Compared with the anger, unwillingness and helplessness of the five Zerg gods, the expression of the "mother emperor" at this time is extremely strange and the mood is extremely complex.

Just a moment ago, the "mother emperor" clearly perceived the separation of the fighting body.

At the moment of the appearance of the body, the "mother emperor" was almost stunned because it was so familiar with the body.

For tens of thousands of years, each piece of the battle body was assembled by the "mother emperor" himself.

In tens of thousands of years, the "mother emperor" has designed and manufactured combat body parts. In tens of thousands of years, it has obtained corresponding useful parts from Zerg talents, and has used secret arts to integrate the talent and ability of Zerg talents into the useful parts and assemble them into the combat body.

That is to say, the "mother emperor" has a high status in the Zerg people, so he can make such a cruel transformation.

The "mother emperor" can be 100% sure that it is the battle style, which is impossible for it to perceive mistakes.

The insect nest is a very special one, which is the continuation of the mother emperor's body. For thousands of years, the insect nest and the huge insect body of the "mother emperor" have been integrated into one.

It seems that the body of the "mother emperor" is a huge meat mountain. In fact, the insect nest the size of the planet is the insect shell of the "mother emperor".

Therefore, when the body suddenly appeared, it was discovered by the "mother emperor".

The "mother emperor" also had nothing to do with the war weapons she had made, especially when the body of war broke through the space and left, it could not stop it from leaving.

The "mother emperor" could not understand one thing, that is, it knew that the body of war had fallen, otherwise a small part of its soul would not take the initiative to leave the body of war, and that small part of soul was destroyed by the demigod Arthur.

Although the body of war is a puppet, it is a living puppet, or the embodiment of the "mother emperor".

Once this kind of puppet falls, it is a real death. Unlike ordinary puppets, it can be repaired.

Even the "mother emperor" is so familiar with the atmosphere of the battle style, which makes it more sure that this is the battle style.

However, despite such a judgment, the "mother emperor" did not say so.

The reason is very simple. The "mother emperor" is worried that it can't explain why.

In the insect nest, five "imperial level inheritance patterns" were taken away from the divine level. According to the truth, the divine level that was not recognized by the "mother emperor" could not enter the insect nest.

It is not reasonable that the body of the war body appears in the insect nest.

If the "mother emperor" talks about the separation of the five Zerg deities, it is likely to make the five Zerg gods suspect that it ordered the war body to rob the "emperor level inheritance pattern" of the five Zerg gods.

Even if the "mother emperor" said clearly that the war body entered the insect nest through some kind of space object, it could not say how the Qingzhan body knew the plan of Zerg God level, and used the "emperor level inheritance pattern" to cultivate the divine level in the insect nest.

All of these reasons made the "mother emperor" shut his mouth and didn't tell us the discovery.

"Demigod Arthur, I'm not with you!" "The king of the golden winged beetle" is still in a rage. It roars.

The other four Zerg gods are gloomy. They know one thing very well, that is, they have completely lost the "imperial inheritance pattern".

"In fact, we can still keep our strength!" "Ice silkworm emperor" whispered.

The "golden winged beetle emperor" suddenly looks at the "ice silkworm emperor". If the "ice silkworm emperor" is not reasonable, the "golden winged beetle emperor" is afraid to start directly.

"The emperor's" imperial level inheritance pattern "is still there. As long as the mother emperor supplies us with divine power regularly, we can keep our respective strength unchanged." "Ice silkworm emperor" explained.

"Yes, your Majesty the mother will agree!" "Heaven fire illusory butterfly emperor" is also echoed.

"Your mother will not let us down!" "The dead worm emperor" then responded.

"Let's go to see her majesty." "Polar scorpion emperor" proposed.

At this moment, the five Zerg gods are extremely united, and their words are actually a threat.

If the "mother emperor" does not share the "imperial level inheritance pattern", then what the five Zerg gods will do is uncertain.

For the five Zerg deities who have lost the "imperial inheritance pattern", it is enough to regain some of their divine power.

Even if only one sixth of the divine power of the "imperial level inheritance pattern" is given, it is better than that without the divine power and the strength declines, and even eventually falls from the divine level and dies early.

The five Zerg gods look at each other, and in this eye, they reach a silent agreement.

It doesn't need to be said that the five Zerg gods all know what they want.

As long as the "mother emperor" does not monopolize the "imperial inheritance pattern", then they will still respect the "mother emperor". But if the "mother emperor" does not share the "imperial level inheritance pattern", there is no need for the "mother emperor" of Zerg to exist.

When the five Zerg gods break through the space, they should not be stingy about their divine power. They need to negotiate with the "mother emperor" immediately.

"You are here. There is my reason for losing the" imperial inheritance pattern ". My" imperial inheritance pattern "will be shared with you As soon as she saw the five Zerg gods coming, she said without waiting for them to speak."My lord Mu Huang, I agree to cultivate Zerg deities!" "Sky fire illusory butterfly emperor" respectfully said.

"Yes, my Lord, we all agreed to this plan. No one would like to have this happen. We can only say that the demigod Arthur is too cunning." "Ice silkworm emperor" followed.

The "golden winged beetle emperor", "polar scorpion emperor" and "dead worm emperor" are also extremely respectful. It seems that they all respect the "mother emperor" as always.

It is very clear to the mother emperor that the veneration of the five Zerg gods is based on their sharing of the "imperial inheritance pattern".

Originally, the "mother emperor" wanted to spend tens of thousands of years to recreate a war puppet. With the experience of the last time, this time, there will be less twists and turns in the production, and even better and stronger fighting bodies can be built.

But now the "imperial inheritance pattern" is shared with the five Zerg gods. In the future, let alone build war puppets, it is very difficult to improve its own strength.

A "imperial level inheritance pattern" is used by six Zerg deities. They are not prudent human gods. They will use every bit of power of faith to the utmost.

The "mother emperor" did not dare to refuse the request of the five Zerg deities. Once they refused to share the "imperial inheritance pattern", the five Zerg deities would snatch the "imperial inheritance pattern". That is to say, the five Zerg deities really respect the "mother emperor" and dare not to snatch them. The five Zerg deities who lost their fighting power also lost the ability to protect the Zerg.

In particular, if the five Zerg deities were not here, then the warfighting avatar or the demigod Arthur would come back again, and the "mother emperor" might not even have the power to protect himself.

The "mother emperor" has only one choice and the only choice.

I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it.

The combat body returns from the insect nest, directly breaks through the space and comes to the underground space base.

David made the demigod "the golden winged beetle king" separate with the "artifact space card" and the war body hidden in the "artifact space card". There was no other meaning. He just didn't want to make the demigod "golden winged beetle king" in danger.

This is also his confidence that he can break through the siege of many Zerg gods.

It was with this self-confidence that David was able to separate the fighting body and protect the demigod, the golden winged beetle king.

I didn't expect that Zerg deities were carrying out a major plan in the insect nest, using the "imperial inheritance pattern" to cultivate more deities.

What is more unexpected is that the "king of the golden winged beetle" chose the demigod "golden winged beetle king" to cultivate himself.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, David feels sorry for his luck.

David manipulates the combat body and releases the demigod "golden winged beetle king" from the "artifact space card". After the demigod "golden winged beetle king" is separated, he manipulates the spirit to call out the "imperial inheritance pattern" in the spirit of the demigod "golden winged beetle king".

The "imperial inheritance pattern" keeps beating. If you want to escape here, you are only wrapped up in David's spirit. Where is the possibility of escape.

In any case, when David changes his body, he will have his own idea.

The spirit of war spirit wrapped the "imperial inheritance pattern" into its own soul, and removed the soul mark in the "imperial inheritance pattern" by the way.

This kind of soul imprint may still work for demigods.

However, for the same divine level, it has no effect. Any divine level can remove the soul mark from it after obtaining the "imperial level inheritance pattern".

Far away in the insect nest, the "golden winged beetle emperor" felt that his "imperial inheritance pattern" appeared in the Zerg world. Because of its soul imprint, it immediately wanted to take it back.

Even though the "golden winged beetle emperor" clearly knew that it was not so easy, he still stubbornly tried.

Just a moment later, the "imperial inheritance pattern" was disconnected from it. It was the soul imprint that was removed.

The "golden winged beetle emperor" almost broke down because of the ups and downs. In front of the "mother emperor" and the four Zerg deities, they let out an angry roar.

The body of the half god "heavenly fire illusory Butterfly King" is taken from the "artifact space card". It is said that there is nothing wrong with it. The body of the demigod "heavenly fire illusory Butterfly King" cannot move, and even the soul is imprisoned.

As soon as David appeared in the demigod "sky Fire Magic Butterfly King", he had more "artifact Knight Battle Sword" in his hand, and a sword pierced into the heart of the demigod "sky fire fantasy Butterfly King".

With the death of the demigod "sky Fire Magic Butterfly King", the "imperial inheritance pattern" flew out and was wrapped in the spirit of David.

In the same way, the half god "ice silkworm king", the half god "dead gas worm king" and the semi God "polar Scorpion King" were all taken out one by one, and David killed them and took out the "imperial inheritance pattern".Every time a "imperial inheritance pattern" appears, there is a Zerg deity in the insect nest who is manic. As the soul mark is removed from the imperial inheritance pattern, it becomes hysterical.

David doesn't know what's going on in the nest. He's distributing the "imperial inheritance pattern.".

A total of eight "imperial level inheritance patterns" were obtained from five demigod clones. One "imperial inheritance pattern" was shared by the "Titan golden armor emperor" and "blade Mantis emperor" avatars. One "emperor level inheritance pattern" was obtained for the "half body spider emperor" and one "emperor level inheritance pattern" for the war body.

After a period of strengthening, the "Titan gold armor emperor" and the "blade Mantis emperor" split body have been strengthened for a period of time, but they can not gain much strength in a short time.

On the contrary, the "half body spider emperor" has just been resurrected, and it is necessary to use the method of "shepherd's road" to transform the deity.

The body of war is the most powerful combat power under David. If you want to fight without any scruples in the Zerg world, you need the "imperial level inheritance pattern" to provide it with continuous power.

The five and a half gods clone is David's most important combat power. The rest of the divine levels are Zerg God level. The five demigods clone Avatar has great potential and is expected to achieve the divine level in a short time.

Once the five demigod clones become divine, David will be able to have a strong Terran divine level in both the divine world and the interstellar Federation, and the five demigod clones can completely replace David's identity.

Each of the five demigods can use a "imperial inheritance pattern" to speed up the promotion time.

As for the four demigod Zerg that were just killed, the demigod souls absorbed by David's shadow servant, after some operation, were all resurrected and became the four Zerg demigods.

So far, David had a terrifying influence in the Zerg world, with four Zerg deities, eight Zerg demigods, and 20 Zerg legendary avatars.

These are just the strength of Zerg. In the god world, there are Alexis the black dragon, the God of shadow, and the God of forest mother.

However, David is not complacent. He needs time to continue to improve his strength. When he becomes the God level and the five semi God clones become God level, he will be truly powerful.

Unfortunately, the Zerg gods are ready, and it is almost impossible to assassinate them.

The gods belong to the big world, which is more difficult to assassinate. The gods are more crafty than the Zerg gods. Whether the five gods or the ten evil gods are hiding in their own small worlds, they want to find the gods and kill them, unless they are like the "God of Shadows".

After doing these things well, David started a new round of cultivation together with many other sub bodies.

After many days of fear, the mother emperor and the five Zerg gods finally determined that the demigod Arthur and the black dragon Alexis did not continue to rob the rest of the Zerg area. They were relieved and the Zerg world returned to its seeming calm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!