Finally, the travel plan was decided in a week. Time is tight. It is the most important to get the hotel and air tickets done.

Mu Qingxiao directly landed on the Air China website and found that only first class was left on the flight to Sanya a a week later. It can be seen how popular tourism is now. Mu Qingxiao booked six tickets without hesitation.

As for hotels, hotels in Hainan Province are blooming everywhere. Mu Qingxiao thought for a long time and finally booked a luxurious honeymoon sea view villa, which needs more than 20000 Chinese dollars a week.

Everything was ready. After mu Qingxiao told her, she called Ouyang Ziyan to prepare her passport. After registering the identity of the four women, she left the house and went straight to Jinghai airport.

Four hours later, mu Qingxiao took the flight at 6 p.m. and gradually the plane left the ground and rushed into the sky. Jinghai city became smaller and smaller

At 8 pm, the plane landed at the Capital International Airport.

At this time, night had already fallen, and the air in the capital was much worse than that in Jinghai city. Mu Qingxiao didn't stop more at the airport, stopped a taxi and took it directly.

"Where are you going, man?"

"The sea is forbidden in China."

As soon as mu Qingxiao's words fell, the taxi driver shook his hand holding the steering wheel, glanced at mu Qingxiao in the rearview mirror, quickly started the car and drove towards the center of the capital.



At the same time, in the forbidden sea area, a large courtyard is brightly lit.

Outside the bedroom of the courtyard stood two men in military uniforms and guns. The atmosphere in the bedroom was extremely depressed. On the bed lay a thin and dying old man, who seemed to be dying soon.

"Dr. Wang, why did my father suddenly faint? What's his current physical condition?"

"Minister Qin, the doctor's parents are worried. I'm more worried than you. The old chief is getting old and his health is not good. Why do you let him drink? This time his health is getting worse. I can only give the old chief a sigh of relief, but..."

The so-called Doctor Wang had a sad face and a fine sweat on his face.

"I... it's all due to my carelessness. I didn't put away the key to the wine safe, otherwise my father wouldn't be like this!" the middle-aged man stood aside, clenched his fists, his veins jumping, his face full of regret and his eyes full of self blame.

"Zi Mo, don't blame yourself. My father certainly doesn't want to see you like this." Mrs. Qin standing next to her anxiously comforted her husband, her eyes moist.

Doctor Wang shook his head and sighed, "the old chief's body has almost completely deteriorated. It's a blessing to hang his life when the oil is running out and the lamp is dry, but it's only temporary, maybe..."

"How could this happen? It's all our fault. We are usually busy taking care of our family business and have no time to accompany our father!" the woman whispered pale.

"Dr. Wang... Dr. Wang, you must save my father. Please save him!" the middle-aged man grabbed Dr. Wang's arm and said with red eyes.

"Minister Qin, I can understand your mood, but the old leader's body, let alone us, can't be cured all over the world. This is not a disease. At this age, everyone has this day."

Hearing the speech, the eyes of the middle-aged man were already wet, and two lines of tears flowed down the national character face. They all said that the man didn't flick his tears, but he didn't reach the sad place.



At this time, outside the central forbidden sea area, a taxi stopped slowly. Mu Qingxiao handed the fare to the driver and directly got off.

Looking around, I see a large courtyard area with a gray glazed tile roof. According to the data collected by honghou, it is estimated that it is right here.

Mu Qingxiao took out his mobile phone from his pocket, then took out a note with a special number from his wallet, entered the number and pressed the dial key.

Two minutes later, an unanswered prompt came from the mobile phone, which made mu Qingxiao wonder. Is the number wrong? But this number is collected by the Red Queen. It should not be wrong.

After pressing the dial button for the second time, no one answered. Mu Qingxiao Jianmei picked it up.

After pressing the dial button for the third time, the phone was connected, and a middle-aged man's voice came from the other end. The voice was quite low and sad: "who are you and how can you have this landline number?"

When he heard someone answer, mu Qingxiao's sword eyebrows stretched out and asked, "Qin family, Minister Qin?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said again, "it's me. Who are you?"

"My name is mu Qingxiao, your father. No, I can cure the deterioration of the old chief's body and restore him to health."

After hanging up the phone, mu Qingxiao looked a little confused. During the call just now, Qin Zimo, the only son of the Qin family, was obviously depressed and even sad. Is it

Half an hour later, a military jeep stopped in front of Mu Qingxiao. A steady, flat headed middle-aged officer with a rifle on his back came down and saluted, "is that Mr. mu Qingxiao?"

Mu Qingxiao glanced at the middle-aged officer, nodded and said, "it's me."

"Mr. mu Qingxiao, please get on the bus. Commander Qin is waiting for you at home." the middle-aged officer respectfully opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

Minister Qin only asked him to come out to pick up distinguished guests and be polite. What made him strange was that the young people in front of him were very calm and revealed a unique temperament.

As the escort of Qin Zimo, the middle-aged officer has contacted countless young people of all kinds, but admiring Qingxiao brightens his eyes.

The Qin family courtyard is located in the central area of the central forbidden sea. It is the seat of the highest authority of China, which is not accessible to ordinary people.

For ordinary citizens, it is full of mystery.

The middle-aged officer drove the jeep through many checkpoints and slowly drove into the forbidden sea.

More than ten minutes later, the jeep stopped outside a big door.

This courtyard is very different from the periphery. It obviously has the style of the early 1950s. With a glazed tile roof on the concrete wall, it looks like a heavy sense of history.

Mu Qingxiao happily observed the surrounding environment without any sense of seriousness. If people saw it, they thought he was here to play.

I've heard that China forbidden sea is different before. When I see it today, it's really extraordinary.

The environment in the forbidden sea area is very beautiful. Along the way, I saw many small lakes sparkling in the moonlight and shaded by green trees. Living in such an environment is easy to relax.

Moreover, the security is very tight, and there are many checkpoints all the way down. If there is no one to lead, ordinary people have no possibility to break into here.

