The insect tide lasted for a month, and the bloody smell in front of the space door filled the whole world. The gravity environment arranged by the 14 space temples made it easier for the Knights of the god world to fight, and at the same time, the green insects filled the whole area.

This is not known how many batches of Knights have been rotated. In this month, the losses of knights are not big.

Only occasionally some knights with little combat experience will be attacked because of a mistake. Ordinary Knights will not be hurt in this kind of battle.

With level 5 Templars in front, the intensity of the fight is the best pressure for level 4 sky knights.

The five archbishops are still sitting in the temple of knowledge in space, watching the situation in the battlefield.

"Among these sky knights, there should be a high proportion of templars!" Said Archbishop Barney with a smile.

All but the Archbishop Macintyre nodded.

"The sky Knight wants to be promoted, in addition to the necessary talent and resources, fighting and tempering is also very important, which is why Knights going to war star are more likely to be promoted to Templar Knights!" Seeing Archbishop Macintyre look puzzled, Archbishop Barney explained.

Archbishop Macintyre himself was a sacrifice, and he was ostracized before he became an archbishop. He would not care about the promotion of sky knight to Templar Knight.

But now it's different. As the Archbishop of the war shrine, Archbishop Macintyre needs to consider the situation of the war shrine today.

The lack of a large number of level five combat power makes the war shrine very empty.

It's good to sacrifice to the God in a good mood.

Of course, Archbishop Macintyre had no way to ask about the improvement of the sacrificial power. He could not raise his head in front of several archbishops.

However, the proportion of sky Knights promoted to templars is particularly important to the war shrine.

Now the war temple is really lack of level 5 Templars. In this war, the war temple has the least level 5 combat power.

"Thank you, Archbishop Barney, for your answer Said Archbishop MacIntyre, bowing.

This month, with the four archbishops, Archbishop Macintyre tried his best to maintain a humble attitude, which also made the four archbishops slowly accept him as the new archbishop.

Although the four archbishops could not say that they liked Archbishop MacIntyre, they would not reject him as much as before.

"Unfortunately, if we can get some spiritual fruits from Lord Arthur, we will certainly be able to make more Templars among these sky Knights!" Said Archbishop Adele, shaking his head.

Lord Arthur's possession of a large number of spiritual fruits has long been no secret.

If other people take out so many spiritual fruits, and even use spirit grapes to make "spirit red wine", which is beyond imagination, then the temple will definitely use various means to recover the source of spiritual fruit by means of buying and threatening.

According to the conjecture of several archbishops, Lord Arthur should have obtained a "space fragment", which has special world rules and can produce spiritual fruit.

Although several archbishops have never heard of such "space debris", only this explanation can explain the source of Lord Arthur's spiritual fruits.

"Let's go to Lord Arthur to have some food. I'm afraid it's very difficult to ask for spiritual fruit." Said Archbishop Barney.

Apart from Archbishop MacIntyre, the other four archbishops had received Lord Arthur's hospitality. They still miss the spirit wine.

They also understood that Lord Arthur could treat them with spiritual fruits and even "spirit wine", but if he wanted to buy a large number of such strategic cultivation resources, Lord Arthur could not sell them.

Lord Arthur is not bad. His artifact and cultivation resources are self-sufficient.

"When it comes to visiting Lord Arthur, I think of speaker Gould. He grabbed and drank all our" spirit wine. " Said Archbishop Adele, a little annoyed.

Although Archbishop Adele is the Archbishop of the temple of wealth and is in charge of the wealth of God's great world, the "spirit wine" can't be purchased. In addition, she is a woman. Although she is a high-ranking woman, she has a common hatred.

Speaker Gould drank most of the "spirit wine" at the banquet because of the unequal belief. For the other three archbishops, it was just a matter of laughter, but Archbishop Adele kept it in mind.

Only then did the Archbishop Macintyre understand that he was not invited with the five archbishops here.

"No, it's an invitation. I didn't go myself." Archbishop Macintyre suddenly understood that Lord Arthur had invited him last time, but he had not.

The problem is that he went at the end of the party. He didn't even taste the delicious spirit coffee.Archbishop Macintyre was extremely distressed. With his strength, drinking "spirit wine" once, he estimated that his strength could reach the peak of level five sacrifice.

After reaching the peak, the God of war can be promoted to the legendary level of sacrifice as long as he has a free grace.

Unlike now, even if the God of war shows his divine grace, as long as it is not the kind of extremely heavy divine grace, ordinary divine grace will take many times to promote him to the legendary level of sacrifice.

Just as the five archbishops were speaking, the space door began to vibrate.

Like a giant snake with its neck cut off, the insect tide interrupts space transmission when the space door vibrates.

Dozens of space were transported to half of the Zerg, half of their bodies were crushed by the space door, and the other half fell in front of the space door.

"All Knights return to the protection of the space temple!" The voice of Archbishop Ambrose sounded on the battlefield.

At the same time, a ray of light is emitted from the space temple. It is the "light divinity". All the remaining Zerg are illuminated by the "light divinity", and the black air is diffused on the body.

How can these low-level Zerg endure the "magic of light" sent out by the power of faith in the space temple and soon become ashes.

When the Knights heard the order, both the knights in the front line of the battlefield, or the backup knights in the rear, all retreated orderly.

The doors of several space temples opened, and the Knights entered the interior of the space temples respectively.

"Ask speaker Gould to come, and the next battle will be upgraded!" The Archbishop of Ambrose turned his head and said to the God on the side.

Previous wars looked fierce, but none of them paid attention to this level of fighting.

The low-level insect tide is only suitable for military training, and the abnormal space gate will bring changes to the war of the big world, and more powerful Zerg will join the war.

The shaking of the space door is the result of the destruction of the space door by "space eating ticks". On one side of the space gate Zerg world, there are many gaps in the space door, one of which is the size of a fist.

It is this fist size gap that leads to the instability of the energy of the solidified space of the space gate. In addition, the lack of the energy of the solidified space in other places makes the space door vibrate abnormally.

The legendary "master brain King insect king" howled at the crazy insects in front of the space gate. The red in the eyes of the insects disappeared, and their madness disappeared.

However, the insects in front of the space gate did not leave the space gate. It is not that they do not want to leave. The space gate obviously has abnormal spatial energy fluctuations, which is in extreme danger.

However, the entire lander planet has been full of Zerg, and the space passage in space is still constantly transferring Zerg to the lander planet, which makes the insects near the space gate have no way to go.

The tremor of the space door is intensifying, and a crack has appeared on the edge of the space door since the fist size gap.

This crack extends from the fist size gap to another small gap, and then from the small gap to another gap.

Just like chain reaction, more and more cracks, soon the whole space door edge of the solidification space energy is full of cracks like spider web.

The changes on the side of Zerg's world space gate also spread to the side of God's big world space gate.

The five archbishops all flew out of the "Temple of knowledge in space" and watched the change of the space gate.

"Speaker Gould, you are here just in time." The Archbishop of Ambrose nodded when he saw Chancellor Gould flying in.

Speaker Gould got the news and came soon. The whole process was less than 30 seconds. This is why he dared to stay in Lord Arthur's castle.

"The space door can be destroyed by the" empty eating tick " After speaker Gould said hello to the five archbishops, he could not help exclaiming at the change of the space door.

Although Lord Arthur made clear the characteristics of the "space eating tick", speaker Gould was shocked to see the damaged space door with his own eyes.

Since the appearance of the space door, speaker Gould has tried to destroy it, but let alone destroy it. Even if he wants to shake it, he can't do it.

And I heard that even the gods can't do it even if they want to destroy the space door. Maybe some gods can do it, but the price paid is not worth the gods' hands.

The space gate bears the double world rules of God's big world and Zerg world. After the space energy solidifies, it forms a stable space channel, and wants to break the world rule that affects the two big worlds with power at the same time.

As for "space eating ticks", it is a special kind of existence. They regard space energy as food, skip the process of confrontation with world rules, and directly act on the fixed space gate itself.

However, they also pay a huge price for this. Every time they swallow a little bit of solidified space energy, they pay for their life.

God belongs to the big world side of the space door, has been emptied, all Knights returned to the inner space temple, protected by the space temple.

The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" did not enter the space temple, but withdrew from the surrounding area of the space temple.Although the God of war did not have any opinion on the separation of the demigod "Knight of the spirit", David also had to consider the feelings of the God of war. He could never let the demigod "Knight of the spirit" be separated into the temple as a betrayal.

"Increase defense energy!" Said Archbishop Ambrose in a deep voice.

The aura of space energy coming from the space door makes Archbishop Ambrose feel dangerous.

At the same time, the 14 space temples increased the input of the power of belief, and the massive power of belief was transformed into an energy barrier between the space door and the space temple.

The cracks on the space door become cracks, and the small cracks become larger cracks.

The crack of space door seems to have reached a certain limit, and the energy of solidified space will collapse instantly.

The violent space energy is pounding outward from the space door, and everything is destroyed and disappeared.

God belongs to the big world. There is no Knight here. Only the paved ground is destroyed. Even if the energy of the space temple is protected, even if the material used on the ground is extremely strong, it does not block the explosion of the space door.

Starting from the space gate, with the space energy shock wave, the ground is directly swallowed by the space energy and disappeared.

Also, the explosion of the space gate did not affect a long distance. It just stopped after all the kilometers around it disappeared.

"This is the turbulent flow of space. I finally saw it with my own eyes." The Archbishop of Ambrose murmured as he watched the scene of the explosion of the space door.

Space turbulence is very terrible, even the gods need to be prepared in many ways before they can enter the exploration.

This preparation is very important, because once you lose your direction in the space turbulence, or can't bear the erosion of the space turbulence, then the consequence is to stay in the space turbulence forever.

Space turbulence is very famous, but few people can see it with their own eyes, because generally only gods can see it.

"It is said that there are endless dangers in the turbulent flow of space, but there are also endless treasures. Unfortunately, it is too far away from us." Continued Archbishop Barney.

The space turbulence exposed in the space shock wave did not last long and disappeared, and then the space door formed a huge space vortex.

The suction of terror emanates from the space vortex. The ground is not destroyed thousands of meters away, nor can it escape the suction of the space vortex. It is forcibly sucked into the space vortex.

However, these solid ground materials are crushed into fine particles by the space energy just after they are close to the space vortex. After contacting with the space vortex, the fine particles are completely transformed into nothingness.

Archbishop Ambrose and other five archbishops, as well as speaker Gould, were all staring at this rare scene.

Why do we say that there are endless treasures in the space turbulence, because some big world will be sucked into the space turbulence after it disappears.

In the process of being inhaled into the space turbulence, all the materials with poor materials will become void, and only the materials that can withstand the space turbulence can be retained. , the fastest update of the webnovel!