[thank "I and even the emperor" for their generous reward.]

[thank iceberg for its generous reward.]

Mu Qingxiao heard the prompt of the system again and asked, "system, I have always had a problem in my heart. I have received the reward. Mu Qingxiao is naturally very excited. Within the scope of his knowledge, forging body is obviously related to physique, soul sword is obviously related to sword, and growth storage space is absolutely an essential artifact at home!

As soon as the system reward sounded, mu Qingxiao found that as long as he had a little idea in his mind, he would enter a 10 cubic meter space, try to throw the long sword in his waist, and then take it out, repeat it back and forth dozens of times, never tired of playing.

If the storage space can speak, it will scold: "damn mental retardation!"



With the help of Xiao Feng, the Liao state succeeded in calming the rebels. After the incident was over, Xiao Feng came to Mu Qingxiao for a drink. They sat down and drank. Mu Qingxiao didn't drink, so he replaced wine with tea, and Xiao Feng didn't force it.

After saying goodbye to Xiao Feng, mu Qingxiao didn't go to the bedroom of Wang Yuyan and others, but directly came to Li Qingluo's residence. He was about to leave with her daughter. Naturally, he had to explain.

At this time, Li Qingluo was wearing a long black silk dress. The technique of changing looks had been removed. She looked elegant and elegant. Her unique face was exposed. Her skin was as white as fat. Her beautiful eyes stared at the night outside the window. I didn't know what she was thinking.

In vain, I felt someone staring at me, turned around and looked at mu Qingxiao's smiling expression. I couldn't help laughing and said, "aren't you afraid of YuYan's wishful thinking when you come to me at such a big night?"

Mu Qingxiao said in an indifferent voice, "we're leaving soon."

Li Qingluo flashed a different color in her beautiful eyes and thought that her daughter was about to leave herself: "you can't leave. What does it have to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter. You're YuYan's mother. I naturally want to win your consent."

