In order to get a little ball of knowledge into David's world, David is going to take a little ball of knowledge into the world.

David's mind is in contact with the fruit, and all the inheritance of the "shepherd's road" enters his mind.

In front of him, the mysterious veil of belief in God was opened, and he really saw the truth of believing in God.

This "shepherd's road" belief in becoming a God is very comprehensive, which is a complete cultivation system.

"Shepherd's road" is divided into the chapter of cultivation. It starts from attracting believers, gaining the power of faith, using the power of faith to strengthen the soul, gradually improving one's own strength, and then establishing a small world to hold up the small world to become a God.

There are a lot of God patterns that David has never seen before.

Manufacturing chapter is to teach how to make artifact, build and strengthen the small world and so on.

Divinity is how to create the knowledge of divinity.

The exploration section is about how to get into the turbulent flow of space and get the objects.

At this time, David did not want to belittle the "evil spirit" any more. He could not imagine how the "evil spirit" could have such a comprehensive belief in becoming a God.

As a matter of fact, David misunderstood it. It is not the belief of "evil spirit" that has been passed down into gods, or not all of them.

The most glorious era of the gods is the age of gods, but before the age of the dragon, it was the period when the gods passed on and understood each other.

Under the pressure from the dragon people, the gods selflessly took out their own members of inheritance and research. They constantly supplement the system of belief into God in order to survive.

In the age of the dragon, the gods cultivated a new deity and passed on their knowledge of becoming gods. In this process, the inheritance of belief in God became perfect step by step in practice.

The age of the Dragon brought the cultivation system of the gods to the peak, which also made the Dragon withdraw from the stage of history.

It is also because the inheritance of belief into God is almost open, which leads to the emergence of too many gods in the coming era of gods after the end of the dragon age.

If there are many gods, believers can't support so many gods. If the gods want to be stronger, they need more believers.

Although the era of gods is brilliant, it is also the sorrow of the gods. A large number of gods have fallen in the age of gods.

The "shepherd's road" of "evil spirit" is just the inheritance of belief into God sorted out from the age of the dragon.

In today's God belongs to the big world, this inheritance has long been the most precious inheritance. It took tens of thousands of years for the five temples to clear up all the materials about the inheritance of belief in God.

Only in the hands of such gods as "evil spirit" can there be such a comprehensive belief in becoming gods.

"The road of shepherd" is named after the God who regards the world as a lost lamb. The God guides the world and gets its faith.

David studied the "shepherd's road" repeatedly in his mind. He mainly focused on the chapter of cultivation.

In his current state, he found that if he wants to believe in becoming a God, he only needs to build a small world, and then he can hold the small world into a God.

As for David's small world of soul space, he made a comparison according to the records on the road of shepherd. He found that the small world of soul space was completely different from the small world of gods.

It should be said that David's small world of soul space has long been a real world. Perhaps it is far from the big world, but it is much more perfect than the small world of gods.

The strength of gods mainly comes from the application of divine power. Before demigods, they also need to focus on certain abilities. After becoming gods, such abilities will become the main abilities of gods.

What the gods need to do after that is to strengthen their main abilities through the belief of believers.

Just like the God of justice, the God of justice has always been committed to the faith of justice, and he has become the bearer of God's oath of belonging to the great world.

In this process, the justice power of "God of justice" has been constantly enhanced, which makes the God of justice use the power of justice in God wars to severely damage many Zerg gods.

This is the performance of strengthening a certain ability to the extreme. The "God of justice" has a belief that God belongs to one fifth of the world. In tens of thousands of years, countless people have strengthened the power of justice for the God of justice through various vows.

Of course, the gods do not have only one master ability, and there are many other abilities, which are slowly developed according to their own characteristics.

The most important thing is that David found the biggest difference between believing in a God and cultivating a god level. When a God becomes a God, his spirit is completely transformed into a divine idea.

Every thought is equal to a brain that can think independently. Even if the gods have trillions of believers, they can be managed through these ideas, without the need for the spirit's main soul to consume energy.

David looked at himself. If he became a God at this time, all the conditions were met, but his strength would not be much stronger.

Because he lacks the ability to believe, the most important thing is that he also missed the time to learn from the Lord's ability. He is now a demigod.Although the "destruction rule energy" is very powerful, it is a combination of the "rule of power" and the "rule of speed". These two rules are the rules mastered by the cultivation of God, which makes the "rule of destruction" also the power of cultivating God to a great extent.

David resisted the temptation to put aside the idea of becoming a God immediately.

To be honest, when he saw the conditions for making a small world, he found that he had everything to make a small world.

A hundred "divine power crystals" and millions of believers can form the framework of a small world, forming a most elementary small world.

Such a small world is enough to believe in the demigods who become gods. After becoming gods, they can continue to strengthen the small world, making the small world bigger and bigger, and the rules more and more comprehensive.

However, David also found some ways to strengthen God's body by using the power of faith. These methods are 100 times better than the crude method of Zerg.

David's mind moved, and this part was introduced into the soul of "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" through the connection of soul.

The "sword blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" share the same "emperor level inheritance pattern". Their strength has fallen sharply after the resurrection. Recently, they have been relying on the power of belief provided by the "imperial inheritance pattern".

However, the effect is really not good. We should know that before the separation of "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor", they used divine power to strengthen the spirit body for tens of thousands of years. After death, a large number of strengthening effects in the Divine Body disappeared.

After the "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" have acquired new knowledge, the divine soul's absorption and mastery of knowledge is rapid.

Soon afterwards, after the power of belief pouring out of the "imperial inheritance pattern" was transformed into divine power, it was not directly strengthening the divine body, but transformed into a series of strange divine patterns under the spiritual effect of the separation of the "blade Mantis emperor" and the "Titan golden armor emperor".

The divine pattern falls on the divine body, flashes the dark golden light of Taoism, and then disappears.

David's mind was aware that the enhancement of a single divine stripe was much better than the direct enhancement of divine power before.

The most important thing is that, in addition to enhancing defense, there are other special effects, such as the speed magic stripe, which can enhance the speed of the divine body, for example, the power divine stripe can enhance the power of the divine body.

This kind of divine pattern can't be changed by adding one, but the effect will be improved continuously after strengthening ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million and even more.

Of course, in this process, the consumption of divine power is even more amazing. Without a large number of believers, it is impossible to support such a strengthening process.

In addition, normal gods don't need too strong deities at all. They just use a kind of divine pattern to enhance defense, and constantly stack them to improve the defense effect.

The separation of "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" does not need to worry about the consumption of divine power. With the supplement of "emperor level inheritance pattern" and the power supply of the whole Zerg's belief, they can be safely consumed.

David didn't recover his mind from the two Zerg deities in the Zerg world until the new practice of "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" was on the right track.

With a smile on his face, his inheritance of "shepherd's road" is the most obvious benefit to him that the separation of "blade Mantis emperor" and "Titan golden armor emperor" can improve his strength faster, and can recover to the previous state in one year at most.

If you give more time, more than a year later, the "blade Mantis emperor" split and "Titan golden armor emperor" split will increase some of their strength every day.

David is thinking about returning to the Zerg world when he has time, so that the combat body can also use this strengthening method. Although the form strength of the battle body is not weak now, who will worry about his own strength.

He began to study manufacturing again. After reading the article, he could not help feeling heartache for his waste.

Before that, David was proud that he could forge a demigod sword, but after reading the manufacturing chapter, he realized how wasteful it was.

For example, to make a Knight Sword of normal specifications, if we use the way of making artifact, the semi divine level material can barely be used for artifact material, and the consumption of semi divine level material only needs a finger size piece.

There is little difference in the power between the semi divine level sword made by artifact method and the semi divine level sword forged by David, which has more self-healing ability. However, the materials consumed by one semi divine level sword before can make dozens of semi divine level sword.

Fortunately, David got all the semidivine materials from Zerg world, and he still had a lot of semi divine materials in his hand. His heart was not so upset.

What's more, the semi divine long swords forged before are all used by his own people. If he needs to, he can take them back and forge them again at any time, which is not wasteful.

Of course, the artifact manufacturing method has so many advantages. There are still other requirements, that is, to consume divine power.Semi divine materials can be regarded as artifact materials. Although they are the worst, the problem of artifact materials is satisfied. Divine power is an insurmountable difficulty for most forgers.

You should know that even if the temple can use the power of faith, there is still a difference between the power of faith and the power of God.

Divine power is transformed by the power of belief, which is more precious and difficult to control.

Therefore, all along, only gods can make artifact, and no other powerful one can make it.

David is like a curious child. With a stretch of his hand, a piece of semi divine grade material appears in his hand, and his mind enters the image of "destruction Temple" in the small world of soul space.

Four thousand Centennial ascetics, as well as the rest of the illusory human beings, are providing the power of faith to "destroy the temple". In particular, the 4000 hundred year ascetics are equal to 40 million ordinary believers.

Before the image of "destroying the temple", a "crystal of divine power" is about to be formed.

Then David's mind took control of the statue. The power of faith was gathered in the statue. The transformed power was transformed into a divine pattern.

David's mind moved, and a piece of semi divine material in his hand also appeared in front of the statue of "destroying the temple.".

He didn't dare to use his magic power in the interstellar Federation. The former gods of evil spirit and blood had only five levels, and they did not disturb the spirit breath detection equipment of the interstellar Federation.

David can not guarantee his half strength. Is it possible for the Federation to discover the divine power that is directly transferred from the "destruction Temple"?

This piece of semi divine grade material is only the size of a finger. As soon as it comes to the statue, it is surrounded by a divine pattern.

These divine patterns are "shaping divine patterns". The final product can be shaped by integrating the "molding divine patterns" into the semi divine grade materials. This shaping is not only a form, but also determined by the number of "shaping divine patterns" and the divine power consumed.

The form of David's input in the "shaping divine pattern" is the standard Knight Sword. With the integration of the "shaping divine pattern", the small semi divine grade material becomes a small Knight Sword.

In this process, the "divine power crystal" placed in front of the statue is completely extracted. Not only that, but also most of the power stored in the "destruction Temple" is consumed.

These are the accumulation of more than a year in recent years, which has consumed so much in a short time.

David also understood why the gods attached great importance to artifact. If he did not mention the rarity of artifact materials, it would be painful for him to become a God or a demigod because of the consumption of divine power in the manufacturing process.

His mind moved, and some "divine power crystals" moved from the space pendant to the "destruction Temple" statue in the small world of soul space to provide divine support for subsequent manufacturing.

No matter what the consumption, this first experiment will be completed. Even if it is heartache, he will also complete the first artifact made in his life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!