"The demigod" Knight of the Holy Spirit "is incomparably powerful Archbishop Ambrose sighed as he watched the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" bestowing various defensive states on 600 level 4 sky knights.

Among the five archbishops present, four were legendary, and only Archbishop Macintyre was the fifth level sacrifice.

The four archbishops of the legendary rank can perceive the strength of ice crystal armor and rock armor, and any kind of armor can resist at least several attacks from legendary level.

Archbishop Macintyre was not very good-looking. The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" was a knight in the temple of war thousands of years ago.

He could not help but think of the legend of Annabella, the knight who left the temple of war.

But the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is different. In those days, the half god "Knight of the Holy Spirit" fell into the hand of death, which can be regarded as war death, but both the soul and the body fall into the hands of death.

The God of death released the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" in order to create chaos in God's world.

Lord Arthur did not know what means he used to subdue the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" and became his own guardian knight.

The demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" does not stay in the front line. After applying various defensive states to all level 4 sky knights, he retreats to the safe area.

The combat power of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" is not strong, which is certainly not compared with these highest legendary levels, but with the demigod. However, his most powerful is to bless various states.

In the space temples of the five temples, there are only a few divine pattern array in blessing state. As a weapon used in large-scale war, the vast majority of the divine pattern array is used for attack and defense, and will not waste too much resources in blessing state for fighters.

The most important reason is that if the divinities of the space temple can not destroy the enemy, then the deities and sacrificial rites of the temple can not defeat the enemy, so the significance of blessing state is not significant.

With the blessing of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", the morale of 600 level 4 sky Knights increased greatly.

The space gate is very quiet. 600 level 4 sky knights are still staring at the space door, and dare not be distracted. The death of 100 level 4 sacrifice just now told them that if they do not prepare in advance, they will not even have time to respond to the attack from the space gate.

An hour, two hours, the space door still did not move.

He's counting four hundred Cavaliers in the sky. He's going to spend six hours preparing for the battle.

Bang, a ice hockey appeared in front of the space door, which was transmitted from the other side of the space door.

The ice hockey hit the five space shrines in the multi-channel defense energy, the huge force let the defense energy one by one broken.

However, the speed of the ice hockey impact is not as fast as that of the last time's golden electric light. This is related to the fact that the defense energy of the space temple has slowed down the speed of the ice hockey impact, and the speed of the ice system energy itself is much slower than that of the lightning energy.

"Defense!" Cried the knight, who presided over the battle of knights.

At the same time, the 600 level 4 sky Knights increased the output of blood power, and in an instant, the blood power shield of knights in front of the battle array was thickened.

At this time, the ice hockey also broke through all the defensive energy. At this time, everyone can see that the impact energy of ice hockey has been greatly reduced. If such impact force is adopted, the cavalry battle array composed of 600 level 4 sky Knights will not be a problem.

But this is the Zerg God level attack. The power of the ice rules is not just the impact.

The ice hockey hit the blood force shield in front of the Knights' battle. There were cracks on the blood force shield, but the ice hockey was also blocked.

Just as the fourth level sky riders breathed a sigh of relief, the ice hockey exploded, with the ice hockey explosion point as the center, a white fog spread around.

Six hundred level Four sky knights were instantly frozen, forming 600 popsicles. The ice fog also consumed energy.

Six hundred level Four sky Knights use their own bodies to block the attack and complete the defense task.

"Help Exclaimed Archbishop Ambrose.

Although these knights are only level Four sky knights, they can't sacrifice Knights continuously.

It's not easy for knights to be killed before the war begins.

Reserve level 4 sky Knight rushed up, and the level 4 weapon in his hand was cut on the hard ice to rescue the knight in the ice.

However, the fourth level weapon was cut on the solid ice, and there was no trace on the solid ice.

Although the Zerg's ice attack is suppressed by the rules of the divine world, it's not something these four level sky knights can break.

"Get out of the way!" With the cry, several level 5 Templars rushed up, and the level 5 light sword was chopped on the ice.

The light sword of level five struck the ice, and there were thin marks on the ice.Because there are four level sky knights in the solid ice, the level five Templars do not dare to exert all their strength. If the ice is broken, the level 4 sky knight in the solid ice will be shocked to death.

At this time, the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" flashed into the sky above the fourth level sky knight. With a wave of his hand, a little white flame appeared, which showed the flame of holy light. These holy light flames were controlled extremely precisely by him, and they were converted into 600, corresponding to 600 level 4 sky riders.

The ice, which even the fifth level Templar couldn't do, melted quickly under the flame of light.

A fourth level sky Knight emerged from the ice and gasped as soon as he came out. There was only a thin layer of ice crystal armor and rock armor left on them.

It is also good that the speed of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" to save people is fast enough, otherwise the terror energy in the ice will make these level 4 sky Knights die. As long as the demigod "spirit Knight" split blessing state is consumed by the energy in the solid ice, then the level 4 sky Knight will die.

Six hundred level Four sky Knights recovered in a few minutes. They stood up with their own strength.

The knights in the relatively safe area, seeing this situation, cheered loudly.

Six hundred level Four sky Knights blocked the Zerg God level attack, and did not lose one level Four sky knight, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Even when Archbishop Ambrose set 600 level 4 sky knights in front of the space gate, he wanted level 4 sky knights to consume the energy of Zerg gods on the opposite side.

"You've worked hard, take a rest, and keep on guard for the second group of knights!" Exclaimed Archbishop Ambrose.

Although the 600 level 4 sky knights were not hurt much, after the crisis of life and death, their blood power consumed a lot, and their spirit also needed to be restored.

When the new 600 level 4 sky knights, composed of the five temples and the Supreme Council, came to the space gate, the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" split again.

Just before this move, the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" took out a "divine power crystal" and held it in his hand, absorbing the power of faith.

"Four archbishops, we are responsible for the" crystallization "consumed by the demigod" Knight of the Holy Spirit ". What do you think The Archbishop of Ambrose inquired of the four archbishops next to him.

Archbishop Ambrose is very clear about one thing. No matter how powerful Lord Arthur is, he will never have many "crystal powers" in his hands.

Because only the gods who believe in becoming gods can make "divine power crystal". The black dragon and Zerg God level that Lord Arthur made friends with could not make "divine power crystal".

Archbishop Ambrose even doubted whether the "crystal of power" in the hands of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" was the spoils seized by Lord Arthur from the war shrine.

Lord Arthur killed the two archbishops of the war shrine. There are more or less "crystal powers" in their space objects.

In addition, there will be "crystal power" in the "space war Temple" occupied by Lord Arthur.

"Of course, the presence of a demigod" Holy Spirit Knight "here can reduce our great loss of personnel, and it is also a proper thing to provide the consumed" divine power crystallization "for them Archbishop Adele first agreed.

Without the blessing of the demigod "Knight of the spirit" and his help, the 600 level 4 sky knights would not have survived this time.

Although the "crystal of divine power" is a treasure, it is nothing to the five temples. As long as the use is reasonable, they can use it at will.

The "crystallization of divine power" is made up of statues of gods with the power of belief. In any of the five temples, there are a large number of temples scattered around the world of God, and each temple has a statue of God.

All the temples in the whole world of gods are like a huge processing factory. Except for some of the power of faith that has been directly used, the rest of the power of faith will be transformed into "crystal of divine power".

A large proportion of these "divine power crystals" will be sacrificed to the gods, and some of the "divine power crystals" left behind will become the core energy of the important divine pattern array.

"Yes!" Even if Archbishop Macintyre had an opinion in mind, he had to agree.

At this time, the terrorist support shown by the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is the guarantee of those who participate in the war. If Archbishop Macintyre dare not agree to support the separation of the demigod "Knight of the spirit", it is estimated that even the clergy and sacrifice of the war shrine will have their opinions.

The demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" absorbs the "divine power crystal" while giving blessing to the second group of level 4 sky knights.

In fact, there is no need to absorb the "crystallization of divine power" because David's body is on the side. In the same big world, the demigod "Knight of the spirit" can transmit the power of faith in the small world of David's body's soul space to the demigod's "Knight of the spirit" through soul connection.

But David was a little uneasy about doing this in front of the five great temples.David does not want to expose the fact that he has the power of faith. Maybe the five gods in the big world can tolerate a powerful demigod, but will never allow a demigod who believes in the path of becoming a God.

Because it takes a large number of believers to grow up, that is to say, belief must be spread in the great world of God.

God belongs to the big world is the private space of the five gods. In order to monopolize the belief that God belongs to the big world, the five gods beat all the other gods.

As long as David shows the possibility of accepting believers, he will be treated as a deadly enemy by the five gods.

Therefore, David would rather let the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" be separated to consume the "crystallization of divine power", rather than reveal the secret of the power of faith.

On the other side of the space gate, there are already four Zerg gods on the lander planet of Zerg world.

Except for the "polar scorpion emperor," the other three Zerg gods came to check because of the total extinction of the "air eating tick.".

"I've killed a hundred humans who attacked the tick." "Polar Scorpion King" attacks with its own rules. Through this connection, it can know some attack results.

The explanation of "polar scorpion emperor" is not satisfied by the three Zerg gods. The arrival of the second batch of "space eating ticks" will take some time, which makes the attack plan of Zerg world have to be changed.

"It just killed a hundred people. The lightning attack is fast, but its power is not so good!" "Ice silkworm emperor" said lightly.

"Why don't you try it and see if it can be better than my results!" "Polar scorpion emperor" said in a deep voice.

The "ice silkworm emperor" did not speak. It spat out an ice hockey at the space gate. The ice hockey broke into the space gate, and its momentum was far less powerful than that of the polar scorpion emperor.

"Six hundred men!" "Ice silkworm emperor" said to "polar scorpion emperor" after a few minutes.

"Ice silkworm emperor" saw the appearance of 600 fourth level sky Knights frozen. With the disappearance of the ice fog, the ice rules it attacked were also dissipated and could no longer be perceived.

"Polar scorpion emperor" casually threw a light on the space door, which is to confirm the words of "ice silkworm emperor".

The behavior of the "polar scorpion emperor" made the "ice silkworm emperor" very dissatisfied. This is the result of distrust of the "ice silkworm emperor".

"The king of ice silkworm, your victory is zero. Those 600 human beings have been saved back!" "Polar scorpion emperor" said with a sarcastic tone.

The "king of ice silkworm" couldn't believe it. It also pointed out a frost falling on the space door. With this rule, it also sensed the situation in front of the space door.

Six hundred level Four sky knights, frozen by it, have stood up and left the battlefield orderly.

"It seems that there is a God to attack, otherwise it is impossible to crack my attack!" The king of ice silkworm excused himself.

He said this, but even the "king of ice silkworm" himself did not believe that God belongs to the big world. He would ask the gods to move at this time.

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