When the strength of the four clones stabilized, David was relieved and stopped consuming "top kryptonite.".

The number of "top-level kryptonite" has sharply decreased due to repeated consumption. Since the largest production of "top-level kryptonite" is in Zhanxing, he will not be able to earn a large amount of "top-level kryptonite" until the next time God allocates resources.

Of course, if David doesn't care about killing the chicken and laying the eggs, then he can mine the super large kryptonite mine in the "artifact space card" cultivation space, where there are huge reserves of "top-level kryptonite".

But David doesn't do that, because it can produce "perfect kryptonite". He doesn't leave his precious "pregnant crystal" there just for some "top kryptonite.".

What's more, after the promotion of his clone, where does he need to consume "top kryptonite".

In order to be safe, David takes Alexis the black dragon and all his characters into the "artifact space card" with a wave of his hand.

His figure continuously used "space advance" and activated the talent ability of "underground stealth", returning to the "God belongs to the big world safety point" 500 meters underground of garmi.

David chose the "space coordinates" of "Zerg world safety point" to activate the space wormhole.

He dodged into the wormhole of space, and when he reappeared, he came to the familiar "Zerg world safety point.".

David drew the five clones out of the artifact space card. Like the last time, he used the artifact Knight Sword to open the palms of the five clones.

The five clones split into palm wounds to connect each other's blood.

The "imperial inheritance pattern" absorbs the power of belief around, and the silk power is generated in the clone avatar. Since the clone avatar is now a demigod, and the body is semi quantifiable, it can accept the strengthening of the divine power.

However, it is obvious that the ascent of demigods is not easy. Even with the power of "imperial inheritance pattern", the process is extremely slow.

David also has some understanding of the demigod realm. For example, the demigod "Knight of the spirit" belongs to the first level of the demigod realm.

However, the five demigod clones are not even at this initial level. Judging from the speed of the transformation of "imperial level inheritance pattern", it will take at least half a year to catch up with the half god "Holy Spirit Knight".

In David's opinion, this speed has been extremely slow. However, the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" consumed a lot of top-level resources of the temple, and also used the huge amount of religious power reserved by God. It took 100 years to reach the initial level of demigod.

If there is no shrine, the super power that controls the world, provides resources, relying on the inside information of a top aristocrat, not to mention whether it can reach the demigod level, it will reach the demigod level, and there will be no resources for its promotion.

Today's wealth of David is obtained by robbing several top nobles. However, this wealth seems to be a lot, but it can not maintain the cultivation of demigod.

Although David is famous in the god world, his real income is still very small, and the top resources can only rely on the resources allocated by the Lord.

Harlow will be allocated a large share of the world's top lords' resources in the next time.

David, who focuses on five demigod clones, suddenly finds a strange thing.

At present, the five demigod clones can be regarded as five interlinked souls sharing the same body. Why should we say it is a body? Because the blood of the five demigods is connected with each other, there is no trace of exclusion between them, and they really become a whole.

After the initial chaos, the five hearts gradually unified. They beat at the same time and pressed the golden blood, which contains the terrible energy, like mercury, in the five connected bodies.

David also discovered that the blood of the demigod clone turned from human red to gold, just like the blood of a wounded God he had seen.

When David's psyche entered the soul of one of the demigods, he felt that the special body was a real independent body.

He can sense every muscle, skin, and even cells in each of the five bodies in a particular body.

And David can also freely manipulate this special body, although it is a little awkward, but as long as practice for a period of time, can be skilled.

David's heart moved, if he used this special body to display the special ability of demigod, would it be different?

But before that, he still called out Alexis the black dragon.

Alexis, the black dragon, shook his body as small as a cat. The world upset him. The suppression of world rules made him unable to exert his full strength.

"Alexis, look at my clone, is that normal?" David shared the perception of the five half body clones to Alexis the black dragon and asked.

Alexis, the black dragon, sensed it. His eyes were full of shock, because he had never seen such a scene in his long life.Five clones practice the same skill with the same origin, and their strength reaches the level of demigod. This may have happened.

But the bodies of the five clones are not repellent at all. They can make each other's blood and energy compatible with each other, which is something that should not happen at all.

Not to mention that every individual who practices has privacy. No one will allow others to learn from their own, let alone let other people's blood into their own body.

As long as one of the demigods has a different mind, the rest of them will fall down. If the strong man who can reach the demigod realm has no heart to defend people, he would have died without a burial place.

Of course, the biggest problem is not these. The biggest problem is that even with such five demigods, they are willing to let go of everything. However, the repulsion of body instinct and the energy of cultivation cannot be eliminated.

The energy of self-cultivation can strengthen one's own self, but for others, it is the poison of terror. As long as it enters other people's body, it will forcibly destroy the other's body tissue.

This will not change because they practice the same skill. This is a rule.

David's demigod clone avatar is too special. This is not the life body that should appear. The five demigod clones have the same gene of David, and in David's special attention, they practice the same skill "black dragon sleep".

Even in the process of self-improvement, it is also strengthened through the way of connecting the body, through the "imperial inheritance pattern".

This unprecedented operation has resulted in this unprecedented special existence.

"My Lord, I don't know this is abnormal, but there should be no big problem!" Alexis the Black Dragon said.

In fact, Alexis, the black dragon, wants to ask David loudly. Is this normal? Can this still be normal? Is he a god level black dragon who has lived for thousands of years and has never seen anything normal?

But the longer he follows David, Alexis, the black dragon, is constantly strengthening his tolerance to accidents.

At least when he saw this appalling situation, Alexis, the black dragon, was able to hold his head and answer David's questions without changing his face.

"I feel five bodies connected in this way, like a whole body!" David said here, thought about it for a second and said, "it should not be said that it is like it, but it should be said that it is a complete body, without the temporary patchwork of five bodies."

"You should work out a better way to fight according to this feeling!" Alexis the black dragon looked at the scene of the five clones connected, thinking of David's words, can not help saying.

The fighting power of the five independent demigods and the combined power of the five demigods will change in essence.

At the level above the demigod level, it is no longer possible to crush by relying on the number, but to see whose combat power is stronger. If the combat power is stronger to a higher level, then the number will have no effect.

"That's what I think. I want to try to use the demigod talent ability!" David nodded in agreement.

"Then try the ability of" ablation "with the least influence. If there is no problem, then try the other demigod abilities!" Black dragon Alexis suggested.

David didn't plan to test the "Juhua" talent ability first. He was afraid to destroy the surrounding environment when he used the "gathering point explosion" talent ability here.

This is an extremely precious space stone mine. Although he does not intend to mine space stone because he wants to keep the space cracks here for a long time, it is difficult to say how long the space cracks can exist once the space stone mines are damaged.

David doesn't want to lose this hidden space in the Zerg world.

Only the ability of "ablation" is the ability of defense. It has no actual attack ability and is very safe.

David thought that he was also connected to the soul of the demigod clone with the ability to "melt" and activate the "ablation" talent from the soul space.

He felt that all the "rules of power of the black dragon" in the five bodies were activated. They flowed out into the "ablation pattern" in front of him, and then transformed into a "ablation shield".

David felt the fatigue of this special body. Fortunately, the "emperor's inheritance pattern" was still running, and at a very fast speed, he added the "black dragon's power rule" to him.

He felt his fatigue disappear in an instant, and he noticed the "ablation shield" in front of him.

Compared with the previous "ablation shield" activated by a demigod clone, this "ablation shield" is much larger. It used to be a small round shield, but now it is a tower shield.

Tower Shield can defend a complete direction, which makes up for the defect of "ablation" talent ability to a certain extent.

"My Lord, you are not proficient in using this" ablation "talent. You should try to control the consumption of" black dragon's power rule "in your body. I have seen a black dragon use" ablation shield "to form a" ablation shield "with a suitable amount of" black dragon's power rule ". You can take the" black dragon's power rule "back into your body after you don't need it!" Alexis the Black Dragon said.The reason why Alexis is so active is that he can teach David less and less. If he doesn't say more now, he can't teach him in the future.

David was stunned when he heard the words of the black dragon yaxis. He looked at the ablation shield in front of him, trying to see if he could restore the ablation shield to the power of the black dragon.

However, it was so easy. He tried several times to make the "ablation shield" collapse, and did not restore even a trace of the "black dragon power rule" energy.

David doesn't think that Alexis, the black dragon, is talking nonsense. There is only one possibility. He has too little mastery of the ability to "melt" his talent.

"Let's get out of here and try out the other two demigod abilities!" David didn't try to "melt" talent again. He planned to try two other demigod abilities.

To tell you the truth, this is also David has five demigod clones, plus the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" and the black dragon Alexis.

Although these forces are all due to the world rules of the Zerg world, their strength has been greatly affected, but how to say that the strength of one God plus six and a half gods can make waves in any world.

David has not been out of this space crack since he came to Zerg world. Now that he has such a strong strength, he also wants to go out and have a look.

Space ability is needed to leave the space crack. Although David's spatial talent ability is not strong, it is still possible to leave the space crack with several people using "space breakthrough".

"Space breakthrough" has passed through the space barrier, and when it reappears, it is already in a void.

Without a map of Zerg world, David could not know where it was in Zerg world.

However, with his perception of Alexis, the black dragon, it can be confirmed that there is no planet at least at a very long distance.

This also made David lose the idea of exploring. Think about it, the "space beetle" set this place as a safe point, because of its absolute security, it is impossible to be close to the gathering area of Zerg.

Well, if there's a Zerg gathering area here, David's going to be in trouble.

The special information transmission mode of Zerg is that unless all Zerg are killed instantly, it is difficult to say whether any Zerg has the ability to transmit information remotely and transmit the human presence in the Zerg area.

At that time, it will be tracked by a large number of Zerg. It is difficult to say whether the "Zerg world safety point" can continue to be hidden.

David doesn't have to think about it now. He's free to experiment with his ideas.

David's psyche re entered the demigod clone avatar. The demigod clone avatar still keeps the palm wound connected, and the blood circulates through them.

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