"I'm still a little sure of escaping!" David said with a smile.

"I believe that, but you have escaped countless times from the inevitable death!" Said bishop McKinley, laughing.

Bishop McKinley was thinking about the war. Lord Arthur was hit by Gladstone, the God of plague, and flew into the small world. At that moment, he thought Lord Arthur would die. But Lord Arthur survived under such a blow.

From then on, bishop McKinley did not believe that anyone else could kill Lord Arthur. In the god world, there was anyone else who could attack Gladstone, the God of pestilence.

It was a full blow from the God's body, which could break down the cavalry battle line composed of dozens of level 5 Templars.

"You seem to have more confidence than I am!" David couldn't help laughing. Then he asked, "how can I get the seal artifact into my hands?"

"Your Lord level contact array has the function of remote transmission of small items. However, the chaos star field is blocked. Now I will open the transmission restrictions of your Lord level contact array. You can use the Lord level contact array to transfer small items at will." Bishop McKinley explained with a smile.

The purpose of blocking the chaotic star field is to prevent the Zerg from obtaining the space coordinates in the teleportation array. Once the space coordinates are exposed and discovered by the Zerg with space talent, they will use these space coordinates to open remote space connection.

It's not just the divine world that pays attention to this point. In addition to the military space transmission doors under tight military blockade, there are only a few small personal portals in the war zone of the interstellar Federation.

David activated the teleportation array of small remote items on his lord level contact array. The weak transmission light flickered and was going to be extinguished at any time. But soon, it seemed that he was affected by some force. The transmission light stabilized and the light was slowly strengthened, meeting the requirements of transmitting goods.

Just as he looked at his lord level contact array, the light flashed suddenly and fiercely. When it went dark again, there was a gold sign in front of him.

"Lord Arthur, this" seal artifact "still needs to be recognized by you before you can use it. After it is excited once, you need to absorb energy again to activate it again. So if the seal fails, you can only wait ten days to try again.

This "seal artifact" can also be regarded as a task reward. After you recognize the Lord, you can naturally get the corresponding use method! " Bishop McKinley explained to David.

And the good thing, David, was surprised that the temple would be so generous.

The value of any artifact that can be called artifact is not low, because artifact is made by gods.

David contacted the seal artifact with his spirit, and found that the seal artifact had not been recognized, or that the former owner had given up the recognition.

He thought that he was very familiar with the artifact. In addition, the artifact was completely open, and his spirit swept through and entered the pattern of recognizing God.

In the process of recognizing the Lord, a stream of information was introduced into David's brain. He understood the function and use of "seal artifact".

The function of "seal artifact" is very simple, that is, to plug the space gap. The reason why we use artifact materials is that only artifact materials can stimulate thousands of "seal divine patterns" at the same time.

David estimated that the "seal artifact" was probably made by someone who had just made it for the space gate of the chaos star region.

If it had not been for the space gate, the function of this "seal artifact" would not have been worth the cost. It would have consumed the artifact materials and had it been refined by the gods themselves.

"Seal artifact" can not only block the door of the space, but also block the portal.

But at the level of David's alchemist, is it necessary to block any portal? Not to mention that the seal artifact takes ten days to recover its full energy after using it once.

David put away the seal artifact. It was a artifact anyway. He was very curious about the seal pattern inside.

"Admiral Francis, I found something in the surveillance images. I need to go to the space gate!" David came to the command room and said to general Francis.

He is now the representative of God's great world in the interstellar Federation fleet. He needs to leave naturally to explain to the Federal Military.

"Lord Arthur, it is extremely dangerous near the space gate. If you go alone, please pay more attention. In addition, you can take the reconnaissance spacecraft. We have set up a traction system in the safe area far away from the space gate, which can speed up your arrival." Instead of persuading David, general Francis proposed to make David go faster.

"Thank you very much." David accepted admiral Francis's offer with a smile.

The so-called traction system means that a towing spacecraft is set up every other distance in space, and the speed of the warship itself can reach twice the original maximum speed through remote traction at the same frequency as the designated warship.

It takes only ten hours to get to the safe area closest to the space gate, and this speed can be matched only by David calling out the sonic boom beetle.In a chaotic universe with scanning devices everywhere, how dare David call out the sonic boom beetle unless he's crazy.

As long as he calls out the "sonic boom iron beetle", it is estimated that he will be killed by the long-range main guns of the military.

"Lord Arthur, I hope you will go and come back soon." Said Admiral Francis as he took David away from the headquarters.

Lord Arthur is the "invincible Knight" recognized by the God belongs to the great world temple. In other words, besides the gods, Lord Arthur is the strongest one.

It is of great benefit to the federal army to stay in the garrison star. At least when Lord Arthur exists in close combat, you don't have to worry about level 5 Zerg.

"I'll be back as soon as possible!" David promised.

He was not interested in going to Tula, where five large temples surrounded the main city of Tula. He, who was most afraid of approaching the temple, did not dare to go there.

David was transported by a landing ship and sent to a small reconnaissance ship in the space fleet.

"This is Lord Arthur, the real invincible Knight!" As soon as David entered the small reconnaissance ship, he heard the subtle voices of several federal soldiers inside.

The voice was full of excitement, as if fans met a star.

Although the voice is small, but this small reconnaissance ship is only tens of meters long. David's spirit covers 80 kilometers. Under this distance, no voice can hide him.

David ignored the meeting. He sat in a simple seat under the guidance of an officer.

"Lord Arthur, please fasten your seat belt. We are going to leave soon." The officer reminded with a smile.

"Thank you, no need!" David smiles back and refuses.

The officer then thought of the strength of the man in front of him and did not remind him again.

As a matter of fact, this small reconnaissance ship will be extremely unstable in the process of speed increase because it will be towed. It is stipulated in the military that the safety belt must be fastened before the officers will remind them.

David didn't have the heart to think about it at the moment. He felt strange at the moment.

"Alexis, do you feel anything unusual?" David asked Alexis the black dragon through the master servant contract.

"There are your believers on this ship, and your faith is still very firm!" Alexis Wei, the black dragon, noticed what David had said and replied.

David shook his head. He didn't like the uncontrollable feeling. He could feel the power of faith, but he couldn't find the source of the power.

In the past, the source of the power of faith was extremely remote and understandable, but today Alexis, the black dragon, clearly told that there were his followers on the warship, and he still could not perceive the specific source of belief.

In spite of his impoliteness, David strengthened his spirit so that he could feel the expression and mental activities of all the soldiers on the warship.

Soon, he understood where the faith came from, because when he felt these soldiers, he found that more than half of them were more or less discussing about him.

Because the title of "invincible Knight" is widely spread in the federal fleet, and the title of "invincible Knight" is recognized by the temple and world rules. Therefore, when the military people worship Lord Arthur, the "invincible Knight" will have some faith power.

The title of "invincible Knight" can spread rapidly in the army, thanks to general Francis.

In order to publicize the power of Lord Arthur, general Francis arranged the propaganda department to carry out a lot of publicity work at the first time when he learned that Lord Arthur was awarded the title of "invincible Knight".

You know, before that, the soldiers who came from the first warships had seen insect corpses almost covered with land on the guard star, which were killed by Lord Arthur alone. At that time, the worship of Lord Arthur had been sublimated to the extreme.

Soldiers are more likely to worship the strong, not to mention Lord Arthur who was born in the union. This special identity makes it easier for Union soldiers to accept Lord Arthur.

Although David had identified the source of the belief, he was unable to respond.

Why did he go to the space gate? It was not for God to belong to the big world, nor for the Federation. He was only for himself.

Because David saw that the legendary Zerg is absorbing the power of faith, then the legendary Zerg must have the inheritance of belief into God.

Although it's not very likely that the shadow attendants can obtain the belief and inheritance from the spirit of legendary Zerg by killing the legendary Zerg, even if the probability is small, it is a rare opportunity. David doesn't want to let go of this opportunity.

In addition, after such a long time with the shadow attendant, he actually found out the law of the shadow servant obtaining knowledge from the soul to a certain extent. The shadow servant will automatically judge his maximum demand. If the other party does not have the knowledge he needs in his soul, he will choose the strongest knowledge.

At this time, David was constantly transmitting to the shadow servants that he wanted to gain the belief of legendary Zerg and to increase the opportunity to obtain the required knowledge sphere.Of course, the level of belief in becoming a God is too high for David to believe that shadow servants can get from the souls of legendary Zerg.

Shadow ministers may not have a problem with the extraction of normal talents, but it's hard to say what involves gods.

David was thinking that the small scout ship sped up from a standstill and, without a trace of cushioning, pushed its speed to its limit in just a few seconds.

At the same time, the far end of the first node traction has been generated, which has just reached the limit speed of the small reconnaissance ship to accelerate again.

The huge inertia makes all the soldiers on the small reconnaissance ship involuntarily fall back on the chairs. All the soldiers here are wearing exoskeleton armor, but even in this case, it is still affected by the huge inertia.

At this time, the soldiers in the same cabin with David found that Lord Arthur seemed to be thinking about something. His inertia did not affect him at all.

Lord Arthur's body was still in a relaxed state. He could not see any protection except a gray robe, so he was at ease in the huge inertia.

"How strong!" The soldiers sighed in their hearts.

In fact, if there are other level 5 Templars here, they will also be affected by inertia. Although they will not be pressed on their seats, they will never be as relaxed as David.

Perhaps even David didn't realize that the rule of inertia, when applied to him, was exempted by his stronger power rule.

Although David can't use the "rules of power" to actively influence the main world, when the relevant rules of small forces in the main world want to act on him, they will be affected by the "rules of power", and inertia appears to have lost its effect on him.

Another thing the soldiers discovered was that the pet like creatures that were lying on Lord Arthur's shoulders did not respond to the enormous inertia.

The principle is the same. David is due to the "rule of power", while Alexis the black dragon is due to the "rule of force of the black dragon". This inertia has no effect on Alexis.

At the end of the first towing node, the speed of the small reconnaissance ship suddenly dropped and all the soldiers rushed forward together.

David and the black dragon Alexis are still sitting there leisurely, completely unaware of this change.

In the constant traction, the small reconnaissance ship is sailing at an unstable speed.

Unfortunately, traction technology can only be used for military use, which involves too much. The cost and instability determine that it can not be used for civilian use, and non-a-class people can not bear the power of traction technology.

"Lord Arthur, the end is ahead. We can only get here!" At the end of the last pull node, the officer untied his safety and brought it to David.

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