Sitting in the destroyer, in front of David's clone, is a light golden sniper gun.

This is what David casually made during the voyage. The prototype of this class five sniper gun is the roarer sniper gun. What he has done is to copy the specification of the roarer sniper gun.

In order to make this special "grower sniper gun" able to withstand more powerful explosive force and make the "grower sniper gun" more reasonable, he has engraved "reinforcement pattern", "energy accumulation pattern", "stability pattern" and "giant force pattern" on the barrel of the fifth grade "grower sniper gun".

It can be said that this five level "growler sniper gun" is the ultimate creation of the interstellar Federation sniper gun. David's clone can share the knowledge of David himself in terms of knowledge.

Therefore, clone sub has the ability of "master of alchemy" and "master of forging". The level 5 "grower sniper gun" produced by clone is a good weapon of level 5 even if it is to hit people.

Of course, the level five "growler sniper gun" is much more complicated than the weapons of God's big world. In the interstellar Federation, perhaps only large industrial machines can produce it. But in David's place, nanometer level technology can be achieved only by virtue of spirit.

In fact, the weapons used by the Federation are not so high-tech, because they wear and tear when they are used, and they do not need such high standards.

However, David's level 5 "growler sniper gun" is different. The material of level 5 is reinforced with the pattern above, so this special sniper gun will not wear out at all.

The more accurate the process, the more able to ensure the energy utilization rate of level 5 "growler sniper gun", without wasting a trace of energy.

The reason why David prepared this five level "growler sniper gun" is to play a maximum role in the battlefield.

Of course, in order to make the level 5 "grower sniper gun" more powerful, he also made a batch of level 4 sniper bullets, which he drew "penetration pattern".

The "krypton powder" of the fourth grade sniper bullets was also added to the maximum loading capacity. Without considering the endurance limit of the sniper gun and the strength of the user, the greater the power, the better.

This batch of level 4 sniper bullets are not against level 4 Zerg. David tested that the level 5 growler sniper rifle fired a level 4 sniper warhead with the maximum charge, which was enough to break through the level 5 Zerg's defense.

After firing, the recoil force of level 5 "growler sniper gun" is not stable for ordinary level 5 Templars.

This level 5 "growler sniper gun" can only be used by a level 5 strong person. However, a general level 5 strong person can only make a stable sniper attack in about five seconds. Of course, first of all, the five level strong person should be able to use the sniper gun and be able to reach a very strong level.

"Krypton powder" is the most powerful explosive in the interstellar Federation. Combined with the weapon design technology of the interstellar Federation and the knowledge of the patterns of the divine world, this kind of power is beyond imagination.

With the four grade sniper bullets and the "penetrating pattern" drawn by the alchemist, each attack consumes the bullets with sky high price. Even the top nobles in the world dare not have such luxury.

We should know that there are only a single digit number of alchemists in God's big world, and there is still a big gap between those alchemists and David's Alchemy level.

David plays with the level 5 growler sniper gun in his hand. Beside him is a level 5 light sword and a "extraordinary armor". The "extraordinary armor" is just for appearance. In order to fit the "black dragon power" in his body, he has made some modifications to this "extraordinary armor".

Although it's exaggeration to be a federate with a class five weapon, no one dares to pursue anything when he reaches his status as a federate and what he has done in the Federation.

He doesn't need to care what others think. He's already at the top of the pyramid in the interstellar Federation.

At this time, the destroyers had reached the boundary of Shenzhou's great world. All the transport ships here had received orders to stop going in and out of the border, and move away from the busy transportation routes in order to let the destroyers of the "federal God of war" go ahead.

These soldiers have no complaints. General David, the "federal God of war", has a great reputation in the army, and there are many legends about General David in the army.

As the destroyer passed by the transporter, the carrier lights up to show respect for David.

In the transporter, the soldiers look at the destroyer through the porthole. Their eyes are full of fanaticism.

These soldiers have little idea of politics and power. The only thing they know is that they worship the strong.

Of course, these carriers stopped the transportation lines not only because of General David's fame, but also because General David was a Commissioner of the federal command, representing the federal command and Grand Marshal Andre.

The destroyer passed through a diaphragm and flew over the boundaries of the divine world. David felt the oppressive force of the world's rules from the clone avatar, which made him uncomfortable.However, he also found that the suppression of the world rules imposed on clone Fen was not much, and he could still maintain about 80% of his combat power.

You should know that clone Fenshen is an inheritance level. 80% of the combat power can also kill any level 5 strongman in seconds.

This clone was promoted to the legendary level in the interstellar Federation, and was suppressed by the rules of the divine world, and he had expected it.

However, I didn't think that the suppression force of the world rules was not as strong as expected. At least, compared with David's noumenon, the suppression of the world rules under the condition of not opening the wings of the energy feather was much stronger than that of the clone avatar.

David felt the strength of clone sub, and found that the reason why the combat effectiveness of clone sub was small was that the "power of black dragon" in clone sub was to improve its physical fitness and indirectly enhance its melee ability, including strength, speed, agility, etc.

However, the influence of simple constitution is the least under the rules of different world.

In fact, this is the strength of the dragon clan. Even if the dragon clan does not use special abilities and relies on its strong constitution, it can still have a combat power comparable to that of the gods in any world.

In particular, the black dragon clan of the dragon clan is a close combat giant dragon specializing in improving defense and strength. The influence of different world rules on the black dragon clan is less.

Ordinary gods, even if they are defeated in the war, will only hide and never think of leaving their own world, because if they leave their own world, their strength will be greatly affected and they will be easily hanged by gods in another world.

However, after the defeat, the dragon clan chose to leave the divine world and go to other worlds. This resistance to the suppression of the rules of the alien world is the foundation of the dragon clan.

The huge destroyer flew to the guard star and did not land. In this kind of war period, the warship must keep on going to war at any time. Only in space can the warship maintain its combat power.

The landing ship brought David down to the ground. At the entrance to the federal headquarters, general Francis and his adjutant stood there to welcome David. On both sides of the entrance was a guard of honor of 20 warriors.

Although in a state of war, general Francis had the best welcome.

General Francis, as marshal Andre's confidant, naturally knew how much Marshal Andre cared for General David.

This time, General David only came as a Commissioner of the federal command, not as the commander of an army.

General Francis was a wise man. After General David showed that he was not interested in military power, it became his most important thing to win over General David.

Although General David's rank is not high, he is only a major general, but his influence in the army has reached the highest level. In addition, the booming erto fund behind it, as well as General David's own terrorist deterrent force, all these make general Francis pay more attention to General David.

As long as General David is brought into his own camp, it can almost guarantee the success rate of general Francis when Grand Marshal Andre abdicates.

David didn't think too much. He didn't have so many thoughts of general Francis. He just arrived at his strength. He could clearly perceive whether his people were sincere or false.

After feeling the sincere welcome of general Francis, David also put a smile on his face.

"General Francis, Commissioner of the federal command, Major General David, reports to you!" David said with a smile and a salute.

"General David, on behalf of the front line corps, I would like to welcome you. Your arrival will bring great encouragement to all members of the army!" General Francis returned the salute with a smile.

"Two generals, the welcome party is about to begin, and there are still guests waiting!" The adjutant whispered to the side.

"Yes, General David, for your coming, I have specially asked the chef to prepare a lunch with the style of God's big world, and the guests of God's world will accompany me. I'm waiting for you!" General Francis laughed and asked.

David and general Francis went through the welcome and honor guard of 20 warriors and entered the underground headquarters.

David is very familiar with this place. He lived and fought here for some time, but this time he came in a new identity, so he was led by general Francis.

After the welcome ceremony, there were no other welcome activities inside the headquarters. All the soldiers were busy.

Only when David walked by, the worship of idols could be seen in the eyes of those soldiers.

"Sometimes I admire your prestige in the army, but why didn't you choose to take over military power?" Asked admiral Francis as he walked.

"Because I see something more powerful than power!" David replied with a smile.

General Francis did not understand what David was talking about. He was already at the restaurant, and it was not easy for him to ask.

Now, of course, one of the old friends, Arthur, is just a friend."This is speaker Gould, the Supreme Council of the divine world!" General Francis first introduced it.

David saluted speaker Gould with a military salute, and speaker Gould returned with a knight's salute.

The other three were all fifth level Templars, and the other five federal generals.

Many people in the battlefield are eligible to participate in the welcome banquet, but due to the need to maintain a state of war, that is, some people who are free attended the banquet.

"I want to know all the generals. I'd like to introduce general David, the federal God of war, to some distinguished guests in the great world. He is known as the first strong man of the Federation." General Francis introduced David to all the others in the room.

Just as soon as the title of "federal God of war" came out of general Francis's mouth, several Templars who belonged to the great world suddenly changed their faces.

In the big world of God, no one dares to call himself a God. If General David is not a general of the interstellar Federation, then several Templars will fight.

"I don't know where General David came from." Lord Ludwig of golden dragon blood asked lightly.

"Two years ago, General David, with the strength of a warrior, killed several third level Zerg with one sword and saved the Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal awarded the title of" federal God of war " General Francis replied with a smile.

Even if general Francis knew that Lord Ludwig's inquiry was provocative, he could not but answer it. If he wanted to know, any federal soldier could get an answer.

The war that year was watched by all the people in the interstellar Federation through live broadcast, that is to say, the war made general David take the first place in the Federation.

Lord Ludwig was slightly stunned. He was not surprised by General David's killing of many third level Zerg. No matter how many third level Zerg were in his eyes, they were just rubbish.

Lord Ludwig was surprised that General David's strength at that time was only class A, that is, about level 2, but he could kill more than level 3 Zerg. The meaning of this was totally different.

You know, Zerg's combat power is stronger than that of human beings of the same level. A powerful third level Zerg can fight three third level land knights, or more than six federal extraordinary.

But General David with two levels of strength, single kill more than three levels of Zerg, it shows that General David has the same level of invincible strength.

"I don't know how strong general David is now?" Lord Ludwig turned to David and asked.

Although Lord Ludwig was surprised by David's strength, it was not enough to eliminate the influence of David's use of the title of "federal God of war.".

Although the "federal God of war" was named in the name of the Federation, the latter God of war was in conflict with the name of the God of war. Even if the Federalists did not have the corresponding strength, Lord Ludwig would ask the other party not to use the title of "federal God of war" at least in the territory of the God's world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!