When David himself was pursuing the Titan, his clone, General David, returned to the garrison.

"Federal God of war!" Above the ground of the garrison star, the victorious Confederates were dealing with the remnants of war on the surface. When they saw David, they all cheered.

After the war, David's reputation has risen again. Perhaps most of the federal army population is called the "union God of war". In fact, David is regarded as the "God of war".

All the Union soldiers understand why General David did not retreat but advanced when he knew that the Zerg level was coming, and rushed up against the Zerg level.

That was to delay the time for the federal army, so that after the gods of the great world arrived, they could move the battlefield of the divine war far away from the area of the federal army.

So the Union soldiers cheered so sincerely that David himself, who was chasing the Titan, felt that the power of faith belonging to the Union had increased dramatically.

Bishop Boleyn, bishop McKinley, bishop Evans, bishop Dominica and Bishop Boris heard the cheers of the Union army people, but they did not have much antipathy to the name "union God of war.".

Because they knew about General David, a powerful presence with the body of a black dragon.

Because General David is a human being, and his soul is not the real black dragon soul, so general David's ultimate achievement in their eyes is demigod.

But in this way, the demigod also touched the edge of God, and it is not wrong to be called the "federal God of war.".

In fact, this is also the influence of the stubborn blood theory that God belongs to the big world. Under the influence of this theory, General David with the body of black dragon is a noble existence.

"Speaker Gould, we are going to leave now. The behavior of Zerg has angered my Lord. My Lord has given a divine metaphor, and the gate keeper will be taken back the space occupied by Zerg!" Bishop Boleyn turned and whispered to speaker Gould.

Bishop Boleyn said the most important information, and councilor Gould nodded clearly.

In the past, most of the battles between God and Zerg were based on the power of God in the big world, but the five gods were the strongest in the god world.

Perhaps the five gods have some laissez faire meaning in the event of Zerg invasion. Through this invasion, God belongs to the great world is mobilized, and the nobles and knights feel the tension of war around them at any time.

However, with the Zerg God level forcibly entering the god world, the five gods feel challenged. All the five gods will participate in the extermination of Zerg, and the resources that the temple can use are completely different.

The five bishops left through the medium portal without waiting for David to return. Their mission after them was very important. The gods were more important than meeting with General David.

Speaker Gould stood there smiling. He did not come to see the five bishops off, but to welcome general David.

"General David, welcome to victory Speaker Gould bowed to David.

"Speaker Gould, how did you come out to meet him in person?" David replied with a smile.

This identity of David does not have much contact with speaker Gould. How can he be welcomed by speaker Gould.

"General David, I want to talk to you about something alone. If I don't come out, I'm afraid I won't have time to meet you for a long time." Speaker Gould explained.

"Say it, please." David waved.

"I already know that you are the body of the black dragon. What I want to say is that the descendants of the body of the black dragon must have the blood of the black dragon, that is, the basic qualification of the knight. On behalf of the great world of God, I hope to make a deal with you!" Speaker Gould pauses for a moment. He wants to see David's expression.

"I'm curious about the deal?" David was very indifferent. After meeting with the five gods, he knew that his situation would no longer be a secret. He just didn't understand that there was any deal that speaker Gould would need to find him alone.

"I hope you can control the number of your descendants. The condition is that the descendants who have blood can get the top-level Knight cultivation method!" Speaker Gould looked at David and answered.

David speculated on a lot of possibilities. He even thought that speaker Gould would like to get his blood through marriage like those Templars.

But he was wrong. Speaker Gould was thinking about two worlds.

If David lets go of childbirth, he will create a blood family in the interstellar Federation. Of course, the lack of energy in the interstellar Federation will affect the strength of this blood family.

But at least in recent generations, the lack of energy will not affect the cultivation.

Because David's body of the black dragon passed down several generations ago, the blood concentration can guarantee the speed of cultivation.

"Speaker Gould, in fact, you are worried too much!" David couldn't help laughing and said.

He doesn't care about the top Knight training method. If he really talks about the knight cultivation method, the perfect version of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", that is the real top Knight cultivation method.

Speaker Gould looked puzzled. I don't know why David said this."With my current strength and the condition of the black dragon, it will be extremely difficult to keep future generations. If everything goes well, maybe there will be a descendant in a thousand years!" David spread out his hand and said.

David is also telling the truth, whether it is the clone of the sub body or the ontology, due to the improvement of the level of life, the possibility of breeding offspring is reduced.

It is impossible for his clone incarnation to have offspring. It will be many years later for noumenon to have offspring.

Besides, whether David is an ontology or a clone, immortality is a certain thing because of the sufficient "immortal vitality".

Even if David wants to, all the lives that follow him can share eternal life.

Alexis, the black dragon, followed David wholeheartedly, partly because David was transformed into a black dragon, and on the other hand, it was because of David's "immortal vitality".

For the black dragon, whose life also has an end, immortality is also a great temptation.

Speaker Gould didn't surprise David when he told him that he had been a legend and was the body of a black dragon. He knew that David's life would be long.

Not to mention the life extension brought about by the legend level, only to say that the life span of the body of the black dragon is far more than a thousand years. Speaker Gould is not sure how long the life span of the black dragon is. But in every legend about the giant dragon, the unit of counting time is 10000 years.

"My conditions are still valid. Your descendants can come to God's great world as long as they need to. The Supreme Council will prepare top Knight training methods for your descendants." Speaker Gould said with a smile.

Speaker Gould is more long-term than others think. The appearance of General David will bring a great improvement to the top combat power of the interstellar Federation.

Moreover, the improvement of the top combat power may be permanent, because the descendants of General David will have the blood of General David, and even in some kind of offspring, there will be a phenomenon of atavism, so it is not impossible to completely inherit General David's talent.

If General David gives birth to a large number of offspring in the interstellar Federation, a strong blood family will be established. Speaker Gould may not consider the influence of such a strong blood family on the interstellar Federation politics, but speaker Gould should consider establishing friendly relations with General David.

The best result would be that General David was ostracized in the interstellar Federation and forced to come to the divine world, which would be the perfect result.

But speaker Gould didn't want to push the matter forward. He just wanted it to go according to the normal development.

Any action can be detected, and once the matter is revealed, the terrible General David may become his mortal enemy.

Against a strong man like David, speaker Gould felt a chill.

The super long-range sniping, the swordsmanship to kill the fifth level Zerg, and the legendary strength, all made speaker Gould very calm.

"Thank you for your kindness. I think we will be friends." David said with a smile.

Although David did not promise anything, but this kind of kindness satisfied speaker Gould, and he did not waste the opportunity to come alone.

"Go, Admiral Francis is waiting for you!" Speaker Gould said with a smile.

David and speaker Gould went to the headquarters. As soon as they got to the underground entrance of the headquarters, they saw general Francis and the twelve generals around him.

Although there are many federal generals guarding the Star Theater, the generals in front of them are the only ones in front of them.

In other words, general Francis brought all the generals to meet David, which is the highest standard welcome ceremony at present.

"Lieutenant General David, on behalf of all the federal soldiers guarding the Star Theater, thank you Said Admiral Francis with a salute.

The twelve generals beside him saluted at the same time.

"Admiral Francis, this is what I should do as a soldier!" David did not go to correct general Francis's slip of the tongue, and returned to the salute.

David's heart is very strange, as general Francis, it is impossible to mistake his rank.

"You are too modest. I will report your merits to the federal command and ask for your credit. In addition, according to the order of the federal command, your rank will be promoted from major general to general!" Said Admiral Francis with a smile.

A soldier came up with a uniform and stood in front of David.

The military uniform is a military dress, which is not the point. The most obvious part of this military dress is the military rank, and the rank of lieutenant general is shining with golden light, which makes the military dress more dazzling.

In the establishment of the Federation, the rank of major general is the largest among the ranks of generals. This is because every extraordinary person who enters the army will get the rank of major general.

Of course, there are differences in the rank of major general. The rank of a major general is more a kind of treatment and has no actual command power.

The real rank of major general has actual military power and is the backbone of the federal army.

The promotion of a major general to a general requires not only combat merits but also qualifications.When David was in the interstellar Federation, he was a real major general, and because of his outstanding fighting skills, there was also a rumor about the promotion of the general.

It's just that David is so troublesome in the interstellar Federation that he has made a lot of big things, which has delayed his promotion.

This promotion is only a supplement to the previous rank.

David took over the general's dress from the soldiers. He didn't have much surprise. Maybe he stood too high and surpassed the rank and army.

However, a kind of emotion, let him still show extremely solemn.

"Lieutenant General David, I believe that the rank of lieutenant general is not enough to match your merits at the end of the war!" General Francis approached David and whispered.

After general Francis transmitted David's battle video back to the federal headquarters, Grand Marshal Andre was extremely quick. First, he promoted David's major general to become a general quickly. This made David get the first step reward when he returned after the war.

Grand Marshal Andre also revealed to general Francis his plan for the next step, using higher treatment to retain David.

"This war has nothing to do with your command!" David saluted.

"We don't want to be here any more. You go and put on your uniform. Our celebration party will start soon." General Francis saw that David was not arrogant because of the promotion of his rank, nor did he have the arrogance of those who were powerful. On the matter of fighting merit, general Francis said with a smile.

The knights on tura felt the sky suddenly brighten up, which made the sun look weak.

The knights in the main city of Tula saw the scene that shocked them. The five huge temples were all emitting white light.

In the shadow of white light, five huge shrines rose from the ground. No one thought that such a huge temple could fly up.

Not only did it fly, but the five great shrines kept rising, as if there were five more stars. The light of the original stars was covered by the five great temples.

As the five great temples flew away from Tula, the light on tura returned to normal.

The Knights saw that many "star boats" left tura one after another. The knights were frightened. Did the temple give up Tula.

But the Knights' worries did not last long, and the Supreme Council's orders followed.

All the level 4 sky Knights follow the five temples with the starboat to wipe out the Zerg and recover the chaotic star territory.

None of the Knights doubted whether they could take back the chaos star territory. The five great temples were launched, which meant that the temple would go all out to fight.

You should know that these five great temples represent the influence scope of the five gods, which is much more powerful than the God sent down by God. Where the huge temple goes, it is just like a God coming.

Excited prayers were heard from Tula, and the Knights chanted their own beliefs. They were not strong enough to support the temple in this way.

The huge legion of God's great world is advancing in space, with the goal of space gate.

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