"Arthur, we really need to be alive. Let's take it." Speaker Gould looked at the fifteen cult believers nodding and said to David.

Among the 15 followers of evil gods, there are three followers of four levels of evil gods, and the rest are the strength of followers of three levels of evil gods. None of them here pay attention to them.

Of course, only David has the ability to control 15 cult believers only by using their spirit. Like speaker Gould, it is very easy for them to kill all the cult believers in an instant. They want to make the fifteen cult believers not hurt just because they are under control.

Knights are not good at the application of spirit. Even if they become legendary knights, their spirit can not reach the level of controlling level three strength, let alone level Four strength.

A legendary Lord came forward and put the cult believers into special shackles one by one, which made them lose control of the energy in their bodies. This made them dizzy one by one and threw them into the summoning space items, leaving only one fourth level cult believer.

The legendary Lord took the fourth level cult believers to one side, opened the sound insulation shield and began to interrogate him.

"Why is it so easy?" A legendary Lord said strangely.

It's not just that he thinks so. Speaker Gould and David have this feeling.

Before he came, David thought about the possibility of a direct war with the evil gods. He even prepared to call in the fighting body to assist him when necessary.

However, what we didn't expect was that there was no strong believer in the whole process.

If Alexis, the black dragon, had not confirmed that this was a dragon summoning array, David would have doubted if he had found the wrong place.

"My Lord, can I clean up here?" At this time, Alexis the black dragon asked.

Alexis, the black dragon, did not speak with his soul, but spoke directly. Not only David heard it, but also speaker Gould and several legendary Lords.

"Of course, your highness Alexis the black dragon, you can clean up here!" Speaker Gould did not wait for David to speak.

Naturally, speaker Gould knew that Alexis, the black dragon, said the reason for his request in public. He was not asking David, but taking the opportunity to ask the Supreme Council.

Since the crisis here is over, it is also necessary to clean it up. Even if Alexis, the black dragon, does not mention it, special personnel will come to clean it up.

Besides, Alexis, the black dragon, is divine. Although he has great respect for David, he is still an incomparable powerful existence for the legendary lords such as speaker Gould.

Thank you Alexis, the black dragon, said with rare thanks to speaker Gould.

Alexis the black dragon flies away from David's shoulder, and the dragon's body grows rapidly in flight.

The space here is huge, and Alexis the black dragon is just right here.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a breath, which naturally controlled its power. It could burn the dirt on the relief and sculpture.

David, speaker Gould and several legendary lords were all suspended in the space, but they did not affect Alexis' cleaning work.

Alexis, the black dragon, is absolutely useless to use his breath to clean up the dirt. No matter how thick the dirt is, it will disappear after thousands of years of accumulation.

The sculpture of the age of the Dragon gradually appears in the world with a new posture. Alexis, the black dragon, is very careful not to destroy the old building.

When Alexis, the black dragon, cleared the ground, David saw the huge phalanx drawn on the ground, which was shining with red light.

I don't know how the dragon made this array at that time, but it was inspired by blood. Maybe it's normal to activate an array at the cost of tens of thousands of lives in the age of the dragon.

Anyway, in the eyes of the dragon, all life is ants like existence.

David suddenly felt a little uneasy. Is it really safe for such a array to stay here?

"Demigod Arthur, speaker Gould, asked for some information!" The legendary Lord who interrogated came to report.

The legendary Lord was able to be interrogated by special means.

The top aristocratic family, which has been inherited for nearly ten thousand years, has a large collection of inheritance, including many secret arts. This legendary Lord holds a kind of interrogation secret arts, and those who fall into his hands cannot survive his interrogation as long as they are alive.

"What's the matter? Tell me now!" Said speaker Gould, nodding.

"According to the believers of the fourth level evil god, the dragon palace here has always been under the control of the" twilight of the gods ". He does not know how many years it has gone through, but it has at least a history of thousands of years, or even longer. I suspect that this place has been deliberately hidden since the end of the age of the dragon." Said the legendary Lord in a deep voice.

David and speaker Gould both felt a chill. The spirits of the gods gave up their lives to expel the dragon family, but some gods hid the Dragon Palace. Their intention is self-evident.

"I want to take this dragon palace away, don't you mind?" David thought about it and asked in a deep voice."Arthur, if you want this dragon palace, it's OK. When the temple asks, it says that the Dragon Palace has been destroyed by us." Speaker Gould said with an indifferent smile.

The other legendary lords also nodded and agreed without any difference.

For a long time, it was the "dawn alliance" that accepted David's benefits, but the "dawn alliance" could not help David.

In particular, David became a demigod with Alexis, the black dragon, and recognized by the five gods. This made the dawn alliance unable to help David even if it wanted to help him.

Now David has put forward such a request. Let alone the small things in the eyes of several legendary lords, they will be duty bound to respond to the big things.

"Alexis, it seems that there is a place for your jewels!" David said aloud to Alexis the black dragon.

David asked for the Dragon Palace. On the one hand, he didn't want the dragon to summon the phalanx to stay outside. On the other hand, he also wanted to find a place for Alexis the black dragon.

Alexis the black dragon has been following David's side, incarnating as a kitten, but he can't always be like this. After David becomes a God and has the ability to protect himself, Alexis, the black dragon, needs to have a fixed residence.

David saw the black dragon Alexis's love for the Dragon Palace, otherwise he would not rashly ask for cleaning up.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Alexis, the black dragon, shrunk back to David's shoulder.

"Gould, please leave for a moment. I need to collect the dragon palace!" David said with a smile to some legendary lords such as speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould and several legendary lords returned to the ground. They did not know how David would collect the huge underground palace.

David came to the surface in a flash. His spirit went underground and launched the talent of "underground stealth".

At this time, he found that the Dragon Palace was not only a huge space, but the rest was completely filled with soil and hidden deep underground.

However, David's spirit is so strong that the earth can't stop his spirit within a thousand kilometers.

The earth beside the Dragon Palace is separated from the Dragon Palace by the ability of "sneaking underground".

When the whole dragon palace was completely isolated from the earth, David's spirit wrapped the Dragon Palace and directly pulled it into the small world of soul space.

The main reason is that the Dragon Palace is too big. David's space pendant is filled with a lot of objects, and only the soul space. The small world has enough space.

When the Dragon Palace left the underground, David's spirit did not withdraw. If the giant cave left by the disappearance of the Dragon Palace was not supported, the area would sink.

Under the influence of the "underground stealth" talent, the soil is scattered and forms a honeycomb like structure, filling the huge hole left by the disappearance of the Dragon Palace.

When David regained his spirit, there was no abnormality on the ground, but the underground had changed completely.

"Well, Gould and your lords, I'll go back first, and let me know if there's any news!" David took up the Dragon Palace and said goodbye to several legendary lords of speaker Gould.

"There are still some mining areas to deal with on the planet jiaotuo. All of these cult believers have to be interrogated. We have to stay for a while, and I will send you the news when more interrogation results come out." Said speaker Gould.

In the presence of speaker Gould, David opened the space passage with the ability of "breaking the sky". His figure flashed into the space channel and disappeared.

"Arthur is getting stronger and stronger!" Speaker Gould sighed.

Several legendary lords naturally know what the reason is. At first, the black gas column was only mentioned by speaker Gould. When he saw it, the shock was great.

They didn't show anything in front of David, but they had a strong sense of "God killer".

It's not easy to kill any deity. According to the information recently obtained, the Fallen God is "the God of shadow", which has greatly impacted the legendary Lords.

David returned to garmi with the ability of "breaking the sky". He chose an open place and released the Dragon Palace.

The super grand palace with a height of 1000 meters and a diameter of 5000 meters appeared on the ground. David, who had seen the original appearance of the dragon palace through his spirit, was still amazed.

The material used in the Dragon Palace is a rare alchemy material with very high grade and stable characteristics.

Looking at the Dragon Palace, David guessed the reason why this kind of alchemy material was rare in his heart. It was very lucky to be able to leave some materials after such exploitation in the Dragon era, and still be able to see them today.

"Your honor, when the dragon clan was at its best, there were 18 palaces like this, owned by the 18 most powerful dragon gods." Alexis the Black Dragon said.

"Do you mean there are 18 palaces like this, and each palace has a dragon summoning array?" David was stunned and asked in a hurry."The Dragon summoning array was originally used as a warning array. In order to make all dragons receive the warning, the Dragon summoning array uses a special secret method. The warning signal can pass through the great world barrier. At the same time, it will send space coordinates to all dragons who receive the warning signal, and form automatic anchor points to facilitate opening the space channel!

As far as I know, most palaces have dragon summoning array, which is the power of 18 dragon gods! " The black dragon Alexis replied.

"Do you know where the rest of the palaces are?" David continued.

"I'm sorry, my Lord. I only know the location of the two palaces. In fact, the dragon clan was not unified at that time, and the different ethnic groups seldom communicated with each other. It was only after the dragon family suffered great losses that they began to cooperate. At that time, everything was too late." Black dragon Alexis said helplessly.

David nodded and thought about the strength of the dragon family in its heyday introduced by Alexis, the black dragon. It was really terrible.

"How do you compare with the 18 dragon gods?" David wanted to judge the strength of the Dragon gods and asked again.

"The Dragon God is the honorific title of the most powerful of the dragon clan. I was still a little poor. I could only live in my own dragon nest, and I was not qualified to have my own palace." Black dragon Alexis returned.

David did not ask about the situation of the dragon family when they were expelled, because Alexis was already in captivity.

"From today on, this dragon palace will be yours. You will live here when I practice." David said, pointing to the Dragon Palace.

"My Lord, if the palace is here, I will follow you. I believe that you will become a God in a short time, and then I can rest at ease." Alexis the black dragon refused.

Alexis, the black dragon, was very aware of the benefits of following David. He did not want David to encounter any danger.

David, in particular, likes to take risks and always does something unexpected.

Take a look at David's feud with the evil gods of the twilight of the gods and the Zerg gods of the Zerg world.

There are also five gods in the big world. It seems that the five gods approved the existence of David. In fact, the content of the Shenwen agreement is only in the semi divine period.

It can be said that David has become enmity with almost all the gods and deities in the Zerg world and the God belongs to the big world. With such trouble making ability, how can Alexis, the black dragon, leave David's side at ease.

Of course, as long as David achieves the divine level, it will be different.

Perhaps all the gods and ranks in the great world and the Zerg world add up, and none of them has a deep understanding of David by Alexis the black dragon.

The demigod, which is based on the rule of destruction, which is the fusion of the two basic rules of speed and power, makes David surpass any other God level.

Many gods are extremely honored to have a basic rule. Why is Alexis the black dragon inferior to the Dragon God? The reason is very simple. The dragon who has mastered the strong rules is qualified to be the Dragon God. Among them, the most powerful Dragon God has mastered the basic rules.

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