"Lord, this is a trap. You shouldn't come!" Annabella legend did not care about her own injuries, but said anxiously.

"Whoever dares to move me, I will kill his whole family!" David's voice, under the influence of energy, rings through the main city of Bama.

Lord Fred saw Lord Arthur not pursuing him, and he was not relieved. He also saw Archbishop Gai appear, and he felt more secure.

But at this time, hearing Lord Arthur's words, he could feel the strong killing and blood smell from the cold in his mind.

David patted the hand on the legendary shoulder of Annabella, and injected a "Indelible vitality" into Annabella legend, and repaired the damaged body at a very fast speed.

"Lord, this is a waste!" Even after several "no life" treatments, Annabella legend can not get used to Arthur's behavior of master Arthur.

What is "not to destroy vitality" is a treasure that even gods dare not waste. But this injury of Annabella legend is not fatal. Lord Arthur uses "Indelible vitality".

Of course, David is not a waste of no reason. Annabella legend is now legendary. Once injured, besides self-healing of his own body, it is difficult to use healing agents.

Because the ordinary healing agent can't work on legendary level at all, Annabella's legendary injury takes at least a few weeks to repair.

In Annabella legend just promoted, still in a stable stage, waste such a long time to treat the injury, will have a very bad impact on her later cultivation.

It's not safe here, and the Annabella legend must retain its full power.

"Kill those sacrifices!" David said with a hand.

David is ready to expose some strength, he needs to let the war shrine worry about, and when he wants to deal with him, he must consider whether he can be defeated.

With his orders, a figure came out of his shadow.

As soon as this figure appeared, it was covered in the holy light. This kind of sale was sacred compared with all knights and sacrifices in the war shrine.

The natural appearance is the separation of the semi God's "holy knight". David did not control the separation of the semi God's "holy knight", and he relied entirely on the fighting instinct of the semi God's "holy knight".

"You are guilty, and be judged by the flame of the holy light!" The semi God's "holy knight" does not rush past like a normal knight, but in a solemn voice.

The voice of the semi God's "Knight of the spirit" has not been over. The pure white flame is burning on the body of the hundreds of sacrifices, which is the flame of the holy light.

"How could it be!" Archbishop Gai and Lord Fred were shouting at the same time.

They all recognized the identity of the semi God's "holy knight". Maybe a few months ago, Lord Fred could not know the semi God's "Holy Spirit Knight". But the semi God's "holy knight" had made a great deal of trouble in the world of God before. How could lord Fred never hear about it.

But Archbishop Gai, let alone, the semi God's "holy knight" was originally the knight of the war shrine, which was a great existence thousands of years ago in the war shrine. In many Temple records, there is a great semi God Knight figure.

The former half god "the knight of the spirit" disappeared. Some rumors were done by Lord Arthur. Now it seems that the rumors are true. Lord Arthur has accepted the semi God "the holy knight".

Archbishop Gai can't believe that the semi God's "holy knight" is a semi divine knight. How could a semi divine knight be taken under the leadership of Lord Arthur.

On the other side, Lord Fred was dead and gray, and what kind of existence was the semi divine level, which was enough to cross the existence of God as a big world, which is called the invincible world.

Lord Fred thought that Lord Arthur could accept the semi God's "holy knight". Then, how much power Arthur had hidden was filled with regret in his heart.

If we knew that there was a semi God "holy knight" around Lord Arthur, he would not dare to fight Lord Arthur with some courage.

Lord Fred's eyes twinkled, and he was thinking about how to get out.

But he was afraid to move at this time, what war space array, what ignore the movement of space, in the semi God's "holy knight" in front of the joke.

In the face of absolute strength, this war space array has no enhancement effect. Lord Fred dare to have a little change, which may attract the first attention of the semi God's "holy knight".

Lord Fred was waiting for the action of Archbishop Gai, and as long as archbishop Gai had given his hand, he was leaving.

"I didn't think that the holy knight had been as reliable as Annabella, and that's your card!" Archbishop Gai recovered his composure, and said in a deep voice.

Archbishop Gai was not too worried about the appearance of the semi God's "holy knight". He was only surprised by the sudden appearance of the semi God's "holy knight".

"Archbishop Gai, your Lord and son want to catch me, but just want to think of which God level in the world of the baczezezerg people. As for my card, ask your master after you die!" David went back in a deep voice.The main city of Bama was quiet, and there were several fifth level priests on the ground. They were preparing to fly to Archbishop gay when they were shocked by the news.

The Lord of Archbishop gay is, of course, the God of war.

Since the founding of God as the great world, no one dares to say so. The God of war, even the believers of evil gods, has maintained the awe of gods.

Although there were not many people present, they all heard a trace of strangeness in Lord Arthur's words.

In particular, several five level sacrificial rites in the war temple and archbishop guy thought of the content of the divine metaphor, and captured Lord Arthur alive and sent him to the star of war.

Send it to warstar. What does warstar have? It's the place where the three worlds converge. From there, you can directly enter the Zerg world.

If you think of Lord Arthur, the reason why the war shrine wanted to capture Lord Arthur alive can be speculated. Although it is not necessarily like Lord Arthur's flattering Zerg, I'm afraid it is a fact that Lord Arthur was sent to the Zerg.

The problem is that Lord Arthur helped the war shrine against the Zerg. In the war with the Zerg, Lord Arthur performed extremely well and stabilized the war by himself.

However, such a meritorious official, such merit, was easily obliterated by the word of the God of war, and he gave the meritorious Lord Arthur to the Zerg.

Archbishop gay has a shudder feeling. Naturally, he is not because of the behavior of the God of war. No matter what the God of war wants to do, it is right. The God can't make mistakes.

Archbishop gay shuddered that the leak of this information would definitely have a huge impact on the reputation of the war shrine.

Who will trust the war temple in the future? Even Lord Arthur, who has made great contributions to the war temple, can be sacrificed by the war temple at will and give it to the enemy. How dare other people fight for the war temple.

If no one is fighting for the war shrine, the war shrine will slowly decline and its influence will be greatly reduced.

The nobles have now launched a surprise attack on Lord Arthur for the war temple and have great opinions on the war temple. If this news is spread again, the consequences will be even more serious.

Archbishop guy's eyes were on Lord Fred, and Lord Fred's hair was up and his sense of danger exploded.

Lord Fred saw the killing in Archbishop Gay's eyes, and he understood that it was because he had heard something he should not have heard.

"Lord Arthur, you blaspheme my Lord. I arrest you in the name of the war shrine. Your only way out is to be captured with your bare hands!" Archbishop gay withdrew his eyes from Lord Fred and turned to Lord Arthur.

"I'm curious. Where does your confidence come from?" David is really curious. He has the legend of Annabella and the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". In addition to his own, it can be said that the war shrine is suppressed by absolute superiority.

"Sometimes ignorance is really terrible. My Lord created the chivalry class, which is to assist the temple to manage the world. The chivalry class has reached the demigod level, which is also the subordinate of the temple. The temple can decide the life and death of knights at will." Said Archbishop gay, in a steady voice.

It was the first time that David heard this statement. Even the legend of Lord Fred and Annabella was shocked. Did the temple really have the means to control the knight occupation?

The Archbishop of guy made a move in the air, adding the artifact "Knight forbidden card" in his hand.

"Forbidden!" Archbishop gay said in his mouth that he inspired the artifact "Knight forbidden card.".

The magical pattern on the surface of the artifact "Knight forbidden card" flickers. The strange energy fluctuation centers on the artifact "Knight forbidden card" and radiates around.

The speed of energy fluctuation is too fast, and those who don't come and react are swept by energy fluctuation.

When the body of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" shakes, he can only barely keep floating in the sky. This is the ability of his demigod body, which is a half energy and half substance body.

Lord Fred was the worst. When the energy fluctuation swept by, he felt that the blood force in his body had lost its vitality, and the blood force in the sea of mind could no longer flow out.

The lifeblood of maintaining flight lost its vitality, and Lord Fred fell directly from the air and hit the ground heavily.

Fortunately, the fifth level Templar's strong body, coupled with the fifth level Knight's armor, fell to the ground from high altitude just made his body suffer some shock, no real damage.

But Lord Fred has no fighting ability at all. Maybe he can play some fighting power with the constitution of level 5 Templars. However, as long as any one of the five level sacrificial rites hands, he can easily solve Lord Fred.

Archbishop guy didn't pay attention to Lord Fred. He kept looking at Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur did not move, and he still had the power to hold the Annabella legend.

Annabella legend looks ugly. There are such artifacts in the temple. Knight occupation is a joke.

Each knight has a special blood, each is an absolute genius among the nobility, and they have to accept difficult training since childhood, in order to achieve more than ordinary people's achievements.However, all of these things disappeared under the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

"Knighthood is a joke The legend of Annabella didn't care about the power of blood in her body. She felt her world view was overturned at this moment.

The legend of Annabella paid too much for knighthood. Only then did she find out that no matter how strong the chivalry was, she was just an ordinary person in front of the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

But the legend of Annabella soon came to her senses, and she looked at Lord Arthur.

According to Annabella legend, Lord Arthur and her realm are the same, but also legendary level, how can even the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" can barely maintain the body shape, but Lord Arthur has the spare power to hold her up.

"Lord Arthur, how can you keep flying?" Archbishop gay looked at David in disbelief.

The artifact "Knight forbidden card" is the nemesis of Knight class. After activating the artifact "Knight forbidden card", all knights in the affected area will lose control of the blood force.

David also looked at Archbishop guy with a strange look. He also didn't expect that Archbishop guy would deal with him.

It can only be said that David himself is so well hidden that no one has ever found out that he is not a knight.

But in fact, what David practiced was not Knight training, but the "black dragon sleep" of the black dragon clan. He was not a knight, but a human black dragon.

Archbishop Gay's use of the artifact "Knight's forbidden card" is just like using a medicine against insects to deal with humans. Maybe the medicine against insects is just like juice for human beings.

David doesn't want Archbishop gay to use any more cards. Just watch Archbishop guy take out a artifact and you can know how terrible the inside story of the war shrine is.

He activated the ability of "high frequency howl" and sent out a high frequency sound wave to the shocked Archbishop guy.

After taking out the artifact "Knight forbidden card", Archbishop gay did not pay attention to his own defense, let alone the "high frequency howl" talent ability is not an ordinary attack at all, ordinary defense can not stop the attack of high-frequency sound wave.

Archbishop gay only felt the explosion in his head, which made his face miserable.

David didn't even use the "speed rule" and moved the legend of Annabella to Archbishop gay.

Archbishop gay, who was in chaos, had no resistance at all. David's "artifact Knight's sword" pierced into his heart and made him die instantly.

David was not a bit soft on the killing of Archbishop gay, and he had no hesitation from beginning to end.

He reached out and took the artifact "Knight prohibition card" in Archbishop Gay's hand, took a look at it and put it into the space pendant. He also put the Archbishop guy's body into the space pendant.

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