When mu Qingxiao came to the coating shop near the sea area of Mary JOYA, there was already a black guard waiting here. Seeing him appear, he hurried over and respectfully said, "young master, the ship is ready for you."

Mu Qingxiao nodded and said, "take me there."

A few minutes later, the guard took mu Qingxiao to Mary JOYA's special port. Why is it special? It's because the port completely opened a gap on the laterite continent and went all the way to the seabed.

Because the distance between the laterite mainland and the sea is too high, the ship will fall directly. Even if the hull does not collapse, it will inevitably have some faults. Therefore, after coating in this special port, it will directly dive into the seabed, so there will be no risk.

What's more, Tianlong people, who stand at the highest place but are extremely afraid of death, let them jump directly from Mary JOYA in a boat? Are you kidding?

Mu Qingxiao's eyes patrolled the port. There were many strange ships, and he could see many Tianlong people, and many slaves with iron chains on their hands and feet were acting as coolies.

"Young master, these are two pointers, recording pointer and permanent pointer. The island pointed to by the permanent pointer is the shampoo islands. The ship has prepared materials for a month. Please have a good trip."

The permanent pointer is a navigation prop of the pirate plane. In the great route, the weather, current and so on do not change according to common sense, but the permanent pointer will always point to an island and will never change.

The recording pointer is a necessary item for shuttling through various islands, which is generally worn by sailors on board.

The recording pointer can record the magnetic gas between the islands of the great route and correctly lead the pirates to the next island. The magnetic force of each island is different. The recording pointer needs to record locally for a period of time. It will point to the next Island only after it is filled with magnetic force.

If the island indicated by the recording pointer is not reached and other islands are reached, the magnetic force will be replaced.

Some islands take too long to store the magnetic force. If you don't want to wait, you have to use the permanent pointer to reach the island indicated by the permanent pointer, replace the magnetic force, and then move on to the next island.

Mu Qingxiao still knows something about the shampooi islands. After all, it's the back garden of Tianlong people. They won't encounter any threat when they go to the shampooi islands. It's really thoughtful of them.

The shampoo islands is a very special island, because it is very close to the headquarters of the Navy, and it is also the last stop in the first half of the great route, close to the laterite continent.

It is precisely because it is the last stop of the great route, so it is so chaotic that the navy can only stick to justice within a limited range, and the rest is not a commercial block, or the garrison of pirates and bounty hunters.

Generally speaking, it is very chaotic here, but the navy is still the most powerful protective barrier here.

As a Tianlong man born in Mary JOYA, mu Qingxiao naturally knows the island well, not to mention that he has a lot of information in his mind that others don't know.

Mu Qingxiao put the recording pointer on his wrist, nodded to the guard and walked slowly to the coated ship in front of it.

The ship is not very big, but it is very luxurious. The ship is covered with sea floor stones, which can safely avoid large creatures in the sea. It is also loaded with an electric system. It is estimated that it can travel for about a month.

There is a luxurious bedroom at the stern. The lower floor of the bedroom is the kitchen and the lowest floor is the warehouse. It is a necessary choice for home travel.

Mu Qingxiao walked around in his clothes, nodded with satisfaction and said, "yes, then, set sail and go to the shampoo islands!"

Mary JOYA, the holy land, is not far from the shambaldi islands. It is estimated that it will arrive in two days. Moreover, ships of Tianlong people and pirates can often be encountered at sea. With such sea signs, it is not necessary to compare the permanent pointer to confirm the direction.

Two days later, mu Qingxiao's sight of the shampoo islands became clearer and clearer. It would take about three hours to land on the island. Seeing such a spectacle with his own eyes was very different from that seen in animation.

"What a wonderful and beautiful world!"

Three hours later, mu Qingxiao's ship docked at pier 32. According to the information in his mind, near the headquarters of the Navy, there is a world's largest mangrove "yarqiman mangrove", which forms the shampoo islands because its roots have been exposed on the water.

The biggest feature of the shampoo islands is that the roots of yarqi mangrove secrete special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands due to air to form bubbles and then flies to the sky.

Since the bubble is only suitable for the climate range of yarqi mangrove, once the bubble is separated from the climate field of the shampoo islands, the resin component will blow up because it cannot give full play to its power.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles... Bubble culture permeates every place on shampoo island!

The whole island is composed of 79 trees with corresponding numbers. Each tree has towns and facilities. People call the archipelago composed of 79 islands "shampoo islands".

The regional division of the shampoo islands is also very clear, subject to the number on the tree.

Islands 1 to 29 are the most chaotic and disorganized areas of the shampoo islands. At the same time, they are called illegal places. A large number of pirates and bounty hunters gather here, mainly human trafficking shops and population auctions.

Islands 30 to 39 are full of entertainment facilities and a huge amusement park. This amusement park occupies the area of ten islands and is one of the best amusement parks in the pirate world.

Islands 40 to 49 are scenic spots, with a variety of shops, restaurants and so on. People who come here usually come here.

Islands 50 to 59 are the gathering place of boatman and the coating place. As we all know, there are two ways to cross the laterite continent from the first half to the second half of the great route.

The first is to pass through Mary JOYA, the holy land at the top of the laterite continent, but there is the naval headquarters, and the pirates are undoubtedly looking for their own death there.

The second is to come to the shambaldi islands to coat ships, so that ships can sail under the sea and directly pass through the huge hole at the bottom of the laterite continent, in which there is a deep-sea island.

The island is called Yuren island. It is an island where mermaids and mermaids live together. After passing through Yuren Island, it is the second half of the great route.

Islands 60 to 69 are controlled by the Navy and are the safest place in the shampoo islands.

There are mainly Hotel blocks from 70 to 79. Whether it's pirates or bounty hunters, or tourists here, it's the best choice for rest.

The above is the situation of the shampooi islands, which can be described as complex.

