disappeared for a long time, all of which have become the nourishment of the space energy group.

The purpose of this divine pattern array is to continuously absorb the space energy, and finally use the space energy to break through the space barrier and open a window on the space barrier.

This is the preparation made by the twelve ancient gods tens of thousands of years ago. For this divine pattern array, the twelve ancient gods have made contributions.

Some of the twelve ancient gods took out the materials of their gods, some of them took out the corresponding knowledge, and some participated in the making.

It is almost impossible to make the divine pattern array a second time, because there are too many materials without a second copy, not to mention that the corresponding knowledge is in the hands of different ancient gods. Unless the ancient gods join hands and find the corresponding materials, there will never be a second such divine pattern array.

The space energy cluster is becoming larger and more unstable, and the space barrier of God's big world is shaking.

In the Zerg world, a beetle with a body height of 20 meters and covered with pure white armor is lying on the ground. This is a "space beetle", a class 5 space class.The two slender whiskers on the head of the beetle suddenly began to vibrate, and the eyes of the resting beetle opened.

The "space beetle" was puzzled at first, but its sensitivity to space made it quickly discover the space energy explosion in the distant places.

If other races discover the space energy explosion of the unknown world, what they need to do is not to connect, but to explore the situation of the unknown world first.

But Zerg is special. Zerg don't care about war, they don't care about death.

In the concept of Zerg, only Zerg attack others. No one can attack Zerg. Only a large number of Zerg can destroy all enemies.

The response of the "space beetle" is the normal response of the Zerg. It activates the space energy in the body and actively connects with the space energy frenzy in the remote unknown world.

Without the participation of the "space beetle", this space energy frenzy of God's big world will break the space barrier and connect it to any world randomly.

The world can be weak or powerful.

With the participation of the space beetle, everything is different. After a little connection with the wild space energy of the unknown world, the space beetle activates a talent pattern from soul space.

In front of the "space beetle", a white pattern appears. This pattern is a coordinate, a coordinate that allows the violent space energy to find the direction.

Two level five Templars use their energy to separate themselves to drive the "star boat" and fly to the space energy riot area at full speed.

Their noumenon cannot leave the guardian star. Their main task is to protect the warstar as the first barrier to the god world.

When the "starboat" is added to full speed, it can reach the highest speed regardless of any cost. As for the maintenance of the "star boat", it is not considered by the two level 5 Templars at this time.

One and a half days of sailing, the "star boat" only took one day to arrive.

Both Dexter and Nelson knights were stunned when they saw the star field where the space energy group was located.

They remember that there is a planet here, but there is no planet in this position. There is only a huge space energy cluster left. This space energy group rubs with space and makes a terrible explosion sound.

The two level 5 Templars, not to mention coming forward to stop them, are likely to be inhaled by the space energy group even if they are a little closer.

"Report now!" Dexter's fifth level Templar's Energy said in a deep voice.

On the guardian star, two level five Templar Knights have taken out the contact array and contacted speaker Gould.

The affairs of zhenshou star belong to the Supreme Council. In ordinary times, the affairs of the Supreme Council are organized by the speaker.

"Knights of Dexter Templar, is there something wrong with the guardian star?" Speaker Gould was surprised and asked in a hurry when he received a contact request from Dexter level five Templars.

It is very important to guard the star, which is the gateway of God to the great world.

Speaker Gould has just become the speaker of the Supreme Council. It is just when he is ready to show his skills. The contact request of Dexter's five level Templars makes him nervous and excited.

Speaker Gould did not want to have an accident, but also wanted to do something important.

"Speaker Gould, there is nothing wrong with guarding the star, but in the chaotic star region, there is a space energy riot, which is very likely to make the space barrier loopholes in the god world!" Dexter level five Templars report truthfully.

"What?" Speaker Gould was taken aback.

Space energy riots rarely occur, but there are corresponding records in recorded books.

Every time the space energy riot, the light will be the space shock, the heavy will appear the space crack.

For the space creatures wandering in the outer space, any space crack may become their food. At that time, God's big world will have to face the powerful and terrifying space creatures.

It's still the best result, and the space energy riots can even create a space channel connecting two different worlds.

"Our energy incarnation is already on the scene, and I can share with you what happened there!" Dexter five Templars said as he operated.

Dexter level five Templars use their own energy to separate themselves. They receive the scenes they see through the body and transmit them to the contact array, so that speaker Gould in the distance can see the situation of the space energy group.

When speaker Gould saw the huge space energy group, he felt helpless. Such a large space energy group was not man-made and could not be destroyed.

When speaker Gould was shocked, the shared picture suddenly changed, and the energy of space turned into a space gate.

The space door is round, with a diameter of 20 meters.

"Lock the space door immediately and the Supreme Council will support you as soon as possible!" Said speaker Gould in a loud voice.

Such a large space door is enough for any creature with a body less than 20 meters to enter. Speaker Gould must know what is on the other side, what kind of creatures are there, and whether there is hostility.However, speaker Gould was a little relieved that the energy of the two level 5 Templars was in the scene, which could at least block the space door.

In the Zerg world, a 20 meter diameter space door appears in front of the "space beetle". It can even see the dark space of another world through the space door.

The reason why the space gate of God's big world is directly connected with the Zerg world, forming a relatively stable space gate. This is the innate ability of level 5 Zerg "space beetle".

The "space beetle" does not know where the world is on the other side. It makes a chirp in the distance.

Soon after, a group of "iron winged bats" came from a distance. There were 100 iron winged bats. They were extremely afraid of the "Space Beetles", but they had to follow the orders of the "Space Beetles".

"Space beetle" orders, this group of "iron wing bat" fly to the space door.

The "iron winged bat" has only two levels, but they are flying Zerg. They have a great advantage in speed and are one of the best exploration Zerg.

"Space beetle" puts a space observation eye on the head of the "iron winged bat insect," which flies into the space door.

"Zerg!" When the Knights of Dexter level 5 saw the "iron winged bat insect", they immediately uttered a cry of surprise.

The Knights of Nelson are five points faster than the Knights of dercester.

Between the two breaths, a hundred "iron winged bat insects" were killed instantly.

However, Nelson's fifth level Templar was not happy at all. He saw the space observation eye of one of the "iron winged bat insects".

At this moment, the Knights of Nelson and Dexter understood the world opposite the space door, which was the last world they wanted to connect.

On the other side of the space gate, the space beetle can see two levels of five level Templar energy separation through space observation, and understand what the world is opposite.

The space beetle was delighted to send waves of its discovery to the distant "mother emperor", and at the same time, it issued orders to the Zerg in its control area.

Countless Zerg, one, two, three, four Zerg all appear, they crazy toward the space door.

This team of Zerg is almost endless, with the supply of God of war. There are more Zerg in the Zerg world than you can imagine.

Now they finally have a place to use. Under the command of the "space beetle", these Zerg are all rushing into the new world crazily.

The space beetle doesn't want to wait. It knows the importance of this space gate. It also knows that once the god world responds and sends out a lot of fighting force to block the space gate, it will be difficult for the Zerg to enter the god world again.

Therefore, the "space beetle" can only mobilize the Zerg in its territory without the command of the "mother emperor" in order to occupy the space gate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!