Speaker Gould uses the highest level call signal, and all lords who receive the call signal enter the virtual chamber.

"Knight Mikey Templar, please exit the chamber!" Speaker Gould frowned at the five rank Templars of the Morse family, and said in a deep voice.

Since the news of Lord Fred's fall reached the Morse family, Mikey's fifth level Templars naturally became the new master of the Morse family, and took over the Lord Fred's status as Lord.

The fifth level Templars of Miki also obtained the alternate Lord level contact array left by Lord Fred in the family. This is to let the family receive important news on behalf of Lord Fred when he is unable to receive news.

The top aristocrats with a long history have their own emergency plans. Even if the owner has an accident, they can quickly take over, so that the family is less affected.

"Speaker Gould, I am the new owner of the Morse family, and I have the right to attend meetings of the Supreme Council!" Mikey v. Templars pleaded.

"With the power of the speaker of the Supreme Council, I propose to expel the Morse family from the Supreme Council and take back the status of the family's top aristocracy and councillor!" Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

All the lords who participated in the meeting received Lord Fred's help to set up a trap for Lord Arthur in the war shrine. Lord Fred fell, and archbishop guy, fell.

However, the Lords did not expect that speaker Gould would make a sudden attack at this time. Many of them did not understand how speaker Gould was so decisive.

You should know that if this proposal is suddenly put forward without prior communication, the reputation of speaker Gould will also be affected if the proposal is not adopted.

"Why? I need to know why? Even if Fred did something wrong, he would have fallen. Can't Chancellor Gould let go of the Morse family? " Mikey's level five Templars reacted so fiercely that he yelled.

"Because what I need to announce next cannot be known to the Morse family who betrayed the Supreme Council!" Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

"I agree with speaker Gould's proposal that the Morse family is no longer eligible to be a top aristocrat to participate in the Supreme Council!" Lord Ludwig first spoke in agreement.

Lord Ludwig also had a power. After seeing Lord Ludwig's consent, the other lords of this force also expressed their support for speaker Gould's proposal.

The other lords of the "dawn alliance" also agreed with each other, and many of the Lords affected subsequently agreed.

The whole process of voting was very fast. In the end, only more than 20 lords chose to give up voting. The rest of the Lords agreed with speaker Gould's proposal.

The first strength of the "dawn alliance" showed its great power.

The top 15 top aristocratic families of the Supreme Council decide something at the same time, so there is no resistance in the Supreme Council to stop it.

"Very well, I declare that I will take back the status of the top aristocrat and Supreme Council member of the Morse family and drive away the Knights of Mikey temple!" As speaker Gould announced, he used the speaker's power to drive Mikey V Templar out of the virtual conference hall.

"You can't do this!" Mikey V Templar's voice faded in the virtual conference hall.

"Well, today I have convened a meeting of the Supreme Council, which is a major event. I must inform you and listen to your opinions!" Speaker Gould said in a low voice, waving his hand.

All eyes in the chamber of the supreme assembly are fixed on speaker Gould, waiting for speaker Gould to announce.

"Archbishop guy of the war shrine set a trap to deal with Lord Arthur. At that time, Archbishop guy brought out a artifact called" Knight forbidden card. " When speaker Gould said this, there were comments from below.

The name of the artifact "Knight forbidden card" is mainly used to guess the function of the artifact, which makes the Lords have various guesses.

"Yes, as the literal understanding, the artifact" Knight forbidden card "is specially made for Knight occupation. It is a artifact made by the war temple to control the knight's blood force. Any knight or even demigod Knight will lose his combat power in front of the artifact" Knight forbidden card " Speaker Gould continued.

At this time, the chamber of the Supreme Council exploded like cold water into hot oil.

All the lords were using all kinds of language, or swearing, or cursing, or questioning, or refusing to believe, and so on, and all of them reacted extremely fiercely.

"Where is the artifact" Knight forbidden card "now Asked the Lord.

We all know that Archbishop gay was killed by Lord Arthur. Many lords thought of the possibility of artifact "Knight forbidden card".

"Lord Arthur got the artifact" Knight forbidden card ". He offered me two choices. One is to give the artifact" Knight forbidden card "to the Supreme Council and keep it with each speaker. The other is to return it to the temple. I want to hear your opinions." Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

"Of course, it is in the hands of the Supreme Council. With the artifact" Knight prohibition card ", we have the capital to negotiate with the temple Cried the Lord.No one is a fool. If the artifact "Knight's forbidden card" is returned to the temple, it is not to hand over the family and life to the temple.

It didn't matter that the temple didn't intervene in secular affairs before, but the temple suddenly tried to arrest Lord Arthur recently. This behavior reflected that the temple side ignored the aristocracy system.

When the artifact "Knight forbidden card" is returned to the temple, the temple will act more recklessly and give life to the other party.

"Why did Lord Arthur hand over the artifact" Knight forbidden card " Asked a Lord.

No one would think that Lord Arthur was so selfless that he handed over the artifact "Knight forbidden card" for some reason.

"Archbishop Gay's use of the artifact" Knight forbidden card "to capture Lord Arthur lost his hand, which shows that Lord Arthur has a way to fight against the artifact" Knight forbidden card ". Besides, Lord Arthur uses the artifact" Knight forbidden card "to deal with knights. Who can take his sword Lord Ludwig asked with a faint smile.

"Vote to approve that the artifact" Knight forbidden card "belongs to the Supreme Council with the left hand raised, and that the artifact" Knight forbidden card "be attributed to the temple raise the right hand Said speaker Gould.

All the Lords present raised their left hand.

Perhaps some of these lords are closely related to the temple, but it is better to keep the safety of knighthood in their own hands.

They also chose to believe in speaker Gould. If speaker Gould really wants to monopolize the "Knight prohibition card", there is no need to hold a Supreme Council discussion. Relying on the relationship between speaker Gould and Lord Arthur, it is not a problem to take the artifact "Knight prohibition card" for his own use.

Speaker Gould looked at his left hand, and his heart was still very excited.

Don't underestimate this show of hands. This is the first time that the nobility really revolted against the temple, and all the lords were on the same side.

Speaker Gould took the opportunity to hold the Supreme Council to inform all the Lords of the artifact "Knight forbidden card". He united all the Lords and fought against the temple together.

David did not participate in the Supreme Council. After knowing the result, he sent the artifact "Knight forbidden card" to speaker Gould through the remote transmission function of small items in the Lord level contact array.

David continued to check the harvest, he took out the space ring of Archbishop guy, lost the protection of Archbishop Gay's spirit, and the space ring was entered by his spirit without any resistance.

This is a ring of space opened by the spirit. The interior space is so large that it can be comparable with a small city.

Of course, compared with the space pendant, the space ring is still not small, and the space pendant has been barely regarded as divine level.

David's spirit was attracted by a scepter, which he had seen used by Archbishop gay when he manipulated his avatar. It was also the Archbishop's Scepter in the war shrine.

There are many divine patterns on the surface of the Archbishop's scepter. The divine patterns are very complex and are not ordinary simple divine patterns. With David's recognition ability of divine patterns, we don't know the meaning of them at all.

In fact, we don't need to look at the divine pattern on the Archbishop's scepter, just look at the huge gem containing the majestic energy, we can know that the Archbishop's scepter is extraordinary.

It's just that the Archbishop's scepter is not attractive to David. It's not as powerful as "artifact Knight's sword". He can't use the Archbishop's scepter to enhance the power of divinity.

Put away the Archbishop's scepter, and he continued to look in the ring of space.

There are a lot of good things in the space ring, from some very precious dresses to noble men's decorations, which are the top of the world.

It can be seen from this that Archbishop guy's hobby, even if he became an archbishop, did not give up his love of clothes.

Another is a pile of about a hundred "magic crystals". David was still surprised when he saw them. Archbishop guy had so many of these special treasures that he only introduced in noble books.

You should know that the "magic power crystal" can be used as a one-time prop. It has a strong effect on both attack and escape.

The problem is that Archbishop guy didn't come and used the "crystal of power" during the fight with David. He was affected by David's "high frequency howl" and could not react until David pierced his heart with a sword.

There are also a lot of other arts and crafts that can be collected here. It is estimated that each of them is a treasure that can make people smack their tongue.

Among them, David found a crown, mainly the crown, which is a very rare headdress in the god world. The crown he saw was full of ancient meaning, and the pattern on it was beyond his comprehension, but it was extremely mysterious.

Take out the crown and prepare for a mental scan. The spirit goes through the crown. It's like nothing doesn't exist.

"It's a artifact!" David couldn't help being stunned. The items that he couldn't find out with his spirit could only be artifacts.

You should know that his soul has gone through the world tree to absorb space stone several times, which is far superior to his previous self. Even the demigod cannot compare with his spirit.David repeatedly looked through the crown, and finally he found that only when the spirit focused on a point behind the crown could the spirit enter the crown.

When the spirit entered the headgear, he soon found the divination array of artifact.

Judging from the residual spiritual breath in the affirmation array, Archbishop gay was the former owner of this artifact. Unfortunately, Archbishop gay did not use this artifact in the battle, or did not come and use it.

David's spirit easily left a mark in the affirmation array, and then a message came from the crown.

"Creeping head crown", a artifact left by an ancient god, has a very simple effect, that is, it can astringe all the breath, so that its own breath does not leak out of the body.

Perhaps this function has no effect on ordinary people.

But for the strong, it is extremely important.

The stronger the strength is, the stronger the energy in the body is, and the breath is revealed outside.

Most of the time, we don't see the target, but we find the breath of the target. Some investigation arrays are judged by the breath.

The reason why David did not dare to approach any temple was that he did not dare to expose his breath in the temple. Once the temple found out that his breath was special, it would bring him more trouble.

In his breath, there is a legendary breath of "the body of the black dragon." in God's world, the body of the black dragon can be regarded as a member of the cult believers.

David put the "creepy crown" on his head, and his breath disappeared.

He was very satisfied with a artifact with extremely practical functions. At least this artifact would not be as useless as the artifact "Knight forbidden card".

David put the space ring away and he reached for the shadow boy.

His mind entered the shadow service. He first asked the shadow servant to list the knowledge light spheres of Archbishop gay. Archbishop guy is also a legendary level. In addition, as the Archbishop of the war shrine, he was very curious about what kind of knowledge light sphere Archbishop gay could provide!

As for Lord Fred, David didn't pay attention to his knowledge sphere at all. A fifth level Templar's knowledge light sphere could not attract David's attention for a long time.

To David's surprise, the shadow waiter did not list the intellectual sphere of Archbishop gay. There was only one reason that the spirit of Archbishop gay did not produce the light sphere of knowledge.

The two Zerg gods are still in the purification stage.

The golden light of Lord Fred's fifth level soul origin is also very striking. Beside it is a larger golden ball with a faint figure sitting inside.

David has never known such a soul. The golden ball is obviously protecting the soul of Archbishop gay. This will lead to the situation that the light sphere of knowledge cannot be produced.

His mind moved, and he found that he could move the golden ball. He did not think much about it. He moved the golden ball of Lord Fred's fifth level soul and that of Archbishop guy's soul into his own small world of soul space.

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