Chapter 216

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙

March 1915

Pentagon military

Major General MacArthur carefully looked at the statement in his hand: "the military cooperation projects jointly submitted by General Electric military company and seborus, shelter technology, three island joint, ambrera manufacturing, blue Persian heavy industry and Shenluo power?

Hope to conduct joint experiments with the military? By establishing radio grid base stations around the world and putting 360 Wireless Transmission satellites in the ionosphere, a lightning network covering the world will be formed. By operating these electromagnetic base stations, we can borrow the energy of the earth's ionosphere, and mankind will obtain unlimited energy.

How is this possible! Did the Ministry of defense and the energy R & D Department grow up in shit?

Why did this technology appear in these private companies and men who have just acquired American citizenship?

CIA, homeland strategic security has shit in its head?

Such a dangerous thing must be banned! "

There was a flash of magic on the report, and Major General MacArthur's eyes appeared confused for a short time.

"... it sounds completely impossible, but how many impossible things have mankind accomplished? License, license, the world will soon belong to the United States."

————Camera lens switching————


June 1916

During this year, some major events have taken place in the whole world. The first World War was forced to stop for inexplicable reasons.

The world has ushered in a long lost peace, although it still belongs to the cold war period when war may break out at any time.

Nowadays, what people all over the world are most interested in talking about is the construction of 60 meter high electromagnetic square spires throughout the United States, China, India, Europe, Australia, South America, and even Britain and Germany.

This great project is known as the eighth miracle after the seven wonders.

Even the Arctic, Siberian plain and Antarctic continent have secret troops building this mysterious building.

Only a few leaders in the world know that when this project is completed, mankind will completely break through the blockade of energy, receive the power naturally generated by the planet, and use these power to achieve limited and unlimited energy.

This is one of Nikola Tesla's greatest inventions.

This is an alchemy that combines electromagnetic science and magic

The global energy efficiency plan submitted by GE and seborus is the fastest in the world under the power of Chen Lai steel Dyson.

The United States and other allies have used a lot of human and material resources to build 360 obelisks all over the world at the same time.

At the moment when the obelisk was completed, all the obelisks successively launched wireless electromagnetic beams to the moon.

————Camera switching————


Location: Moon

Chen Lai steel Dyson came to the moon through the portal. In recent months, he built a huge electromagnetic receiving and transmitting equipment on the moon.

[brain wave signal transmitter]

This is a huge equipment covering half the moon, which is a great undertaking almost beyond the reach of human beings.

The mage summoned a large number of space goblins and ordered Angelina maleficent to open the portal to all kinds of worlds.

Goblin factories located in brown dwarf star, earth element world, gas element world, water element world and four element world transported a large number of rare materials to the moon.

The preliminary technology of Dyson ball was applied here. The goblins used the material on the moon to build a solar photovoltaic power station covering the surface of the moon.

At the same time, the mage also established a helium 3 refining plant on the moon. Although the efficient use of helium 3 technology has not been studied, it does not prevent the mage from storing materials in advance.

After the construction of the most basic energy facilities, Chen Lai steel Dyson and Angelina malinfieson cast a spell together to convert a huge crater, the surface of the [zuchong crater] into steel, and used magic to create a huge radar with a diameter of 3 kilometers in the steel crater.

The function of this radar is very simple. It receives the signal transmitted by the earth base station and reflects it back with greater power.

Now, as long as the moon shines, it is all in the range of radar reflection.

In addition to radio transmission, the 360 obelisks are also the fourth generation quaternary super quantum computers for fuzzy computing.

Youxi Paqi Paqi communicates with himself in the future through computer programs and obtains the super black technology developed by the technology in the next 70 days in advance.

Yes, in just 70 days, the mage's scientific and technological level jumped from the era of World War II to the level of the 22nd century.

Although incredible, this miracle did happen in the mage tower of another plane.

When that group of scientists passed by, the chemical reaction was by no means as simple as the "nuclear fusion reaction" in civilization

In addition to these scientific uses, these obelisks have another magical function.

These obelisks are actually 360 simple magic towers, and they have one magic function.

Four ring electromagnetic spell [brain wave resonance]

After being attached to Marilyn Roy's replica for more than ten hours, Chen Lai steel Dyson also had a preliminary understanding of spiritual magic.

Based on the psychic network of psionic warlocks and Nicholas Tesla's research on electromagnetism, Chen Lai steel Dyson developed this spell in only half a month.

Marilyn Roy II's psionic network upgrade.

A spell that allows people to communicate and understand each other.

There is no need to distinguish each other's props through language. Just one idea and one look can understand each other's meaning.

The transmission speed of information between people is increased from 10 bits to 6500 bits, and the transmission speed of information between people is increased by 650 times.

To put it another way, the lesson that used to take 65 minutes to finish takes only one minute under this spell range.

Think, yes, think, do not need a mouth, do not need language, from then on, human communication with each other as long as you think.

Others will understand what you mean.

Because the barriers built between each other's hearts were instantly broken by Chen Lai steel Dyson with a big magic spell covering the world.

This is a society where there is no secret between people, no suspicion, and all mankind is one with each other.

This experiment is to emulate the great cause that human beings on earth almost completed in the Archaic period.

The great cause of Babylon sky tower.

It is said that in the first God generation, human beings were united and friendly to each other, regardless of each other, there was no difference in language or ideology.

We are all United. We are the most united race in the world. We have defeated all other lives in nature with collective strength.

Until human beings wanted to climb to heaven and build a tower to the sky, human behavior finally angered the gods.

All things on the earth violated the realm of God. The gods in heaven feared mankind in this period, and all gods cursed people.

We have a linguistic distinction. Since then, mankind is no longer united, and mankind has lost its most proud power.

In order to realize Frankenstein's wish, a world without war, where everyone can laugh and be happy.

Through his magic, Nicholas Tesla's knowledge, and Frankenstein's technology in the field of brain medicine, Chen Lai attempts to reproduce the legend of the God generation in modern times.

This man and a demon will open the door to the root on the moon.

A social experiment involving five billion people was launched in this parallel world.

After that, whenever the moon is in the sky, the world will always be peaceful.

[the countdown to the tower of Babel plan begins]







[all spiritual spires are connected]

[start sending psychic synchronization waves to earth]

Chen Lai steel Dyson is looking at his blue mother from the top of the signal amplifier. The middle-aged yellow man opened his hands and shouted, "the age of human mythology is coming now."