Chapter 218

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
At the end of 1916

A year later, human beings were not so much human beings as they had completely evolved from the soul into "apostles" and "large groups" of God like life.

That is a branch of human society after evolution.

Just as white blood cells and red blood cells in human body perform their respective duties, so does the world a year later, an ideal country empire in absolute idealization.

All human beings on the whole earth are slowly changing under the planning of collective consciousness.

The whole social form developed completely as the mage first expected.

That is, a small number of people become farmers to feed all mankind, and 75% become scientific researchers because of knowledge sharing. The whole planet gathers 4.5 billion mass production scientists to conduct experimental tests on the tentacle branches of various science and technology trees.

The rest became builders, transporters, and all the necessary types of work to maintain the social structure.

More is to complete the construction of various scientific research experimental equipment and large-scale experimental projects.

The advancement of civilization has made earth shaking progress.

Even six months after the human God [mozerola] was transmitted to the ionospheric network covering the world, the quantum collective life [mozerola] has begun to produce [artificial divine world]

It only exists in the artificial divine world of thinking about radio waves, but there is no matter.

At this time, when human life on earth is coming to the end of physical life, the thinking will of brain waves will be uploaded to the earth ionospheric network to realize simulated immortality in a sense.

But this state did not last long.

All mankind has got some new diseases.

During the day, most people will be in emotional resonance symptoms, self cognitive impairment, collective cognitive impairment and human assimilation.

Human beings lose their negative emotions such as arrogance, rage and overeating, and their personalities become similar, single, and the phenomenon of clustering is serious.

Collective consciousness affects group life, and the same group life affects collective consciousness.

When lazy people appear in a large area of the world, lazy ideas also appear in collective consciousness, which are complementary,

Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson realized the serious defects of his plan and ended his observation of the world. Before leaving, the mage set a shackle on the human thinking network.

His measure effectively alleviated the symptoms of human collective assimilation. After that, only high IQ people with active brain to a certain extent can use brain wave thinking to connect the [artificial divine world] C world and download all kinds of knowledge.

The overall spiritual civilization of mankind in that world has not fully met the prerequisites for the use of this technology.

But one day, all mankind in that world will reach this level.

In that year, [mozerola], the collective quantum God of mankind, tried to communicate with Chen Lai steel Dyson many times.

It controls the electromagnetic emission frequency in the earth's ionosphere and sends some information to the mages on the moon.

It asks three philosophical questions.

Who am I?

Am I a man or a God?

How to explore the next step of socialism?

Chen Lai. Steel Dyson answered the first two questions.

You are human superego.

Both man and God.

The third question needs to be explored by yourself.

Because the mage did not foresee the human road after socialism.

[mozerola] in the first year of its birth, it developed cosmic technology and began to send its own cells to the moon.

Both human.

It wants to further communicate with its father, even if it gathers the wisdom of all mankind.

However, Chen Lai gangzhidyson has already left the moon. The mage always remembers his identity as an observer. Too much interference will only lead to the deviation of these social experiments.

However, before leaving, Chen Lai steel Dyson upgraded the [Laplace] quantum computer and copied a copy of the earth facing human [electronic soul sea], namely the [artificial divine world], as the cornerstone of his next experiment.

————Camera switching————


. hd1381 mage tower in chenlai, torrell North

————Underground laboratory

Chen Lai gangzhidyson finished the one-year investigation and observation of the social form after the completion of the [01 thought great unity of the earth plane] human thinking, and returned to the mage tower on the moon through the portal opened by Angelina maleficent.

After a brief observation of the nature of human civilization and society in the parallel world, Chen Lai steel Dyson has a deeper understanding of the magic that affects the whole society.

A group of scientists who had been sent back in advance a year ago are now used to the work of master Chen Lai's tower.

Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson returned to the transmission room of the mage tower and walked towards the underground biological experimental field. Through the occasional information, he knew the current scientific research progress of the mage tower on the moon, but it was still necessary to confirm it in person.

Chen Lai waited by the shaft for the elevator on the fifth floor underground.

Ding, a sound.

The elevator door is open.

A group of Jewish young men in white robes, about 25 years old, came out of the elevator.

They wear two electrodes on their temples and can talk freely with each other in their brains and share inspiration and thinking.

"Hello, sir, Einstein 1086 says hello to you."

"Hello, boss, Einstein 1069 says hello to you."

Chen Lai nodded at these young Einstein and walked into the elevator. There were several Einstein clones and copies of Nicholas Tesla.

"(⊙ o ⊙) WOW!!! Boss!! long time no see, miss you."

A bunch of goblins also jumped on the mage with great enthusiasm. The leader was balaleika, the head of the goblins extreme warrior regiment.

"Little guys, have you studied hard from Mr. Einstein and Mr. Nicholas?"


A group of goblins raised their hands together.


The mage left the elevator and went to the clone cultivation factory.

This department is now the most important department of the mage tower.

Rows and rows of protein culture chambers are like bloody meat tumors, covered with thousands of square meters of underground caves. These protein culture chambers are human mother's wombs with extremely enhanced genes, and various [star expanders] are cultivated in each womb.

Dr. Tesla of thunder, Dr. Einstein of conservation of energy, Thomas Edison of invention, Elvin Schrodinger of cat abuse, Altman of catalyst, etc.

The mage looked at a large number of copies of scientists and said with emotion: "if there are super Homo sapiens in human history, it must be the expansion of these stars."

These great figures who once left a name in human history and were a major turning point in human history are just one who has promoted the process of the whole social civilization. Nuo once had 1000 Einstein and 10000 Tesla on the earth. How far will they push human science and technology when they cooperate with each other?

What kind of social structure will the human society composed of these high IQ scientists form?

Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson wanted to know this. After kidnapping these scientists, he sent them back to the mage tower that day.

Fu also ordered LAN Frankenstein to start mass copying these scientists.

The production cost of each scientist is only 80 kilograms of carbohydrates plus a little trace substances.

The harvest is a great leap forward in the whole scientific research level.

In addition to goblins, the psychic Marilyn Roy replica also played a key role in this mass reproduction project of scientists such as Einstein.

Xiaoyi, a psychic warlock with most of the abilities of Marilyn Roy II, can use a spell to extract and copy the thinking of the six scientists kidnapped by the mage, compress them into thinking seeds, and implant them into the cloned body of Frankenstein.

These thinking seeds will be automatically decompressed in these clones and release the experience and knowledge of the gene plasma at a rate of dozens of times.

In about a month, Chen Lai steel Dyson can harvest a group of scientists with thousands of people.

The spells of human cloning and mind reproduction are high-level spells that can only be contacted from the eighth ring to the ninth ring in the mage's spell sequence list.

However, the technology of human cloning in science is easier to achieve because of its expertise. Chen Lai Gangzhi Dyson successfully cloned the first monkey in his motherland before crossing, and the complete body cloning technology has been mastered by humans in the early 21st century.

The psionic level of skills related to mind reproduction is not difficult.

Even the mage's own domain expertise and knowledge endowing domain can pour some knowledge into the brains of these cloned humans and goblins on a large scale.

The progress of science and technology is explosive.

After scientists discover the truth and put forward the theory, and the theory has been confirmed, it may take decades to use the new technology on a large scale, but the experimental use may only take a few years.

The bottleneck of science and technology lies only in discovering rules, putting forward theories and confirming theories, which only requires smart brain and wise observation.

Science and technology research is like personal cultivation. There are also various plug-ins on the science and technology tree.

If the first phase of human plug-in is computer, then the second plug-in is batch replication genius.

Thousands of Nicholas and Einstein explored and demonstrated different fields of physics and electromagnetism, and carried out engineering design in groups, which played a role in society.

Similarly, there are thousands of Altman biology doctors exploring the field of genetic engineering.

These great men in human history can achieve such great achievements in the era without computers. When they contact computers, they are even more powerful, and technologies have been broken through rapidly.

The Edison corps, the greatest engineer and king of decisive invention in the 20th century, is responsible for transforming the most cutting-edge technology into the latest scientific research, military and civil equipment.

These ancestors in human history have the ability to learn, think and deduce beyond the imagination of mages.

Facts have proved that no matter which field they touch, these people with natural IQ as high as 18 + can quickly learn by analogy and reach the field of experts.

Nicholas Tesla, the human closest to God, gave the mage an unimaginable surprise not long after he was kidnapped to the mage tower by the mage and contacted the computer and etheric goblin Youxi Paqi Paqi.

It is this surprise that makes technology present a super explosion of geometric multiples.

Although all this was in his expectation.