"If possible, can I visit the production base?" Professor Gaskell asked David with expectant eyes.

Professor Gaskell also knows that his requirements are a little excessive. Such an important production base naturally needs a very high level of security.

If Professor Gaskell is a member of the erto foundation, he can enter, but he is a researcher in the Federal Military Equipment Department and has no right to ask for anything.

"You can get in touch with James barrister. As long as you sign the confidentiality agreement, he will arrange you to visit!" David didn't refuse Professor Gaskell's request and said with a smile.

The production base is in the origin star, not to mention the protection of level 4 sky knights. Even without the protection of these masters, few people dare to invade villas with high security level.

"Admiral David, can I know the scale of production?" Minister Dalton continued.

"The current production scale is 1000 alchemy pattern weapons per day!" David said to the truth.

Minister Dalton was stunned that the output exceeded his imagination.

In his mind, the quantity mentioned before is only dozens of pieces per day, which is a huge production.

We should know that in the god world, alchemists also need to cooperate with forgers in order to produce alchemy pattern weapons. Without the technical support of the forgers in the god world, it is almost unrealistic to increase production.

However, Minister Dalton did not know that David himself was the "master forging master". Although that was the knowledge possessed by David's noumenon, as long as David's mind and spirit put more than a certain proportion into the clone sub body, he could have the knowledge ability of "forging master" of ontology.

With David, the master of forging, involved in the design of production lines, the integration of alchemy patterns and weapons is not a big problem. It can be easily solved.

In fact, anyone else in the interstellar Federation who has obtained Professor Gaskell's Alchemy patterning technology can not achieve mass production without long-term research.

It is not that researchers have thought about this road before, but those researchers did not meet David, the "master of alchemy" and "master of forging", like Professor Gaskell.

"Admiral David, our equipment department wants two-thirds of the production!" Minister Dalton made the request.

Minister Dalton knows very well that from now on, there will be a leap forward in the Union's extraordinary and armour weapons.

With the production of General David, it is not a problem to supply all the outstanding warriors. After a period of time, most of the elite warriors can be equipped.

However, Minister Dalton did not want to have too many weapons with alchemy patterns. This kind of weapon is the best choice only for the front line, and it is the federal army on the front line of the war.

"Minister Dalton, I'm not good at negotiation, but two-thirds of the output is impossible. The military can have orders, but we need to negotiate a quantity that both sides are satisfied with, and the equipment department must meet my conditions!" David said in a deep voice.

Minister Dalton was pleased that he proposed two-thirds of the output, which was actually a negotiation strategy.

Now, as long as General David is willing to talk about it, the military's order is not a problem.

"I don't know what the conditions are?" Asked minister Dalton.

"When some of the equipment is equipped with alchemy pattern weapons, erto's arms have the right to request that they be prohibited from being provided to certain armies. This should be included in the contract." David looked at minister Dalton and said with a smile.

Minister Dalton was stunned and immediately understood David's idea.

This is to borrow the distribution power of alchemy pattern weapons to enhance its influence. As long as the distribution power is controlled, no force in the military can be against General David any more.

As long as you think about it, if a certain military force does not get the distribution of alchemy pattern weapons, then the supernatural and elite warriors of this force will naturally be popular, and it is not surprising that even the camp will be transferred.

"I promise that every time the equipment department will send a plan to erto's arms office before distributing weapons with alchemy patterns. Erto's arms will not be distributed until erto's arms are approved!" Minister Dalton, after thinking it out, agreed.

Minister Dalton left David's office and immediately went to marshal Andre.

Two days later, David was in the cockpit of a small warship, which was the driver of Grand Marshal Andre and was used for short-range flights.

This small warship is full of stars and generals. More than ten generals are accompanying Marshal Andre to the federal equipment exhibition.

Two days ago, Grand Marshal Andre suddenly arranged for this visit, which also made the specifications of the federal equipment exhibition improved a lot.

It should be noted that the federal equipment exhibition held once every two years, at most, was visited by Dalton, the head of equipment department. The equipment department is the Department that purchases military supplies equipment.

Due to the particularity of the equipment department, the equipment department has always been under the management of Grand Marshal Andre. Even to avoid suspicion, the other deputy commanders and generals will not be too enthusiastic about the federal equipment exhibition."The size of this federal equipment show is not small!" Marshal Andre, looking out of the window of the side of the space, was watching a large number of warships parked near planet one, laughing to minister Dalton.

"With your leadership, the research on various equipment has been unprecedented development, coupled with many wars, the military's demand for warships has expanded, and the arms companies have increased their research investment, so this federal equipment exhibition is the largest in nearly a century." Minister Dalton returned with a smile.

"I think the reason behind is true!" Marshal Andre was in a good mood, and pointed to minister Dalton laughing.

The general on the scene knew why the federal equipment exhibition had such a scale, and the main reason was that the Federal Military had money.

Because of the large amount of resources allocated to the garrison star, the Federal Military had enough inventory at once. In addition, during the period of military control, the government allocated a large amount of war funds and made the military wallet drum up.

The federal arms dealers have close ties with the Federal Military, and see such a rich federal army, of course, want to share enough benefits from it.

"Admiral David, Admiral Francis will be back in a minute. The fleet he brought back has gone through the war. You can choose 200 warships from this equipment exhibition and fill 200 ships with the veterans brought back from Francy!" And marshal Andre turned his head again and said to David.

The Deputy commanders on the side were eager to stop, but in the end no deputy commander opposed the proposal of Marshal Andrey.

At least the Deputy commanders don't want to put forward proposals to harm David's interests in the face of David. David is too stingy. Jaicanthus will report that now, people are so close that who knows if David will do anything.

Admiral Milton's forerunner was still there, and it was not worth the crime of David for 200 new warships.

Of course, another reason is that David has been a general for some time, because admiral Milton, marshal Andrey has not arranged a direct fleet for David, even a thousand elite guards.

General David is a light commander in the federal command department, and he has no power. All he can command is his deputy and an intelligence team.

"Minister Dalton, you are professional. You can help me choose 200 new warships!" David said to minister Dalton with a smile.

"Thank admiral David for your trust. I will choose 200 new warships for you!" Minister Dalton would never refuse, and he agreed with a smile.

Their exchanges sparked the eyes of the generals on the scene. Although General David and Minister Dalton were members of general Andrea general's team, when will David have such a good relationship with Minister Dalton.

As we said, the small warship landed on planet 1. Today, the planet 1 is covered with various weapons and equipment, which is ten square kilometers above the plane.

Marshal Andre and a group of generals could not have visited planet one all over, and they visited the main venue on planet one.

The main venue is a temporary giant building, with all the equipment displayed by category.

For example, warships in space, large and medium-sized equipment on the ground cannot be displayed in the main venue in kind. There are also models of the same proportion and detailed light curtain demonstration.

As the host of minister Dalton, led the public view, security personnel also established a safety scope.

The traffic of people in the main venue is very large, but no one who can come here is ordinary people, but there is no phenomenon of blocking the road.

Of course, the appearance of Marshal Andre inevitably caused the people's agitation. Marshal Andrea welcomed warm applause every time he arrived.

"Well, this erto arms stand will not be admiral David's estate?" Deputy commander General Charlie said in surprise that he saw the front stand.

"Admiral David, you won't have to find minister Dalton to get the stand in this place!" General Ivan looked at the stand, joking.

The generals here naturally know David's erto fund and a part of the arms industry that was annexed a while ago.

After taking over the arms industry, President Craib found that the military could not open the door to procurement, a large part of which was the means of the generals here.

The arms industry that the erto fund took over is not very competitive and is also the reason for rejection of procurement.

If the military industry like this is to be reorganized into erto, how could such a good exhibition stand be obtained without using general David's relationship.

"Admiral David, I'm also looking at erto's munitions. Go, go and see it together!" Marshal Andre showed great interest at this time, and said to David with a smile.

David saw minister Dalton, who stood next to marshal Andrey, and understood what he knew.

"Please!" David said as master.

Minister Dalton attached great importance to erto's arms and gave it to a large exhibition stand.

And erto arms to fill the stand, almost all the military products out, just is barely filled.The service personnel of erto's arms were not able to get close to them, and the military security personnel replaced them. Even if this is the industry of General David, the security department will not be careless.

The generals could not help shaking their heads when they looked at the displayed military products. If Marshal Andre was not still interested in visiting, they would not have stayed.

There is nothing new about the military products here. It should be that the industry replacement has affected the research and development of the arms industry.

All military products can be found in the Federation of the same type of products, which is extremely lethal for arms companies.

During the visit, the generals found a little comfort. General David's fighting power was incomparable, but in business, he was just an ordinary man.

"What is that?" General Ivan saw the twenty third class weapons on the inner wall of the exhibition stand, and asked in some astonishment.

Twenty third class weapons, including heavy axes, hammers, swords, spears, and so on. In addition to shields, there are all kinds of weapons commonly used by the warriors.

Admiral Ivan's surprise was not the class III weapons displayed here, but the special patterns on the twenty class III weapons.

If he doesn't believe that there are many weapons in his eyes, he doesn't believe that there are many weapons in his eyes.

Any force will not easily sell the alchemy pattern weapons in their hands, because this is the strongest weapon of extraordinary combat power and can enhance the extraordinary combat power.

As long as this force needs to be extraordinary, it needs to have enough weapons to absorb the supernatural.

"My God, it's Alchemy pattern weapons, all of them!" A supernormal in charge of security glanced at the weapon on the wall and exclaimed.

Marshal Andre and all the generals went forward to examine the weapons. Even the visitors attracted by Marshal Andre were shocked by the news.

If it is not for the security personnel who have set the security scope, they will come to check it regardless.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an alchemy pattern weapon manufactured according to the technology of reproducing alchemy pattern developed by Professor Gaskell of the equipment department. It is produced by erto ammunition. At present, a purchase agreement has been reached with the equipment department!" Minister Dalton said with a smile.

Minister Dalton's words confirmed the authenticity of the twenty third grade alchemy pattern weapons, so that the generals could not help but look to the direction of General David.

They all regret that they didn't have a good relationship with General David. Now general David has this technology in his hand, and he is in trouble to obtain the third level alchemy pattern weapon.

However, thinking that he could obtain alchemy pattern weapons from Minister Dalton of the equipment department, no general spoke to David on his own initiative.

"Admiral David, I have ordered twelve level 4 alchemy pattern weapons for my extraordinary guard. I will provide level 4 weapons!" Said Grand Marshal Andrey.

"Of course David replied with a smile.

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