Few hours later.

On a small random island, Acnologia, Leviathan Emperor, Zeref and the now awakened Natsu can be seen sitting on the ground, forming a circle.

"....If that's all then I'll be taking my leave, my 'subjects' has already awakened, they can help us in this upcoming war." Said the leviathan emperor as he stood up and jumped towards the sea.

"I will also be taking my leave, I'll go back to my empire and call all the Spriggans back. See you soon, little brother." Zeref said as he was enveloped by a black energy and disappeared.

"...I'll be leaving too I guess, I'll go meet those so-called dragon gods," Acnologia said as he leaped in the air as he transformed into a dragon before setting his eyes to Natsu, "...Let's fight again in the future....Human."

Natsu watched as Acnologia flew towards the sky, he sighed and stood up, "I better train and get used to my new form."


Back in 'Dragneel's Island' also known as 'Natsu Island' in the house that the girls and Mest are staying.

"Fufu~ Gray really had it hard, encountering an S-class beasts the moment he stepped into the forest."

Meredy, who was beside her was watching Erza frantically looking for an s-class beast, she still hasn't encountered one yet.

"Haha~ and Erza seems to be frustrated, she can't find any S-class beast at all, I wonder what's Gray's reaction would be if he knew Erza's situation."

Kagura was watching behind her, with her crossed as she observed the lacrima that shows Mirajane fighting a five meters tall and twenty meters long alligator.

'She can't even put a scrath on it, saint-class beasts are really tough, perhaps only a genuine wizard saint can be a match for them.'

Ariel was already back to her usual self, her arms were crossed, supporting her 'assets' as she watches Wendy with a grin.

"Haha~ the little girl and the cat seems to be in trouble, they already encountered a 'Phantom Tiger' a beast famous for its speed, even I will have a hard time catching it, though it seems to be weak, it still probably hasn't reached S-class level."

Meanwhile, Mest was cleaning the house with tears falling in his eyes. He was here to help you if others are in danger okay? Why did you made me your servant?

However, remembering the scary expressions of the girls earlier, he couldn't help but shudder.

'Why did I even agree to this?!'

"Hey Kagura, can you hunt something to eat? I'm quite hungry, oh and bring Mest with you, he can help you carry things." Ultear said, while Mest stumbled and almost fell on the floor.

He glance at Ultear with pitiful expression, and Ultear just gave him a smile when she saw him looking at her.

'How could Natsu-san deal with them?' Mest sighed as Kagura already put her hand on his shoulder, 'They are using my magic to transport food, oh how did I fell to this state?'

However, he just remained silent and used his magic to teleport them on a random side of the forest.

Ultear watched as the two of them disappeared before setting her gaze to Ariel who was already walking towards a room.

"Ariel, come here, let's talk for a bit."

Ariel stopped moving, she remained silent but didn't turn around to look at Ultear.

"Are you still blaming yourself for that?" Ultear asks as Ariel tightly clenched her fist, "I see, you do know that Natsu really doesn't blame you, he chose to do that himself. Why can't you be honest with yourself when it comes to him? You know, if that didn't happen, then you'll also be one of us."

Ariel let out a sad sigh, before she glance at the side with anger written on her face, "No, unless I killed that bitch, then my heart won't settle down, if it wasn't because of her, Natsu wouldn't have-"

She stopped, she didn't dare to continue her words, she looked over her shoulder and gave Ultear a sad smile.

"I need to kill that woman first before I settle my feelings, for now, I'm satisfied watching him from afar." Finished with her words, she opened the door and walked inside the room.

Ultear sighed and look at the sky through the window, "Killing her will be hard Ariel, you have been inactive for a year and your strength didn't grow that much, while her, I'm sure that she's much stronger now."

Then, Mest and Kagura appeared once again, surprising Ultear for a bit, they brought a body of a large cow along with them.

"That was fast. Anyway, Mest-san prepare the kitchen please? We will be cooking this,"

Mest's cheek twitched but he obeyed nonetheless, he went towards the kitchen and prepare everything needed to cook.

"I'll wake Alex up, he won't wake up by himself, honestly, that guy really loves to sleep." Meredy said while walking towards the room where Alex was sleeping.

"Don't do naughty things okay?" Ultear said, causing Meredy's face heat up as she glared at her 'surrogate' mother.

"I'm not like you!! You shameless woman!" She exclaimed as she walked inside the room with a red face.

"Fufu~" Ultear laughed before walking towards the kitchen.

Mest walked out of the kitchen as Ultear smiled and asked, "Everything's ready?"

"Yes, Kagura is already in there."

Ultear nodded before pointing at the lacrima floating behind her, "You know what to do, observe them, and if someone is danger, tell us."

"Yes." What else could he say? He doesn't want to find out what will happen to him if he disagree.

Besides, it was kinda his job anway,

'Then why did I become a servant? Haa~ such is life.'