"The temple of knowledge can send two space shrines. I personally lead ten level five sacrifice, thirty level five Knight deities, and the rest will be sent out according to the situation!" The Archbishop of Ambrose offered to talk about the arrangement of the temple of knowledge.

The two space shrines, together with the space temples originally left at the space gate, are three space shrines.

Although Archbishop Ambrose only mentioned 10 level-5 sacrifices and 30 level-5 Knights of the temple, the three space shrines should be fully operational, and each space temple should have at least hundreds of deities and sacrifices. In other words, the temple of knowledge will send no less than a thousand deities and sacrifices below level 5.

With the statement of Archbishop Ambrose, Archbishop Barney of the earth temple, Archbishop Adele of the temple of wealth, and archbishop Julian of the temple of justice all showed similar plans for sending troops.

In the end, everyone's eyes turned to Archbishop MacIntyre, leaving only the combat power that the war shrine was ready to launch.

Archbishop Macintyre also wanted to be as grand as the four archbishops, but the war shrine is really empty now.

The four temples mobilize so much combat power that they will not affect their own operation. This is the inside story.

However, the details of the war shrine, after the consumption of three defeated archbishops, has left Archbishop Macintyre with a mess.

You know, even the coolie's fighting power as a base card has been consumed a lot.

Now when Archbishop MacIntyre is asked to mobilize the ascetics, he is also worried that the God of war will not let him go if there is another accident with the ascetic.

"The war temple is willing to send out a space temple, with ten five level sacrificial rites and ten five level Temple Knight deities!" Said Archbishop MacIntyre, biting his teeth.

He sent out so much fighting power, but he mobilized most of the fighting power of the war shrine, especially the Templars. After this dispatch, almost all the Templars of the war temple were sent out.

"Archbishop MacIntyre, although there are difficulties in the war shrine, this war is a great world war. I hope you will not keep it!" Archbishop Ambrose warned in a deep voice.

"Archbishop Ambrose, the temple of war is not going to be able to fight any more!" Archbishop Macintyre said helplessly.

Archbishop Ambrose looked at the other three archbishops and flashed in each other's eyes. Unfortunately, the war shrine has always been the most active participant in the war.

For the first time in ten thousand years, the temple of war sent out less combat power than the other four temples.

David invited the Supreme Council to have face-to-face talks with the five shrines in order to discuss the plan of sending troops as quickly as possible.

Although the strongest fighting power is the five gods, the five gods do not care about the matter of sending troops. All matters of sending troops are decided by the five archbishops.

Before that, there was a gap between the Supreme Council and the five shrines. David didn't want to affect the issue of sending out troops. Therefore, today's meeting took place.

Sure enough, in a short period of time, the scale of the forces dispatched by all parties was determined in this lounge.

"In three days' time, the first batch of major combat forces must reach the chaos star region. Is that ok?" Archbishop Ambrose did not press Archbishop Macintyre any more. He looked at all the people present and asked in a deep voice.

The Archbishop of Ambrose also knows that it is not easy to mobilize a large number of forces, and it will take a long time.

However, the high-level combat power must arrive at the space gate in time and lay out the first line of defense there. Otherwise, once the Zerg world launches a war ahead of time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"In addition, speaker Gould, I need you to contact the interstellar Federation and ask them to help block the area near the garrison star, so that Zerg can not enter the Warcraft area from there!" Archbishop Ambrose gave orders to speaker Gould.

Although the interstellar Federation fleet has withdrawn, the last time the Federation fleet showed terrible combat power, so the temple also had to pay attention to their role.

As an alliance, the common enemy of the two worlds, the Zerg invades one side, and the other side should send out help according to the agreement.

"No problem. I'll contact the interstellar Federation immediately." Said speaker Gould, nodding.

"Thank Lord Arthur for his information, so that God has time to prepare for the great world, we will not stay much, we will go back to deploy!" Archbishop Ambrose rose and bowed to David.

Archbishop Adele, Archbishop Barney and archbishop Julian also rose and bowed to leave.

Archbishop MacIntyre, however, made a hasty bow to David as they stood up, and then left the lounge ahead of time.

David shook his head slightly. The Archbishop MacIntyre's capital was too shallow. It was estimated that he had not received the corresponding education. Even if he was an archbishop, he did not have the bearing that an archbishop should have.

The legend of Annabella and the legend of Anton sent away five archbishops on behalf of David, and only David and speaker Gould were left in the lounge.

"Gould, it may be very troublesome this time. Although you are a legend, you don't even understand the rules. Be careful!" David was a little worried.

"Arthur, I will be careful. It's not just me, the legendary Knights of the dawn alliance, who are supposed to be the thorn in the temple. Although they have never dealt with us, but can sacrifice us in the war, they will do it!" Speaker Gould said with a faint smile on his face.Speaker Gould's heart is like a mirror, he is very clear about the relationship between the temple and the noble knight.

A long time ago, the temple trained chivalry to be a thug, but now speaker Gould doesn't want to be a temple thug again.

"Harlow, thirteen of them are still with you. They are legendary. They are all equipped with demigod weapons. They can help you if necessary." David thought about it and said.

David arranged Lord Harlow to be next to speaker Gould. On the one hand, it was for the safety of speaker Gould. As long as these legendary knights were separated by speaker Gould, he could pay attention to speaker Gould's safety at any time.

David, on the other hand, didn't want to have his legendary Knight split, especially in the temple.

All the time, the commander of the temple did not pay much attention to the loss of noble knights.

Although the separation of the thirteen legendary Knights such as Lord Harlow is not David's main combat power, these Knights also formed the remaining forces separated from David through David's intentional separation.

Even if David lost all his territory because of his complete break with the temple, these knights can still stay in the God's big world, so that David can control the situation of God's big world and exert influence on it.

"I welcome them very much. With them here, we form a cavalry battle array of more than 20 legendary knights. I think it should be the strongest cavalry battle array in history." Said Gould, laughing.

The 15 legendary Knights of the dawn alliance, together with 13 legendary Knights such as Lord challow, are 28 legendary knights.

Looking at the history of God's belonging to the great world, it has never happened that 28 legendary Knights appeared at the same time in ten thousand years.

Although there are many legendary knights in ten thousand years, it is either that some noble knight got a great chance and obtained unimaginable natural material and earth treasure to become a legendary knight.

The other is the intentional cultivation of temples, which requires powerful legendary knights to deal with a powerful cult believer and suppress a rash force. The five temples will use their resources to cultivate legendary knights.

No matter which way the legendary Knights appear, they will not appear in batches.

Because it is impossible for a large number of Tiancai Dibao, which can make level 5 Temple Knights break through, without the emergence of these resources, it is impossible to have a large number of legendary knights.

It is only David who has conquered the spirit clan that there will be a large number of spiritual plants and the spirit grape for making "spirit red wine".

It is because of the "spirit red wine", which is beyond the ordinary spiritual resources, that there are so many legendary knights in a short period of time.

Of course, there are also a large number of level 5 Templars at the peak of level 5 Templars, only the spirit wine and legendary Knight cultivation method are missing. David made up this link, and naturally a large number of legendary Knights emerged.

In addition to the fact that David's 13 legendary knights were forced to use an unlimited amount of "spirit wine", speaker Gould and the other 14 lords were all just one step away.

Speaker Gould imagined the spectacular scene of 28 legendary Knights charging in the space, and he was a little excited.

However, he also knew that the Supreme Council had to leave two legendary lords to stabilize the situation, which is why he said that he would only take 12 legendary lords to chaos.

A conference of great importance in the history of God's great world ended quietly.

In the next three days, there were countless personnel transfers and a lot of resource transportation.

Once again, the paladins of tumulus, which were set up on the top of the Council, were once again in chaos from the main star city.

Five temples have also built five temporary shrines in the main city of tura, which is another defense line for Tula.

Although the Supreme Council and the five shrines did not say so, they also planned for the worst.

As a result of the mobilization of a large number of knights, the Supreme Council did not explain what happened, which made the rumors that God belongs to the big world.

However, neither the Supreme Council nor the five temples responded to this.

The Zerg world has not yet started a war, and everything has not yet started. To declare the battle between the Zerg world and the big world of God will set off chaos ahead of time and cause unnecessary trouble.

On the third day, on the square in the middle of the five space temples of the space gate, a large number of level 5 and legendary level strong people gathered.

Speaker Gould and his twelve lords appeared on the square through the portal set up by the temple. They acted together, and the five Templars of the Supreme Council came in batches.

At this time, almost all the high-level combat power of the Supreme Council came.

The high-level combat power of the five temples, including the five archbishops, all came first.

God is the most powerful force in the big world. The five temples and the Supreme Council have all come. Only Lord Arthur has not arrived.In front of the portal, a ray of light flashed past, showing the legend of Annabella; another light, the legendary Knight of Anton; and the last light, the demigod Knight of the Holy Spirit.

"I've met the archbishops. My Lord will put the castle on that side. I hope all the space temples will not be close to that position!" Annabella legend bows to the five archbishops.

Archbishop Ambrose took a look at the legendary location of Annabella. Because of the distance, he could not see the castle here.

He sighed in his heart. It was almost impossible for Lord Arthur to come near the space gate to fight.

Unless the temple is willing to evacuate the space temple, it is also impossible.

Lord Arthur did not believe that the temple was normal. Anyone who was attacked by the temple many times would be so cautious.

Even the archbishops could not guarantee the absolute safety of Lord Arthur's coming here.

Because they couldn't know what the gods meant. Maybe the gods thought that this was the best chance to get rid of Lord Arthur, and they might solve Lord Arthur easily.

"The demigod" Knight of the Holy Spirit "will stay here. It can be considered that the Luce family has contributed to the war. My Lord said that if there is a strong enemy who can't deal with it, he can lead it there and the Lord will deal with it!" The Annabella legend goes on.

"Thank Lord Arthur for me. The presence of the demigod" Knight of the Holy Spirit "is very helpful to us Said Archbishop Ambrose to Annabella legend with a smile.

Ask gods to come down, only when the opposite divine level appears. You can't do it through divine descent when Zerg world doesn't send God level.

With the help of the demigods, at least the Zerg demigods will not be passive.

"Then I'll go back to the castle first!" Annabella legend bows.

Her relationship with the war shrine prevented her from staying here for a long time.

Perhaps the God of war once paid attention to the legend of Annabella and found the legend of Annabella. It is possible that the legend of Annabella, the God who betrayed the temple of war, was killed on the spur of the moment.

So the legend of Annabella, like David, can't get close to the temple. However, as long as David doesn't fall, the God of war is unlikely to attack Annabella's legend. This is why the legend of Annabella volunteered to come.

Both Anton's legendary knight and the demigod "Knight of the spirit" are reticent. It's not easy for them to explain the situation, unless David controls it remotely.

"Annabella legend, it happens that we also want to know the way and go with you!" Speaker Gould said with a smile.

The twelve legendary lords who came with speaker Gould did not want to stay here. They also wanted to visit Lord Arthur.

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