"General David, I have a question. Why did we get Lord Arthur's body specimen, but it was your face that we cultivated?" Professor Leeds, though guessing, asked in a voice.

"I'll answer this question later. I'll answer it together when your director hunch comes in." David said with a smile and a wave.

With David's gentle wave, the door of the laboratory opened, and director Hench rushed in with twelve sky knights in class IV armor and class IV epee.

David was slightly surprised. His spirit had long discovered the existence of the twelve level Four sky knights, but he was still surprised to see it with his own eyes.

Twelve level Four sky Knights suddenly appear in the interstellar Federation, but they are extremely rare.

However, David soon had a smile, because he saw that the knightly battle array used by the twelve level Four sky Knights was actually a simplified version of the knight battle array used by the interstellar Federation warriors.

He can be sure that these four level sky Knights do not even have a formal Knight inheritance, but only learn some kind of Knight breathing method.

The blood power of the twelve level Four sky knights is extremely complex. Compared with the four level sky knights in the God's world, their combat power can only have a quarter of their fighting power at most.

This kind of fourth level sky knight is a kind of fake and inferior product, which is promoted by force in some way.

These four level sky Knights have reached this level, which is their end point, and there is no possibility of progress.

It was director hunch who made David pay a little attention, because he found that he was a fifth order bishop.

On the head of hunch, a dark gold sword was flying, which was the result of spiritual manipulation. The sword controlled by level 5 spirit was more powerful than that of a real level 5 Temple knight.

Because the dark gold sword is actually a artifact. David is very clear about the energy fluctuation of that artifact.

"General David, I'm waiting for you!" Director hunch's eyes sparkled with excitement. He brought the research results of these years, including 12 level-4 sky knights, and he himself was the real card of the Institute of immortality.

The twelve level Four sky knights are all the crystallization of cloning technology. However, due to the non replicability of Knight blood, each clone needs to obtain a certain amount of Knight blood of God's great world as raw materials, which makes this research lose most of the significance.

For the sake of chivalry, the Institute of immortality has paid a huge price. However, there is something unique about Mr. Hench's genetic research.

Through various experiments and special ways, he helped break through the bottleneck of Knights' promotion. This is the origin of twelve four level sky knights.

It's a pity that Hench is not a knight, and there is no complete Knight inheritance. In addition, the level 4 sky Knight's Knight's blood force has congenital defects, which makes the level 4 sky Knight's combat power far inferior to the real level 4 sky knight.

But because Hench is not a knight, he doesn't feel that his level 4 sky knight is much different from his real level 4 sky knight.

This is related to the fact that director hunch is not good at fighting. His special ability is helpful to analyze and judge, not the combat talent ability.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the temple, director hunch entered warstar by means of means. When warstar came to warstar, he joined the forces of the Federation and was able to enter the interstellar Federation.

In the days of the interstellar Federation, he used his natural ability to study the science and technology knowledge of the Federation.

Hunch's natural ability was especially suitable for federal science and technology knowledge, which made him quickly master a lot of advanced knowledge.

This is also thanks to the federal system. In the Federation, as long as you are willing and able to learn, and pass the assessment again and again, you can continue to learn. Knowledge will not be closed to learners.

Through his own ability, director Hench has become an extremely excellent federal researcher, and has achieved excellent results again and again.

Relying on his own efforts and some luck, he entered the Institute of immortality and gradually controlled this top private institute.

It can be said that Hench's expertise is a legend. He integrated the knowledge of the two worlds earlier than David.

Director hunch also knows that his existence is taboo in the federal government, so he has been hiding himself and trying to plan for himself.

Until he got Lord Arthur's blood, which was like uncovering the mystery of the world, with the help of this blood sample, director Hench's immortality research progressed rapidly.

In a short period of time, the research team led by director hunch has produced five human clones, which are extremely perfect.

However, there is no soul in the body of these five clones, and there will be no soul to produce, just as the body repels the soul.

You know, according to the Institute for immortality, the power of human cloning alone can be as powerful as a four level sky knight.What is this concept? The starting point of human cloning is the fourth level sky knight. This discovery almost drives hunch crazy. He feels that he has found a way to God.

Director hunch also found the biggest problem with the five clones, whose faces were not with Lord Arthur, but with General David of the union.

Commander hunch did not think that General David and Lord Arthur were the same person, but Lord Arthur grew up in the Federation, and he thought it was very likely that General David and Lord Arthur had some blood relationship.

According to the requirements of the study, he should capture Lord Arthur, and find out the mystery that clone humans cannot have souls from Lord Arthur.

But this is obviously unrealistic, let alone capture Lord Arthur. It is almost impossible to meet Lord Arthur.

Then the Institute of immortality had to target General David, who was a little easier, and there was a hijacking of Emma.

Director hunch didn't care about everything before, including the destruction of the three consortia. He only focused on the results. General David did come to the Institute of immortality, which was enough.

As for the fact that David and Lord Arthur are one person, director hunch still doesn't believe it.

A federal general, a combat hero, and the first knight of God in the big world, how could this be the same person? Director hunch believed that the two people had blood relationship, so they would have the same top talent.

David looked at Hench's excited expression, but he was speechless. Can we deal with him on this basis?

"Director hunch, come here. I have something to ask you!" David put out his hand and said.

Although director hunch is not a combat type fifth level bishop, his spirit is also level five. Under the control of the artifact sword, it is no surprise to threaten the fifth level Templars.

But with David's move, director Hench felt that his magic sword was out of control.

Hench watched as the magic sword flew into David's hand, and David held it in his hand and waved it twice.

The artifact sword, which had been recognized by Hench, could not move in David's hands no matter how hard it struggled.

With the sword flying into David's hands, a force wrapped around the director, and his body could not help but fly towards David.

"Attack!" Director hunch gave orders to twelve level Four sky knights.

Twelve level-4 sky Knights did not even move. At such a close distance, the spirit suppression of the legendary level peak, let alone level 4 sky knights, could not resist the weaker level 5 Templars.

Director hunch stood in front of David, who looked at him with a smile.

"Who are you?" General hunch is not that simple now.

It is impossible for the interstellar Federation to have such individual combat power. Even the clone knights with Knight blood are piled up with unlimited resources, and their strength will continue to grow.

In the interstellar Federation environment, no amount of resources can pile up David's existence.

Director hunch didn't know David's strength, but as long as he thought of using his spirit, he could control the twelve fourth level sky knights and seize him as the fifth level bishop at will. This strength has long exceeded his imagination.

"You took my blood from the guardian star and cloned five me. Now who am I?" David asked faintly.

"No way. Are you Lord Arthur?" Director hunch was really surprised. He thought about many possibilities, but this one was the most unlikely.

"I'm Lord Arthur and General David. I'm just two identities. What's so strange?" David admitted.

"No wonder it's David's face that's cloned. There's no problem with my clone!" Murmured director hunch.

Professor Leeds also kept looking up and down at David, a picture that he wanted to study by slicing.

"I'm curious, how do you clone my body tissue?" David asked with a smile.

Both director Hench and Professor Leeth thought about Lord Arthur's message. One of them was that Lord Arthur was a researcher in the union at that time, and the Institute for immortality paid attention to Lord Arthur, a gifted researcher.

"Lord Arthur, do you know why the Institute of immortality was founded?" Director hunch calmed down a little, and he organized the language and asked.

As far as he is concerned, he is more important than any other researcher.

Even if director hunch knew that life was out of control, he wanted to talk about his research and find out why.

David did not answer, but motioned to director hunch to continue.

"Although the Institute of immortality was founded by the kaffi consortium, the Yabu consortium and the SCU consortium, the reason for its establishment is a broken corpse!" Director hunch's eyes were shining when he said this.

"It's the body of a God who invaded the interstellar Federation. The artifact in your hand is owned by that God. Unfortunately, the spirit was finally attacked by space weapons, and the remaining part of the body fell into the hands of federal researchers!I don't know what means the three consortia used to obtain most of the broken bodies and artifacts of the gods. On this basis, they established the Institute of immortality to study the mystery of immortality.

Before getting your blood, our research has experienced thousands of years and the efforts of tens of generations of researchers. This is the most cutting-edge research and the research of breaking through the shackles of life.

We are only one chance short, and your blood is this opportunity. We have cloned your five clones by using the energy of the divine body as the basic energy. However, we don't know why none of the five clones has soul. Therefore, we want to catch General David with similar facial features Director hunch told the whole story in one breath.

"I see!" David nodded, and he agreed with the explanation.

"Lord Arthur, I wonder if you can tell me what kind of body your body is and why it can bear the power of God's body. We have used countless kinds of life to clone before, including supernatural creatures, including Zerg, but they all failed!" Hench asked, looking wistfully at David.

"You should know that you don't have a 100% chance of living if you know this!" David said faintly.

"Please tell me!" Said Mr. Hench, with Professor Liz on the other side, who were not dying for the sake of research.

"My body is the body of a giant dragon called the black dragon, which is now the peak stage of my childhood!" David, who is also a researcher, answers questions from director Hench and Professor Leeth.

"The body of the dragon, the legendary body of the dragon clan, has ruled a powerful race of an era. I know what kind of body can possess such strength besides the body of the dragon!" Hench said contentedly.

"Any last words?" Although David agrees with the spirit of Hench, he will not let him go, even the whole Institute of immortality.

"I hope you don't destroy five clones. This is my only request. These are the existence of five realms close to God." Director Hench finally took a look at the five tanks and asked.

"I promise you!" David said in a deep voice.

Thank you Said Hench with a long sigh of relief.

David's spirit moved and the legendary "cutting edge field" was launched. He gave Hench the highest treatment and sent him away with the highest level of legendary level.

In every space of the Institute of immortality, blade after blade appears, and every living body is the target of blade attack.

All the staff and security personnel of the whole Institute of immortality died in a single breath. They did not understand what happened at the time of their death. The death came.

The shadow attendants fly out and inhale all souls.

David also reached out and put the body of director hunch into the space pendant. He looked at the five incubators.

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