Chapter 165

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
"It's too slow. Your speed is still too slow. A disorganized attack can't beat me."

The advantage of Sally's small size was incisively and vividly demonstrated in the fight.

She dodged gro's black hand's fist and retracted into the inner circle of the ORC. In an instant, she punched continuously through her body and pierced her internal organs.

Gro, a lot of capillaries were broken.

Gro. The black hand fell straight.

Sally looked at gro black hand lying on the black river and continued to swim back.

"... I didn't lose...!"

Gro black hand struggled in the river and raised his head. He had no white pupils and looked at Sally rigidly. He struggled to get up.

In the second frenzy, it had lost consciousness, and now it was the persistence and glory in its heart that drove it.

Sally looked at gro black hand: "why did you do this?"

Only the obsessed orcs will not answer her.


Sally knocked down gro black hand again and again.

The strong muscles were beaten into meat mud and the hard bones were broken, but its obsession drove it to stand up and face Sally with its broken body.

Sally couldn't watch her friends die. She ordered the orcs around her: "enough. If it goes on like this, you'll die. Stop it for me."

The orcs responded, "waagh, king, this is a glorious duel. Gro's will is our will. The glory of warriors cannot be trampled."

Sally lowered her head in silence and muttered, "am I really so important to you? Do you lower creatures want to follow me so much?"

The orcs around responded to the tsunami.



"The king is the strongest! The orcs follow the strong waagh."

At this moment, the shaman magic lurking in Sally's heart was touched by a group of orcs.

The old Orc used his last strength to release a secret spell through his eyes before being killed by chenlai steel Dyson.

[heroic skill]

This is only a small, insignificant, courage enhancing Shaman spell, which can only be used to relieve the mage's fear spell in the past.

But at this moment, this weak spell played an unimaginable role.

He made Sally overcome her fear of her father for the first time in her short life.

Now, she is eager to see the colorful world outside. She is tired of the invariable dark underground.

————Lens switching————

Two days later, the rats sneaking into the mage tower were caught by Chen Lai steel Dyson and thrown into the laboratory.

Through continuous torture, Chen Lai steel Dyson finally pried some information out of the adventurer's mouth. For this reason, several people were made idiots by contract magic.

These adventurers have signed magic contracts to not expose the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes. Chen Lai steel Dyson also made great efforts to find clues from the fragmented intelligence.

It was so simple that the mage wanted to laugh.

"I was attacked by Jackie Chan?"

Their wealth is favored by a consul or several consuls of deepwater City, and their agents are testing their falsehood and reality.

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson recalls playing adventure games in the past, ancient scroll 18x

When I was young.

This man has good equipment. Kill the equipment and take it off.

The local tyrant had a good weapon hidden in his house. He turned over to rummage in the middle of the night. After being found by the guard, he solved the guard. He found that he could not unlock the door without a key.

There is a mage tower hidden on the map. Curiosity prompted him to sneak into exploration. When he found a lot of wealth, he solved the problem and emptied the mage tower.

When doing the task, I felt that the task initiator was well equipped. After completing the task, I took the experience and solved the task initiator. At the same time, I took back the task items and handed them to another person, and solved the other person.

The so-called adventurers, or most of the indigenous forces in the world, are such people? After all, it's a group of guys who are risking their lives. It's natural to be less than this.

It is the so-called excess wealth that leads to bloodshed. If you don't have enough strength to protect your wealth, you will be peeped at.

There is no law outside the main city of the world, where various underworld organizations emerge one after another.

Chen Lai steel Dyson has a headache now. He can't find out who wants to deal with himself, and he doesn't have the strength to deal with the whole deep water city.

Because the officials of deep water city are all cruel characters wearing masks and hiding in the dark. This is a bureaucratic organization composed of a group of behind the scenes.

The enemy of this way is dark and I am clear, which is the most headache.

Chen Lai suddenly felt a sense of urgency. He felt that the trial event was definitely not so easy to end.

This time he almost exposed most of his strength. The next time the enemy tries, he may wipe out his foundation, which is not easy to lay.

This passive feeling annoys the mage.

The growth of strength can't wait. Chen Lai urgently wants to increase his strength.

The only way to quickly increase your strength is to obtain divine power.

The mage took out the map and made a circle in the desert not far from the mage tower, which was the place where he accidentally summoned Wei'an at first. A mage relic of the Naise era was hidden under the desert.

He had planned to explore there when science and technology went further. He once saw a sealed corpse of a god evil, a chaotic twisted half white female with seven eyes and hundreds of feet high.

The corpse existed there. Chen Lai just looked at the corpse and was attacked by some distorted aura. The spell trigger sequence on him was instantly activated and transmitted to a safe place.

The mage's maid, the goblin Maria, suddenly appeared in the mage's ear and said, "master, it's time for you to explain. The experimental mother released is due tonight."

Chen Lai. Gang zhidyson: "how time flies, Maria. Prepare the experimental equipment and record the birth process of my latest child. If the prediction is correct, the children in this issue will be the cruelest hunters."

————Lens switching————

At night, on the back of a hillside of the mage tower, a bonfire was burning.

Three hot girls and a tall fairy are warming around the campfire.

They finally met a few hours ago.

Irida aldesia flapped her little wings, touched her distended stomach, and said unhappily, "ha, did I hear you right, my stupid sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. You want to go back to that place? Your brain is broken?"

Luluna covered her belly and said, "we must kill the mage. He is doing evil experiments on us. He must be planning a huge conspiracy.

Our tragic experience will inevitably appear in more people. Do you want to ignore the existence of such evil? "

Irida aldesia shook her little tail heavily and said discontentedly, "fool, justice should choose the weak to be punished by heaven!!

We rushed into the mage's vision, and then were hung up again, blindfolded, and began to wait for the mage to play against us day by day? "

Irida aldeschia recalled that memory, which was a little wet.

Marilyn Roy II glanced at another demon and said, "the mage must have mastered the method of calling you. You can't stay out of it."