[thanks to the "passers-by." the book friend's generous reward!]

[thank you for your generous reward!]

The scene was filled with a strong smell of blood, and eight scarred bodies looked very scary!

Looking at the eight corpses on the ground, mu Qingxiao's face was still flat. He put the rifle into the storage space. He didn't feel anything in his heart. Since he wanted to kill himself, he had to be ready to be killed by himself.

He didn't want to ask the other party who hired this nonsense, because he already had the answer in his heart. Only those people who had a holiday with him didn't need to think about it. It must be Chu Yunfei's smiling tiger.

After throwing the eight bodies into the business car, Lamborghini stopped 100 meters away, took out the sniper gun from the storage space, aimed at the sight, and pulled the trigger directly towards the car's fuel tank.

"Bang bang!"

Accompanied by two deafening sounds and a heat wave, two Buick business vehicles were burning with gas. Mu Qingxiao's mouth aroused a evil smile and stepped on the brake to drive towards the city.

On the way back, mu Qingxiao kept thinking about Ouyang Ziyan. Although it seemed very simple, it was really troublesome to solve it.

The simplest and most effective way is to kill Chu Yunfei directly.

However, without Chu Yunfei, there will be others who will directly kill Chu Yunfei's family. At that time, it will be done, but it will be inhuman, and the government will certainly investigate it thoroughly.

With the clue of Ouyang Ziyan, the senior management will definitely stare at themselves. Even if there is no evidence, they can't do anything about themselves, but it must be uncomfortable to be stared at all the time.

Chu Yunfei can buy murder with his own money and power. Mu Qingxiao will crush him with greater power and power and slap him in the face, so that everyone knows that Ouyang Ziyan is his own woman.



In a luxurious villa in the capital.

Chu Yunfei is sitting on the sofa drinking coffee. His eyebrows wrinkle slightly. He looks at the time of his mobile phone from time to time. It seems that he is waiting for something.

At this time, the information bell suddenly rang in his mobile phone.

"Is there news at last?"

Chu Yunfei put down his coffee and his eyes were full of dark meaning: "dare to rob a woman with me and don't know whether to live or die!"

Over the years, Chu Yunfei has never surpassed Ouyang Ziyan, but he has long regarded the latter as a forbidden place. If anyone dares to move his mind to her, he will mercilessly kill and maim each other!

Others can't get what they can't get!

Whenever I think of the picture of Mu Qingxiao holding Ouyang Ziyan kissing in the street, Chu Yunfei's killing intention is even worse. After they open a house in front of themselves, he has regarded mu Qingxiao as a dead man.

Therefore, he paid a high price and hired mercenaries from abroad, which was bound to kill mu Qingxiao, the man who brought stain to his life.

However, Chu Yunfei did not wait for the news of Mu Qingxiao's death, but waited for the news of the total annihilation of mercenaries!

In order to help the eight mercenaries enter the country, only Chu Yunfei knew how much money he had spent. When he heard that all eight people lost contact and decided to die, he smashed his mobile phones angrily!

The ending was so unexpected that eight mercenaries couldn't deal with a upstart?

Waste, all waste!

Chu Yunfei sat on the sofa with a ferocious look and said, "no matter what you can do, I'll let you die!"

"Ouyang Ziyan, smelly bitch, pretending to be high in front of me, but puckering up your ass outside makes people grass. Half a year, and half a year, I want you to know what life is better than death!"



Early in the morning, mu Qingxiao woke up with Wang Yuyan in his arms, covered the little lazy pig in the quilt with light hands and feet, washed and went straight to the computer room after breakfast.

After entering the computer room, the screen flashed, and the figure of the Red Queen appeared in front of me: "master, what can I do for you?"

"Help me check a person's information, can you find it?"

"Master, as long as there are relevant records in the earth, Xiao Hong can find them."

"Well, his name is Chu Yunfei. He belongs to a family in the capital. I want all his information."


Half an hour later, mu Qingxiao sat in his chair, sipped his coffee and stared at the computer screen.

Seeing Chu Yunfei and the details of his family recorded in the folder, the corners of his mouth aroused a smile. Even Chu Yunfei likes to wear underwear of that color.

Chu Yunfei, the capital's five families and the legitimate son of the Chu family, is 26

There are five giants in the capital, namely the Qin family, the Chu family, the Wei family, the Zhao family and the Ouyang family. These five families have set foot in business, military and politics, and have made great achievements.

The older generation of the five families has a high prestige in the capital. A single word can shake Jinghai, a first tier city. It can be seen how terrible its status is.

However, the relationship between the five families is not harmonious. It can be said that they compete with each other. The Qin family is the first, which makes the other four families unable to lift their heads, while the Ouyang family, that is, Ziyan's family, ranks at the bottom.

Although it is still the five families, compared with the other four families, it is far from being dumped in business, military and politics.

For the benefit of the family, Ouyang Ziyan's father, Ouyang Shuo, chose to marry the Chu family, which ranked second, and paid his daughter's lifelong happiness in exchange for the long-term development of the family, which is the case in many families.

After mu Qingxiao finished reading all the information, he muttered to himself, "Chu Yunfei is still the prince of the capital, but what he has done over the years is different from his identity and family."

Of course, he doesn't care what Chu Yunfei does, but these materials and evidence can be used.

Mu Qingxiao took out a USB flash drive from the drawer and copied Chu Yunfei's information and what he had done over the years. Maybe he can give it to others as a gift at that time.

"Xiao Hong, help me check the details of the capital Qin family and its location."

"Yes, master."

A few minutes later, mu Qingxiao sat on the sofa and fell into thinking.

If the capital wants to say who has the most right to speak, it must be the Qin family. There is no doubt that it can press the other four families to death. The most important thing is the "Qin politics" of the Qin family!

Master Qin Zheng's military service has been countless throughout his life. Even if the older generation of the four families can't catch up with him, as long as he says a word, the affairs of the Ouyang family and the Chu family will come to an end.

According to the information on the data, old man Qin is old and his body has deteriorated seriously. The attending doctor has no way. He can start from this aspect.

