David's mind is in charge of the clone avatar. Since the promotion process of the clone avatar is carried out in the interstellar Federation, the world rules of the interstellar Federation do not exclude the clone avatar.

David felt the terrible power in his body. The "black dragon power rule" was completely integrated with his body. He did not need to use the "black dragon force". As long as he moved freely, he would automatically carry the "black dragon power rule" bonus.

He also felt that the vitality of the "body of the black dragon" itself is extremely strong, which also means that his life will be extremely long.

But now the vitality has been greatly improved, which has brought a great extension of life.

David doesn't have any special feeling about this effect. Anyway, as long as the noumenon is still there, it can continuously provide "immortal vitality". These incarnations and even the life allowed by David can get eternal life.

"The demigods are so powerful He tried to clone the speed and strength of the body, can not help exclaiming.

Although David has a demigod "Knight of the spirit," in fact, there is a great gap between the demigod "Knight of the spirit" and the demigod of the clone.

The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" believes in becoming a God. Reducing the risk of becoming a demigod brings about the relative weakness of the demigod body.

Compared with the half god of the Holy Spirit, the half god of the Holy Spirit can't be strengthened.

Of course, this does not mean that the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" is really weak. The demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" who believes in God has the ability to control the "holy spirit field" and is good at long-range multiple energy attacks.

Although clone avatar also has "black dragon's power rule field", both attack distance and attack power are not satisfactory.

The "black dragon power rule field" is more like an auxiliary field for melee combat. It can slow down the enemy's speed in combat, and allow clone avatars to close in faster.

At present, as long as the demigod clone incarnation is close to the body of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" is doomed to fail.

The demigod clone rose into the air, left al-1187, and headed for renka.

David's mind God came to the four clone sub bodies of God belonging to the big world garmi. According to the truth, the energy of the four clones is more abundant, and it is the four clones who practice together. It should be promoted to demigod faster.

But sometimes there is no reason for promotion. There is no sense of promotion for the four clones.

However, David is not in a hurry. With his perception of the promotion of the demigod clone avatar, he can be sure that the promotion of the four clone avatars will not be too long.

David also checked the construction of garmi. All six continents of garmi have been reconstructed. Looking at garmi from space, it is no longer the barren planet of that time. The land is full of green.

In terms of security, there are a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft (UAVs) in the outer space of garmi. These UAVs are connected with each other to form a coverage of garmi and 2000 km away from garmi with cube super intelligent system.

In addition to making robots, the equipment of the military factory that David brought back is the manufacture of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

In terms of attack, the "Super Star Destroyer gun" from erfah of the Yabu consortium is also located on garmi, and is controlled by a robot operated by the cube super intelligent system.

Two hundred unidentified warships in near space formed the first firepower net, which was set up to prevent people from approaching garmi from space.

With the technology of space navigation in the big world, as long as the "star boat" is locked, it can not escape the fire attack of 200 space warships.

Of course, these are not the strongest attacks. The strongest attacks come from David himself.

He can return to garmi in the shortest time, no matter where he is.

This is why David dares to let the four clones practice on the ground of garmi, which has been built for such a long time.

In the villa in Chia, David and Emma spent the most wonderful days together. They were so close that they could not be separated for a moment.

It was just that David had a military service in the airy region this time. After only five days, he received a message from Cyril's adjutant in the morning of the sixth day.

In the morning, David cooked himself and prepared a table of dishes carefully.

Although he had already prepared a delicious food with a space ring for Emma, in the villa, under Emma's gaze, cooking dishes for Emma had a completely different meaning.

David took out the red wine produced by gamisin, and used a set of exquisite tableware and wine sets to set the table in a very luxurious way.

"Dear Miss Emma, please come in!" David bowed with a smile.

"David, you are the standard of etiquette of the great world Emma, looking at David's antics, chuckled back at a specious lady's ceremony of God's great world. Finally, she could not help laughing and praised.Federalists have great curiosity about the mysterious God belongs to the big world. Especially in recent years, the communication between the two worlds is more frequent, which makes the Federalists know some things about God belonging to the big world.

The etiquette of God in the big world is the most attractive to Federalists. The graceful movement and noble momentum are revealed in the etiquette.

The rites of God belong to the big world are very complicated, and the Federalists can only see a small part of them, which makes them unable to use them, which increases the interest of Federalists.

Although Emma herself can not use the good God belongs to the big world etiquette, but her insight still has, David's etiquette completely conforms to the graceful movement and the imposing noble.

David laughed. Of course, this is the most standard of God belongs to the big world etiquette, but he has received pure aristocratic education.

"David, if you have something to do, we are still young and have plenty of time together." Emma sat down, looked at the wine and the food, and said with a smile.

She had seen David's abnormality for a long time. She didn't have to think about it. As a general, deputy commander in chief of the federal army, David was not so free.

"There are some military affairs to deal with!" David said with a smile.

"In fact, I have been approached by the brokerage company for a long time. The federal Music Festival is about to open. Because of the popularity of" sweet day ", sweet day has been nominated. I believe we can get our gold medal this time Said Emma, smiling.

Although Emma concealed her heart's reluctance, David still felt it.

However, as Emma said, they are still very young, especially David's clone has become a demigod, which is not far from David's full self-protection ability.

David believes that that day is not far away, and he will not be afraid of Zerg gods and death, even the five gods of the great world.

He has been afraid to relax himself, because his enemies are too strong, God level enemies give him great pressure.

It's the happiest time to be together with Emma in recent years.

Even if there is no military affairs to deal with, David will not stay here all the time. He needs to continue to study hard to deal with the strong enemies in the future.

"Then I'll clear up a place in my study so that I can place the gold medal!" David said with a smile.

The federal Music Festival is the most important music festival in the interstellar Federation. It is mainly to honor the outstanding music works of that year. The gold award is the song award, which combines the factors of lyrics, music, singing and other factors. It is judged by well-known musicians in the Federation, and it is also the highest award in the federal music industry.

David didn't pay special attention to the federal Music Festival. If it wasn't for Emma, he wouldn't even know about it.

Emma had no new works and had no plans to attend the federal Music Festival.

However, the crazy spread of "sweet day" has an amazing influence in just a few days, and has almost become a phenomenal song.

Not only ordinary people love the song "sweet day", but also many musicians have published praise words.

According to the rules of the entertainment industry, music works like "sweet day" sweep all over the world, because it blocks the way of some musicians. Normally, there will be musicians or the media coming out.

But "sweet day" this song, since the release, Skynet has never been a smear speech.

Therefore, musicians seem to be suddenly civilized. The entertainment industry has never had such an atmosphere, and no one has jumped out to write even worse comments.

This is not because of Emma. Emma, the new generation of queen, can not achieve such influence. Let alone Emma, no matter how big a singer is, it can not be recognized by all musicians.

Because another singer of "sweet day" was David, General David, the "God of war.".

General David's background, erto fund, the top federal financial group, and Deputy commander-in-chief of the military, are the most powerful in the Federation, and they are also the character of showing their eyes.

As long as people with normal brain will not offend such existence, any one of these identities is enough to let the big power scruple, let alone ordinary musicians.

On the other hand, "sweet day" is excellent to the extreme, but also let the music people.

The federal Music Festival also broke the Convention. With one month to go before the federal Music Festival, when the music entries were closed, sweet day was added.

The federal Music Festival did not dare to invite admiral David, and they were not qualified to have access to General David, so they sent the invitation to Emma, another singer of sweet day.

At the end of lunch, David and Emma both left the villa. Emma's agent Lucia came to meet her.

David is very assured of Emma's safety, with 20 level 4 sky Knights following, no one in the interstellar federation can harm Emma.

He also got into a military floating car that came to pick him up, and drove to the army headquarters next to the city of Kia, where the military headquarters of the airidia region are located.Cyril's adjutant, while driving a hovering car, peeked through the rearview mirror to look at General David. He couldn't figure out how the song with endless tenderness was sung by General David.

"What's the situation with the starfield headquarters? Is anything happening? " David's voice surprised Cyril's deputy.

"The starfield headquarters are very stable. Lieutenant General Dan has not relaxed his management because he is going to leave office. Everything in his general department has been handled very well." Cyril's adjutant reports as it is.

David nodded. Lt. Gen. Dane needed to go back to the federal command to rearrange his work.

David was satisfied that Lieutenant Dan remained committed to stability until he was determined to leave.

David doesn't like trouble, even if it's small.

The floating car came to the headquarters, and all the officers with enough rank were at the door to meet general David.

David also met with lieutenant general Dane who stood at the front. As long as no news of his resignation was announced for one day, even if all the officers knew that lieutenant general Dan was going to leave, Lieutenant General Dan was also the manager of the military department, and he should be the first one on such occasions.

"Admiral Dane, I hear you're doing a good job!" David said, smiling and patting lieutenant general Dane on the shoulder.

"This is what I should do!" Admiral Dane was very excited by David's praise, he saluted.

Admiral David's praise represents recognition, which is very important for lieutenant general Dane's future work arrangements.

"All of you are here, and I would like to announce directly that, from this day on, lieutenant general Dane will leave alidia and lieutenant general Bradford will take over the position of lieutenant general Dane!" All of them were subordinates of David, and he announced directly without politeness.

Lieutenant general Bradford, who was with David, stepped forward and saluted Lieutenant Dan, who also saluted him. A simple transfer of power was completed.

In fact, lieutenant general Dane has already handed over the details of the work these days. Today is just a handover ceremony.

David didn't stay in the military department any more. He came to the military department for the ceremony. He didn't intend to interfere with the work here. All the affairs will be handled by lieutenant general Bradford.

"Major general Elton, come to my office and the rest of you will go back to their posts!" Lieutenant general Bradford, after General David had left, glanced at all the officers, and finally put his eyes on major general Elton.

The officers here understood why lieutenant general Bradford called major general Elton alone. The relationship between major general Elton and General David was not a secret.

As Emma's third uncle, now that David manages the military affairs in the airy realm in the future, members of the Emma family will naturally be given preferential treatment.

There's no need for General David to say hello. The people below will think about it for him.

Like lieutenant general Bradford, the first thing to do was to reuse major general Elton.

"Yes, lieutenant general Bradford!" Major general Elton exclaimed after saluting.

David didn't know what happened after he left. He was flying into space with lieutenant general Radner on a landing ship.

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