A military armored floating vehicle flies into the sky. The red substance in the sky has not dissipated, but according to experience, the gap period of Battlestar is about to begin.

David's energy split body sitting in the armored suspension vehicle, listening to the roar of the armored vehicle's engine. Having not experienced this feeling for a long time, he could not help but think of the scene of entering warstar for the first time.

At that time, he was only a Oracle, and he did not expect that in just two years, he would become the existence of all the strong men in the interstellar Federation.

If David only wants to enjoy life, he can return to the interstellar Federation, even if he does not reveal his strength, he can live a carefree life relying on his previous foundation.

Only after seeing the real side of the world, where would he be willing to be ordinary.

It is this kind of unwillingness to be ordinary that makes him cross the world and go to the God's world, which is still unknown at that time, in pursuit of a stronger future.

Along with David's energy, there are admiral Adams and four military greats.

Awed by the unintentional power of their energy bodies, the four military men sat quietly and restrained in the farthest position from David.

Only general Adams was sitting opposite David's energy body, but David did not take the initiative to speak, and general Adams did not want to disturb David.

David ignored the atmosphere inside the APC. His eyes looked at the red material in the sky, which was thinning.

At the same time, he feels that there are three levels of five breath coming from the distance, which is the energy of the fifth level Zerg.

David didn't have to guess. He knew that marshal Andre must have come to warstar.

As for how to leak out, it's easy to understand. Zerg with special talent for bewitching can do it. There are always bewitched humans on the front line of human battlefield.

These humans usually look the same as normal human beings. Only when important information appears, can the demagogues be activated.

As long as the human brain has no spiritual talent, once the demagogues start, all the spirit can only transmit information once, and the brain will die.

However, humans with spiritual talent are hard to be bewitched to succeed. Therefore, the successful humans bewitched by Zerg are usually disposable consumables.

Admiral Andre's death was revealed by the general's death.

Of course, it is not good for general Adams to tell David that there are soldiers in the federal army who are bewitched and divulge the information of Grand Marshal to the Lord of God's great world. General Adams will be disgraced, but the federal army will not.

"The hatch is open. I'll go out for a minute." David whispered to the driver of the suspended car.

The pilot took a look at admiral Adams, and when he saw admiral Adams nodding, he opened the door.

David's energy split and flew out to meet the three and five Zerg breath.

Leiguang Scorpion King flies very carefully. Although he has used energy to enter the sky above the human controlled area many times before, this time it is especially alert and pays close attention to all the surrounding conditions.

The "half body Spider Queen" was instantly killed by Lord Arthur. Although it was a confrontation between the energy body and the body, it should not be so different.

After the "half master" of the spider, there is only one possibility that this will happen.

As a matter of fact, any Zerg who can become a level 5 is not a lifeless existence. On the contrary, they cherish their lives.

"King Leiguang scorpion" still remembers the tragic situation of the "half body Spider Queen" after losing energy and separation. The soul was shocked and had to rest for at least one year. During this year, the pain in the soul would torture the "half body Spider Queen" from time to time.

After the Zerg learned that Grand Marshal Andre was about to arrive at warstar, Leiguang Scorpion King and two other fifth level Zerg sent out their energy branches.

The three level 5 Zerg energy avatars don't worry about the ground attack. In the battle star environment, only level 5 Templars can stop them. Even if the level 5 Templars come to chase them, they can't catch up with them.

They are worried about Lord Arthur, the terror that has been confirmed to enter warstar.

Suddenly, Leiguang Scorpion King's energy avatar stopped moving, and it saw a human energy avatar in the sky ahead.

Not only thunder Scorpion King's energy avatars, but the other two level 5 Zerg's energy avatars also stopped moving.

They all feel the surging energy and powerful soul breath from the human energy body. This is what David specially sends out. In order to ensure Marshal Andre's safety, he still wants to drive away this time, and he doesn't want to fight in the sky.

In the case of one-on-three, David is not in the situation of fighting with noumenon. Although he can defeat the other party, he can not guarantee that it will not affect others.

"Thunder light Scorpion King" was startled. Then it saw the face of human energy body, which was the same as that of "half body Spider Queen", the most powerful Lord Arthur.Without any hesitation, Leiguang Scorpion King's energy can turn around and run away. Its strength is no stronger than that of the half body Spider Queen.

The other two level 5 Zerg energy split, see "thunder light Scorpion King" energy split escape, do not want to stay, turn around and flee.

General Adams, who saw this scene with his own eyes, as well as the four military elites, were shocked. The Zerg sent out three level five Zerg energy to separate themselves, which shows the Zerg's determination.

Just as the three level five Zerg energy separators fled, the three human energy separators were launched from several places, but they did not pursue the Zerg energy separators, which was very difficult to catch up with.

All three are Templar knights who stay at warstar. After perceiving the action of level 5 Zerg, they will take a look.

"Yes, Lord Arthur!" The energy incarnation of the fifth level Templars of taohetti first bows to David's energy avatar in the sky, followed by the other two Templars.

"Please help the three guards!" David returned the salute with a smile and asked.

"Yes, at your command!" The energy of the three level five Templars should be separated.

After seeing the respectful attitude of the three fifth level Templars, Admiral Adams couldn't help sighing. It was true that Lord Arthur had a very high status in God's world.

You know, warstar's five level Templar Knights are extremely proud, even face is rarely seen in weekdays.

Just like this time, why didn't admiral Adams ask the other five level Templars of God's big world to help, that is, the other five level Templars are not easy to deal with.

Lord Arthur's attitude towards the interstellar Federation was extremely friendly, and he conveyed his good intentions many times, which led to the invitation of general Adams.

With the participation of three level five Templars, Admiral Adams was relieved.

Just now when he saw the emergence of three level 5 Zerg powers, Admiral Adams wanted to inform Marshal Andre to cancel the meeting.

The red material around the Battlestar finally dissipated completely. A small transport ship approached Battlestar under the protection of several frigates, and then the small transport ship broke away from the protection of the frigate and fell towards the Battlestar.

Needless to say, David understood that this was Marshal Andre's arrival, and the energy split sped forward and flew to the door of the small transport ship.

The hatch of the small transporter opened, and David's energy split into it.

"Lord Arthur, I didn't expect to see you again after the last farewell. You have become a top five!" Marshal Andre stood at the entrance of the hatch passage to meet David's energy. As soon as he met, he said with a smile.

Grand Marshal Andre is well aware of Lord Arthur's life experience, this unique genius who grew up in the interstellar Federation, immediately showed his incomparable talent after returning to the divine world.

When we met last time, Lord Arthur was already a level Four sky knight, and he had excellent combat power among the four level sky knights. But what we didn't expect was that when we met again a few months later, Lord Arthur had already become a level five Templar Knight, and he was still an excellent fighting force among the five level Temple knights.

"Marshal Andre, you are as strong as you were last time you met!" David said with a smile and a bow.

As they walked into the cabin, David also sensed that as many as eight extraordinary people surrounded the main cabin.

It's just that this kind of protection is too weak for the top five.

Marshal Andre is really taking great risks when he enters warstar this time.

But Grand Marshal Andre had to come. If he didn't come, the federal president would have to come. But if President Barnard came to talk with Lord Arthur, the consequences were hard to imagine.

The key to everything is the strength of Lord Arthur. No one can rest assured that this powerful existence will enter the peaceful region of God's great world. This is not only against the law, but also unacceptable to the high-level of the interstellar Federation. Even Lord Arthur is not allowed to enter the war zone.

Since Lord Arthur could not enter the interstellar Federation, only Grand Marshal Andre himself came.

David's energy split and Grand Marshal Andre didn't talk about anything important on the small transporter. They were just chatting.

It was not until the small transport ship landed in the Battlestar headquarters that David's body met with Grand Marshal Andre in the conference room.

Due to David's request, the three level five Templars' energy split did not leave, and they stayed in the sky to protect Marshal Andre until Marshal Andre left warstar.

"Grand Marshal Andre, first of all, on behalf of the Supreme Council of God's great world, and on behalf of speaker Gould, I would like to express my gratitude to you for sending troops in time to support God's world in fighting against the invasion of Zerg!" David said to marshal Andrey with a smile.

"The alliance between the interstellar Federation and the divine world has experienced nearly 10000 years. There are disputes and harmony among them. But we have been fighting against Zerg together. I will never allow anyone to destroy the friendship we have ushered in with countless blood for thousands of years!" Marshal Andre solemnly assured.

Grand Marshal Andre knows that God belongs to the big world, and there is an intelligence network in the interstellar Federation. President Barnard's behavior is likely to be known by God's big world. He must reduce the influence of stupid president Barnard."I believe this very much, and I have also seen Marshal Andre's decision!" David said in a deep voice.

The interstellar Federation entered a state of war, and the military forcibly deprived president Barnard of his power. David also admired Grand Marshal Andre.

If this kind of operation is not good, it will leave the name of dictatorship.

"There are five hours left today. The first fleet of 20000 warships will arrive. General Francis will be the commander in chief. Lord Arthur will enter the divine world together with general Francis and assist general Francis in formulating strategic plans." Grand Marshal Andre looks at his identity bracelet and goes straight to the subject.

David was glad that the fleet of 20000 warships was enough to withstand the tide of insects.

To tell you the truth, the strongest space war or the interstellar Federation warships, God belongs to the big world knight is better at melee.

As for David's participation in the formulation of the strategic plan, his cooperation is needed. The fleet of the interstellar Federation helps the gods defend the Zerg in the big world. Without the cooperation of the big world, how can we talk about this.

"Garrison star has two fifth level Templars. We will all cooperate with the federal fleet." David nodded.

"The logistics of the fleet will enter the divine world in one day. After that, there will be subsequent fleets. I hope God's great world can help us!" Grand Marshal Andrey continued.

Grand Marshal Andre tried to make things clear in advance. With so many warships entering the divine world, there will be more follow-up. If there is no prior explanation, it may lead to misunderstanding.

"Now the guardian star has been cut off by Zerg. However, I will arrange for some knights from warstar to participate in fleet mobilization." David understood Marshal Andre's concerns and said with a smile.

It is impossible for these fleets to go straight into the great world of God, and they need to be accompanied by personnel from the great world of God.

David only needs to call some knights with special contact array. There are a lot of long-distance contact arrays on his side.

"In addition, for the booty arrangement, we need to allocate half of the materials of level 1 to level 4!" Marshal Andre finally made a request.

As for the level 5 material, marshal Andre didn't think about it at all, because even if the interstellar Federation got hold of it, no strong one could use it.

This is not to say that the extraordinary can not use level five weapons, but to use level five weapons with extraordinary strength can not exert the power of level five weapons at all, and it will become the target of attack by the strong.

If the level 5 weapon is used in the interstellar Federation, it is not a problem. Once it appears in Battlestar and the strength is not level 5, it is very likely to be killed by the level 5 Zerg.

In fact, Grand Marshal Andre wants the materials of grade four, which plays an important role in improving his extraordinary strength.

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