The "mother emperor" has not felt this kind of feeling for many years. It controls the Zerg world and for the first time feels the malice of the whole world.

The Zerg world under control, together with its own nine deities, did not expect that in a twinkling of an eye, the Zerg world became seven gods, and the two gods fell in such a vague way.

What makes the "mother emperor" feel deeply ironic is that the two "emperor inheritance patterns" belonging to the "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" are still running, competing for the power of belief belonging to Zerg and each Zerg God level.

The "mother emperor" still wanted to continue to order the "master brain King insect king". However, the whole body of the "master brain King insect king" expanded. With a bang, the body of the "master brain King insect king" collapsed completely, and the corpse turned into pieces.

The spirit of the legendary "master brain king and insect king" was forced up to the semi divine level, but the body could not support the operation of the semi divine spirit.

The death of the "master brain King insect king" did not make the "mother emperor" feel any sadness. His heart was completely shocked by the fall of the two Zerg gods.

The six Zerg gods were also shocked. They couldn't believe that the Zerg had suffered such a great loss.

Over the years, the Zerg have been fighting constantly. Countless high-school and low-level Zerg have died in battle. However, it is rare that there is a god level fall. This time, it is not only a god level fall, but also two God level falls.

"Mobilize all the resources, find the human, I want to know everything about that human being!" The mother emperor ordered in a deep voice.

As for the killing of four legendary Zerg and thirty fifth level Zerg on lander planet, there is no need to investigate.

The "mother emperor" knew that must be what the human being had done. Although he did not know why he could use the "emperor inheriting pattern", as long as he had the "emperor inheriting pattern" and could be in the Zerg world, then the improvement of his strength was inevitable.

The Zerg world's "emperor inheritance pattern" allows the owner to pass level 1 to level 5 as quickly as possible. The legendary level does not take long. As long as the talent is not too bad, the demigod is not a problem.

As for becoming a deity, it takes a long time. Judging from the time when the "sword blade Mantis emperor" lost the "emperor's inheritance pattern", the time for human beings to obtain the "emperor's inheritance pattern" is only enough to become a demigod.

But even demigods are enough to kill all the Zerg on lander planet. If demigods want to kill the legendary and level 5 Zerg, almost all of them will be killed in seconds.

What the "mother emperor" is most worried about is the loss of the "emperor's inheritance pattern". If the human continues to do this, sooner or later, the human will become a God. At that time, it will cost a lot to solve the problem.

Naturally, the order of the "mother emperor" is that there are immediately related Zerg to investigate. In particular, some high-level Zerg of the "blade Mantis emperor" group have been arrested for a long time.

The "blade Mantis emperor" defines Lord Arthur's breath as a matter of mortal enemies. Those Zerg all know about it. More importantly, when the Zerg invade the divine world, the "blade Mantis emperor" has to give priority to attacking Lord Arthur regardless of the loss of the Zerg.

The oddity at that time was explained by the fact that the "sword blade Mantis emperor" lost the "emperor's inheritance pattern" and that the "emperor's inheritance pattern" was acquired by human beings.

According to the information of warstar's return from Zerg controlled humans, Lord Arthur's strength is unreasonable, and he has been promoted in a short time, contrary to common sense.

After only two hours from issuing the order to receiving the news, the "mother emperor" locked the final result on Lord Arthur.

Another order was also issued by the "mother emperor". All the Zerg who can fly in the Zerg world will be investigated. Every Zerg who finds human traces will be rewarded by the "mother emperor".

How many Zerg are there in the Zerg world? It's very difficult to calculate, because it's too large. The orders of the "mother emperor" make all flying Zerg become scouting Zerg.

Of course, what makes the Zerg world more crazy is that the legend of the "emperor inheritance pattern" is on the human body, which is also the "mother emperor" secretly spread out, this news will make all the high-level Zerg crazy, more efforts to find that human.

The "mother emperor" doesn't care which Zerg got the "emperor's inheritance pattern" at all, as long as it's not human beings who get the "emperor's inheritance pattern.".

The "mother emperor" is working hard, and the other six Zerg gods are also working. All kinds of Zerg with special abilities such as smell and tracking are sent out to track human beings.

In their eyes, Lord Arthur is a treasure, a huge treasure with "emperor inheritance pattern".

David was sitting on the back of the king of the golden winged beetle. He was flying to the territory of the king of the golden winged beetle.

On the way, David got to know the "mother emperor" through the Zerg network of "golden winged beetle king".

To tell you the truth, he is not afraid to be wanted in the Zerg world, because of the combat power gathered around him and his talent ability of "space coordinates", he has the ability to attack and withdraw.But David also needs to consider the tracking of Zerg. Human breath is too obvious in the Zerg world. Maybe for most Zerg people, this breath is not enough to track him.

The mutant Zerg that can have a special ability to track down is not included. In David's "artifact space card" training space, Xiaobai has this ability.

When it comes to tracking, as long as there is life staying somewhere, Xiaobai can find the target and track it all the time.

David doesn't want to expose the "Zerg world safety point" because of his carelessness, even the territory where the "golden winged beetle king" is a part of.

David decided to return to the god world to avoid the limelight. Now the Zerg world is crazy. You can know this from the Zerg network. He needs to wait for the Zerg world to calm down.

Even he didn't want to stay in the Zerg world even if he was a demigod clone. Anyway, he was not in a hurry to practice for a while. It took a long time for him to practice at the God level. It was not a big problem to delay some time, but safety first.

Thinking of this, David did not hesitate. He opened the space wormhole leading to the "God belongs to the great world safety point". He took away five demigod clones, Alexis the black dragon, and separated himself from the golden winged beetle king.

The "king of the golden winged beetle" continued to fly towards the territory, but he lost David's ability to continuously use the "breaking the sky" talent, and the speed of his journey was greatly reduced.

When David put the five demigod clones into the "artifact space card" and got into the space wormhole, the remaining seven Zerg gods in the Zerg world discovered the change of "emperor inheritance pattern".

"How did this human get in and out of the Zerg world?" "The mother emperor" said to himself.

You know, there are not many ways to leave the Zerg world. On the surface, there are warstar and the space gate of God's big world.

Warstar is personally monitored by the "mother emperor". Lord Arthur can't leave here. On the other side of the space gate, the "polar scorpion emperor" is already defending there, and it is also impossible to leave from there under the eyes of the "polar scorpion emperor".

Of course, the "mother emperor" also understands that there are some special spatial talents that have the ability to cross the world, but such special spatial talents are extremely rare in the Zerg world.

The biggest advantage of the Zerg world is that there are many kinds of special talent abilities, and there are also a lot of them in quantity.

This is determined by the Zerg's own talent, just like the special space talent ability. In the rest of the world, it is even more unrealistic to want to have a special space talent ability from a very small number of people with space talent ability, and also to be a special space talent ability across the world.

There is a Zerg race in the Zerg world. All of them have the ability of space talent. In this kind of space talent race, after tens of millions of years, there have been various kinds of special space talent abilities. It is also normal to have special space talents across the world.

The "mother emperor" has cultivated several space Zerg with special spatial talents. However, the space Zerg can only transmit life equal to its own strength, so it can not play a decisive role.

Otherwise, the Zerg would have used the ability to cross the world and send the divine level to an important position in the other's world, giving a fatal blow to the other world.

David doesn't know the idea of "mother emperor". He doesn't need to consider the problem of demigod cloning. It happens that during this period, the semi God clone separation has been strengthened by the high-intensity "emperor inheritance pattern". He takes this opportunity to let the demigod clone split into the "black dragon sleep" and consolidate the achievements of cultivation.

Shadow master is still purifying the spirit of the two Zerg gods, which cannot be completed in a short time.

David spirit into the space pendant, he got the space stone has not been absorbed, which is related to the small world of soul space.

He took out a space stone. After a period of time of habit, he already knew the world tree's requirements for space stone.

David's small world of soul space begins to expand again. Every space stone is absorbed into pieces by the world tree above his head, and there is a space energy integrated into the small world of soul space, increasing the space of the small world a little bit.

The increase of the small world of the soul space is reflected in his strength, which is the expansion of his spiritual scope once again.

When all the space stones were absorbed by the world tree, David's spiritual scope expanded to more than 380 kilometers, and he also found things that he had never noticed before.

That is, the height of the world tree on his head has become shorter, from 130 meters to more than 100 meters.

This makes David feel the hope that the world tree will disappear from his head. Although others can't see it, he is not used to holding a big tree on top of his head, even if it is a world tree.

It's just that this hope needs a lot of space stone, and he needs his demigod, the golden winged beetle king, to work hard in the Zerg world.

If there are three or four times the number of space stones harvested this time, it is possible for the world tree to enter the small world of soul space.He doesn't want the world tree to be on his head. This is just one reason why David is eager to expand the small world of soul space. In addition, he has a feeling that once the world tree completely enters the small world of soul space, he will probably get great benefits.

This is not what the world tree told him, but a feeling of his own.

As the four legendary Zerg and thirty fifth level Zerg souls were absorbed and assimilated into their own soul avatars, David's soul avatars were increased to four legendary Zerg spirits and 171 fifth level Zerg spirits.

David doesn't know if it has added so many soul parts, which makes him have a premonition, or whether the magic of the world tree gives him a hint secretly, but he believes his feelings very much.

The black dragon Alexis's soul injury has almost recovered. The spirit energy of level 5 and legendary level has little effect on him. He rejected David's idea of giving him spiritual energy to heal his wound.

All the soul energy is digested and absorbed by the shadow server himself. David can't know the specific changes of the shadow servant, because most of the shadow servant's energy is used to purify the spirit of the two Zerg gods, and David doesn't want to disturb the shadow servant's work.

The demigod, the golden winged beetle king, flies to a planet, the third Zerg planet David has found in his territory.

In the eyes of Zerg in the territory, the demigod "golden winged beetle king" seems to be patrolling the territory, but in fact David is looking for the residence of the demigod "golden winged beetle king".

In the Zerg network, there is no place for the demigod, the golden winged beetle king, because there is no need to talk about this topic.

David's mind is in control of the golden winged beetle king, which can only be found in five Zerg planets.

This time, his luck was not bad. On the third Zerg planet, he found the residence of the golden winged beetle king.

The residence of the "golden winged beetle king" is very easy to find, because on every Zerg planet, due to the need to live more Zerg, and according to the living habits of Zerg, there are dense wormholes from the deep areas of the Zerg planet to the surface.

A large number of Zerg live under the earth's surface, which makes the Zerg planet almost full of Zerg life.

The vast majority of Zerg are almost motionless, which will reduce their consumption. Unless they have excellent talents or special talents, they will be treated differently. Otherwise, their only task is to pray.

The purpose of these ordinary Zerg is to pray to the "emperor inherits the pattern". Most of them have no chance to reproduce in their whole life. Only the excellent Zerg are qualified to leave their offspring.

In this way, Zerg genes are constantly optimized. , the fastest update of the webnovel!