When David returned to the castle, he saw that twenty-five legendary knights had set up the battle array of legendary knights in front of the castle.

As for speaker Gould, he was separated in the castle with a demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". David nodded to the legendary knights. He knew that speaker Gould had arranged to protect the castle.

The demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is seriously injured. Speaker Gould does not want him to be affected.

When David enters the castle hall, he sees Chancellor Gould, who is taking healing potions for the demigod Knight of the Holy Spirit.

"Gould, I'll treat the Holy Spirit knights. You can command the noble knights. The temple does not support the legendary knights, which causes the noble knights to leave angrily. They are about to leave the castle now!" David waved to speaker Gould.

"I didn't expect that the temple could not tolerate the existence of legendary knights, and that such a thing would be done in the war of the big world!" Speaker Gould stopped his action and said helplessly.

When looking at the noble, the knight can still perform a dangerous mission every time.

Many of the nobles saw it clearly, but they could not resist.

Especially the fifth level Templars, they almost all have to go through the end of becoming the living dead.

A Templars promoted to legendary Knights gave these five level Templars hope, but the temple wanted to break this hope, which was unacceptable to any level five Templars.

Not only the fifth level Templars, but almost all the aristocratic knights had this idea.

Legendary Knights have broken the fate of the fifth level Templars living dead. They have a longer life span and more possibilities in the future.

Since knights can be promoted to the legendary level, it is also possible for the demigods. Isn't the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" promoted by a knight to a demigod?

When all this became a predictable future, the aristocratic Knights did not want to be broken, nor did the temple.

Besides, the Supreme Council represents the interests of nobles. When the temple ignores the lives of the speaker of the Supreme Council, as well as many legendary lords and knights, the temple's justice is no longer.

"We are here to rebuild the battlefield. As long as we do what we should do, we should protect God in our own way, belonging to the big world!" David pointed out and said.

Speaker Gould also heard what David said in the battlefield.

"We nobles set up the battlefield alone, whether or not the temple sent Zerg, we have a clear conscience!" Said speaker Gould, nodding.

Speaker Gould turned and walked outside the gate. He had already heard the sound outside.

David laughs and doesn't come forward to treat the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". The demigod Knight himself takes a bottle of "immortal vitality" from the space ring and pours it into his mouth.

Under the influence of "immortal vitality", the wound of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" recovered rapidly.

The damage to these demigods does not involve the soul. It is within the scope of "immortal vitality" treatment. Only after a few minutes, all the injuries on his body disappear.

The demigod, the knight of the Holy Spirit, stood up behind David as before.

The knight came to the hall, and the knight was separated from God.

Outside the castle, a huge cavalry battle line composed of 40 level-5 Temple knights and more than 8000 level-4 sky knights is arranged in the castle's energy shield under the command of Chancellor Gould.

There's simulated gravity, and at your feet is the ground formed by an energy shield.

Level 4 sky knights are not good at space war, so president Gould arranged level 4 sky knights to protect the castle, and did not need sky knights to participate in the resistance war.

As for the level 5 Templars, they will go out again depending on the situation of the battlefield. Now they are temporarily arranged beside the castle with the level 4 sky knights.

There's the castle's energy shield here, and there's no big danger around Lord Arthur.

Speaker Gould knows very well that these noble knights are not protected by the space temple, and it is very dangerous to fight against the insect tide.

As long as a legendary Zerg can cause huge casualties, recruiting these noble knights is not for them to die.

As a matter of fact, the battle of level 4 sky knight is over, and the level 4 sky knight is dealing with the low-level insect tide before.

The war has now reached the legendary level, even the demigod level. It has not been able to cope with the level 4 sky knight, even the level 5 Templar Knight.

"Wan Sheng!" When the aristocratic Knights saw Lord Arthur and the half god "Knight of the Holy Spirit" who had recovered as usual after Lord Arthur, they cheered together.

The restoration of the separation of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" excited the noble knights.

Although the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" can't block the attack of the demigod Zerg, his state blessing is extremely powerful, which can at least increase part of the strength of legendary knights.David did not speak. The commanding officer of the nobles could only have one voice. He would not fight with Chancellor Gould for the command.

"Lord Arthur, if there is a demigod Zerg, please help, and the legendary Zerg will be handed over to us!" Said speaker Gould.

"Yes David bowed and saluted.

Twenty six legendary Knights rearranged the battle array of legendary knights, standing quietly in space, waiting for the possible Zerg.

No matter how the temple is handled, after being betrayed, the noble knight can insist on participating in defense, which is the belief of knight.

The temple's failure to rescue the dead deliberately put legendary knights in danger of death, so that noble knights no longer trust the temple, and it is impossible to fight within the space Temple of the temple.

You can't fight with Zerg, but you should be careful of the black hands behind you.

In front of the space gate, 130 level-5 Templars were silent, and their morale was low. Not only were they, but also the other deities and sacrificial rites who devoted themselves to praying for the power of faith in the space temple.

We should know that most of the deities and sacrifices in the temple were born in the aristocracy.

Even they couldn't look down on what the temple had done, but they couldn't leave in anger like noble knights.

The Archbishop of Ambrose is as deep as water, and there is nothing he can do, even if he is resourceful, in the present situation.

"The magic of light" Said Archbishop Ambrose in a deep voice.

In the 14 space shrines, the "light divinity divine pattern array" was activated at the same time, and then the whole battlefield was completely covered by the pure white light emitted by the light divinity.

The interrupted tide of insects continued to flow through the space gate and was heading for the battle line of 130 level 5 Templars.

The pure white light shines on the insect tide, which makes it miserable. Although the Zerg are in a frenzy, they can run with the insect tide and bear the erosion of "light magic", but the lower level Zerg have little resistance to the "light magic".

When the insect tide is running, black fog rises in the insect tide. These rising black fog is transformed by the Zerg killed by the "light magic" in the insect tide.

As soon as these Zerg enter the divine world, they are defined as evil beings by the world rules of the divine world, and the "light divinity" is the divinity against them.

However, before entering the divine world, the insect tide was inspired by the ability of the legendary "master brain King insect king" to use their talents. Because they almost die when they rush through the space gate, the legendary "master brain King insect king" stimulates all the life potential of Zerg, and makes them get a comprehensive increase in a short time.

Therefore, although the "magic of light" which happened in the 14 space temples was extremely powerful, it only caused a part of Zerg to die quickly. Most Zerg could still rush to 130 level 5 Templars.

There is also a judge in the minds of the gods and sacrificial priests who watch the battle.

Seeing the insect tide in the charge, it became sparse, and the power of the insect tide shrouded in the "magic of light" was greatly weakened. This made them wonder why they did not display the art of light.

Is it not worth the noble knights to expend a little power of faith in the temple. The "magic of light" is not a large-scale divinity, and the power of faith is not much consumed.

In this state of mind, 130 level five Templar Knights began to fight the insect tide.

After being weakened by the magic of light, the insect tide at the end of the strong crossbow bumped into the Knights' battle array of level 5 Templars.

These five level Temple knights are the top five level Temple knights in terms of equipment and training skills.

When the worm tide hits the level 5 Templars battle line, it's like a spray hitting a reef.

Of course, the 130 level 5 Templars, though self-protection was more than enough, could not launch the cavalry charge like the 26 legendary knights.

"Attention Exclaimed the paladin, the leader.

In the shouts of the leader, several rays of light flew out of the insect tide and hit the shield of the knight battle array.

The consumption of the blood power shield is too fast. The blood power shield collected by 130 level 5 templars is reduced at a very fast speed under the impact of the insect tide.

The five fifth level Zerg in the insect tide, under the cover of the insect tide, continuously launch long-range attacks to the knight battle array.

Poison, lightning, fire, frost and other natural abilities are constantly applied to the energy shield of Knight battle array, which increases the consumption of energy shield.

To be in a defensive position is not to keep the knights in a defensive position all the time.

No matter how much the insect tide is weakened, it is also an endless stream of Zerg. A large number of Zerg just want to sacrifice their lives at the cost of their lives. That power enables each Zerg to burst out an attack far beyond their own strength.When 130 level five Templars stood in the position of 26 legendary knights, they understood the power of the 26 legendary knights.

However, Knight battle array is not afraid to completely change into defensive Knight battle array, because if they do not attack insect tide, the number of Zerg will increase.

If the insect tide is not eliminated, the Zerg will become more and more powerful in front of the space gate, which will create greater pressure on the surrounding circle of the space temple.

"Sacrifice focuses on attacking divinity and destroying the five level five Zerg!" Said Archbishop Ambrose, frowning.

The Archbishop of Ambrose felt helpless. Even the appearance of five fifth level Zerg had to offer sacrifices and perform divine arts to support them.

There is no way out. 130 level 5 Templars can't attack the level 5 Zerg unless they rush into the insect tide, but their strength is too limited to charge in the insect tide.

In particular, their defense is not enough. In case of legendary Zerg or even demigod Zerg in the direction of space gate, they will not even have time to be rescued if they are too close to the space gate.

According to the order of Archbishop Ambrose, the five level sacrificial rites that had been prepared for a long time in the space Temple began to use attack divinity, and the other four levels of sacrifice cooperated with the fifth level sacrifice to strengthen the power of attack divinity.

Each of the five temples is responsible for a level 5 Zerg. The light of the five divine arts flies out of the space temple and falls toward the five level 5 Zerg.

The powerful magic hit five level five Zerg, and the fifth level Zerg were killed when they didn't even scream.

No one cheered for it, because compared with the legendary knights, it was nothing to be excited about.

The internal energy of these sacrificial rites is limited, and the divine arts attack can not continue until the power of faith is consumed to stimulate the divine pattern array in the space temple to attack.

But Archbishop Ambrose was very clear that he wanted to avoid consuming the power of faith in the temple of space, which was left to the five gods when they came down.

Now it consumes too much, and the strength of the gods will decrease when the gods come down.

Just after killing five level five Zerg, five level five Zerg appeared in the swarm of space gate. They continue to use the fighting mode just now, and constantly attack the level 5 Templar battle array with long-range attack.

In this kind of war, Zerg's fifth level Zerg has become consumable, and they don't care to be killed at all.

As soon as level 5 Zerg appear, they are all-out long-range attacks. They don't cherish the energy in their bodies at all. They seem to want to stimulate all the energy in their bodies in a short time.

The fifth level Zerg not only consumes the blood of the fifth level Temple knights, but also uses their own life to consume the internal energy of the temple sacrifice.

If you want to kill level 5 Zerg, the temple sacrifice must go all out to mobilize the power and energy of belief in the body every time you perform divinity.

It is not so easy to replenish the power of belief in the sacrificial body. It takes time to recover it through prayer.

The battle on the battlefield was resisted by the temple for a period of time, regardless of the consumption of the temple knights and sacrifices.

However, at the same time, the consumption of the Knights' battle array in the fifth level temple is huge. The shield of the blood force of the Knights' battle array is becoming thinner and thinner, and the time for sacrificing there is also longer and longer to perform divine arts.

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