David didn't want to learn from the Zerg God level and use the "imperial inheritance pattern" to enhance the strength of the five level Temple knights.

However, the physique of level 5 templars is a big problem, unable to withstand the terrible energy scouring in the process of "imperial inheritance pattern".

The "imperial inheritance pattern" is created according to the constitution of the Zerg. All races with a lower constitution than the Zerg can use the "imperial inheritance pattern" to cultivate their bodies.

This time, the five clones are very special. Because David's gene is used to cooperate with the transformation energy of God body, the cloned body completely copies David's black dragon body.

The body of the black dragon is much stronger than that of the Zerg, so it is not a problem to bear the energy of "imperial inheritance pattern".

If he had not used the talent of "thinking storm", David might have transferred the "imperial inheritance pattern" to one of the clone avatars, and then the clone avatar could transform the power of belief into divine power and transform his constitution according to the independent operation of the "imperial inheritance pattern".

David is not sure whether the "imperial inheritance pattern" will have any impact on the noumenon after leaving the noumenon. The most important thing is that he is at the peak of the legendary stage. Any violent activity of his body energy can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In the state of "thinking storm", he predicted that if the "imperial inheritance pattern" was removed from the body, there was a 1.2% chance that the "imperial level inheritance pattern" would break through unexpectedly due to the loss of the "imperial inheritance pattern".

It's a low probability, but David doesn't want to take a risk.

So he came up with this solution under the influence of "thinking storm".

The "imperial inheritance pattern" is in operation, and the power of belief like a tide is transformed into divine power. Even if one is divided into five parts to strengthen the five clone sub bodies, it also makes the strength of the five clone sub bodies increase wildly.

Of course, with the crazy increase of strength, the body of the five clone avatars is damaged. The terrifying energy washes out the body of the clone sub body, and the promotion of the place where it has gone is also causing damage.

The wings of the energy feather behind David flapped gently, and a stream of "immortal vitality" poured into the five clone bodies to repair the damage.

Almost at the same time, the five clones broke through to level 5. Of course, this level 5 is not knight or other classes, but level 5 of black dragon.

The five clones can't practice any other skills. The only way to cultivate them is "black dragon sleep", which is inherited by the black dragon family.

When the five clone avatars reach level 5, the enhanced energy of the "imperial inheritance pattern" can no longer damage the clone avatar with the improved physique.

David was not surprised to break through to level 5 in such a short time.

We should know that if the five clones are not cultivated, they have the constitution equivalent to level 4.

With the power of "imperial inheritance pattern", which is one of the world's top energy, to improve level 4 physique, as long as the body is not burst, then the effect of promotion must be super strong.

Therefore, the process from level 4 to level 4 peaked in a short period of time. As for the bottleneck from level 4 to level 5, there is no bottleneck at all.

This is David's clone avatar, and it is also the clone avatar of his legendary peak. Both the gene and the deeper hidden life code have the life mark of the legendary peak.

In addition, the soul of clone incarnation is David's soul incarnation, which has his understanding of the realm.

This allows the five clones to reach the level of legendary pinnacle, both physically and spiritually.

David's entry into the Zerg world once again attracted the attention of eight owners of "imperial inheritance pattern".

This is not the first time that the "half body spider emperor" has been disturbed. The last time it visited the "sword blade Mantis emperor", it was attacked with words.

This time, he repeated the previous situation, which made the "half body spider emperor" extremely angry.

The power of belief in the whole Zerg world will be distributed according to the level of "imperial inheritance pattern". When a certain "imperial inheritance pattern" leaves the Zerg world, the belief power that the "imperial inheritance pattern" should allocate will be transferred to the other eight "imperial inheritance patterns".

In the process of the power transfer of belief, the divine power generated by the "imperial inheritance pattern" will also fluctuate, which will make the Zerg gods unable to accurately control the energy for a short time.

It's OK at ordinary times, but "half body spider emperor" is carrying out complex puppet transformation work. This time, the "emperor level inheritance pattern" suddenly appears in the Zerg world, which makes its transformation work fail and loses a valuable body of Zerg.

"Blade Mantis emperor, if you transfer the" imperial inheritance pattern "at will, I will lose a demigod puppet. If you don't give me a statement, we will fight!" "Half body spider emperor" contacted "sword blade Mantis emperor" from a distance and called out.

"And me, I lost a piece of armour here, compensate me or go to war!" "Titan gold emperor" is now plugged in.

As a matter of fact, the loss of the "Titan golden emperor" is even greater than that of the "half body spider emperor". The loss of the "half body spider emperor" is only a puppet. Even if it is a demigod puppet, its effect is limited.However, the loss of "Titan gold armor emperor" is different. It is strengthening its own piece of gold armor, which is also its bad luck. At the most critical time, David entered the Zerg world, causing a change in the belief power of "imperial inheritance pattern".

All the powers gained by Zerg gods are used to transform themselves, which makes the body strength of Zerg gods extremely terrible. They don't need any artifact, because they are artifacts themselves.

Their teeth and claw spines are the sharpest attack artifact, and their insect shells are the strongest defense artifact.

"Titan gold armor emperor" lost a piece of gold armor, which means that many years of efforts have been lost. The regenerated gold armor will become its fatal weakness. I don't know how many years of strengthening is needed to make up for this piece of gold armor, so that the whole body's defense is at the same level.

"Blade Mantis emperor" is ignorant. Recently, it has been sending scouts to spy on David. Unfortunately, David left the battlefield long ago.

The sword blade Mantis emperor is waiting for an opportunity. It drags the war to wait for David to return to the battlefield. It has prepared for a long time. As long as David appears, it can take back the "imperial inheritance pattern".

But before David returns, two Zerg gods are waiting for trouble.

Blade Mantis emperor doesn't want to fight at all. Its current state, let alone war, is that it is too close to other Zerg gods, which will expose its loss of strength.

When it comes to compensation, the semi God puppet of the "half body spider emperor" can also find a potential "Assassin Mantis" to compensate for some resources at most. However, how can the gold armor of the "Titan golden armor emperor" be able to compensate? This is a part of the God body of the "Titan gold armor emperor", which is formed by the accumulation of time.

"Sword blade Mantis emperor" is to take the armor from his God's body and give it to the "Titan gold armor emperor". The "Titan gold armor emperor" cannot match its own defense.

However, blade Mantis emperor is very smart. It knows that the two Zerg gods can't make trouble at the same time, so it contacted the half body spider emperor privately.

"Half body spider emperor, all Assassin Mantis that appeared in the next 500 years of our blade Mantis clan, no matter what their blood is, all belong to you. Are you satisfied with this compensation?" "Blade Mantis emperor" has given its own conditions.

"A thousand years! I want all the assassin Mantis that will appear in the next thousand years "Half body spider king" directly opens his mouth and adds a way.

The heart of the blade Mantis emperor is dripping blood, but it knows that it can't hesitate at this time. The most important thing is to quickly solve the big problem of the half body spider emperor.

"Yes, I agree!" "Blade Mantis emperor" gritted his teeth and agreed.

The blade Mantis are the most powerful fighting race of Zerg. Among them, "Assassin Mantis" is a rare variant. Due to its small size and powerful attack, it is the best assassin and is deeply loved by powerful Zerg.

If there is a king level mutation of "Assassin Mantis" in a thousand years, then the "half body Mantis emperor" can have a half god level "Assassin Mantis" after a period of training, and has the terrorist attack power of injuring God level when a strike breaks out.

The half god level "Assassin Mantis" is much better than the half god level puppet lost by "half body spider emperor". Although it is only possible to exchange for 1000 years, the "half body spider emperor" is extremely satisfied.

According to the probability, there is a great probability that there will be a king level mutation "Assassin Mantis" in 1000 years.

He dismissed the "half body spider emperor" with heavy profits, and the "blade Mantis emperor" contacted the "Titan golden armor emperor".

"Titan, golden emperor, I am willing to take you first, only hope you can help me!" "Blade Mantis emperor" said to "Titan golden armor emperor.".

Although it would be very troublesome to ask the blade Mantis emperor to compensate for a piece of gold armour, it was not likely to turn to his side.

We should know that the nine owners of the "imperial level inheritance pattern" are in competition with each other, except that the mother emperor controls the core area of the Zerg and commands the eight Zerg divine levels.

With the pride of Zerg gods and the Zerg's own ethnic characteristics, few Zerg deities will unite together, let alone one side to recognize them as the leader.

"Blade Mantis emperor, since you say so, I agree! Tell me what it is? " "Titan golden emperor" said directly.

There are not too many intrigues between Zerg. They often say what they have. Politeness and modesty are extremely rare among Zerg.

"You can help me catch a human and give him to me completely!" "Blade Mantis emperor" said in a deep voice.

"So simple?" "Titan golden emperor" asked in surprise.

Perhaps for other Zerg deities, entering another world will have a great impact on their own strength, but a small number of "Titans and golden ones" are the least affected.

Because the "Titan gold armor emperor" cultivates pure worm body, it has no other special talent ability, the biggest special talent ability is "the body of Titan", to enhance its own strength by force.This is the Zerg divine level. The Titan golden armor is known for its strength. After stimulating the Titan body, the Titan golden armor emperor can crush its peers in close proximity.

Without special talent ability and special energy, the suppression power of different world rules will drop to a very low level.

"Titan" can even retain 70% of its own combat power, which is the real invincible in the main world.

"Titan, golden emperor" is a kind of weapon that can only be sent out at an important moment to give a fatal blow to the other world.

If it is used at the beginning of the invasion, it will be discovered by the gods of the invading world and find out the means to deal with it.

"Titan gold emperor, if you agree, we will reach a contract!" "Blade Mantis emperor" did not elaborate, said directly.

The credit of "Titan golden emperor" is extremely high. As long as it is promised, it will not change. This is very famous in the Zerg world.

"Blade Mantis emperor" clearly knows that David's business can't be delayed any more. In a short period of time, David has entered the Zerg world twice, which is only the impact of entering the Zerg world twice, and the "blade Mantis emperor" will be unable to bear several more times.

Therefore, it needs to find a most simple and direct solution, and the "Titan golden emperor" is the best use of the object.

If it is successful, the blade Mantis emperor can take back the imperial level inheritance pattern. Although he has turned to the Titan gold jiahuang, it will not be more difficult for him because of his character, but his reputation will be damaged.

If they failed, the "Titan golden emperor" fell into a different world, and the "blade Mantis emperor" also solved the big problem of the "Titan golden emperor", and the matter of compensation was ended.

"Make a contract!" "Titan golden emperor" agreed.

"This is the breath of that human being. He has taken away my" imperial inheritance pattern ". I hope you will bring back the" imperial inheritance pattern "for me when you bring this human back completely "Blade Mantis emperor" heard "Titan gold armor emperor" agreed, said with a long sigh of relief.

At this time, the "golden emperor of Titan" understood the little abacus of the "blade Mantis emperor", but it didn't care. It just despised the incompetence of the "blade Mantis emperor" in his heart, and even lost his "imperial inheritance pattern".

The "Titan gold armor emperor" is also calculating the gains and losses. To retrieve the "emperor level inheritance pattern" for the "blade Mantis emperor" can make the "blade Mantis emperor" take heart and become his own helper. This transaction is very cost-effective.

"Don't worry. If I promise you, I will bring this human back together with the" imperial inheritance pattern "in his body. Only you need to give the accurate information of that human being. I only have one chance to do it!" "Titan gold armor emperor" deep voice said.

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