"Analyze the damage of garmi star!" David commands the intelligent system from the mountainside.

Although there are not many facilities hidden in the ground, they do not cover all the surface of garmi, but they are also enough to collect information for research and analysis.

In addition, David has released another 200 robots on the ground, controlled by intelligent systems, which can collect more detailed information.

After waiting for about an hour, the situation report of garmi appeared on the light screen of intelligent system.

There is a large amount of unknown radioactive energy in the earth surface of garmi. This kind of unknown radioactive energy is very slow to be released completely from the soil in 86 years.

During this period, gamisin is not suitable for the existence of any life, including animals, plants, even microorganisms.

David had expected this result for a long time, but the most accurate result could be obtained by analyzing the intelligent system.

"Is there a plan for intervening governance?" David asked, with a glimmer of hope.

The intelligent system's light screen brushes out the governance schemes already existing in the database, and then makes a cross after these governance schemes, indicating that this governance scheme is not appropriate.

A series of governance schemes have been brushed, and each one has been crossed in the same way.

Finally, the light screen shows that "there is no alternative, the nature of unknown radioactive energy is unknown, and targeted research is needed!"

David shook his head. He did not have time to study the unknown radioactive energy. The most important thing was that he knew that the unknown radioactive energy was the remnant of war Temple divinity, which was related to the God of war.

Before he himself reached the divine level, he was afraid that it was difficult to understand the residual energy of divinity. It was even more difficult to clean up the soil without damaging it.

David gave up the idea of governing garmi. At least, he would not have such an idea until he was promoted to God level.

Although a space war shrine was captured this time, he lost garmi.

David knew that the war shrine would look for his news everywhere, and he did not intend to stay in God's world. He was going to close down for a period of time to improve his strength.

Thinking of this, he opened the space wormhole connecting the spatial coordinates of the "Zerg world safety point", and his figure flashed into it.

Today, David's power in the Zerg world has grown dramatically. He has two demigods, namely, the golden winged beetle king and the electric light beetle king, as well as two legendary Zerg avatars, the half body spider king and the blade cockroach king.

Of course, the "electric light beetle king" can only be used as a means of hiding, because the demigod "electric light beetle king" has been confirmed by many Zerg people.

Recently, the status of the demigod "king of the golden winged beetle" is extremely stable in the territory of the "king of the golden winged beetle", and even its territory is larger.

This is the reason why the demigod "the golden winged beetle king" has made great achievements. At the same time, the intensified contradiction between the "golden winged beetle emperor" and the "half body spider emperor" also needs the help of powerful Zerg, which also promotes the status of the demigod "golden winged beetle King".

Due to the intervention of the "mother emperor", the two Zerg gods did not reach the level of life and death war, but the degree of hostility between them has reached an irreconcilable level.

It took David a few days to build a portal in the space crevasse of the Zerg world safety point, while another portal was built in the domain of the demigod, the golden winged beetle king.

In the domain of the demigod the golden winged beetle king, David chose a planet near the lair of the demigod golden winged beetle king, and the demigod king of the golden winged beetle issued an order forbidding it.

The two demigods are very close to each other, forming a situation of mutual dependence. As long as the Zerg gods do not come in person, their security will not be any problem.

David also has a home planet in Zerg world, and if there is no accident, he will stay here for a long time.

This planet is not a living planet, but a depleted resource star. It is precisely for this reason that the orders given by the demigod, the golden winged beetle king, have not attracted much attention.

Inside the planet, David uses the underground prowl talent to create a huge underground space.

In order to make himself comfortable, he also set up a survival cycle system in this underground space.

Although David already has the strength of a demigod and can survive without oxygen, there is a survival cycle system that makes him feel like a human being.

After he had arranged everything, David began to sort out the harvest.

Because the temple of space war is very special, he didn't want to study the temple of space war in the God's big world, and he didn't want to put it directly into his own small world of soul space, so he thought of coming to Zerg world.

In the Zerg world, even if the God of war can sense his own space war temple, he can't do anything to him.

Even David would like the God of war to break the space to come to the Zerg world. He also wanted to see if the God of war could resist the oppression of world rules and fight against many Zerg gods.Of course, he knows that this is impossible. Just by looking at the fact that the God of war does not appear as noumenon in the God's world, we can know how much the gods who believe in becoming gods attach importance to the body of God.

The huge space war temple was taken out by David. Because the space war Temple left the God's world, it could not connect with the rest of the war temples, let alone connect with the belief network.

David not only drew a lot of isolation patterns around the underground space, but also used the energy shielding technology of the interstellar Federation.

He also set aside the cube super intelligent system. A large number of monitoring equipment were running to provide him with the change data of the surrounding energy, and the original laboratory equipment was also re installed by him.

The space war shrine is placed in the underground space like a dead object, and all the divine pattern arrays have no response.

David's heart is happy, this is what he wants.

It is not that the interstellar Federation has not studied the gods. As early as thousands of years ago, the gods began to study after the fall of the interstellar Federation.

However, the research can only be carried out from the biological point of view, and preliminary research results have been achieved.

David's five demigod clones are the product of these findings.

Other research is still in the exploratory stage. The cube super intelligence system is originally the intelligent system of the immortality Institute, and the immortality Institute is the best Research Institute of gods in the interstellar Federation. All the achievements are stored in the cube super intelligence system.

David wanted to study the temple of space war, but he didn't reach the divine level. He could only use the research results of the interstellar Federation as a reference, plus the perception that he was a demigod.

"Turn on scanning!" He ordered.

Under the command of cube super intelligence system, a group of robots use devices to perform precise scanning in the temple of space war.

On the light screen in front of David, the temple of space war has been rebuilt little by little.

The space war shrine has lost its energy protection. These scanning devices not only scan the surface, but also scan the interior of the building structure.

As the details of the space war shrine on the light screen become more and more detailed, some positions needing special attention are also marked, which have weak energy fluctuations.

Although David is not familiar with the Shenwen array, he can also see the effect of the Shenwen array at the position where the weak energy fluctuates to transmit positioning information remotely.

If he hadn't brought the space war shrine to Zerg world for research, he would have found out his location very soon.

The main purpose of David's research on the temple of space war is for the divine pattern array.

In the cube intelligence system, there is the alchemy knowledge about the God belongs to the big world, and there is also part of the divine grain information that he has mastered. Although this part of knowledge is very little, it can make the cube intelligent system find the research direction.

Divine pattern array is one of the ways to apply the power of faith, and it is also one of the few ways that non gods can use the power of faith.

The power of faith is a very high-end energy. It is very difficult to feel the power of faith without legendary level and strong spirit.

Not to mention the application of the power of faith, the power of faith can not be used by ordinary people.

Divinity can also mobilize the power of faith, but it is to use the power of the gods to mobilize the power of faith. In order to borrow the power of the gods, the people who perform the divine arts must be extremely devout to the gods and have spiritual talent at the same time.

The performer of divinity is sacrifice, which can realize close contact with gods by praying to gods every day.

Different from the divine pattern array, the divine pattern array can directly use the power of belief to achieve a stronger effect than the alchemy array.

David lacks this knowledge, he has the power of faith, but has no corresponding application method.

"Establish research projects, analyze the temple of space war, analyze the divine pattern array, and estimate the research time of 350 days!" The information given by the cube super intelligence system is displayed on the light screen.

David was relieved to see that the cube super intelligence system had given the estimated time for the study.

As long as the cube super intelligence system gives time, it shows that there is hope to crack the divine pattern array.

In fact, it is mainly the knowledge transferred by David to the cube super intelligence system that plays a decisive role. If the space war temple is put into the Research Institute of the interstellar Federation, the time may need to be increased by tens or hundreds of times.

Research is not imaginary in the air. The interstellar Federation and the divine world are two different civilizations with totally different knowledge systems.

The civilization of God belongs to the big world is based on the alchemy pattern. The interstellar federation can not even master the knowledge of the alchemy pattern, let alone the higher-level divine pattern.

Based on the divine patterns, the gods have developed alchemy patterns that can use ordinary energy. After obtaining the knowledge of alchemy patterns, the cube super intelligent system has mastered the low-level knowledge framework of God's big world. In the case of physical objects, it is not impossible to study high-level knowledge.David didn't pay attention to the research work of cube super intelligence system, and he couldn't help much in the early stage of this work. The analysis and research of massive information is the specialty of cube super intelligence system.

He called in the shadow, and this time he got a god of war. Although he had little expectation of what kind of good ability he could get from the God of war, he always had to see what kind of light sphere of knowledge he had acquired.

When he asked the shadow servant to list the sphere of knowledge separately, David's heart was begging not to be a "hymn of God". In his estimation, all the gods of war in the temple gods should have the talent of "hymn of God".

Because the "hymn of God" is really suitable for the temple to absorb the power of faith. If he is a God, he will also choose to place the talent of "hymn of God" in the image of God.

When David's mind was focused on the sphere of knowledge, he was a bit surprised, because the sphere of knowledge was not what he imagined as a "hymn to God.".

"Divinity of light (God level talent)" the knowledge light sphere has a divinity built into the mind, which is absolutely beyond David's expectation.

What David didn't know was that the temple of space war was very special. Generally, the temple of space war launched a war.

In this case, the "God of war" innate ability, the ability of close combat talent, is very limited.

There are many magic arts built into the images of the space war temple. The space war temple can continuously provide the power of belief, which is enough for the God of war to perform one after another when the God descends.

The most important thing is that the power of the divine arts exerted by the God of war is not comparable to those of sacrifice.

Because the power of the divine arts mastered by the God of war is divine level, and the power of divinity also increases with the change of strength. The magic power of level 5 sacrifice is only level 5, or the power of divinity can be increased through many sacrifices, but the highest increase is one level.

I don't know whether David was lucky or not. He got the most common divinity from various divinities.

Of course, even the most common divinity, as long as its power reaches the divine level, the "light divinity" is stronger than other divinities with great power.

If there are no corresponding rules as the basis of many war gods' own unique divinities, then this kind of divinity will only be decoration, and it has no power at all.

The "light divinity" is different. It is a universal divinity. It does not need any rules. It only needs the recognition of the world rules.

The threshold of "light divinity" is unattainable for cult believers, because they can not be recognized by the world rules.

But this threshold is too simple for David. He has his own soul space, the small world, and the support of the world tree. He is born to be recognized by the world rules.

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