"Mr. Lionel, the Lutu consortium can't bear the anger of General David. At most, we can only guide an intelligence organization for you. You can contact the intelligence organization by yourself. You also need to find the spaceship by yourself. The Lutu consortium will delete all the information related to you and will not have any contact with you any more." Basque president thought for a moment and said.

Basque president can think of a way to keep the Lutu group out of business, and that's it. Lutu can't get in touch with Lionel's actions.

You can imagine how terrible it would be if there was something wrong with Emma, which would cause the wrath of admiral David.

At that time, the power of the three top consortia was not destroyed by General David.

Basque president did not have the courage to help Lionel deal with queen Emma. As long as a piece of news was leaked, the whole Lutu consortium would be destroyed.

Lionel was stunned. He didn't expect Basque president to say that. Is general David so terrible?

The thought only flashed through Lionel's mind, and there was no more thought.

Lionel believes in gods. Apart from the "evil spirit", at least in the interstellar Federation, he will not put anyone in his eyes.

Basque president did not directly help, but Lionel only asked for an intelligence channel. As for the operation, he had staff.

"Well, I'll change my identity, and I won't be in touch with Lutu consortium!" Lionel nodded.

"Mr. Lionel, I still want to mention one thing. Emma's guard is very strong. It is said that there are many extraordinary guards around her!" Basque president did not forget to remind finally.

This is not a secret. When Emma was last attacked, many extraordinary people appeared to protect her. It is rumored that her security level is higher than that of contacting the president.

Lionel got a new identity bracelet with contact information from the intelligence organization.

He contacted the intelligence organization, which is not as cautious as a large consortium. As long as he pays the credit point, he can work for you.

To tell you the truth, it is not difficult to obtain the intelligence of Queen Emma, because of her special identity, even if she wants to keep it secret, she can't hide anyone who has a heart.

Two days later, Lionel got all the information about Emma in great detail.

Of course, Lionel also paid millions of credit points for this, and Emma's intelligence is still very valuable.

Queen Emma lives in the city of chiya in the region of Iridia. She is surrounded by two female bodyguards and 20 ordinary guards. As for the supernatural guard, it is not mentioned in the intelligence.

Lionel is also understandable, in the interstellar Federation, extraordinary movements are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Although in Lionel's eyes, extraordinary strength is not much strong, but extraordinary also has its weird place, extraordinary can control the extraordinary armor, realize fast flight, this ability even surpasses the third level earth knight.

You should know that the third level earth Knight does not have the ability to fly, and Lionel, a believer of the third level evil god, also has no ability to fly.

Intelligence organizations give a lot of information, including the coordinates of Emma's house in the sky. Lionel enters the coordinates into the map of renka star and sees the situation of the house.

That house is a good place to start. There are no other buildings within 5000 meters around, which is one of the characteristics of Renca sinzia.

Qiya city is a green city. People are very close to nature.

However, Lionel also noticed that Renca belongs to the airida domain, and airida belongs to General David's sphere of influence.

Lionel believes that someone must be protecting Emma in secret. If he wants to act, he needs to control the people around her as quickly as possible.

After that, Lionel can force queen Emma to use divinity to brainwash. This method consumes the power of faith. It is not worthwhile to obtain a believer. But if the profit outweighs the loss, Lionel is willing to try.

Of course, the premise is that queen Emma has not practiced spiritual cultivation, otherwise the divine arts will not work.

However, Lionel did not believe that queen Emma could acquire spiritual cultivation. Even in the great world of God, there were very few people who could acquire spiritual cultivation.

After much thought, Lionel decided to move, which is the best way to open up the situation.

Lionel had figured out how much influence it would have if she controlled queen Emma and sang "the God of evil spirits" with her reputation.

He had calculated the spread of Emma's last song, a calculation that allowed him to put aside all danger.

Because Lionel got a large number, which made him crazy. In statistics, the number of direct fans of Queen Emma exceeded 10 billion, and the number of other Federalists who paid attention to Emma's songs exceeded 100 billion.

This statistic is produced by the interstellar Federation professional statistics company and published on Skynet.Lionel couldn't imagine how much faith power Emma, the queen of heaven, could bring to the "God of evil spirits" with its terrifying influence.

He thought about how the "evil spirit" would reward him. He also wanted to be a fifth level bishop and live for a thousand years.

Lionel is willing to do anything for that.

No matter how many security guards Emma has, Lionel is ready to take all the 30 followers of evil gods to solve the problem with lightning speed.

In Chia, the villa where David used to live has always been under Emma's name, and Emma likes to live here.

Because Emma's fame is growing, she doesn't have to go out to perform often, and the rest of the commercial performances will not be followed up.

Emma's wealth from the erto fund alone was enough for her to squander at will.

Besides, her singing is not for wealth, but for hobbies. Otherwise, with her family background, if she wants wealth, she can do whatever she likes, and her wealth will not be less.

Emma is now extremely satisfied with everything except that she seldom meets David.

Now aridia has become David's military jurisdiction, giving Emma a lot of benefits, and Emma is more free.

On this day, Emma was sitting on the roof of the villa, reading a book, with a glass of red wine in her hand.

The sunlight filtered the harmful ingredients on the roof through the transparent roof of the roof, and scattered on her body, plating a layer of halo on her body.

It was a quiet afternoon. It should have been peaceful.

However, some people broke this peace. First, the alarm of the villa sounded, and then the figures went from far to near, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Miss!" Leona and Nora appeared beside Emma, their eyes fixed on the distant figure.

Even at home, the two women dare not take it lightly.

However, although there are a lot of fast approaching figures in the distance, they do not have much worry.

In addition to some ordinary security personnel, there are also 12 dead men arranged by General David. According to General David, there are 12 dead men in the interstellar Federation. No one can hurt Emma.

Besides, the alarm system here is connected to Skynet. In a short time, the latest extraordinary will come.

Although General David did not come forward to manage the airdiya star region, but with the power and prestige of General David, the military power of airdia was completely controlled by General David's subordinate lieutenant general Bradford.

Renka star is the headquarters of the airida star field, and the military has been paying close attention to Emma's security system.

"There's something wrong with Emma the day after, and order all the guards to set out at this coordinate!" Fox extraordinary sitting in the office suddenly received the alarm, he saw the color changed behind the alarm roar.

Fox himself is flying up, his "extraordinary armor" has been fully dressed, can not wait for the opening of the passage, directly smashed the window and flew out.

Fox's three extraordinary disciples, Emerson transcendence, James transcendence and Anita transcendence, all followed, flying out of the broken window.

Their family was greatly favored by General David, and the three extraordinary disciples of fox became extraordinary, all with the help of General David.

Now someone on the planet they're guarding is hitting admiral David's girlfriend in the face.

It is not only Fox's extraordinary side, but also all forces of renka star have received this warning. A number of extraordinary people have taken off from various cities and flew to the direction of villas.

Even the first college of alidia also had many extraordinary people rising into the sky. It can be said that such an alarm has touched all the extraordinary nerves of renka.

"All the special forces are out to reinforce Emma's villa immediately!" Lieutenant general Bradford ordered in a loud voice that he had been sweating for a short time after receiving the alarm.

The special forces are the most powerful individual combat force of alidiya military headquarters. They are all composed of two groups, with ten extraordinary in each group.

The first group of ten extraordinary is in combat readiness, get orders to fly out one after another, the second group also in a minute after the emergency assembly, and then left.

"Call Skynet resources, I want to see the situation of Emma villa!" Lieutenant general Bradford ordered again.

Skynet is jointly managed by the military and the government. When necessary, the military has more power than the government.

Soon, through Skynet's scanning, Emma villa was revealed above the light curtain.

Lieutenant general Bradford saw more than 30 figures surrounded and was approaching the villa.

These people are extremely eccentric, they run on the ground, but even faster than the extraordinary speed of flight.

"Check the identity of these people immediately and investigate their origin comprehensively!" Lieutenant general Bradford ordered again.

This is aridia, the military jurisdiction of admiral David. If Emma is allowed to have an accident here, they will not have to live.Even if Emma doesn't have an accident, the investigation of this incident needs to be handled by the military.

No one would think that this is an ordinary incident. More than 30 attackers dare to attack General David's girlfriend. This is already a political incident.

Lionel's action is very secretive, they took a small transport spacecraft, through the normal commercial procedures to reach renka.

This is what Lionel learned from several previous missions for the Lutu consortium, and the hidden means allowed them to reach 5000 meters outside Emma villa without anyone noticing.

After entering the 5000 meter range, Lionel's detection equipment found the scanning signal, and he understood that it was discovered by the security system.

However, Lionel didn't care about the distance of 5000 meters. As long as they can pass through in a short time, they can do everything well before supporting.

Lionel, with his thirty men at full speed, even saw Emma on the roof of the villa.

"Surround the villa and don't let anyone go!" Lionel ordered.

At such a close distance, even if Emma leaves in a spaceship, Lionel is confident of intercepting her.

It's just that Lionel wondered why Emma didn't do anything and didn't panic.

He was a little bit behind.

If queen Emma is pretending, then the 30 cult followers can completely control the situation. If there are any traps, he can let his subordinates find out in front of them.

When thirty cult believers were surrounded by the villa, twelve figures flashed out of the villa.

Twelve figures will completely protect the villa, want to enter the villa, must pass in front of them.

At the same time, the twelve terrible breath is revealed from the twelve figures, and they do not need their help. Only the impact of these four levels of breath makes the figure of thirty cult believers not stop.

"Four level sky Knight!" Lionel exclaimed in surprise.

Lionel never thought that there would be twelve level Four sky Knights guarding a singer in the interstellar Federation.

This kind of combat power is not only in the interstellar Federation, but also in the God belongs to the big world, which is at least the strength of the great nobility.

Twelve level Four sky Knights moved, and they took the initiative to attack 30 cult believers.

Lionel is also in full swing, he does not want to fight, but his body flashing a lot of light, into a virtual shadow scattered around, he himself is also into a virtual shadow back.

Thirty cult followers may be considered strong in the interstellar Federation. The second level cult followers have the same strength as the supernatural, but they are facing the fourth level sky knight.

And it's not one, it's a full dozen four level sky knights.

These four level sky Knights have no feelings. They are all killing machines. Every time they sweep a level 4 sword in their hands, they will cut a cult believer in two.

After a few minutes, the battle was over, and all the 30 cult followers were killed.

The twelve level Four sky Knights did not see Lionel leave, but they did not pursue.

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