"My Lord, the two Zerg gods over there have been severely wounded. Their breath is extremely unstable, and they are still fighting!" Alexis, the black dragon, said in a relaxed voice.

According to the perception of Alexis the black dragon, there are indeed two Zerg deities on the opposite side, but the situation of these two Zerg gods is not good. From the fluctuation of the battle, the battle should last for a long time. The consumption of the two Zerg divine levels is huge, and it is the end of the strength.

"What do you mean?" David heard something in Alexis' words and asked aloud.

"My Lord, it's a rare opportunity. If you hold one of the Zerg divine levels for three seconds, I can smash the other Zerg God level to lose its combat effectiveness, and then I can solve the remaining one!" Alexis, the black dragon, suggested excitedly.

The black dragon Alexis didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity. The two weak gods were fighting. If they didn't take advantage of it, he would feel sorry for this kind of luck.

God level deity has a great temptation to any God level. You can get everything from the other side by killing God level.

"Three seconds?" David hesitated, and three seconds was hard to resist.

He has seen the terror of the gods. The Zerg God level has the spirit body of cultivating into a God. Even if he is weak, his combat power can not be underestimated.

"According to your judgment, can the clone avatar in" giant "state resist Zerg God level for three seconds David still asked Alexis the black dragon.

The proposal was put forward by Alexis the black dragon. The only combat power David can play is the clone sub body, and the rest of the combat power is not good.

As a matter of fact, with all of David's current combat abilities, that is, the Zerg God level is standing there, and his sub bodies have no way to take the Zerg level.

Only when the clone avatar in the "giant" state displays the talent of "gathering point explosion", can it threaten the Zerg divine level.

But cloning is very important to David.

"There's no problem. The ability of" ablation "plus the increased defense after" gigantic "state can block a short attack of Zerg God level in weak state." Black dragon Alexis said definitely.

The pursuit war between the "Titan golden armor emperor" and the "blade Mantis emperor" has lasted for a long time. The "Titan golden armor emperor" wound is out of control, and this time it is overtaken by the blade Mantis emperor.

A bitter battle was staged again. A pair of blades of the "blade Mantis emperor" constantly wanted to attack the damaged parts of the body of the "Titan golden jiahuang". Naturally, the "Titan golden emperor" would not let the other party succeed, defending and counterattacking at the same time.

Being in space will not cause any damage to the surrounding areas, but the space is still in the dead cycle of breaking and recovering.

After such a long pursuit, the "Titan golden armor emperor" and "blade Mantis emperor" are very familiar with each other's fighting methods.

The battle between them seems fierce, but in fact they have spare strength. They know their names. It is impossible to determine the outcome of this kind of battle. The final victory or defeat depends on the physical condition of both sides.

The "blade Mantis emperor" is about to fall out of the divine level, and the "Titan golden armor emperor" is also getting worse. The original wound is combined with the irreparable injury left by the "blade Mantis emperor" attack.

There is not much magic power left in the blade Mantis emperor, and there is no divine power mixed in the attack, which greatly reduces its attack power.

After being chased for such a long time, the "Titan golden armor emperor" naturally knows how to protect his injured vulnerable wound. The rest of the gold armor defense positions can not be broken by letting the "blade Mantis emperor" attack.

However, due to the injury, the "Titan golden armor emperor" can not use all its strength, and can only rely on divine power to barely improve its attack power. However, the speed of the wounded is greatly reduced. It is not easy to hurt the "blade Mantis emperor".

It is in this case that both the "Titan golden armor emperor" and the "blade Mantis emperor" have the same mind and consume each other by fighting.

Now it depends on whether the power in the blade Mantis emperor is completely used up, or whether the injury of the golden emperor of Titan cannot be sustained. The winner is the one who perseveres in the end.

"Hand over the" emperor inherits the pattern ", I can swear to share the" emperor's inheritance pattern "with you. Why do you insist on it "Blade Mantis emperor" said as he attacked.

"Titan golden armor emperor" sneers at the words that "blade Mantis emperor" wants to destroy its fighting will. In its opinion, only the fool "blade Mantis emperor" will lend out the "emperor inheritance pattern".

All the Zerg deities know that there are nine "emperor inheritance patterns" in the Zerg world, but few of them lend their own "emperor inheritance patterns".

The reason is that the combat power cultivated by the "emperor's inheritance pattern" has a strong dependence on the "emperor's inheritance pattern". Once the "emperor's inheritance pattern" is withdrawn, its actual strength will continue to decline.

In addition, if you leave the Zerg's divine body, you are in danger of losing it.This possibility is extremely low, but "blade Mantis emperor" is not met, so "Titan golden armor emperor" will think that "blade Mantis emperor" is a fool.

"How much more power is left in your body? Look at this blow. If it has magic power, it can hurt me! " "Titan golden emperor" also opened the mode of ridicule.

As a matter of fact, the "Titan golden emperor" is in a weak position. Otherwise, it will not run away whenever it has a chance.

At this time, the taunt of the "Titan golden armor emperor" was just to stimulate the "blade Mantis emperor" to use his power once more, so as to speed up the consumption of his divine power.

Just as the Titan's golden armor emperor and the blade Mantis emperor provoke each other and attack each other, space energy fluctuations come.

Later, the "Titan golden armor emperor" and "blade Mantis emperor" perceived a familiar divine breath.

Among them, the "sword blade Mantis emperor" is aware of its own "emperor inheritance pattern". Originally, the "blade Mantis emperor" has no such ability, but the longer it leaves the "emperor inherits the pattern", the more it yearns for the "emperor inherits the pattern".

Perhaps it is the clonal avatar in the state of "Juhua", which enlarges its own breath and enlarges the breath of "emperor's inheritance pattern".

At close range, the "emperor's inheritance pattern", which had followed the "blade Mantis emperor" for countless years, was originally a part of its body, and then approached it.

"Blade Mantis emperor" dreams that one day, it can clearly perceive its "emperor's inheritance pattern", and then it will kill the enemy and take back the "emperor's inheritance pattern".

After grabbing it back, the blade Mantis emperor vowed never to let the emperor inherit the pattern from his body again.

On that day, the "sword edge Mantis emperor" handed over the "emperor's inheritance pattern" to the same clan's "sword blade Mantis", which made it a legend. When it was about to move towards a higher level, the "emperor's inheritance pattern" was robbed by a human.

That day became the nightmare of the "blade Mantis emperor", and I was extremely upset whenever I thought of it.

Without any hesitation, the sword blade Mantis emperor rushes towards the clone avatar of Juhua. It has already sensed the breath of the one who robbed the "emperor inheriting pattern" and "emperor inheriting pattern" is also there.

At this time, the "sword blade Mantis emperor" was no longer concerned with the "Titan gold armor emperor". Recovering the "emperor's inheritance pattern" could make up for the loss.

"Blade Mantis emperor" doesn't have a strange combination state of Guan clonal body. There are many strange forms of Zerg, and there may be few human beings. However, the emergence of a strange state does not make the "blade Mantis emperor" have too much curiosity, and the desire for "emperor inheriting patterns" is beyond all curiosity.

After leaving the space passage, Alexis, the black dragon, regains his true body and pounces on the two Zerg gods.

The original plan of the black dragon Alexis was that he would split the two Zerg deities first, and then let David control the clone avatar in the "gigantic" state and drag one of them.

However, as soon as he broke out of the space channel, the blade Mantis Emperor gave up fighting with the Titan king of gold, and rushed back to the clone avatar in the giant state.

The black dragon Alexis didn't take charge of the blade Mantis emperor. Instead, he continued to pounce on the golden emperor of the Titan. The Dragon claws seized the golden emperor of the Titan with terrifying energy.

The "Titan golden emperor" naturally recognized Alexis the black dragon. In its heyday, it was beaten by Alexis, the black dragon. Now that he is seriously injured, he is no match for Alexis.

The "Titan's golden emperor" knew that he was in great trouble. His body was already in a state of dilapidation. This state of fighting with Alexis, the black dragon, was probably the result of his fall.

In order to survive, the "Titan golden emperor" decided to go all out. It opened his mouth and spewed out a green blood mist. The blood mist contained divine power, which greatly increased the power of the blood mist.

Under the cover of the green blood mist, the back half of its body broke off and turned into a complete "Tanjin golden emperor" and continued to retreat.

However, the real "Titan of golden armor" explodes the space with the price of a piece of gold armor by the reaction force of spurting out green blood mist, and then enters the space.

Alexis, the black dragon, did not expect that the "Titan and the golden emperor" would be so decisive. Because of its magical power, the green blood mist affected the perception ability of the black dragon Alexis.

In addition, this is the Zerg world, and he has a strong suppression of Alexis' perception of the black dragon, which makes him misjudge him. He regards the second half of the body of the "Titan's golden emperor" as "the golden Titan.".

When the black dragon Alexis caught the Titan's golden emperor, he found that it was wrong. The "Titan golden emperor" in his claw was strange.

As a force of the black dragon washed away the body of the Titan, the phantom of the body was broken and restored to the second half of the body.

The green blood fog was also washed away by the force of the black dragon and faded away.At this time, Alexis, the black dragon, also felt the fluctuation of space energy. His face was extremely ugly. He boasted to David and left the "Titan golden emperor".

The angry black dragon Alexis just wants to destroy the remnant body in his hand, but he still recovers his strength in time. The remnant in his hand is also the booty of war.

The booty did not belong to Alexis, but to David.

On the other hand, the "blade Mantis emperor" rushes to the clone sub body of "Juhua" state. The "blade Mantis emperor" has strong confidence. Even if it is weak, it is still easy to kill demigods.

David, who had been preparing for the story of "blade of Mantis emperor" sweeping to the clone of "Juhua" state, was surprised because the blade of "blade Mantis emperor" was too fast.

Fortunately, before he came over, David controlled the clone avatar in the "giant" state and showed his talent for "ablation", with a "ablation Tower Shield" in front of him.

The "blade Mantis emperor" does not take care of the "ablation Tower Shield" which clones the avatar. In its view, any defense is useless.

When the blade hits the ablation Tower Shield, the blade cuts into the ablation Tower Shield. Every point of advance has the terrifying power contained in the ablation energy consumed by the blade.

However, it is not so easy to resist the divine fury. Although the "blade Mantis emperor" does not use magic power, the "ablation Tower Shield" is broken down in a breath.

Of course, "blade Mantis emperor" is also surprised, it did not expect the "ablation Tower Shield" defense will be so strong.

The blade continues to cut down on the clone sub body. With this little buffer time, David also reacts that there is not much David can do, so he can only retreat.

The blade sweeps through the body of the clone sub body. The tip of the blade passes over the dragon scale. The dragon scale has no defensive effect and is cut.

One blow failed, and the "blade Mantis emperor" continued to pursue, and another blade attacked again.

At this time, David realized that he underestimated the Zerg level. It was not easy to delay these three seconds.

He also knew that if he didn't make every effort, he would be responsible for his clone.

David's Noumenon mind entered the small world of the soul space and mobilized the "speed rule" of the small world. At the moment of invoking the "speed rule" of the small world, he found that this call was completely different from the previous one.

There is no need to transfer the energy transformed by the "speed rule" in the small world to the main world to play a role. After he activates the "speed rule" of the small world, the main world is still.

David stepped into the space passage, and he also appeared on the battlefield.

Then he activated the ability of "spider silk entanglement", which is the only talent that can work on Zerg deities.

David's most powerful swordsmanship is probably that he can't break through the defense of "blade Mantis emperor" by holding "artifact Knight's sword".

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