What Lord Fred didn't know was that the Knights of the temple of Annabella turned to Lord Arthur and stayed in garmi. Archbishop guy had no way. Only after he solved Lord Arthur could he capture the Knights of the temple.

Speaker Gould did not say that the Knights of the temple of Annabella had taken refuge in Lord Arthur. No one knew about it. Even Archbishop guy was guessing.

"Archbishop, I need some time. The wind has been too tight recently." Said Lord Fred, bowing.

"I'll give you 15 days. If you can't do it, I'll find another Lord!" Said Archbishop gay, waving his hand.

Lord Fred withdrew from the conference room. He did not know whether it was right to cooperate with the war shrine, but he had only one choice when he was invited by Archbishop gay.

Behind the temple of war is the God of war. Lord Fred does not dare to offend it.

At present, the nobles all think that it is the Archbishop of guy and Lord Arthur that they will fight against Lord Arthur. If they know that it is the God of war who issued a divine metaphor against Lord Arthur, how many people will support it.

However, for the war temple, the God of war, the God of war, which has no reason, will have a negative impact on the image of the God of war once it is publicized. It is this point that the war temple did not make public.

The Knights of the temple of Annabella have been very comfortable in recent days. The three meals a day are all the food and wine in Lord Arthur's stock.

These are nothing. Because they have accepted the God of war for many times, the Knights of the temple of Annabella have long reached the peak of their understanding of the legendary level. What is worse is resources and cultivation.

After several days of practicing the perfect knight cultivation method, the proficiency of the perfect knight cultivation method has reached the master level.

Although the Knights of the Templars have been improved, it shows that the Knights of the Templars have been improved.

On the sixth day of practicing the "perfect knight training method", the Knights of Annabella Temple felt the state of relaxation.

Annabella Temple knight has long reached the peak of the knighthood rank, only a foot short of the door. There was no direction in the past, but now there is a direction. With the top-level spiritual fruit as resource support, it is normal for her to reach the promotion conditions in a short time.

The energy gathered by the super large spirit gathering array swarms into the body of the Knights of the temple of Annabella.

The abnormal fluctuation of energy here makes Anton Temple knight who is patrolling feel it, and Anton Temple Knight immediately sends out an alarm to David.

David's body is in the training room. Instead of practicing, he divides the mind into three and is controlling the three Zerg to exploit space stones in the Zerg world.

With the ability to break the void, David came to Annabella Temple Knight through the space channel.

David has long arranged for Anton Templars to pay attention to the cultivation of Annabella Templars, but he did not expect that Annabella Templars would be promoted so quickly.

You know, some of his Templars have reached the peak of knighthood, but so far there is no sign of promotion.

It's also because David has arranged for him to be promoted to the legendary level, which is not so easy. He needs someone to guard him.

At this time, Annabella Temple Knight no longer spared any resources. She distributed all the "perfect kryptonites" around her, and used more than ten perfect kryptonites to upgrade the level of these energies by using the energy gathered by the super large spirit gathering array.

She also sensed the arrival of David, and for some reason there was peace in her heart.

Books in the temple of war have records of promotion to legendary levels, and the Knights of the temple of Annabella are also aware of the risks.

The changes in her body make her no longer distracted. The blood force in the heart sea space is more and more, and she feels the squeezing feeling constantly coming from the heart sea space.

The solid blood force in the heart sea space is being forced to compress. The previous blood force is made of metal, so now it is constantly forging and playing the growing sword.

The blood force of heart sea space rotation is also turning into countless swords flying.

A part of the condensed blood force circulates into Annabella's temple Knight's body. The "perfect version of Knight cultivation" strengthens her body almost everywhere.

Pain hit, let Annabella Temple Knight body slightly shocked, but she is not ordinary people.

Every time God brought her harm, let her learn to endure pain, she focused on controlling the power of blood in the body.

With a timely finger of David, a "immortal vitality" appeared and turned into rain and mist on the Knights of Annabella temple.

The body being transformed by the force of blood is rapidly cured under this "immortal vitality". Even the old wounds of the Knights of Annabella temple and the miraculous medicine of the war shrine can not be cured. All the old wounds caused by the divine fall are also cured under the effect of "immortal vitality".

ANABELLA Temple Knight feels light, and this "immortal vitality" is a kind of recovery agent, which makes her face the next transformation in the best condition.When the blood power of the knight in the heart of Annabella Temple reached a certain degree, her constitution was promoted to a certain stage, she felt a sudden shock of her body, and then her sense of view was greatly improved.

The whole world of God is especially clear in her perception.

Annabella can perceive the world's looming differences, and she knows it is a rule that the five level paladins cannot access.

In fact, the Annabella Templars have a greater advantage than anyone else in the rule, because the experience of the divine manipulation of the rules is all in her memory when God comes down.

This is why the Annabella Templar can feel the rules as soon as he is promoted.

Annabella Temple Knight opened her eyes gently, she saw a more fresh world, the color in her eyes more vivid.

"Lord, I have been promoted!" "Said the knight of the temple of Annabella to David.

In this sentence, there was a strong emotion.

In order to promote the legend, the paladin of Annabella paid too much, thought that life was hopeless.

It was only an adventure for the paladin of Annabella to take over Lord Arthur, and she would eventually become a forgotten history without the chance to become a legend.

But the paladin of Annabella did not expect that she would succeed in the legendary stage in a few days after she took over to Lord Arthur.

Although she has suffered the fall of God many times, more of them are the perfect knight cultivation method and corresponding experience provided by Lord Arthur, and a lot of resources investment, so that she has today.

Of course, from this moment on, Annabella can no longer be called the paladin, but to call it the Annabella legend.

"Legend is just a starting point. You need to find your own rules, master rules, form fields, and cheer up!" David said with a smile.

"Lord, I want to make a public promotion. Do you want to allow it?" Asked Annabella with a firm eye.

Annabella legend is still the decisive character. Just after she was promoted to the legendary level, she wanted to show the world an attitude, and she was promoted to the legendary level after leaving the war shrine.

There are many guesses about the reason why the paladins of Annabella left the war shrine.

Annabella Temple knight was refused to apply for promotion of legend level, and she was not given any hope. Some of the top nobles knew about it.

If there is no invasion of the Zerg, there will be no aristocracy to know. There is also legend level above level 5.

But when the Zerg invasion, the emergence of legendary insects made many nobles know the legend for the first time.

If you don't know that there is legend level above level 5, it will not have much influence. However, as a five level Temple knight, you know the higher level of state, and how can you not be moved.

Without the corresponding cultivation skills, the five level paladins almost cut off the way to promotion.

The reason for the war shrine to refuse the paladin of Annabella is also the reason. Once the paladin of Annabella is promoted to the legendary level, it means that the war shrine has the cultivation skill to promote the knight to the legendary level. Then the other five level paladins will know that the temple suppresses the promotion of Knights.

Annabella legend proposed to promote the legendary stage openly, which is to make this matter big, and thus have a negative impact on the war shrine.

Through this, we can fight the war shrine, and to fight the war shrine is to help Lord Arthur.

"You really decided?" David also didn't expect the Annabella legend to make such a decision, he confirmed.

"I decided, in fact, whether I was open or not, the war shrine would not let me go, but I made public my strength. If the war shrine wanted to deal with me, I would have to consider the difficulty!" "Said Annabella with a smile.

"Well, I'll hold a promotion party for you in Camille. Just as I use the wine made from spirit grape will be finished. Celebrate your promotion with spirit wine!" David nodded.

The spiritual people work too hard in the space of "Shenji space card". The daily production of spiritual fruits is too much, especially the spirit grape, which is very high under David's special requirements.

David took out a few days ago to make wine from some of the spirits grapes. Maybe it is a waste in other people's eyes. The spirit grape is extremely precious. It is also an extreme luxury to make wine from the raw material of the spirit grape.

"The size of the reception is not large, my friends are not many, only please close friends!" Annabella legend is also for David, she said hurriedly.

David didn't say much, and the Annabella legend was the owner of the reception.

"By the way, your castle is almost finished. You are just free to decide the decoration with this!" David took an identity bracelet from the space pendant and gave it to Annabella legend.

After teaching Annabella the legend to use identity bracelets, he went to prepare.

In terms of architecture, the speed and quality of interstellar federation can definitely hang God in the world. Under the control of cube super intelligence system, the construction of a castle is a very simple project.If it wasn't for the need to mine the gold, it would be faster.

David's own castle was built with the Yaojin stone, which has a high production, and it is no problem to build another castle.

Of course, there is also David's eye problem, and now the stone of Yao is not seen by him.

On the resource star of Zerg world, he is lazy to mine many valuable ores, and he will care about Yaojin stone.

The newly promoted Annabella legend, there is nothing else at once. She began to play with her identity bracelet with interest, and discussed how to decorate the castle through identity bracelet and cube super intelligence system.

The Annabella legend has been practicing these days, and has not visited her own castle.

When Annabella legend came to the newly built castle, she was surprised, and she did not expect Lord Arthur to use the gold stone to build her castle.

But the Annabella legend, which has accepted too many advantages of Lord Arthur, soon recovered. She was the knight of the LUS family. Later, she worked hard to repay the kindness for Lord Arthur and the Luc family.

It took half a day for Annabella legend to solve the problem of decoration, and the cube super intelligent system command robot began to decorate.

Annabella legend took out contact array again, contacted her friends, the first natural is speaker Gould.

"What's wrong with the Annabella Templar?" After receiving the request of the legendary Annabella contact, President Gould thought of something wrong for the first time.

"Speaker Gould, don't call me the paladin of Annabella again, but the legend of Annabella!" Annabella said with a proud smile.

"You're promoted to legend?" Asked speaker Gould, a little unbelievable.

In a few days, Annabella has been promoted to legend, and speaker Gould has reached the top of the fifth level, but it is still a long way from the promotion.

"I just want to hold a promotion party in Camille, and make it public to all the aristocrats in the world that I am promoted to legend!" Annabella's legend laughs back.

"I will participate in this, but you are not only offended by the war temple, but also the other four temples will be dissatisfied with you!" Speaker Gould did not persuade, but warned.

President Gould knew the story of Annabella very well, and knew that there was no possibility of retreat in the decision of Annabella legend.

These can be seen from the legendary style of Annabella, put on other people, even if the war shrine suffered any greater grievance, will try to make it all the best, but the Annabella legend is strong separation.

"It doesn't matter. It is the legend level of the Zerg nationality that first exposed the existence of the legendary level. The five temples can not block the legend level news at all. Although my promotion and drinking will have an impact, it is not as big as I can imagine, which has a great impact on the war shrine at most!" Annabella legend said nothing.

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