"Is that so? Why don't you prove it right here right now!"

A deep voice echoed throughout the hall, as a tall and muscular man step forward as he faced Natsu.

"Its master Jiemma."

"The master of Sabertooth?! That Jiemma?!"

"Yeah, I heard that he's pretty strong, he's power almost reached the level of a Wizard Saint."

"Will they fight? This is getting interesting."

Natsu ignored the comments and murmurs of the other guild master as he gave Jiemma a provocative smile.

Jiemma is a tall, elderly man distinguished by his massive, extremely muscular physique, untarnished despite his advanced age.

The man has long light hair which is tidily gathered on the back of his head and tied in a braid, which reaches down below his middle back, and is secured near its end in a large tuft.

"Prove? What do I have to prove? Like I said, my guild will show you why we are the strongest in this upcoming Gran Magic Games." Natsu said as he smiled at Jiemma.

"You're too arrogant for a fairy that lost their wings." Jiemma insulted as he fiercely glare at Natsu.

Natsu's smile disappeared for a moment but quickly return, of course this was not missed by Jiemma who smirked.

"What? Did I hit a sore spot? I am only stating the truth though, a fairy without wings can no longer soar the skies."

Natsu ignore him and was about to walk away when he felt Jiemma approaching him as his magic power was leaking out of his body.

"Are you afraid? You might be a Saint but I doubt you are one of the stronger ones. Come, show me why Fairy Tail is the so-called strongest."

As Jiemma was about to go near him, he suddenly felt his body being crushed and his knees began to tremble.

"RRAAAHHH!!" Jiemma angrily shouted as he resist the force that was pushing him down. He glared at the person that was standing in front of him, preventing him from moving closer to Natsu.

"Woman, move aside! This is between two guild masters! You have no right to interfere!"

Kagura just glared at him and stayed silent, even though he doesn't need it, her job is to act as Natsu's guard, how could she allow someone to attack him.

Jiemma glared at Kagura fiercely and was about to use his magic when a young woman at the age of Natsu appeared before him.

"Minerva, move aside, this is my fight! This brat need to be taught a lesson!." he angrily roared at the woman who appeared before him.

Minerva is a slim young woman of average height distinguished by her Eastern look: her long, straight and glossy black hair, reaching down to her lower back, while mostly left loose, being parted in the middle of her forehead and sporting two bangs framing her face and going down below her shoulders, her hair is also tied into a pair of bun-shaped Dango loops at both sides of her head, and a braid is present some inches below each of such loops.

"I apologize for my father's behavior, Master Dragneel," she bowed her head before glaring at Kagura, "and lady, can you please stop using that magic of yours? Its hard to move."

Kagura narrowed her eyes but did not dispelled her magic, however, she suddenly felt a hand tapping her shoulders.

She look over and saw Natsu smiling at her, she nodded and dispelled her magic.

"Thank you."

Kagura just snorted and ignore her as she went to Natsu's side.

Natsu said his goodbye's to his friends and acquaintance before he left the meeting hall.

Jura sighed as he went back to his master's side while thinking, 'As expected, how could Natsu-dono's escort be an ordinary person? Looks like this Grand Magic Games won't be so easy to win.'

Everyone else was also thinking something the same, the fairies haven't lost their wings, they are just injured and already near their recovery.

Minerva was following Natsu with her eyes, what she's thinking? Only she herself knew.


-Three Months Later-

At the country of Disierto, at head of a hundred meter tall titan, a handsome man with blonde hair can be seen sitting with a relaxed expression.

Suddenly, a powerful wind blows and six figures appeared behind him.

The first is Luscio, the one with green flames and the one who killed Thandrus for his crystal.

Second is the man with black hair and red eyes, the one who teleported with Liem in the underground ruins, Amado.

Third is a woman with long purple hair, dull golden eyes, a canines like a vampire. She is also wearing a black omnyouji uniform with two golden bells on her eyes.

She is Ariel, a powerful Slayer mage.

Fourth is a tall man with shaggy blonde hair that falls halfway down his face, he has green eyes and moderately tanned skin and a muscular body.

The fifth is a woman in her twenties, with a long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a shorts and tanktop, she is Yami, a powerful slayer mage.

Last is a handsome man in his twenties, with two guns on his waist. He has black hair and black eyes, he is Apollo, a powerful gun-mage.

"So? Have you finished what I've ordered?" Liem inquired as he gaze at the endless desert.

Apollo step forward, "We have collected the three Leviathan's crystal that has the blood of the three Leviathan kings,"

Then, Michael step forward as he continue, "We also found the Leviathan's temple, it is located at the eastern part of the sea of Fiore, we couldn't come close to it as we couldn't handle the pressure, we need the help of the titans to go there."

Liem smirks, "I see, then let's set off."

Hundreds of titans with different sizes and elements stood up before roaring, causing the entire country to shake.

Liem glance at the rising sun as he smirks,

"-Our destination, Fiore."