David left the "sense beetle king" broken his beard. A little worry arose in his heart, and the mother emperor identified him, and it was estimated that it would be very troublesome.

He suddenly laughed, when he was weak, he dared to challenge the strong. Now he has the strength to face with God, but he has some scruples.

David took away the "king of the beetle" and closed his eyes and continued to practice.

But his cultivation did not last long, and was disturbed by the separation of the Zerg in the wormhood world.

The semi God "king of golden winged beetle" and the legendary "half body spider king" have received the "mother emperor" war trumpet, and the whole wormhole world enters the war preparation.

Then the order of the "Queen of golden winged beetle" and "half body spider emperor" was repeated. The separation of David's semi God 'King of golden winged beetle' and the legendary 'half spider king' were all in the process of calling.

The original "golden winged beetle" and "half Spiderman" two insect God level territory is breaking out of friction, also had to stop.

David knew through the insect contact network that most of the senior Zerg in the wormhood world received war mobilization, and all the Zerg gods will participate in this time.

For the first time in a few days, David saw the war mobilization in the Zerg world.

A space insect can open space wormhole through its own ability. The insect people enter different space wormholes according to their own strength.

There are ten space wormholes in the territory of semi God "king of golden winged beetles", nine of which are for large numbers of middle and low-level insects. Only one space wormhole can support the passage of the five class insects.

As for the semidivine "king of golden winged beetles", it is necessary to fly to the destination by itself.

The destination is named "lander planet" by the divine world and the interstellar Federation. It can be seen that the Zerg do not want to destroy the Battlestar, they choose the existing space gate.

But this time is different from the previous time. The last time the space door appeared, the Zerg attacked the God belongs to the world, and it was more a kind of test.

The last time the space gate suddenly appeared in the territory of the "sword Mantis emperor", and the "mantis emperor" just wanted to grab some resources. If we could occupy a base area, it would be better.

The real use of strength, is only a small part of the battle in the wormholes world.

This time, it was different that the mother Emperor gave orders personally, and all six Zerg gods moved out, and mobilized most of the senior combat power of the Zerg.

This is the whole power of the Zerg world, and all these gods belong to the world and do not know the feelings.

David, after the mother emperor really started to mobilize the Zerg to the planet of lander, confirmed that the Zerg really began to prepare for the war in the big world.

Of course, the mobilization of the war power in the wormhood world is not short-term. Hundreds of millions of Zerg families, even with a large number of space wormholes, will take a long time to fully mobilize.

David did not know when the "mother emperor" would start the war when the Zerg war power was mobilized, but it would not be less than a month.

"Annabella legend, I will have a party in Camille, with the invitation list of President Gould, Archbishop Adele, Archbishop Barney, Archbishop Julian, Archbishop Ambrose and archbishop mckinsel!" David told Annabella legend.

"Lord, I wonder what name you invited them?" Asked Annabella, a little confused.

It is a good idea that David invited all the most powerful people in the world. Speaker Gould is good. He is a friend of David. But the rest are five archbishops, who are high in weight. There is no reason for invitation, even if it is difficult to explain.

"I'll ask them to come and talk about something!" David waved.

To be honest, the six guests invited, speaker Gould, was not surprised. He was a friend of Lord Arthur. He always wanted to go to eat.

But the five archbishop, especially Archbishop mckinsel, were extremely hesitant after receiving the invitation.

The other four archbishops considered and agreed to Lord Arthur's invitation.

In the view of the four archbishops, Lord Arthur had the qualification to launch the high-end banquet invitation.

The party was on the night of the day, and the scheduled time was seven o'clock late.

David stood at the star gate, standing beside him the Annabella legend, and Anton legend on the other.

By seven, the figure of Chancellor Gould appeared in front of the planetary gate.

"Arthur, congratulations on promotion to semi God. Why didn't you hold a wine party, I believe many friends are waiting for your party!" "Said speaker Gould, smiling.

In the opinion of Chancellor Gould, the invitation to the banquet was too low-key to show the glory of the promotion of semi God.

"Gould, I have business this time. I'll ask you..." As David was preparing to explain, four figures appeared in front of the planetary gate.

Chancellor Gould was also surprised to see four archbishops appear."Yes, some archbishops!" Speaker Gould hastened to say hello.

Recently, there was some unhappiness between the nobles and the temple. When Chancellor Gould saw the appearance of the four archbishops, he had a new judgment in his heart. He thought that Lord Arthur wanted to ease the relationship between them in this way.

"Speaker Gould, you are also invited Archbishop Barney replied with a smile.

The other three archbishops did not embarrass speaker Gould. They all returned with smiles.

This is Lord Arthur's gamisin. It's embarrassing for his good friends here. Isn't it a slap in the face of Lord Arthur?

The three archbishops were wise men, and would not do such a thing.

Lord Barney had a close relationship with Chancellor Gould. Although there was a gap between the earth temple and the nobles, it did not affect their relationship.

"Welcome to some distinguished friends. It seems that Archbishop Macintyre doesn't want to come to this meeting. Let's go to the restaurant." David bowed with a smile and looked at the time again.

As for the absence of Archbishop MacIntyre, David just kept in mind that there was not much on his face.

"Lord Arthur, we are also looking forward to the delicious food Said Archbishop Adele with a smile.

God belongs to the big world. The most delicious food among the nobles is in garmi star.

After the destruction of gamisin, many nobles are sorry for this, because it is said that the raw materials of those delicacies are made by gamisin.

"Archbishop Adele, I have specially prepared a beauty soup, but it is specially prepared for you!" David said with a smile as he led the guests.

"Lord Arthur, no wonder Archbishop Macintyre didn't come. Your light source is the blessing divinity of the war shrine. Are you cracking the space temple?" Archbishop Ambrose of the temple of knowledge, sensing the light from the sky, said with a wry smile.

The four archbishops knew for a long time that Lord Arthur had acquired a space temple, but they didn't expect to be cracked and run in such a short time.

This involves too much knowledge, but it is not too strange to think that Lord Arthur can invite three gods to crack the space temple.

However, Lord Arthur placed the space temple on his head and used "blessing divinity" to allow lighting. If Archbishop Macintyre really came, he would be in an extremely awkward situation.

"Archbishop Ambrose is really knowledgeable. This is the" blessing divinity "inspired from the space temple. This space temple is my prize, and it can be used for lighting David said with a faint smile.

Archbishop Ambrose said nothing more, but his eyes flickered.

The space temple is the ultimate war weapon of the five temples. Although the strongest point lies in the divine descent, all kinds of divine pattern arrays on the space temple are the strongest, and even far exceed the power of legendary level sacrifice, let alone ordinary sacrifice.

As long as there is enough energy, the space temple is a big killer. It is easy to destroy a planet.

Just like garmi star, if it is a common sacrifice, even tens of thousands of sacrificial rites will not be able to destroy garmi in a short time, but the space temple can do it as long as it uses super large-scale attack divinity.

Archbishop Ambrose is not sure how much space Temple Lord Arthur has mastered, and whether those powerful and super large-scale attack divinity pattern array has mastered.

If Lord Arthur really had 100% control of the space temple, garmi's defenses would have been reassessed.

Archbishop Adele, Archbishop Barney and archbishop Julian also thought of this, and they did not have much interest in speaking in the next journey.

The light cast by "blessing divinity" makes people feel warm, but for the four archbishops, it is Lord Arthur's deterrent display.

Naturally, the reason why the four archbishops came to the banquet was not really to participate in food, but to have close contact with Lord Arthur to judge the strength and attitude of Lord Arthur.

As for security, the four archbishops did not consider this aspect at all.

After knowing that Lord Arthur could mobilize three gods to fight for him, the four archbishops understood that Lord Arthur really wanted to assassinate them and did not need to.

As long as the four archbishops leave the temple, they can be easily assassinated, which is more labor-saving and has no future trouble.

Under this kind of invitation, if Lord Arthur did, it would be rejected by all the nobles.

Besides, the four archbishops also understood that they had not reached the point of life and death with Lord Arthur. If you should not say something, Lord Arthur's enemies should not be archbishops like them, but the gods behind the archbishop.

"Annabella Legend I know. Who is this legend?" Approaching the castle gate, Archbishop Adele noticed Anton's legendary knight and asked with a smile.

"This is knight Anton, the security officer of our territory, who is responsible for solving the problem of armed conflict between the territory and the outside world!" David, with Anton's legendary knight, didn't care about other people's knowledge, he said with a smile.The four archbishops, including speaker Gould, took the legendary knights as security officers, which was indescribable.

Despite the fact that the whole God belongs to the great world, there are now as many as ten legends, but the status of these legends is extremely noble.

Most of them are lords, and even the legend of Annabella, who is not a lord, is very famous because of her strange identity.

Archbishop Adele looked at Anton's legendary Knight quietly following Lord Arthur. He looked extremely respectful and could not help sighing in his heart.

However, a legendary knight is not an important combat power for Lord Arthur.

You should know that Lord Arthur himself is a demigod, and he also subdued the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit.".

When entering the castle, except for David, who sat in the master's seat, the others did not take the second seat, but sat on both sides of the dining table.

The status of each of them here is extremely noble, and their identities are equal. Even speaker Gould has equal influence with the Archbishop because of his own strength promotion and the power of the Supreme Council greatly increased.

As garmi has no servants, and the last time it was destroyed by the war shrine, the existing resources are used to restore garmi, so Annabella legend and Anton legend Knight serve as waiters.

According to the banquet rules of God's big world, dishes are served.

Although the four archbishops and Chancellor Gould were worried about what Lord Arthur had invited them to talk about, they still forgot about the delicious food.

"Speaker Gould, why have you been drinking Archbishop Adele asked, looking curiously at Chancellor Gould, who had drunk three glasses of red wine.

Archbishop Adele himself was attracted by the delicious food, and the taste that made her lost her soul made her have no time to raise her glass.

"I often come to eat, some of them are used to these dishes, you can enjoy them!" Speaker Gould picked up the bottle and poured a glass of red wine.

Archbishop Adele saw that it was not right. She picked up the red wine which was not noticed by her and took a sip.

"Spirit red wine!" Archbishop Adele felt the energy in the red wine flowing into his body, not from a startled voice said.

Because in the banquet, she can not be rude immediately practice, can only let these energy flow freely in the body, although this will lose a lot of energy, but also can strengthen the body.

Archbishop Adele finally understood why Chancellor Gould even drank red wine. All these dishes were not worth a small cup of "spirit wine".

It can be seen that Lord Arthur, as the host, prepared a bottle of "spirit red wine", which definitely gave them enough face to these guests. It was only because the spirit was obscure that the guests did not find out at the first time.

Of course, the main reason for this is that the food is too attractive to notice anything else.

The other three archbishops responded and picked up their glasses one after another. However, speaker Gould started his work too quickly. Most of a bottle of "spirit wine" went into his stomach. The other four archbishops had only one glass each.

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